Should You Face Reality?

May 13, 2024

Do you see an old or young woman? What’s real? It depends on your perspective.

A saleswoman told me that people were irritating her – a lot. She was both “losing her cool” and her patience with small thinking, ridiculous behavior and demonstrations of a lack of kindness, consideration and common sense.

To make things worse, she was baffled by her client’s petty issues that almost blew a $1.5 million deal.

It reminds me of the country western lyrics by Billy Currington: “God is great. Beer is good. And people are crazy.”

Recognizing that she’s attracting what’s going on in her life, she wondered how she created this.

She pieced together cause and effect and saw that her frustration with annoying people was magnetizing others with disgruntled attitudes. Her energy was drawing negative people to her!

By the way, the saleswoman later discovered that the sale represented family disappointments to her client. That’s why she was acting like a volcano ready to explode at anything that could go wrong – or she’d make something wrong to blow off steam. The saleswoman found another way of looking at the behavior, which gave her more understanding.

According to Abraham-Hicks, it only takes 17 seconds to create a thought that attracts more of what you’re thinking and feeling.

Yikes. That’s about a quarter of a minute to design your world – consciously or not.

This is a universal principle. Positive attracts positive; negative attracts negative.

Thoughts build upon each other by attracting other thoughts of a like nature, thus creating thought forms. 17 seconds + 17 seconds + 17 seconds…

Complaining, being hard on yourself, sharing your sad story with others, which invites them to feel as sorry for you as you feel sorry for yourself, attract more circumstances to make you want to pull your hair out.

“When you give your attention to it, if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is, in your vibration. When you see something you want, and you give it your attention, and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. When you see something you do not want, and you shout no at it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration.” 

“Most everybody is looking around and vibrating in response to what they are seeing. So, what is the solution? Look around less. Imagine more. Look around less. Imagine more. Until your imagery is the most familiar vibration that you have.”


What are your thoughts chewing on? What’s your point of view about it? Can you envision another way, one that’s more positive, of seeing the situation?

Here’s an example of different perspectives involving lack of money and the consequences of each.

  • Face Reality: You feel bad because you don’t have more money. Results: You slow down or stop money flowing to you.
  • Positive Imagery: You feel good about the idea of having more money. Results: You speed up money coming to you.

To receive more, how would having more money feel? Next focus on other positive ideas about money. Then let yourself go to another like-thought. And on and on.

Your perspective is your choice. How you feel about something is your choice, too.

“I have to face reality” can be the very attitude that holds you back from your heart’s desires.

If your current conditions aren’t what you want, and you continue to focus on them and feel miserable, you’ll get more of the same.

Take care of what needs to be done, but focus your energy, attitude and vision on what you choose to create, on what you’re grateful for, not on what you don’t like or don’t want.

Truth depends on the intensity of the imagination, not upon external facts.”

Neville from Awakened Imagination 

This is an edited Soulgoals’ post that was published on May 15, 2017.

Wondering how you can make better choices, enjoy better results, even though your life has had unsatisfactory outcomes? FACT: You can shift your life so that it becomes way better!

Contact me to learn more:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Why Is Your Life Happening the Way It Is?

May 6, 2024

There is another way, even if what you expected isn’t working.

What I’m about to tell you may be a game changer. First, some background.

Your thinking and feelings are engines that create what’s happening in your life. If you don’t like what you see, you can recreate something better.

Let’s begin with a straightforward example of visualization using the Law of Attraction — cause and effect — when it operates positively. 

A skin care specialist visualized lots of people calling for appointments.

  • Results? Shortly after, the receptionist reported that she booked several sessions for her – just as she asked for in her visualization. 

However, she didn’t specify what kind of appointments.

  • Results? One was for a bikini wax, and she really doesn’t like to give them.

Because of her busy schedule, the client couldn’t get a wax as soon as she wanted but made the appointment anyway. In the meantime, the visualizer mused about how she didn’t want to do the wax.

  • Results? The client canceled.

She manifested what she envisioned and then reimagined.

Your experience may differ. So let’s get to what matters most to you. Why is your life happening the way it is?

Do you sometimes feel like you’re drowning and looking for a life saver? 

Is this you? 

I don’t know if I believe in this stuff. I tried it, and it didn’t work. I did everything right. I visualized, had a positive attitude, created a vision board, and still no results. 

Could it be that one part of you did “all the right things” and another part freaked out with anxiety or doubt? Were you feeling frustrated, angry, desperate or scared? What if it doesn’t work? Remember my past failures?

Your world reflects what you predominantly think and feel. 

No need to worry. Neville in Your Faith Is Your Fortune wrote this: 

“Just as a branch withers and dies if the sap of the vine ceases to flow towards it, so do things and qualities pass away if you take your attention from them; because your attention is the sap of life which sustains the expression of your life.” 

When you fuss and fret, your attention is on what you don’t want. Instead, change your focus, including emotionally, to what you choose. 

TIP: Don’t EXPECT results. 

Say again. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? 

Expecting results is a booby trap, and you’re no boob. Here’s how it can foil your efforts. 

In Soulgoals’ goal setting, we ask for “this or something better.” Why? Because God, the universe or whatever you choose to call the Prime Source of all life, may have a better way to bring results. 

Energetic clinging, that is emotionally holding onto a preconceived idea of how and when our goals should occur, can repel positive results.

Consider a girl focused on finding a boyfriend. Just as dogs can detect fear, guys can sense desperation and run for the hills. However, when she clarifies her intention but lets go of the needy pursuit, she creates space for her dreams to come true.

I’m an expert on expectation… and why it didn’t always get me what I’ve wanted.

I can trick myself into thinking I let go when I’m really WAITING FOR, aka EXPECTING, a result from a specific source. 

For example, in the past, while putting a group together, I expected my next event would fill it. If I had a financial goal, I expected a particular client to fulfill it. I said I let it go, but I tried to control the outcome: I patiently relaxed to manifest my goals the way I expected. I knew how I thought it would happen… and I took action to make it happen. 

Here’s the telltale downside. When it didn’t happen how and when I expected, I got disappointed. Next came fear and my former default program: Oh no, what am I going to do? 

This started a vicious circle of expectation and disappointment which attracted more things to be discouraged about. 

Now, I still hold events and have clients that could bring the results I’ve intended and visualized. But, if they don’t, it’s called NEXT. God will supply from other sources. 

God is your supply.

Don’t expect your supply to come from a person, event or anything in particular. You are ALWAYS taken care of by God, but results often come differently than you think they SHOULD. Results come when you let go and let God. 

Feeling dejected, rejected or injected with fear is not trusting your Prime Source.

Trust is not giving up, playing the victim or moaning about what’s not working. These are childhood responses. 

Instead, trust by ANTICIPATING RESULTS. Anticipate your needs are fulfilled beyond your wildest expectations. Adopt a childlike curiosity of wonder instead of dictating an expectation. 

It’s your job to:

  • Make a choice.
  • Pay attention to your inner nudges.
  • Take action on what you’re inwardly guided to do.

 Let the Prime Source fill in the how and when and where and by whom.


  • Anticipate, don’t expect.
  • Trust that God can and does manifest goals you choose or something better.

Don’t like your new creation? Don’t create a story about how you never get what you want, etc. Choose again.

Anticipate the best and you change the way your world is happening for you. This or something better!

This edited Soulgoals’ blog post was published on May 26, 2011.

Would you like help shifting from anticipating to expecting something better… and forgiving yourself from the unnecessary disappointment and frustration that belief created for you over the years?

Contact me to learn more:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Annoyed? Frustrated? Worried?

April 29, 2024

Life is a reflection.

Thoughts can be like a dog with a bone where you just can’t let go, incapable to stop chewing on them for hours, days, weeks. Or a lifetime. The same story replayed over and over in your head.

We’re all programmed with certain emotions. I call them emotional defaults. For example, annoyance, frustration or worry could rule. Even if a problem is solved, something else will be cause for another frustration, annoyance or worry, if that’s your default, the emotions to which you return.

Newton’s first law of motion is inertia. A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an external force. So it is with thinking, too.

Unless something stops this trajectory, people could be annoyed, frustrated or worried, complaining non-stop in their heads or to others, often about people, circumstances or beating themselves up.

Once on a long, solo road trip, I grumbled about the same thoughts and “justifiable” anger… repeatedly… for hours. Finally, on an open stretch of road in West Texas, I became bored and tired of my internal conversation.

There was no one around to talk/whine to, which often acts like a pressure release valve, so I took responsibility for my own thoughts and emotions.

Because I was willing to let go, an idea came to play a game called “Change Your Perspective.” 

Then, other perspectives emerged, new ways to look at the situation.

I stopped being upset and acting like a victim by blaming.

I was able to let it go and move on.

Since then, I’ve learned that this negative thinking cycle is a function of the ego. If we let it have its way, it will consume us with misery.

When you’re obsessed with negative thoughts, you’ve turned your life over to your ego.

Everyone has a choice of how to think and feel regardless of their circumstances. So do you.

After a disaster, people with different viewpoints talk about their experience.

Some focus on what they’ve lost, others are grateful for what they still have.

You don’t have to be a prisoner of your own mind.

Just as trees next to a lake are reflected in the water, your attitudes are reflected in your life. If you don’t like what you see, you CAN change it.

Write about what you’re thinking and feeling. Write how you can change your perspective. To let it go, burn or shred it.

Writing by hand and not the computer brings more clarity, perspective and releases negative energy.

Set an intention that you’re open to receive answers and break free.

You may have resistance at first because your ego wants your thoughts to hold you in old, familiar patterns.

Stuck? Ask for divine assistance.

This works in business, too.

An employee came to her manager, who’s a masterminder, about a complaint. 

She told him to write about it and then shred it in the office shredder. He said that no one ever told him that before.

She used to get upset about office politics. She shifted her perspective so now it no longer affects her.

When you clear mental and emotional space, you have room for your goals to manifest and for greater peace and happiness to flourish.

Why did I choose this topic today? Because when I realized I was rehashing the same topic in my thoughts for a couple of days, I knew it was time to journal.

I resisted. I didn’t want to journal. Didn’t think it would do any good. And in a few minutes after writing – POOF, I let it go.

What’s one step that you can take, start with just one, to change your perspective?

This originally posted on Soulgoals’ blog of April 19, 2016.

Confused about your direction?? Ready to consciously control your life? You CAN. No kidding. If you have recurring patterns and could use more help, ask me about an LoL session – Liberation of Lunacy – because we’re all a little crazy when our ego is in charge.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Decision: Which Way Should You Go Forward?

April 22, 2024

Would you rather go anywhere or somewhere?

How can you pick a direction if you don’t know where you’re going? This is Alice’s dilemma in Alice in Wonderland.

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cheshire Cat.

“I don’t much care where–” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

“–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,” Alice added as an explanation.

“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.”

Would you rather go anywhere or somewhere?

Anywhere might be the same or worse than where you are now. That is, unless you have an idea of where you want to go. Then you’d be somewhere not just anywhere. And that somewhere would be of your choosing.

Although some may tell you to go to a fiery destination, nobody knows where you ought to go but you.

So, the first step is clarity.
KEY:  Your inner GPS, the quiet voice within, knows and shows you your best place to shine.
Life is a dance. If you listen to the voice within, you’ll be directed to the best “dance class” to get your shine on. You don’t have to know the steps in advance as you’ll be taught along the way. Life works with intention and is a great dance teacher.

Your job is to name your dance.
A client who experienced personal devastation is continuing to find happiness while creating a new life.

How? By taking quiet time every day to visualize.

Results? Whatever was pictured in the morning or evening before happened during the day! The cumulative effect over time created a magnificent home, fulfilling work, more money than ever, a lifelong partner, exercise program, plus peace of mind.
Focus on where you want to get to.

Direct your attention, as the Cat said, to “where you want to get to” and stop mulling over your confusion or all the annoying things that you don’t want in your life.

Change the channel from your inner noise to your breathing – in and out. As your thoughts quiet and you’re feeling more neutral, ask for clarity about direction and the best steps for you to take.

Not clear yet? There’s your clueless side (the ego) and your wise self (your Essence) that already has your answers.

Begin by asking for wisdom to take center stage.
Then, see yourself living your ideal day. Feel yourself living the life you’d love to live. Imagine that it’s not only possible (and this may seem delusional) but act as if it’s already happening now.

Later, observe how your day and life mirror your intentions… and be amazed at how it matches what you thought about at the beginning of your day.

Don’t worry if you’re not perfect at it when you begin because you may be slipping in and out of negative thinking of what you don’t want. Practice.

Life is a controllable thing. Yes, you read that right. You are not a victim. Things aren’t just happening to you arbitrarily. 

It starts with kn
owing your direction!

“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.”

 “If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.”

“A change of feeling is a change of destiny.”

“This experience has convinced me that man can be anything he pleases if he will make the conception habitual and think from the end. It has also shown me that I can no longer excuse myself by placing the blame on the world of external things—that my good and my evil have no dependency except from myself—that it depends on the state from which I view the world how things present themselves.”

“Life is a controllable thing.”

Neville Goddard

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Confused about your direction??  Ready to consciously control your life? You CAN. No kidding. Contact me to learn how.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

TIP: Never Give Up

April 15, 2024

Small or LARGE, life presents challenges that sometimes feel impossible to solve.

Have you ever wondered how in the world you could get out of a fix you were in? Or maybe you were closing in on the 11th hour, and your dreams – or life – were falling apart in front of you. Or you felt discouraged because no matter how hard you tried, you didn’t get past first base, if even that far.

Or maybe that’s happening to you now.

Every week, I marvel at the amazing stories I hear during mastermind meetings.To offer you encouragement to see what’s possible for you, I’m sharing one of them.

During her team meeting, a woman masterminded to receive a bonus.

Just two more high dollar transactions to log in by the end of the week, and she’d receive it.

With deals in the pipeline, she had good reason to believe the $$ was hers.

But the last deal didn’t come together.

The masterminder said that in the past she would have been disappointed and doubted.

Instead, she decided she was going to believe she’d receive her bonus in spite of all appearances that pointed to the contrary.

She didn’t have a clue how to do it.

She had less than a day with no prospects in sight.

It reminds me of a quote texted to me a few days ago.

“A friend recently told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.”

That’s what it can look like to others (and maybe you) who think you must be crazy to believe something will work when all logical options have evaporated like the morning fog. Or you’re offered advice to give up.

Believe anyway.

While talking with her BFF the night before her deadline, she mentioned what happened… at which point her friend said she’d been meaning to make this investment for a while.

She ran a credit check, which often can be problematic for people especially with her friend’s credit history, and it worked.

With a looming deadline hours away, she made her numbers and got her bonus!

Everything is given according to your belief.

If you believe it, you can create it.
This or something better.

Your TIP is never give up.

If one way doesn’t work, it may be because something better is coming.

Focus on this instead of grumbling about something you don’t like, how you think things should be or who done you wrong.

This belief creates:

All my needs and more are met beyond my wildest expectation and imagination now!

Miracles happen. May you enjoy a miracle-filled week.

Originally posted on Soulgoals’ Blog of April 27, 2016.

If your belief could use a pick me up, I invite you to contact me to learn how with a complimentary Soulgoals’ Break-Free Session.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Your Eclipse: What’s Not a Fit Anymore?

April 8, 2024

I Deleted 200 Phone Contacts

Is it time for an eclipse in your life? You can start with anything that no longer fits who you’ve become.

This original Soulgoals’ was posted on April 8, 2019. Reposted on April 8, 2024 – Day of the total eclipse!

My contact list cleansing started innocently when my journaling meandered to an experience that happened a few months earlier. On multiple occasions, I had conversations and hugs with a woman who works at a local store. We enjoyed some similar interests.

Longer story short, I invited her to my home; she was going to give me ideas about colors to paint my rooms. I thought it would be a nice opportunity to know her better, too.

She was to arrive at 2 PM. An hour earlier, I started to prepare food dishes that I planned for her visit.

At 2:01, she texted me: “Hey Virginia. This date won’t work.”

Mmmm, like she just realized this one minute after she was supposed to arrive? No other comment?

I texted a cordial reply.

Next, I invited my 79-year-old neighbor to join me as I lured her with a change of beverage from tea to wine. We savored my array of appetizers and our conversation.

While journaling, it occurred to me that the name of the woman who was a no-show started with an “A,” was at the beginning of my phone Contacts, and I saw it practically every time I opened my list.

As I don’t plan on needing this woman’s number anymore (she’s changing jobs, and I’m unlikely to see her again), there’s no reason for her to call me and the thought of her was attached to this experience — why was I keeping her phone number? 

Delete contact.  

Ms. “A” was the beginning of 200 more contacts who met their expunged destinies. After a while, I realized I was following a method similar to cleaning closets. If I haven’t talked with them for a long while and we no longer share mutual interests… DELETE CONTACT! If I really need their numbers, I could find a way to get them.

  • I no longer have anything in common with this person. Delete.
  • Most people in this organization and I are on different wavelengths. Delete. Delete. Delete.
  • These people are unkind, in general and to me. Others have already blocked them. Delete. Delete.
  • For years, I’ve neither talked with nor do I have any interest in communicating with these people, who I’ve known since before the invention of the telephone. Delete. Delete.
  • These people are dead! Find another way to remember them. Delete. Delete.

And so the process began with a keen consideration about why I kept them on my list.

As clarity came once I got into the swing of why and how to let go, it became easier to release.

Letting go was liberating. I felt empowered. 

I discovered that a part of me had been holding myself back.

Until I finished letting go of them on my list, I didn’t realize that I also deleted unconscious thoughts and feelings that I should be the person that some of them wanted me to be. I let go of ugly interactions.

Especially if I hadn’t talked with them for years and didn’t believe there’d be future contact, what was I holding onto

In part, I’d been holding onto memories or a vision of rewriting who we were together, that our lives hadn’t drifted in different directions.

For some, it meant that for me to have a mutually satisfying relationship with them, I’d have to be who I used to be or someone else to fit in.

That’s no longer an option, and this exercise let go of old energy to make room for me to be ME in a bigger way.

Before computerization, I had saved cards with contact info of people I knew when I lived on the other side of the country. They were dear to me and I didn’t want to let them go, but we hadn’t talked because we were no longer involved with mutual activities. I secured the cards with a rubber band and filed them with other papers.

Later, when I found the pile of cards, I couldn’t even remember who they were!

We move on. Time to let go.

No longer seeing certain names so frequently helps to refocus on the now and the future instead of the past.

I often feel profound gratitude to be with friends and clients who have traveled life’s roads with me or our paths have periodically intersected, sometimes for decades. I’ve also discovered that the caliber of these individuals is often worlds apart from those who I attracted 10, 20 or more years ago.

With my current peeps, I can more fully be myself. They understand my heart and what I teach. As a result their lives, and mine because of them, have gotten better and better.

Removing those 200 contacts created space, and the universe doesn’t like a vacuum. This means I’m attracting those who are in greater energetic alignment with who I am now.

What are you willing to let go of so you can move on to bigger and better things?

Are you considering to let go of who or what
doesn’t serve you and open up to something better?

It’s a courageous choice,
even though you may feel like Chicken Little and the sky is falling.
Or the sun is being eclipsed.

Contact me to learn how.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Ready to Eclipse YOUR Life?

April 1, 2024

With a total eclipse on its way, what’s going to happen to YOUR life?

Perhaps you’re feeling a change similar to these individuals.

Their lives were going well, but they felt dissatisfied. Although highly successful and in different professions, the sentiments shared during their individual sessions were the same. They felt unmotivated or blocked. Something needed to change, and they didn’t know what or how to move forward. 

They thought there was something wrong with themselves. They wanted to “blow out the cobwebs” that left them feeling “blocked, not ready and needing help to get back in the game.”

There was nothing wrong with them.

There’s nothing wrong with you, either.

It’s transition time. 

In short, everyone, that includes you, has gone through a lot of changes and learned from them.

You’ve grown from your experiences. Even though things may look like business as usual, they’re not. If you try to do what you’ve always done in the way you’ve always done it, you may find yourself uninspired, confused, stuck, botching deals, making conversational faux pas or wondering if you’re missing the boat.

It’s time to move forward in a new way. But how?

Let’s start with the way you think. Thoughts travel on a bandwidth.

If you feel sorry for or bad about yourself, for example, the thoughts that follow will be negative, full of why you can’t do things and how nothing will work. And you’ll prove yourself right. You can’t, and they won’t work.

If you shift your focus to you’re okay, and you’re open to what God or the universe will bring you, then you can receive fresh ideas and directions to create results exceeding your expectations.

Now this shift can be a tricky bugger because you’ve been receiving ideas for your next step for a while, but subtly. The pointers to your shift may be something you’ve dismissed or thoughts you brushed aside as an interesting possibility. However, these may hold the keys to your future!

Look for what interests you, what makes you curious.

For instance, one of my clients realized it was time to jumpstart her marketing, but she had zero motivation to do it in the way she had in the past. Additionally, although she’s active on Facebook, she’s never approached it as a serious marketing tool.

The more we talked, she realized she had not one but three ideas that had been coming to her about how to use Facebook for business. This piqued her interest and energy to take action.

She also saw that when the world splats her like a bug with what she doesn’t want, she has a choice. Either to let it deflate her or turn it around to clarify and shift her focus to what she does want.

Another woman, who was flatlining about how to approach lucrative and creative business contracts she’d already won, became quite enthusiastic when an idea came to her about a personal project she could pursue.

Here’s why finding something that interests you is important:

Generally, if we have several things working and one that isn’t, we tend to focus on the one that isn’t. This bandwidth pulls us DOWN so we block our creative flow.

By focusing on something that interests us, we open ourselves UP to new visions that can inspire us to take action. When this happens, ideas can come to us about everything, including how to break free from whatever holds us back.

What fleeting thoughts have you had recently about new directions? Maybe they seemed to come from left field, so you didn’t pay much attention to them. However, they could be clues for you.

What interests you?  What excites you? Explore that.

The world awaits your specialness that only YOU have! The discomfort of change is your Inner Essence nudging you forward to your greatness.

Take a step.

There’s always a way out and UP after an eclipse.

This edited Soulgoals’ blog was originally posted on March 12, 2018.

Would you like support during these times of change?
Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Does Your Money Come and Go?

March 25, 2024

A successful woman, at the top of her commission-based field, mentioned that she makes a lot of money… and then she doesn’t. Like a roller coaster.

She had no idea why her money flow went UP and down.

I told her she’s right. There’s a part of her that has absolutely no idea why. None at all.

However, there’s another part of her that does. Then I asked the part of her that does for the answer to why.

Whereas before she didn’t have a clue, suddenly she got it. 

When she was a child, her parents frequently said that people who have money are greedy. 

Of course, she doesn’t want to be greedy. So although she would make a lot of money, following would be a dry spell.

I recommended she journal about it after her session to gain further insights, which she did.

Now that she’s aware of the issue, she’s consciously choosing not to go along with thoughts of limitation when they pop in her head. Instead, she’s replacing them with more prosperous ideas.

FIVE DAYS LATER, and following a business lull, she’s in the process of closing deals around $2 1/2 million in addition to earning the business of two new, big clients.

If you want more money and don’t know what to do or if you choose to be free of whatever is bugging you, use this technique described above.

Ask the part of you that knows intead of focusing on “I don’t know why this keeps happening to me” or other similar thoughts.

If the answer doesn’t come right away, that’s okay. Sleep on it. Forget about it. You’ll receive an insight when the timing is best, when it’s most meaningful to you.

Your answer may surprise you. Are you open and willing to receive it? 

Sometimes awareness comes by looking at things in ways that we’ve been trying to avoid.

Reprinted from Soulgoals’ Blog, July 22, 2019

Do you feel like you’re on a roller coaster ride and would like to get off?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Is That Really What You Think About Yourself?

March 18, 2024

Your thoughts about yourself create your future.

So what have you been telling yourself about you recently?

Stupid, smart, not good enough, grateful?

Is that really what you think about yourself?

If you want more money, which thinking do you believe works best?

  • I really need it, but I don’t think I’ll ever get paid what I’m worth.
  • (In spite of my circumstances) I feel that more money is coming to me.

If you want more of something, feel as if you already have it. You won’t get what you want (or you could be miserable or not hold onto it) if you’re waiting for it to appear before you believe it.

A client, whose goal includes increasing her sales and income, wasn’t talking like someone who already had the wealth she desired. She was working hard and fast, and her curt attitude had an adverse affect on her support team who, in turn, did small actions to annoy her.

During a Soulgoals’ Session, she realized that if she took a few more minutes to have smoothe interactions with them, instead of communicating by terse emails, she would receive more help and have less stress and irritation. Their attitude about her was disruptive and consuming unnecessary amounts of her time and energy.

She had been seeing herself as someone pushing to get to the top instead of being there.

You have to be an energetic match for what you want.

If you want greater health, act as if you have it. You’ll send a message of health to your cells.

A woman, who had a stroke, has been making tremendous progress. She definitely has the potential of continuing to overcome some of its effects, too. She’s learned much about herself during her year of recovery and has her sights set on wellness.

She emailed me about a vacation tour she planned to take with disabled people, but she decided not to go because she’s choosing to attend another event instead.

I replied that not going “may be a good thing so you don’t identify with being disabled by surrounding yourself with others who believe that about themselves. How you see yourself is a key to the direction you’ll find yourself in the future. See yourself able-bodied.”

Your thoughts about yourself are just mental concepts. Your thoughts and ideas are only pictures in your head, and often they were downloaded into your brain by others.

The tendency is to accept all of your perceptions as real because they’re in your head. However, some are limiting because more possibilities exist than you can imagine.

“To look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of the truth, which is that there is no disease; it is only an appearance, and the reality is health.

“To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

What do you think about yourself? 

Do you say you want more money but think about yourself as poor, in lack or needy?

Do you say you want greater health but see your body as sick?

How you identify who you believe you are now is writing your script for who you’ll be in the future.

If you focus on your limiting, outer circumstances, you’ll repeat them in the future. Focus on what you choose instead.

You embody unlimited potential for whatever you choose or something better. You can think about yourself in this way.

Don’t be fooled by appearances, and certainly don’t beat yourself up because you feel you’re not good enough. Your current circumstances exist because of old ways that you thought about yourself. 

You always have a choice about how you feel and think, even if things seem out of your control.

Imagine what life would be like if you see yourself as the hero of your dreams coming true!

This original Soulgoals’ blog was posted on March 20, 2018

If you could use help with changing the way you see yourself so you can enjoy a life you’d rather be living, contact me for a complimentary Soulgoals’ Break-Free Session.

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I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

How to Let Life Work in Your Favor: Step by Step

March 11, 2024

The gorge in my dream was far below,
like this one in Blyde River Canyon, South Africa.
See how deep the river is? However, in my dream,
there were dense walls of trees on either side of the river gorge.

The emotions we feel in dreams are real.
Dreams reveal what we harbor beneath our conscious thinking.
They teach us.
Fear can be turned around. 
Here’s what I discovered.

It was like a ropes course without ropes.

The entire group of people and instructor were in front of me straddling and scurrying across a log that bridged a deep, deep ravine, without a safety net below.

I looked down and saw I was above a cavernous gorge lined with trees, but soon I’d be above a river that was far below as it cut a path through the wood-filled cliffs.

Before, I didn’t think anything about crossing this life-threatening divide. Now, there still was no thinking, just the inability to move a muscle.

Suddenly, I felt two hands around my waist steadying me, firmly stabilizing me. I didn’t turn around to see who it was. I knew there was no one behind me as I was the last one to cross.

The feeling reminds me of when I was a little girl. I learned to ride my new bike with my father at my side steadying me, acting like training wheels so I couldn’t wobble and fall.

With these invisible hands, I very quickly glided across the log on my way to join the others. 

But then I saw that the log ended abruptly before I got to the other side, and the gap was filled with water.

I was traveling so fast that I barely had time to stop, and I thought I would slip over the edge into the abyss. 

I began to ask, “How am I supposed to…”  until I noticed that the water there was shallow, around ankle-deep. 

Although initially it looked like I hadn’t reached my destination, I realized all I had to do was step onto land.

Then I woke up remembering this vivid dream.

Now while thinking about it, tears come to my eyes.

Things aren’t always (as bad as) what they seem.

I literally can feel how I’m taken care of.

There is a power, call it God or the universe, whatever works for you, that has its invisible hands of safety around us. 

It keeps us steady as we bravely, or even if we feel completely incapacitated, go forward.

Whatever your destination in life, including being healthy or keeping afloat financially or enjoying your relationships, you can get there or someplace better.   

Even if it looks like you don’t know how you can do it or feel you can’t make it, there is a way.

Ask and be open to receive instead of blocking your good through doubt. 

You can move forward successfully with bold decisions, even though you don’t think you have a safety net and the stakes are high.

You are watched over and taken care of!

It can be better (and easier) than you may imagine.

Here’s step-by-step how:

TRUST things are working out for you. 

If you don’t BELIEVE you can, experiment.

TRUST and BELIEF transform outcomes. 

Hold the vision of your ideal outcome AS IF it is already done. 

Think from the END result not about it.

You are more in CONTROL of your life and health than you might believe possible. 

What you think about and FEEL are what you attract. 

ANTICIPATE the best outcome!

Don’t misuse but use your IMAGINATION in ways that support YOU.

THINK healthy, positive thoughts.

You are NOT ALONE. 

You have a TEAM on the other side who are helping you.

Claim this, and it’s YOURS.


Reposted from Soulgoal Archives, March 30, 2020

Trying to figure out how to move forward successfully?
I can help!

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I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Challenged? 5 Steps to an Easier Life

March 4, 2024

Life presents challenges. How you respond – your emotions and mental focus – is your choice.

You can get sucked into the quicksand of negative feelings, railing against the world and how tough everything is, focus on what’s not working and bemoan your tale of woes with others or in your head… and attract the opposite of what you want.

 Or you can make a different choice.

 Some of my clients are in the midst of the most heart-wrenching experiences of their lives.

 A man left a country where he worked over three years in a highly regarded profession to interview for a job. His current position finishes in three months, and so far all his efforts to find new employment haven’t produced results. Frustrated by multiple rejection letters – literally, where in the world will this gifted man live and create an income? This follows a year of intense personal and professional challenges.

 Upon his return, immigration blocked his re-entry because of visa problems. He was arrested, detained and deported back to where he had just interviewed in New York City. Banned to go back for his belongings at work and home, which is also where his girlfriend lives, he has no cell phone or office to continue his job search. His attorney says there is no help legally and made excuses for not properly advising him.

 At first he was in shock and emailed “I AM REALLY F___ED… I am devastated, exhausted, overwhelmed and at the end of my wits.”

 Soon after, he Skyped me from a computer in a noisy café for a session.

 Decision time: be the victim and miserable in a living hell or surrender and have faith that there’s a divine purpose and something positive will come of this.

 Feelings and thoughts manifest. His personal honesty allowed him to see how he created this experience – he really didn’t want to work at his job or be in that country anymore.

 This situation assured that he wouldn’t spend another minute where he didn’t want to be.

 He also has a strong desire to dump childhood patterns and traumas. Realizing his former tension and aggressiveness stemmed from being where he wasn’t appreciated, he chooses now to use this time as a transformation to express his positive nature.

 Cut free from the burden of having to go back, the following day brought a feeling of liberation, contentment and a sense of being in a divine comedy.

 With his newfound attitude, his nightmare vanished like a bad dream after waking up.

“I’m in the right place at the right time, and I know there’s opportunity here. I have friends and feel that I’m amongst kindred spirits in this city. I have to take action and not be complacent.

 “My girlfriend and colleagues will pack up my things, and she’ll bring them here next month. She wanted to move away from there anyway. I’m looking at life with childlike wonder knowing my good is here. I feel purposeful. I’ll figure it out and make it work.” 

 Months of anxiety and fear about finding a job and where it would be disappeared, too. It’s either in this city and country or something better.

  I asked him to pick an image to reflect his perspective. He chose Fred Astaire – light on his feet and with good technique.

 You can transform any situation in your life by choosing to: 

  1. Let go of the exhausting struggle: your story of your hard life and what if the worse happens. Write it down and burn or shred it. Choose to let it go! Repeat as needed.
  2. Change your perspective from one that creates stress and deteriorates your health and finances to one where you surrender to a divine source with an attitude of anticipating the best. Look for the positive in any situation; it’s always there.
  3. Stop thinking and talking about what’s wrong and instead focus on what’s working
  4. Enjoy quality time with those who nipped the self-indulgent habits of #1-3.
  5. Take action in the direction of your dreams.

 As you gently let go of the struggle, you’ll float to the top of the quicksand of fear and move to the shore of creativity and abundance.

Reprinted from Soulgoals’ Archive, March 22, 2012

Would you like support, especially during
challenging times

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

What Is Karma? Is Yours Good or Bad?

February 26, 2024

Before Soulgoals’ Blog, there were Soulgoal Missives. I woke up thinking about this one. It’s from Year 2, No. 14 with a few updates. Get ready to dive in and set yourself free…

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

I thought bad karma or retribution meant if we didn’t do something right, there would be payback, and the results were our life sucked. If we did something good, we get brownie points.

This opened the door to feeling guilty and believing myself or others did something wrong, and our penalty was what didn’t work in our lives.
I may have said I didn’t believe in guilt, but my inner reaction was that my ancestors or I committed a blameworthy activity where some form of cosmic punishment or balance would take place.
It took me years to realize what wasn’t right in my life was my belief in what I felt I deserved.

My history didn’t hold me back; it was my self-esteem and my perspective of what I thought about my past, present and future.

The punitive belief of karma, of which we owe a payment, is a man-made device that can hold people down and serve as a thin veil for the justification of guilt, blame, retaliation, revenge and more. And, in doing so, we diminish ourselves and give away our power.

  • There are no celestial informants with credit and debit tally sheets regarding if what we’re doing is right or wrong!
  • We are not being ethereally blackmailed with karma and our past is not being held over our heads. 
  • Instead, the universe is about Love and learning our lessons. It’s our choice if we make learning hard or with ease and grace.

If our spirit chooses to learn something, it repeats an experience or something similar. When we learn the underlying lessons and let go, we’re free to move on.

Life situations are not judgments or penalties based on:

  • We did something wrong.
  • There’s something wrong with us or others.
  • We’re being mystically attacked by evil forces or people.
  • We’re a victim of circumstances that are out of our control.
  • We’re bad or stupid…

…and now we’re gonna pay for it.

We are in the process of realizing what our true Self is and is not, and how our choices, attitudes, feelings, thoughts and vibration impact, actually create, our outer circumstances.

Was a decision we made a good one? How did it affect others and ourselves? If our choices need refining, we have a blessed opportunity to give them another whirl and experience different results. Each whirl creates a different nuance in the lesson learned, even though the outcome may look the same at times.
Remember how patterns change on a kaleidoscope every time you turn it? It’s fascinating to see the possibilities. Our choices are like turning a kaleidoscope to see different colors in our lives.
If some of those choices are harmful, limiting, or negative, even though we may not realize they are, or if we simply need to learn, the energy generated causes consequences, such as someone going to jail, people breaking off associations, being unhappy, feeling trapped, disasters, or our bodies creating dis-ease.

  • If our thoughts and actions are vibrationally out of synch, we carry an energy and emotion with us that will attract more of whatever we put out. As the saying goes, good intentions can pave the way to hell. Maybe what we thought was the best way really isn’t.
  • If we’re selfish or greedy, we’ll attract selfishness and greed.
  • If we feel guilty, we’ll attract others blaming us and then have experiences that validate our belief that we did something wrong.
  • If we feel we’re stuck, we’ll continue to attract circumstances that won’t make a liar out of us. If we say we’re stuck or broke, so be it. From our lips to God’s ears. We’ll continue to receive what we say but don’t want. Every word from our mouths is an affirmation. Watch what you say.
  • If our attempts to improve our health or finances in a different way didn’t work for us or others in the past, so we have a belief that improvement might not be possible, we’re being negative. We may then experience a self-fulfilling prophecy of not getting better. Another choice: you can be the exception. Because of your positive expectation, things will always work out for you.
  • If we rescue others from their circumstances, thinking we’re helping them, we’ll experience others not appreciating us as we give away our time and life force. Or they depend on us instead of learning their lessons. Help, yes. Compassion, yes. “Try” to teach them, fix their situations or do it for them so they aren’t doing for themselves, that’s rescuing and holding them back.
  • If we doubt something will work, it probably won’t.

When in doubt, kick it out.


“Trying” is a forward-looking excuse for failure. Trying is on a vibration of doubt. “I don’t think it will work, but I’ll try.” We learned this as children as a way out. “Well, I triiied but it didn’t work.” Trying is a negative approach to life.
If we try, there’s a greater probability we won’t succeed. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Do no try! Instead vibrationally claim the energy of success first, then take action. Do or do not.
Trying creates what we don’t want, and then we can say it was karma. It’s not meant to be. It didn’t work. Timing was off. Others can get results, but not me. It’s not for everyone. Let’s be honest; settle and make the best of it.
However, it may not be any of these. It’s what you energetically set up for yourself.
Changing the perspective of our memories, emotions, and perception frees our past, present and future.
Can you see that our lives are the way they are not because of karma but unconscious choices? What are you thinking and feeling? You’ll get more of that, not because of karma.

When we let go of the emotion we attached to an experience, it has no hold on us; it loses its power.

Often the reason we feel life is hard is because we attach an emotion and story to circumstances that make them feel hard.


When we let go of the emotion we attached to an experience, it has no hold on us; it loses its power.

Often the reason we feel life is hard is because we attach an emotion and story to circumstances that make them feel hard.

Do you have persistent pain? Let go of the emotional charge. If it’s in your back, for example, let go of the past. Back pain can be created from emotional pain that’s in back of you, behind you, in your past, that may be stuffed. Forgive. Stop feeling sorry for yourself or being a victim or thinking things can work for others but not you or harboring the trauma or just accepting it.

During my (last) phone conversation with my chiropractor, regarding debilitating back pain, I told him, “I just want to be normal.” He raised his voice and replied, “You will NEVER be normal!” Regardless, I firmly believed I would. It was a journey, but I completely healed my back.

Change the story you’re telling yourself about your pain or illness.

Life is meant to be challenging but not a struggle!

During and after a marriage, I experienced financial devastation. I wondered what I did in the past to create this misery as I had a six-figure income before I married. I finally realized my finances suffered because my “karma” was that I thought I had karma, and I was paying off a debt. I believed I did something wrong to deserve this, even though I had no idea what that was. Consequently, my life reflected my belief of lack.
Karma or retribution is often regarded as a punishment such as, you didn’t get it right before, so now you’re here to pay for it, get your act together and get it right. 

From a spiritual level we choose to learn lessons, and other Souls participate to help. That’s why the biggest jerks and irritants in our lives are our greatest teachers. We assist each other to learn from different points of view. If we didn’t get the lesson, there will be more opportunities to learn.

 Karma is learning from different points of view. It’s not a punishment.

If our human self didn’t learn the lesson, our spiritual Self ups the ante to get our attention, and an even more challenging lesson comes to us. We do it to ourselves because we desire to learn. It’s not good or bad. We’re not being punished or tested or tempted or paying back or attacked or tricked or preyed upon by some force outside ourselves. We’re learning.
If we feel we are bad, we create bad around us. Law of attraction. Like energy attracts like energy.
It reminds me of a woman whose teenaged son regularly did a sloppy job on his homework. When she inquired why he performed as he did, he told her that she kept calling him lazy, so he decided to act that way.
Our beliefs create similar life circumstances.

What do you expect?

Judging others implies they are not good enough, undermines their self-confidence, and is the fastest way to keep them down. It’s a way of controlling to gain power or feel good about ourselves. At least we’re better than that.
What would leave you feeling more supported? Someone judging you about how you got into this mess. Someone wondering how you’ll ever get through this. Feeling sorry for you or saying “poor you.”
Or being told, “I believe in you, and I believe you can get through this.”
We undermine ourselves by self-criticism and self-judgment, too. We can choose judgment. Or we can choose opportunities to learn other options, such as compassion, understanding everything is in divine order, and overcoming lack (such as who we are and what we’re doing is not enough).


There is no need for regret, because if we knew better, we would’ve done things differently. Then we wouldn’t be in the fixes we find ourselves. But we didn’t know better. These are the lessons we are here to learn.

Therefore, regret is living in the past and a waste of time and precious energy.

There’s no need to blame anyone, ourselves, or malevolent forces. The devil or evil influences didn’t make us do anything or cause our lives harm. It’s not bad luck.

We’re at different stages of the learning curve and doing the best we can. We wouldn’t fault a first grader for not knowing chemistry. In high school, everyone doesn’t take the same subjects at the same time, even if they are required courses; we learn different lessons at different times.

Today, we would sidestep in a flash some situations we found ourselves in ten years ago. We did the best we could then, so now we’re here. The purpose is to learn and grow, not to be perfect or chastise ourselves.

My girlfriend told me if she married a different man, her life would’ve been easier. Maybe so, but if not from her marriage, she would’ve learned to stand up for herself another way. At that time, she chose her domestically violent marriage to learn her lessons.

If only we knew better, we should’ve, would’ve, could’ve… but we didn’t. If we knew, we would’ve done something differently. Everything is in divine order. Our experiences expand our awareness and create the people we are now.

The idea is to live, love, learn – and have fun!
The purpose is not to be perfect as there is no such thing.

We are all divinely loved unconditionally regardless of what we do or did or what we think about ourselves or what others think about us.
We can choose to make our journey with greater ease and grace. No pain, no gain is another erroneous program we bought into. Who said that’s the way it has to be?

Everything is given to us according to our belief.
You can choose to learn your lessons with grace and ease.
Choose to learn in GENTLE ways!

If we say life is difficult, it is. Hardship and suffering do not make us more spiritual. We can choose to be in divine flow.

What are you affirming?

We have a choice to focus on suffering or unconditional love, chaos or peace, anger or forgiveness. It’s a free choice planet; our choices determine our quality of living and being.

My parents were loving people, but every morning I heard my mom say about my dad, “I wonder what that S…O…B… is going to do to make my life miserable today.” What a daily affirmation! Naturally, he always did something to annoy and anger her. With their words and actions, they kept this vicious circle endlessly spinning until he opted out by having fatal strokes.

She made her life miserable by her choice of words, viewpoint, beliefs, attitude, and actions and then blamed her unhappiness on him. It was easier to blame than to take responsibility for her life.

There is no good or bad karma. It’s just learning.

Life is what you make it.

We have the gift of choice to believe what we choose not just what we are told.

The more we let go of the past and consciously choose, the more we attract what we desire.

We can learn to make more conscious decisions.

Socrates said, “To find yourself, think for yourself.”

Everything is given according to our belief.

Your challenge, if you choose to accept, is to look at what’s not working in your life but believe that’s the way it has to be.

Be more conscious. Boldly look at your situation as if it were someone else’s life.

  • What’s another way you could perceive it?
  • If you changed your belief, how could your life be different?
  • What action can you take to make a change in a better direction?

With a zest for Life,


Success Thought

 “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.”

Matthew 8:13

Ready to break free and live a life of your choice? You can.

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Lose Your Mind or Peace of Mind?

February 19, 2024

“The drama of life is a psychological one in which all the conditions, circumstances, and events of your life are brought to pass by your assumptions. Since your life is determined by your assumptions, you are forced to recognize the fact that you are either a slave to your assumptions or their master. To become the master of your assumptions is the key to undreamed of freedom and happiness.”

Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness

Recently my iPhone screen went completely black. It worked earlier in the morning, and then it just died.

I got online to find recommended fixes, push this and that buttons at the same time, but with no success.

During an online chat with my phone rep, it took her 15 minutes to arrive at the same dead end I’d found. The simple, and oh so happy steps she initially gave me to purchase a lovely, new phone weren’t working on the website.

She put me on hold and came back to tell me that with four months left on my contract, not only would I have to to buy a new phone for hundreds of dollars, but first I’d need to pay off the contract for $99.

I admit, I had my moment of snark when I replied that my phone should at least be able to make it through the contract time before it died.

End Chat.

I paused to reflect on what was most important.

If I decided to be angry at the phone company and give them a piece of my mind, they wouldn’t be affected much, even if I decided to waste my time writing nasty emails or social media posts.

If I did that, my emotional state would run like a turbulent current in everything I was going to do that day and would likely create even more waves with other things.

I also knew I was going to drive to town where I might find more options.

When I started my car, I discovered that the fan to my air conditioner and heater no longer worked either. 

Choice time. What made more sense?

  • Give up my peace of mind because of inanimate objects, which wouldn’t change anything except to wreck the way I felt for the rest of the day.
  • If I decided to act out emotionally or mentally, even if no one else knew but me, I gave my power away to something outside of me to dictate the way I feel.
  • As the ability to get what I want in life is dependent on my assumptions and the way I feel, like attracts like, it made zero sense to get upset, unless I was into making myself feel miserable or a victim. 
  • Bottom line, I realized that whatever was going to happen was going to happen, but I had the ability to control how I felt and therefore mold my outer circumstances. The phone would either get fixed or it wouldn’t. If I had to buy another one, no amount of fussing up was going to change the fact that I had to acquire another phone, one way or another. If I chose to get upset, I’d only make myself be in a terrible mood. Furthermore, a working car fan wasn’t crucial as heat could blow into my vehicle when it was moving.

There’s a moment, before our emotions take us down a rabbit hole of distress, when we have a choice. Lose our mind. Have peace of mind. Give away a piece of our mind.

I forgot about my phone and car and went about my business.

Several hours later, I was able to go to a store where phones are sold but not repaired. 

The man at the counter knew a different fix, and in less than five minutes my phone was working again. He also happened to know that the car’s fan could be repaired for a reasonable price.

Good thing I decided not to ruin my day. Not only would it have been a complete waste of time and energy, I would’ve destroyed my happiness as well as my ability to manifest other things that ended up going my way. 

You can control your emotions. It’s a choice. Do you want to give your power away to let something else control you or would you rather be in control of your life? 

Is losing your mind, by giving your power away to your emotions, worth giving away your peace of mind, too? If so, in that moment you block your ability to create the life or business you choose. 

As like attracts like, you’d only attract more problems that would leave you feeling upset.

Which do you choose?

Originally posted on Soulgoals’ Blog on February 11th, 2019 

Ready to control the way
you feel to discover 

that you can get what you really want…
or something better?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

How to Earn More Money, Be Successful… and What’s Love Got to Do With It

February 12, 2024

What I’m about to tell you is the opposite of what most of us learned is the way to be successful.

Forget about:

  • No pain. No gain.
  • You have to work hard for what you want.
  • Put your nose to the grindstone. (Ouch!)
  • Success requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle.

Beliefs like these often don’t create sustainable results nor do they lead to a happy life. Furthermore, trying hard is exhausting.

When we align our positive energy with a desired outcome first, and then take inspired action with grace and ease, we can feel good and create better results, too. 

You can tap into a zone where you won’t need to push yourself. By getting out of your own way, you can get more done with better results and even go beyond limits.

It starts by shifting from trying to relaxing into a flow of doing what you love.

Olympic athletes center and focus themselves before taking action. The winners go beyond worry and ride the wave of their event even when changing winds seem to be against them. They’re at the right place at the right time to avoid the hazards.

You can, too.

“There is no better way to earn money than to do the things that you love to do. Money can flow into your experience through endless avenues. It is not the choice of the craft that limits the money that flows — but only your attitude toward money.”


Original Sougoals’ Blog was posted on February 12, 2018

Ready to get in the zone so you can have what you really want in business and life? My clients’ results demonstrate that their dreams and goals or something better manifest. If it’s time for you to enjoy greater success and happiness, contact me for a complimentary Do What You Love Break-Free Session.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Frustrated? Here’s Why and What to Do

February 5, 2024

Has life got you tied up in a knot? There are ways to free yourself – like untangling or cutting loose a cat who’s balled up in yarn. 

By the way, just because the cat is stuck, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with it anymore than there’s anything wrong with you when you go through your challenges!

To help you unravel, here’s an excerpt from my program Soulgoals: A Step-by-Step Guide to Live Your Dreams… even if you failed before, lost hope, are afraid, stressed or confused.

A client who emailed a request to her mastermind team wrote, “I have calls out to people, but things seem stuck.” Her goal was well written and specific, including her filling appointments for three cities and a meet and greet.

But I felt the fear under her request and called her. She told me she felt pressure because an out-of-state manager was flying in, and she didn’t have appointments scheduled.

We discussed anticipating the best and letting go of expectation. Part of this letting go was a preoccupation with numbers – the number of bookings. Instead, I recommended she focus on the quality of appointments vs. the quantity.

The next night she sent us a long email. “I woke up fresh and energetic, turned things over to my CEO (God)… I decided that I was not going to “push” to “make” anything happen.” [Her bold print]

Results? Before the end of that day, key people either returned her calls to book or called prospects on her behalf to fill the appointments for her! A big client contacted her to book four trainings. She hosted a successful event that afternoon plus found a perfect venue for a board member retreat following an unsuccessful month-long search.

If you hold onto how you expect life should be, what a person should do, or what’s supposed to fulfill you, you not only limit yourself but you block your success and create unnecessary pain and suffering.

It pulls you away from the present moment and foists you into an imagined future of potential disappointment, discouragement, frustration, sadness, anger, or helplessness.

Stop shoulding on yourself!

The beauty of the present moment is that it opens you to what’s in alignment with your soul. If one way doesn’t work, there’s a reason. Something better is available… if you allow it into your world.

Instead of longing for what mighta, woulda, coulda or shoulda been, notice the gift of accepting what is.

Anticipating the best instead of expecting specific outcomes makes you and your words more powerful and opens you to results designed for the highest and best interest for all. 

It’s an important lesson as it may make a difference.

Are you creating difficulties or catapulting youself to greater success and abundance?

Well, what do you expect?

Excerpt from January 25, 2016 Soulgoals’ post.

Ready to break free? Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

The Science of Getting Rich – 10 Inspirational Quotes

January 29, 2024

Wallace D. Wattles (1860-1911) wrote the classic The Science of Getting Rich because he believed becoming wealthy, getting rich, is a science in the same way there’s a system to how arithmetic works. He shared that once this science is understood and implemented, people can become rich.

In 2006 during a Newsweek interview, Rhonda Byrne said that Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich was her inspiration for her hit film and book The Secret, that demonstrates the Law of Attraction.

Below are quotes from Wallace Wattles.

With gratitude,


“The grateful mind is constantly fixated upon the best. Therefore it tends to become the best. It takes the form or character from the best, and will receive the best.”

“You can never become a great man or woman until you have overcome anxiety, worry, and fear. It is impossible for an anxious person, a worried one, or a fearful one to perceive truth; all things are distorted and thrown out of their proper relations by such mental states.”

“The very best thing you can do for the world is to make the most of yourself.” 

“You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create. Not to compete for what is already created.”

“By thought, the thing you want is brought to you. By action, you receive it.”

“Abandon everything you have outgrown.”

“Talk about the happy times you had in your youth, and forget all the unhappy times.”

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

“Nothing that is possible in spirit is impossible in flesh and blood. Nothing that man can think is impossible. Nothing that man can imagine is impossible of realization.” 

“You can become what you want to be.”

Is it your time to be rich – in more ways than money?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Original Soulgoals’ post from July 30, 2018

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Are You Mismatched? Like Jimi Hendrix Opening for the Monkees

January 22, 2024

Don’t Give Up!

For seven concerts, the not well-known Jimi Hendrix Experience was the opening act for the top-rated, pop group The Monkees.

Micky Dolenz, then vocalist and drummer of the Monkees, wrote about Jimi Hendrix in his autobiography I’m a Believer: “It was evident from the start that we were witness to a rare and phenomenal talent. I would stand in the wings and watch and listen in awe.”

The band enjoyed him personally, too. “It was really just a pleasure to have him around for company.”

With the audience, looking for The Monkees style of music, this is how it played out.

“… Jimi would amble out onto the stage, fire up the amps and break into ‘Purple Haze,’ and the kids in the audience would instantly drown him out with, ‘We Want Davy!!’ God, it was embarrassing.”

Peter Tork, keyboardist and bass guitarist of the Monkees, said that “it didn’t cross anybody’s mind that it wasn’t gonna fly.”

After six more performances, Hendrix left the tour.

  • Embarrassing – Check
  • Frustrating – Check
  • Disappointing – Check
  • Confused audience – Check
  • Groundbreaking, iconic, genius guitar player – Check

Shortly after, both “Purple Haze” and “Are You Experienced?” started to climb the charts, revolutionizing modern music in the process. Just because these two groups weren’t a fit didn’t take away one iota from Hendrix’ greatness. Nor did it stop his eventual matching up with those who could and would recognize and appreciate his talent.

A woman carefully planned and was excited to talk to a group about her business offering. It seemed like the perfect target market because there were many people of the same demographic who already used and were grateful to have found her product.

Part way through her presentation she was cut off. They repeatedly asked her the same question. However, each time she answered, they just weren’t getting it.

They misinterpreted her, and without even being able to finish, she had to leave.

Although we hadn’t talked in a while, I happened to call her when she was driving away – hurt, bewildered, doubting herself, wondering if she was in the right business.

By the end of our conversation, she realized that even though it appeared to be an ideal group, they really weren’t in a place to “get it.” She presented a progressive perspective; her audience identified with a traditional approach. They couldn’t understand and weren’t open to new ideas.

Round peg. Square hole.

In the past, many times when things went wrong with people, I blamed myself.

In hindsight, I realize most had become mismatches that I tried to make work. They were good for a while, and then they weren’t. If I was myself, I wasn’t understood. If I tried to fit in, it felt like I was selling my soul.

A clue was that I wasn’t happy but tried to find a way to rise above it.

I see how if I stayed on those trajectories, it would’ve been sadly limiting for me.

They’re not wrong, but neither am I.

The key is to identify and attract vibrational matches.

Choose to attract the people who appreciate you and your gifts just the way you are.

How? Start by getting clear about what you want and set an intention to receive it. Listen to your voice within and the guidance it’s always offering you.

Revolutionize your world, business or work with your awesomeness. Enjoy being well-matched so others aren’t screaming they want their version of Davy. 

Let your unique genius rock on.

Is it time to stop putting up with what doesn’t fit and courageously be a match for what you enjoy? You can!

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Originally posted on my Soulgoals’ blog, May 22nd, 2017

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Happy New… Year to Dream BIG

January 15, 2024

What makes you happy?

“Happy Talk” is a song from the play and movie South Pacific. It has a catchy tune that I sang years ago in my school’s chorus. 

Happy talk, keep talking happy talk,
Talk about things you’d like to do,
You gotta have a dream,

If you don’t have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?

If you don’t talk happy and you never dream,

Then you’ll never have a dream come true.

So, DREAM well.

Dream BIG.

Dream about what makes your

heart sing.

Focus on

what makes you happy,

not what didn’t or doesn’t.

Go beyond

talking about what you’d like to do.




Choosing is one of the

most powerful tools you have

to create the world of your dreams.

When you choose you




your very soul to assist you

to manifest your dreams.

Take action,


Even little steps

towards your dream.

Even if it’s just visualizing with a happy feeling.

Your prayers are always heard –

it’s up to you to dream them up and

trust they arrive in divine right timing.

Many blessings to you in

creating a year

of your dreams fulfilled – or something better!

I support your choices and

see you receiving them!!!

Will you consider that this may be your year for your dreams (at least some of them) to come true? Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Originally posted on my Soulgoals’ blog, January 1, 2011

Feel Like There’s No Way Out?

January 8, 2024

Here are four pointers that can help.

Once I had a dream where I was in a room with no windows or doors and seemingly no way out.  I searched the walls for a way to leave, but there wasn’t any.

Then I discovered that there was a stairway in the middle of the room that took me to a higher level, and that room was filled with lots of windows, doors and light.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” 

Paraphrased from Albert Einstein

Feeling stuck in a maze is an emotional response that can leave you feeling there’s no way out. Instead, you can find a way to untangle yourself from whatever has gotten you balled up and take productive action. Here are four pointers to redirect your focus that can help:

1. You’re frustrated because you’re trying to control the outcome by expecting it (or people) to be or act the way you think it should. 

Alternative: Relax and anticipate this or something better will occur. Stop trying to micromanage the world. This opens you to tune into new ideas and directions.

2. You’re beating yourself up with fear, worry, regrets or other limiting thoughts and emotions because of your situation. 

Alternative: Release judging you, others and your circumstances. Replace it with an empowering perspective that you’re learning, and all is in divine order and timing.

3. You’re focused on what’s not working. 

Alternative: Focus on what you choose and the good feeling mojo it creates. Good feeling mojo is what opens you to manifest more quickly and with grace and ease.

4. You’re pushing to make things happen. 

Alternative: Stop resisting (and exhausting yourself about) what is and allow things to be the way they are. You getting fussy about it won’t change it or help. Let go. Let God. Set new goals for what you choose. Take action from this perspective.

When you shift your energy, you allow life to create miracles and successes beyond your wildest expectations, and the way out appears… even if it starts out with one step at a time.

If you’d like help finding a way out and into something way better, contact me for a free consultation at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Edited excerpt from January 25, 2016 Soulgoals’ post.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

IMAGINE Your Wonderful New Year… GREAT Quotes to “Get You Everywhere”

January 1, 2024

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of Life’s coming attractions.”

Albert Einstein

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

Albert Einstein

“Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere.”

Albert Einstein

Live out of your imagination, not your history.

Stephen R. Covey

The best use of imagination is creativity. The worst use of imagination is anxiety.”

Deepak Chopra

“We are condemned to live out what we cannot imagine.”

Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul

“Experience has convinced me that an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact, that continuous imagination is sufficient for all things and all my reasonable plans and actions will never make up for my lack of
con­tinuous imagination

Man becomes what he imagines… As we awaken to the imaginative life, we discover that to imagine a thing is to make it so, that a true judgment need not conform to the external reality to which it relates…

“It is a marvelous thing to find that you can imagine yourself into the state of your fulfilled desire and escape from the jails which ignorance built.

“It is this self that must be awakened.”

Neville Goddard, Awakened Imagination

John Lennon

Are you ready to imagine your better than ever 2024? And then watch this or something better come true!

Contact me and learn how.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

December 25, 2023

YOU Matter and Make a Difference! You’ve Really Had a Wonderful Life.

December 18, 2023


Need a lift? Life getting you down? Mistakes or questionable choices you’ve made seem to be piling up? Or perhaps you’re doing great and would love to feel even better.

It’s that time of year when the 1946 movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” can put your life in perspective.

In case you missed it, when George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stuart, hit rock bottom and was ready to jump off a bridge and end his life, Clarence the angel appeared. In the midst of his profound discouragement, George thought that maybe it would’ve been better if he was never born.

Words being powerful, Clarence got the idea to show him what life would be like for others if that were true.

Here are some quotes from the movie:

CLARENCE (to himself): Hmm, this isn’t going to be so easy. (to George) So, you still think killing yourself would make everyone feel happier, eh?

GEORGE (dejectedly): Oh, I don’t know. I guess you’re right. I suppose it would have been better if I’d never been born at all.

CLARENCE: What’d you say?

GEORGE: I said I wish I’d never been born.

CLARENCE: Oh, you mustn’t say things like that. You … wait a minute. Wait a minute. That’s an idea. (glances up toward heaven) What do you think? Yeah, that’ll do it. All right. You’ve got your wish. You’ve never been born.

Scenes followed where George was able to see the difference he made in people’s lives. Here are some examples.

CLARENCE: Your brother, Harry Bailey, broke through the ice and was drowned at the age of 9.

GEORGE: That’s a lie! Harry Bailey went to war! He got the Congressional Medal of Honor! He saved the lives of every man on that transport.

CLARENCE: Every man on that transport died! Harry wasn’t there to save them because you weren’t there to save Harry.

You see, George, you’ve really had a wonderful life. Don’t you see what a mistake it would be to throw it away?

George began to see the difference his life made when he saw the impact he’s had, not only on his brother’s life, but on the lives of friends, family and others.

GEORGE (exasperated while talking with a dear friend who doesn’t recognize him… because he hadn’t been born): Seen your wife? I’ve been to your house a hundred times.

ERNIE: Look, bud, what’s the idea? I live in a shack in Potter’s Field, and my wife ran away three years ago and took the kid … and I ain’t never seen you before in my life.

George discovered that without keeping his well-meaning but scattered Uncle Billy on track, he didn’t do so well. 

MA BAILEY: When’d you see him last?

GEORGE: Today, over at the house.

MA BAILEY: That’s a lie. He’s been in the insane asylum ever since he lost his business. And, if you ask me, that’s where you belong.

CLARENCE: Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?

GEORGE: Clarence! Clarence! Help me, Clarence! Get me back! Get me back, I don’t care what happens to me! Get me back to my wife and kids! Help me Clarence, please! Please! I want to live again. I want to live again. Please, God, let me live again.

And when George returned to his life, he found that his crisis was solved with help from friends.

(4) It’s A Wonderful Life – “Each man’s life touches so many other lives” – YouTube (1 minute, 28 seconds)

Regardless of your ups or downs, you make a difference. 

If you have pets, they know it. So do many others.

Even if you think you’re all alone, that stranger who you smiled at felt better. Or maybe you extended a kindness by letting someone’s car go in front of you, and they felt grateful — only you didn’t know it. Or you took a moment to listen to someone who needed to be heard.

In small ways and big ones, you do matter and make a difference.

If you look past outer experiences, circumstances and limiting perceptions of yourself, you can let yourself see that you matter and you really do have a wonderful life.

Even if we’ve never met, I’m grateful for you, too! You’re alive, which means you have a purpose for being here. You have nothing to prove.


With gratitude,


P.S. Is there someone who you’d like to know that they make a difference? Please share.

Edited from original Soulgoals’ post of December 17, 2018

Ready to apprecate yourself? You DO make a difference!!

Contact me and learn how.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

To Risk, or Not to Risk, That Is the Question

December 11, 2023

No one really likes to change. Well, we say we do, but we only want the so-called bad things to change. We’d like other things to stay just the way they are, thank you very much.

We want others to change and for us to stay the same. 

However, when one part of a system changes, everything is affected. It’s like when the body gets hurt – the right leg may be injured, but the other side of the body compensates.

We often resist change. Call it bad. Likewise, when the “good” changes come, everything shifts. In the process, it can feel uncomfortable. 

But when it becomes too painful to stay put and remain tight, we’re willing to risk in ways that we may otherwise have thought too painful.

Dynamic scene before the storm.
Guadalupe River State Park

Oh, why not? If you know you’re going to make a change anyway, put yourself out of your misery or discomfort. Take a risk. Be willing to go for the change. Enjoy blossoming!

Reprinted from Soulgoals’ Post of October 18, 2010

Ready to break free? It’s less of a risk than you might imagine.

Learn how and contact me.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Confused? Going in 2 Directions Takes You Nowhere. Here’s How to Get Clarity.

December 4, 2023

Arms outstretched with people gently pulling from either side, participants of my workshop felt what it’s like to go in opposite directions at the same time.

The results: they swayed a bit to the left and right, but stayed in the same position, going nowhere.

Your contradictory thoughts can keep you stuck, too: a part of you wants to go forward while another holds you back.

You hope for better, but your thoughts keep you where you are.

How do you know if you have contradictory thoughts? Here are a couple of examples.

You choose success. But there are those pesky, opposing voices.

  • You worry about things, like what if doesn’t work. Remember what happened before and how disappointed you felt? Maybe people who pointed out your limitations were right. What were you thinking? And who are you to make more money than your parents?
  • Better play it safe. Save yourself from discouragement and failure. Don’t even bother trying or get out while you can.

You choose to be in a relationship or a better one. But even if you meet Mr. or Ms. Right, with attitudes like these, it might not go anywhere or the relationship could be unsatisfying.

  • Oh, get real. They start out great, and then they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Look at your history. Yes, you long for a loving partner. But if you haven’t found “the one” by now, it’s too late. They probably won’t like the way you look, anyway.
  • Better not get your hopes up. Just resign yourself to being alone.

When your energy goes in opposite directions:

  1. You feel discouraged, and your confidence wanes. Frustration, hopelessness, fear, depression, anger, guilt or shame can creep in. You find it hard to be yourself and feel happy.
  2. Your energy is like Pigpen, who’s pictured above, from the Charlie Brown comics. Your doubt and diminishing self-opinion swirl around you. People can feel it, which motivates them to disappear from your life.

Conflicting thoughts can drive you bonkers and cause the biblical lament to come true. 

“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”

Job:3:25 KJV

Here’s step-by-step how to get clarity.

Make a choice to focus on one direction at a time. Then act on it.

How? By believing (as much as you can) in yourself, your dreams, your goals. It’s a simple choice. Don’t make it complicated with your yes buts and conflicting thoughts. You can do this. It’s just a choice.

How much belief? All it takes is the faith of a mustard seed. They’re tiny. Check out the size in your kitchen or supermarket.

On average, people only access 10% of their true essence. The rest is the personality, seen in everyday life, that’s often filled with doubts and negativity.

  1. Choose to align with the 90% that’s your inner Self. Now you’ve tapped into your infinite potential!
  2. Step back and observe the thoughts in your head that aren’t helpful. Decide to change them for something more positive. 
  3. Ask, right now, for 100% of you to be present. In this moment, your life is on track for greater happiness and to be more focused, single-minded, Soul-directed. It takes practice, especially if you’re in the habit of complaining about others, your past or current conditions.
  4. Appreciate yourself and acknowledge things that are working.

You absolutely have the ability to align more and more with your inner Self. It’s who you are!

With focused, positive energy, you can powerfully be successful in the direction you choose or someplace better!

Edited from original the Soulgoals’ post of December 13, 2016

Had enough of the inner conflict and ready to move past it?

I invite you to contact me.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

What Keeps You up at Night?

November 27, 2023

What keeps you up at night? Do ghost story reruns play in your thoughts and emotions?

Can you relate to any of these ghosts?

  • Lack of money. 
  • Business concerns. 
  • Not enough energy or poor health for you or others. 
  • What to do about family, work or friend relationships.
  • Tough decisions to make. 
  • Exhaustion and confusion from stress and overwhelm. 
  • Running out of time. 
  • Insert your (not so) favorite one here.

You also may have befriended an attitude that… well, it’s somewhere between wondering how things can ever work or you screwed up.

An attitude adjustment could begin to solve a lot of problems

Easier said than done when you feel like you’re drowning in quicksand.

Why suffer? You don’t have to struggle or settle for less than what you deserve! Or maybe you’re just ready to kick it up to a higher level.

How? Transform your frequency.

Huh? Speak English, please. OK. Law of Attraction – like attracts like. 

Think of yourself as a tuning fork. Every tone you play creates a vibration. These either resonate or are discordant with other notes.

Some notes are what you like in your life. Others you’d like to send to a universe far, far away. Those are the ones that irritate you like mosquitoes buzzing in the middle of the night – or thoughts that keep you up.

I’m not saying you should change yourself. Whew! That sounds like a Herculean effort.

Actually, you’re already more than good enough just the way you are. However, you may be carrying some unnecessary paraphernalia, aka emotions and perspectives, that skew your frequencies. (Imagine playing your tuning fork with an old sack on it that muffles its true tones.)

TIP: When you’re angry, frustrated, worried or lashing out at the world because life isn’t going as you think it should, you attract more weird things to match these frequencies. Instead, observe the words and energy you express and change them if you’re not getting the results you choose.

I once saw a woman in a store repeatedly warn her child not to run because he’d fall. Of course, he fell to comply with the images she planted in his head… and then she said, “I told you so.”

What are you unconsciously creating? Sometimes it’s subtle and tricky to detect because you’ve lived with the thinking and emotional patterns for so long that they feel natural, even though they attract what you don’t want.

It’s easy and commonplace to get so enmeshed in your story and circumstances that you can’t see a way out. A lot of times, how could you?

The reason you’re in challenging situations is to learn. It’s not a punishment from God or bad karma or a sign that there’s something wrong with you

You may not have the TOOLS to change your approach to reap different results – YET! Let’s face it. If you already got the lesson about why things aren’t working, you wouldn’t be where you are. When you get it, you move on.

How Can You Make the Shift? 

TIP: Ask for help. Be open to receive. There are some things you won’t be able to do on your own.

Countless times I found myself in seemingly insurmountable circumstances that only others could help me with. 10 1/2 hours with a professional computer guy solved technical issues to help my business that I stewed over for years! Also, my mastermind partners helped clear my thinking and shared ideas so I could take effective action.

You’re not alone although you may feel that way at times. There are those who’ve walked a path similar enough to yours who understand your goals and obstacles and, most importantly, CAN HELP YOU FIND THE WAY TO ACHIEVE THE RESULTS YOU CHOOSE.

Ask and you shall receive. Miracles happen!

Why not trust? You may have discovered that fear and worry can keep you up at night. But they don’t create the frequency to find effective solutions
that peace of mind provides.

This edited Soulgoals’ blog was first posted on November 8, 2012.

Contact me to learn new tools and perspectives, receive help and turn your life around. Significantly.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Willie Nelson: How His “Whole Life Turned Around” and what Buddha, Eckhart Tolle and Oprah had to say

November 20, 2023

Like attracts like.

Whatever you focus on grows. When you feel good, you attract more things that feel good.

If you look at your life and don’t feel good, even if you desperately want and need a change or something better, you’ll get more of what doesn’t feel good. 

So you don’t blow to smithereens your ability to feel good, let’s start where the land mines are buried.

If good feeling mojo was your lover, would these inspire your sweetheart to run to you with gifts of money, love and health or get blasted back to an undesirable past?

  • Fussing up because people are idiots, things are complicated and your career or business deals aren’t working… again.
  • Wanting more money but complaining that it’s hard to get because the system is stacked against you.
  • Can’t figure out why, because of what’s happened, God has broken His promise to you .
  • Feeling worried until you get the next doctor’s report.
  • Thinking repeatedly about how someone has done you wrong.
  • Looking for satisfaction while blaming, disapproving or getting upset over things.

Money, love and health aren’t found on the pity pot vibe. (Oh, and I unsuccessfully used to try so hard to be saved from the object of my whining.)

Misery loves company.

Regardless of what you say you want, if you’re feeling and therefore sending silent messages of struggle, suffering and sadness, your energy will bring you more of the same… more of what you feel but don’t want.

If your business or life mirror a Looney Tunes episode, don’t look for the bogey man who’s out to get you. Instead, start with good feeling mojo every day.

You can change how you feel by changing your perspective.

 “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

Oprah Winfrey

Once, when my life had fallen apart, I couldn’t feel grateful about anything.

Years ago, I was in the midst of a marital separation. Depressed. Money and health were in the deficit column. Little energy and motivation. And definitely in no mood to focus on business.

Gratitude. Interesting concept. The end.

However, I heard a story about someone who went through hard times. Step at a time, being grateful was her magic key. She climbed out of the hole she was in, got a great job, new friends and turned her life completely around.

Hmmm, okay. I decided to give it a try but with no clue of where to begin.

Suddenly, lost in thought about “woe is me” while walking through a greenbelt next to my house at dusk, I snapped out of my trance.

Stories from the news popped in my head about snipers on roof tops in a war-torn country. They killed people who had to run across an open space to get water.

Then it occurred to me that I had zero concern about my physical safety. I had basic needs. Water. No bullets or bombs threatened me. Roof over my head. AC when it’s hot, and heat when it’s cold. I was alive. There was so much to appreciate, however I didn’t see it because I was looking in the wrong direction.

I woke up to gratitude and the blessings of how people were there for me. Even though so much wasn’t working, a lot was. So I redirected my focus to where I could find gratitude. I began to feel better. As I did, my life got better, too.

 “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”

Willie Nelson

If you’re looking for an abundance of business, money, love, support or health, focusing on what’s working will bring you more of what’s working.

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

Eckhart Tolle

Gratitude Creates Good Feeling Mojo

Especially during this time of giving thanks, right now, take a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for.

The more you’re grateful, the more good feeling mojo you create.

The more good feeling mojo you have, the more success and happiness you experience.

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.


On a personal note of thanks, I’m grateful to you for reading my blogs.

Happy Thanksgiving now and throughout the year!

Edited repost from Soulgoals’ Blog of November 23, 2015

Contact me to learn more about how to be grateful in spite of everything else that’s going on in your life. Yes, you can turn your life around. Significantly.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved

Need a Miracle? Here’s How to Get One.

November 13, 2023

“Miracles can happen always.”

That’s what a nine-year-old said after he ran to catch his nearly 30# baby brother who fell more than four feet from a changing table.

Joseph thought he was aided by divine intervention.

Here are their comments on a Fox News interview. “I would have never caught him, and I can’t run that fast. So I felt like something came and just pushed me forward, and when that happened, I just ran and caught him.”

The moments-long miracle was caught on their security camera. It’s less than 1 1/2 minutes long and worth the watch.

9-Year-Old Miraculously Saves Baby Brother From Fall – YouTube

The mother, who turned away only briefly, changed her perspective from what she did wrong to what she did right.

“I was just getting everyone ready for bed. I was home alone with the five kids, and at first I said, ‘I messed up. I did something wrong.’ But then I realized that, really, it was a miracle. I must have done something right to have been deserving of this little guy, running in at the right time and catching him at the right moment.”

What is a miracle? A miracle is a positive outcome that you didn’t anticipate. It’s when you have no idea how things can work out, and then they do. It’s when results defy logic, and the impossible occurs. It’s when you’re touched by grace.

Miracles compel you to expand your consciousness and go beyond what you think is possible. They are reminders to trust in a friendly and supportive universe that assists you to create your life of choice.

Lesson 5 of my Soulgoals’ program

Miracles come in all sizes.

A client and her daughter had ongoing conflicts between themselves.

While coaching, she realized that the fear and judgment she had about her daughter was alienating her.

In the past, she was more of the disciplinarian because she thought that was the best parenting style.

Now, she changed her perspective and approach.

She had an idea to text each of her two adult children separately and tell them how much she appreciates them as well as note their wonderful qualities.

“I love you. You are great. I’m grateful you’re alive…”

She realized that almost all of her fear about “what if” certain things happened to her children weren’t based on anything other than the negativity and drama in her head.

She also gave consideration to her reply when people ask, “How are you?”

Instead of good or fine, automatic responses that people mindlessly give as well as the way they robotically feel about themselves, she decided to say, “I am grateful.”

To change her lifelong habit of how she had been relating to her children, and to feel their positive responses, is a miracle.

We discussed a goal to highlight her intentions.

She doesn’t cook, and throughout her life she was a perfectionist who got anxious if things didn’t go just right.

Yet she longed to have a family dinner.

So we came up with a way for her to create one.

This morning, I received her email.

“I want to let you know that we had a great time last Friday. (She described the food everyone made.) It was a very festive dinner, and I didn’t even get uptight!

“Thank you for guiding me. I am breathing in divine flow and letting out judgments and fears to get myself back on track.”

Your TIP is to be open to miracles happening in your life.

To experience miracles is to be willing to let go of your problems and worries and allow yourself to receive something better.

Watch for the miracles in your life. They may be big or small.

Nothing is impossible.

You can receive what you choose or something better.

Happy, miracle-filled month of Thanksgiving. Happy giving thanks!

Reprinted from Soulgoals’ post of  November 23, 2016

Contact me to learn more about how to create miracles in your life:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved

Short Excerpt: You Know More Than You Think

November 6, 2023

What emotions do you usually feel when you’re down for the count?

Awareness leads to freedom.

Instead of automatically giving your power away to things that influence your life, such as an emotion, your taste buds, the next shiny object, any member of genus Homo sapiens, the internet, a calendar date, scientists, politicians, a memory or habits… take a deep breath and question.

Question everything, including cherished beliefs.

What’s the truth underneath? Find a quiet time and journal about your thoughts and feelings. Amazing insights emerge, and your self-confidence rises.

Choose to let go of any yucky emotions but write with an intention to learn and gain insights.

You’re not alone in this process. You know the rug that stuff got swept under? Life is forcing everyone to clear out those dust bunnies and move on.

Make a clean sweep by seeing through illusions and making empowering choices. It’s never too late.

In the words of Dr. Benjamin Spock, “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”

Imagine how owning your power and trusting yourself could change your life.

Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Your Buttons Got Pushed – Now What?

October 30, 2023

 Have you noticed people’s buttons getting pushed lately? Maybe yours?

 Some respond with anger, defensiveness, frustration or depression. Others find that finger pointing, denial and avoidance are easier than talking things through.

 Opportunities abound to deal with issues, but some prefer to ignore the elephant in the room. It would take more than new glasses to correct that vision.

 Changing perspective can help you: step back emotionally and observe in a detached way. This reminds you not to take it personally.

But what should you do about it?

 Ask yourself:

  1. Is there something to get out of it and learn?
  2. Or is the point to get out of it and leave?

And what’s the best action to take? 

  This depends on the circumstances. But driving yourself bonkers and making yourself wrong only leads to a dead-end street.

  A lovely woman sent me a very ugly email. She wrote about demonic forces and people we once knew. She couldn’t be friends with me anymore because I was still associated with them, even though I hadn’t been for years.

 Weeks later, she apologized. Because of past injustices inflicted on her by this group, her deep pain was triggered. She obviously wasn’t herself when she wrote it.

The point? I got out of it lessons of compassion; forgiveness; grace; not judging as people make mistakes.

 The action? Let go of the past, and move on. We renewed our friendship.

 A few months later, she sent another email explaining how she couldn’t be my friend because of my involvement with these same people… people I still hadn’t talked with for many years.  

The point? Get out of it. When people create too much drama and repeat patterns that they’re not shifting, it’s often best to step back.

 The action? Don’t respond. Bless the situation and relationship, and let them go.

Here are tips on what you can do when your buttons are pushed. Oh well, I can honestly say I’ve learned each one by doing the opposite.

  1. Breathe deeply in a relaxed way.
  2. Step back emotionally and observe rather than become enmeshed with the story.
  3. Listen to what’s being expressed and understand their perspective.
  4. Let go of a need to be heard, validated and to express your viewpoint.
  5. Ask yourself that even if you don’t like it: Why is it essential that others should think the way you think they should?
  6. Tune in to your gut – what do you feel is true and the best action to take?

“Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Then take action.

 Through my school of hard knocks learning, I’m adding one more. In the past, I’ve tried soooo hard to explain myself thinking they’d be able to get it. NOT!

Don’t try to explain yourself using logic if someone is emotional.

Mental and emotional approaches are on two different wave lengths.

When someone is emotional:

  • They often aren’t listening.
  • Can’t really hear what you’re saying unless it’s what they want to hear.
  • They may not even have the foundation to understand what you’re saying.

They just get annoyed and feel justified in making you look like the jerk. Instead, listen and say:

Thanks for sharing your opinion. 


 Using these tips will not give you the the comfort of familiarity as well as the dubious, emotional exhilaration from:

  • Feeling right
  • Trying to fix or rescue people.
  • Feeling victimized.
  • Having your ego stroked.
  • Receiving sympathy from others.
  • Expressing anger
  • Trying to change or control circumstances or others’ opinions.
  • Remembering and sharing your sad story.

  It can:

  • Bring you peace of mind and heart. 
  • Awaken you to greater wisdom and awareness.
  • Honor others even if you’re sure they’ve lost their minds.
  • Reclaim your time and energy to enjoy life and pursue your goals.
  • Bring you better results in the long run.

  Your choice. Give your power away by reacting. Or be empowered by emotional mastery. 

This entry was originally posted on Soulgoals’ blog of March 25, 2011.

Sounds good. But could you use help to figure out how to do it?

Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Find Answers to ANY Problem

October 23, 2023

The Skating Minister by Henry Raeburn

What if you had a way to find an answer to ANY problem?  You do, and soon I’ll show you how.

First, instead of feeling down about what’s going on, remember there is always a silver lining to every problem. If things in the world look crazy, consider this.

If there’s an infected wound, it must be cleaned well to properly heal.

You may want an immediate cure. A band aid would be fast and easy. But an infection slows the wound healing process, especially of longstanding issues.

Step back and look at the big picture of possible, positive outcomes.

Can you find specific answers to what worries you? You can, and here’s how to find them.

I’ll share with you my dream that gave me a roadmap. 

Let’s say you wanted to ice skate in the winter, but there was nowhere to do it.

However, you had a place where water could be added to create a pond.

So you filled that space using an available water supply.

Gave it time to freeze.

Now you can skate.

Makes sense. And what does this have to do with anything?

Where’s your focus?

Worrying about problems is how we might believe we’re being responsible, but that’s looking in the wrong direction for answers. Although habits can be hard to break, you do have other choices.

You could:

  • Whine about not being able to skate because there isn’t a place to do it.
  • Blame wildlife for drinking the water that could’ve frozen.
  • Feel sorry for yourself or tell your story so others could feel sorry for you.

However, if you choose any of these, you still can’t skate .

You can’t have a problem without already having the answer.
But if you keep looking at the problem and feeling bad about it, you won’t see the solution!

You have a place within, at the core of who you are, that already has your answers. 
When you’re open to receive, you allow your inner guidance to provide you with answers.

Let’s consider a solution to finding a place to skate.

To continue with this metaphor, if you allow time to transform liquid to solid, thoughts and feelings can materialize into solutions.

Here’s where Mastermind Principle #3 from my Soulgoals program comes in handy:

I trust my Self and listen to the voice within.

What if you stay loyal to the what-if-it-doesn’t-work thinking?

Results: Frustration, anger, blame, struggle, complications and disappointment. Same ole, same ole. Your focus is on what doesn’t work, so you magnetize more of the same. Success goes up and down like a seesaw.

Sound familiar?

What else can your do? How can you skate through life?

First step:  Notice how you greet situations.

Is it with fear, doubt, discouragement or other negative feelings?

Instead, focus on any positive experiences you’ve ever had about situations like this.

If you don’t have one, imagine how you’d like it to be. 

Here are examples:

  • Before a sales presentation or any potentially challenging situation, remember a time that went great. It doesn’t matter if you’ve put your foot in your mouth a hundred times before. But if once, your long-lost uncle bought a candy bar you were selling in grade school, and you felt happy, go to those thoughts and good feelings. Good feelings and memories only.
  • Feeling weak in the knees because you’re about to talk with someone? Instead, recall moments of an empowering interaction.

If you’re used to feeling the other shoe is going to fall, feeling good may seem downright unnatural. However, with practice and positive results, you’ll feel more comfortable.

Forget what you may have heard about doubting yourself. That was misery wanting company.

Feeling good IS your natural state. It’s the portal to finding your answers.

Enjoy skating.

Edited from Soulgoals’ Post of October 27, 2015.

Is it time to let go of feeling frustrated or a less than satisfying life?

Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Can Bad Things Happen for a Reason?

October 16, 2023

Can bad things that happen turn out actually to be good?

I found “Is Your Hut Burning?” in a 1999 email I saved, author unknown. It may help to put some things in perspective, regardless of how they look… and that God and the universe have everything in control.

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself from the elements and to store his few possessions.

But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. “God, how could you do this to me!” he cried.

Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. “How did you know I was here?” asked the weary man of his rescuers. “We saw your smoke signal,” they replied.

It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn’t lose heart because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground… it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.

Original Soulgoals’ Blog was posted on March 4, 2019.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Ready to put things in greater perspective so life can get even better?
Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Will Smith’s Grand Canyon Bungee Jump (Video) from a Helicopter on his 50th Birthday!

October 9, 2023

On his 50th birthday, actor Will Smith bungee jumped off the side of a helicopter into the Grand Canyon.

This is the “manifestation of a dream.”

Then, with crowds watching and cameras rolling, he pushed himself off, dove backwards with arms outstretched and had the time of his life.

During the jump he exclaimed, while sandwiched between the magnificent Grand Canyon and expansive clouds above, “This is gorgeous. This is gorgeous… This is some of the most beautiful stuff I’ve ever seen in my life… From pure terror to absolute bliss’

After the jump he surmised, “The hesitation is the only thing that really messes up the chance at having your dreams.”

Here’s his amazing jump. He shares his insights at the end of the video.

Will Smith was born on September 25th,1968, to a middle-class, Philadelphia family. Newsweek has called him “the most powerful actor in Hollywood.” He’s won four Grammy Awards and also was nominated for two Academy Awards and four Golden Globe Awards.

What’s the mindset of someone who creates a life like this? Read his quotes below. No limits for this man!

With gratitude,

“I want to represent the idea that you really can make what you want … I believe I can create whatever I want to create.”

“The first step before anyone else in the world believes it is you have to believe it.”

“The first step is you have to say that you can.”

“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice.”

“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings & emotions.”

“Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people – the ones who really belong in your life – will come to you. And stay.”

“Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can’t do something themselves, they are going to tell you that you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period.”

“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.”

“Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive, godlike feature that only the special among us will ever taste; it’s something that truly exists in all of us.”

“Life is lived on the edge.”

“You don’t try to build a wall. You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say I’m gonna build the biggest, baddest wall that’s ever been built. You say, I’m gonna lay this brick, as perfectly as a brick can be laid, and you do that every single day, and soon you have a wall. It’s difficult to take the first step when you look at how big the task is. The task is never huge to me, it’s always one brick.

“I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.”

Originally posted on Soulgoals’ blog, October 1, 2018

Ready to live your dreams or find out what they are?
Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Are You Settling for Less?

October 1, 2023

What you want and what inspires you to feel happy changes over time.

Your focus as a baby is different from when you’re a young adult ready to launch a new phase of this human adventure and varies at every stage of you being alive.

Likewise, what satisfies you shapeshifts.

Perhaps you are on or have had a financially safe and profitable career path, and you keep telling yourself that you should be happy. However, if you’re honest with yourself, it’s unfulfilling and you want more — something different, more meaningful with more money, more time and more fun.

Maybe you’re unsatisfied and are ready to make a change, but you believe it’s too impractical, you’re too old in today’s market to do something different or you don’t know what else you’d do that will pay you enough.

So you settle.

Once I met a friend of a friend at a party who, because of his divorce a couple of years prior to our conversation, had to close his business.

He was an adamant advocate of his limited beliefs. It took him twenty years to build his old business, and it would take that long to do it again. It was too late to start anything else. That’s a fact. Period. There was no other way of looking at it.

He couldn’t see that maybe, in his re-creation of his next step, it could be easier and success could come faster. His view was that this was impossible.

Although he appeared to be a nice man, he was one of the unhappiest and most negative people I’ve ever met.

I remembered the saying, don’t try to teach a pig how to fly. First, pigs can’t fly. Second, you just irritate the pig.

Mind you, he wasn’t a pig. But I could see that he got irritated thinking beyond his self-imposed doom.

A picture of my winged pig that can’t fly.

There is a way to manifest your heart’s desire that exceeds your wildest imagination. It starts by getting in touch with the soul of your goal.

The soul of your goal satisfies the true intention of your objective. You feel fulfilled and happy when you achieve a goal that has the essence of what you choose and frustrated or disappointed when you don’t…

Even if you don’t know how to label what you want, you can identify the soul of your goal. If you’re ready for change, even if you can’t describe what it looks like specifically, you can receive satisfying results.

A friend told me that she got what she asked for but not what she wanted:

  • A woman, who had taken care of others throughout her life, wondered when it was going to be her turn to be taken care of. She found out when her health challenges required years of round-the-clock caregiving by others.

Lacking clarity on the soul of your goal can bring less than satisfying results.

Excerpt from my Soulgoals’ program

While there are simple steps to clarify and align yourself with the soul of your goal, here’s something that may help you to start.

TIP: Clear and conscious intentions create a blueprint of what you choose. They replace unconscious pictures you carry from default programming. You attract what you energize with clarity and feeling.
Your brain may not be able to fathom how your goals can occur. However, if your intention is in alignment with the soul of your goal, miracles can happen.

Excerpt from my Soulgoals’ program

You don’t have to settle! You can go beyond trying to find yourself, a better life, career or business. You can be satisfied by consciously creating your ideal life or something better!

This Soulgoals’ Blog was originally posted on October 30, 2017.

Is it time for a change so you can enjoy your life in a more meaningful way?
Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

10 Quotes from “PROSPERITY is God’s Idea”

September 25, 2023

Dr. Margaret M. Stevens wrote in the introduction of her book PROSPERITY is God’s Idea:

“If you have struggled, perhaps for years, trying to make your available money cover all your needs… If you have felt cheated out of life’s blessings… If you have envied another’s possessions or life-style… If you think that poverty and limitation are God’s idea, and that you might as well get used to living without the luxuries and comforts of abundant living… Read on!!! This book was written for you.”

Following are quotes from her book. For some, you may be more comfortable substituting the word God for the universe or another word of your choice.

“True prosperity includes an abundance of all the good things in life… good health, right relationships, satisfying work AND a more than ample supply of money.”

“Have you ever felt that you are unworthy? Remember that you are a child of God and therefore you inherit His bounty in the form of every good thing.”

“No person, place, thing or condition can keep your good from you… Nothing outside yourself denies you your good. Your own negative belief is the culprit. Deny that belief and replace it with a deep conviction in your good already manifested, and you will see that good flowing to you.”

“The power of the spoken word cannot be emphasized too strongly. By the words shalt thou be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matthew 12:37″

“Emmet Fox, that great Truth teacher, said this about blessing: Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse it and it will curse you. If you put your condemnation on anything in life, it will hit back at you and hurt you. If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you, and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out if you sincerely bless it.”

“Bless your money, your debts, your problems, your food, your body, your family, your business, your friends. You can improve every condition in your life by blessing it. Could anything be simpler? Try it!”

“There is no true prosperity unless the bank account is accompanied by health and happiness. Prosperity must involve the whole person.”

“If you think you need more money in order to be secure, your real need is to know God as your only source and supply.”

“You are here to express God through your particular talents and abilities.”

“The moment you start to fill your mind with these prosperous ideas, your transformation begins.”

This Soulgoals’ Blog was originally posted on September 10, 2018.

If you’d like support to create true prosperity, contact me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

12 Louise Hay Quotes and How She Signed My Books

September 18, 2023

Louise Hay was a multi-national, best-selling author, speaker and founder of Hay House.  I heard her speak following the publication of her best-selling classic You Can Heal Your Life. Included in this is her famous The List, which correlates diseases and the probable thought patterns that caused them as well as affirmations to assist in healing. The first page from The List is shown above.

In the late 1980s, here’s the inscription she wrote in my copy of the book You Can Heal Your Life:

Love and Joy


At the turn of this century, I again heard her speak along with other featured guests when I went to Houston for a day-long seminar. Her inscription, when she signed my book The Power is Within You, changed slightly. I included this page:

Virginia –
Love & Power!
Louise Hay


She became immensely popular by inspiring millions who could hear her messages. In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s words, “Louise Hay writes to your soul… where all healing begins.”

Which one of her quotes found below resonates with you the most?

With gratitude,


This is the top quote on her website, which commemorates her. She was 90 when she passed. (1926 – 2017):

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.”

Louise Hay

“Every thought we think is creating our future.”

“Look at the ‘problems’ in your life. Ask yourself, ‘What kind of thoughts am I having that create this?'”

“No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind.”

“Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen.”

“Remember the things that gave you joy as a child. Incorporate them into your life now. Find a way to have fun with everything you do. Let yourself express the joy of living. Smile. Laugh. Rejoice, and the Universe rejoices with you!”

If you’d like support to discover how to “claim and consciously use your power” so you can live YOUR dreams, contact me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

This Soulgoals’ Blog was originally posted on September 17, 2018.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Do You Have Crazymakers in Your Life?

September 11, 2023

One afternoon, while on Broadway in midtown Manhattan, New York City, I walked a few people behind a man who was having an animated argument with someone. Speaking in a loud voice, hands gesticulating passionately, I wondered who was the recipient of such a tirade.

It was just him battling with himself.

Someone and something really got to this guy, and he allowed it to drive him to act crazy.

Throughout your life, some people have done you wrong, and some may have gotten to you.

In the past (or maybe present), you’ve been:

  • abused, misused, ignored, rejected, undermined, betrayed, robbed, disappointed, manipulated, humiliated, the focal point of someone’s greedy, crazy, unconscious, demeaning, insecure, unfair or malevolent intent…

Often the perpetrators have been those most trusted and least expected to turn on you, such as:

  • close friends, family, significant others, church members, neighbors, co-workers, clients, bosses or business associates.

The results may have left you feeling that you’ve lost:

  • hope, your confidence, your spark of life, your capacity to find joy, your ability to ever succeed again or even care about it, your connection to the universe or your faith in God.

“The most important question you can ever ask is if the world is a friendly place.” 

Albert Einstein

Einstein’s question is a game changing one to ponder. Your answer determines if you’re going to let the crazies, past or present or less-than-favorable circumstances, get to you. Consequently, will you allow them to impede your ability to be open to the success and enjoyment you richly deserve?  

Are you letting undesirable memories occupy your attention so much that you won’t allow yourself to see that the world is a friendly place?

Often we’re attached to how we expect people and things are supposed to be. When they go haywire, our ego/ brain loves to binge-watch reruns of movies about personal, sad stories of our lives over and over again.

Instead, change the channel and focus on something in your life that works.

Relitigating your past by vacillating between trying to prove how you’re right and “how dare they” doesn’t help. Have you noticed? You won’t end up feeling better, and feeling good is important as it’s a key to attracting success.

Personally, instead of letting go of my faith in life and humanity, I (eventually) learned to have greater discernment.

You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run.

Kenny Rogers, “The Gambler”

Some people in my life who appeared to be helpful, trustworthy, supportive, emotionally healthy, well-meaning and even spiritually awake… I came to realize were toxic, emotionally immature, going in a different direction or no longer fit who I had become.

I could grumble about them incessantly, which I’ve done. I found it more useful, though, to see them as my teachers: learn my lessons, chalk it off to another life experience and move on.

It took me a while to see people for who they are, not for who I thought they were or wanted them to be. 

Here’s an interesting twist.

Underneath this crazymaking, there’s a whole lot of disapproval going on.

Sometimes the other person starts it, and we respond back with disapproval and judgment, or vice versa.

When we enmesh ourselves in disapproval energy, we give others the power to control our happiness — from complete strangers whose driving we don’t like to annoying people in our day-to-day lives.

When we expect others to behave or show up in a certain way so we can feel good about ourselves, in essence we’re saying:

You need to change so I don’t have to change. My caring about you is conditional. It’s dependent on you acting the way I think you should. Otherwise, I might feel that I’ve lost control.

When the awareness comes that we alone have control of our attitude, then we don’t need others to be different so we can feel good.

Of course, do what’s wise to care of yourself, but you get to choose your attitude.

Energy changes when practicing this. The crazies start to evaporate from your life like the morning fog when the sun comes up.

Do you allow others to affect your psyche, your joy of living, your success, your ability to pick yourself up and start again regardless of whoever or whatever happened or is happening to you?

It’s your choice.

If you’d like support to discover how to reclaim your life so you can live YOUR dreams, contact me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Original Soulgoal’s Blog was posted on September 18, 2017.

Happy (Don’t) Labor Day

September 4, 2023

Look up synonyms for labor, and you’ll find words like hard work, drudgery, struggle, toil and exhausting.

Society has trained us to believe that work, work, work, the harder we work, is the way to get ahead.

That work alone will bring you results is a flawed premise.

A man was looking for a job.

He sent out 50 resumes.

However, he told me he didn’t expect to get any replies.

Massive action – yes.

Results – zilch.

Hard work and action aren’t the keys to success.

Inspired action is.

I am open to the mastermind energy leading me, and I take action by following through with my inspiration and guidance.

Soulgoals’ Mastermind Principle #3

For success, align your energy for results FIRST and then take action.

Instead of putting your nose to the grindstone (ouch), FEEL GOOD before taking action.

Your TIP for success is FIRST to have fun and create momentum with good feeling mojo, then take action.

It takes practice to build your good feeling mojo muscle.

It works the opposite of weight lifting.

You build your manifesting muscle by letting go of the weight of the world – your problems, politics and pains.

What’s left is your natural state – happy, free, having fun, being fulfilled, inspired.

The more you’re aligned with You, like a magnet, the more opportunities come your way.

It’s what we call being on a magic carpet ride of success.

Try it out. Instead of laboring, enjoy life and what you do. Then act.

Not only will you receive far greater results, you’ll create an even better life that’s worth living.

From Soulgoals’ Archives originally posted on September 6, 2016

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

If you’d like support to discover how to relax your way to success, contact me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Does What You Think Make a Difference?

August 28, 2023

May you enjoy these quotes from James Allen’s classic book As a Man Thinketh to inspire you to live your dreams.

Photo is Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be.”

“As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.” 

“A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses.”

“Let a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life.”

“Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”

“All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.”

“Thoughts of doubt and fear never accomplished anything, and never can. They always lead to failure.”

“Suffering is always the effect of wrong thought in some direction. It is an indication that the individual is out of harmony with himself, with the Law of his being.”

Following are great quotes, especially if you’ve ever been chastised for daydreaming by those who didn’t realize how all great ideas and manifestations start with a dreamer.

Everyone else follows in the shadow of someone’s dream or gets paid by people who had a vision and used their imagination to turn their dreams to reality.

“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.”

“The dreamers are the saviors of the world. As the visible world is sustained by the invisible, so men, through all their trials and sins and sordid vocations, are nourished by the beautiful visions of their solitary dreamers.

“Humanity cannot forget its dreamers; it cannot let their ideals fade and die; it lives in them; it knows them as the realities which it shall one day see and know.

“Composer, sculptor, painter, poet, prophet, sage, these are the makers of the after-world, the architects of heaven. The world is beautiful because they have lived; without them, laboring humanity would perish. He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it.

“Columbus cherished a vision of another world, and he discovered it; Copernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe, and he revealed it; Buddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he entered into it.”

If you’d like support to discover how to enhance your thinking to create a life of your dreams, contact me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Edited excerpt of August 27, 2018, Soulgoals’ Blog.

Copyright © 2023 Virginia Goszewska. All rights reserved.

How Conscious Do You Choose to Be?

August 21, 2023

No time to enjoy life?

If you feel you don’t have enough time, you’re reflecting lack – a lack of time. This echoes other forms of lack and not enough – such as money, love, fulfillment and health.

When you most need to take time for you is when you don’t think you have the time to take the time. (Yeah, read that one again.)

If you’ve been getting nudges to make a change, start now with small steps. If you don’t like how you started, start again and again, if needed.

The key is to do it without judgment. Don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t taken time to have fun and enjoy yourself. That’s totally counter productive.Learning is a process – a layer at a time.

Life isn’t meant to be an endurance test. It’s a gift for you to appreciate and enjoy.

Everyone is going through a moment of truth now more than ever. It’s not just you.

  • Biggest fears are front and center.
  • What’s been denied or put off to look at can no longer be avoided.
  • Challenges are revealed to be dealt with.
  • The charade is fading, and it’s time to be real.

The process is often uncomfortable so it gets your attention. Then action becomes less painful than toleration.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 

Anaïs Nin

Why is this happening to you? Because your very essence, your soul, is guiding you to live in greater joy, in closer alignment with who you really are. And, from this authentic place, express your gifts to the world.

It’s time for an awakening – to remember life is not meant to be laborious and a struggle but to be lived more true to you than ever before. And the core of you is joy.

The question is how conscious do you choose to be in the process? How hard do you make it? You can choose to learn your lessons in a gentle way by decreeing it so.

At the end of your life you can look back with no regrets and say, “I learned a lot. I loved. And I enjoyed the ride.

Excerpt from August 2, 2010 Soulgoals’ Blog.

If you’d like support to discover how to live a more meaningful life, enjoy it to the fullest, and make it a whole lot easier, contact me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Are You in Synch with Your Soul?

August 14, 2023

Enjoying life is your litmus test to know if you’re living in synch with your soul, the core essence of who you are, the real You. Not the part you may think you need to be for the world. Just your Self.

Your head tells you what you think you should do, which isn’t always supportive to you or others. Your soul guides you to be in rhythm with life.

How can you know which is which? Ask yourself if you’re really enjoying all aspects of your life.

Make the connection:

  • When you feel good about you and enjoy life, you attract good things.
  • Because you feel life has more meaning than day-to-day concerns, you’re happier.
  • Because you’re happier, your activities flow more smoothly.
  • When it does, you make more money and are more effective at whatever you do.
  • This generates more productivity, supportive and healthy energy, and you get more done.
  • You live inspired, creative, and express your precious gifts with the world.

Even in hardship, you can appreciate and enjoy being alive. It’s a perspective.

If you see life as hard, one challenge after another, waiting for the other shoe to fall, what else can go wrong – you’re not in the flow and rhythm of life.

But it’s okay if you feel that way now because you can decide to change the way you see things!

You can choose to see things as opportunities to learn and grow, appreciate acts of kindness, and focus on gratitude and love.

Enjoying life is not frivolous, an aside to what’s really important, an impossible dream, or an optional cherry on the cake. Enjoying life is the cake.

When I was in my late twenties and going through what I called then “a living hell” that devastated my health and ability to think straight, I had a dream that told me: 

Find your heart and rescue it.

I wrote these words on a torn piece of paper and put it on my dresser. However, I didn’t understand what it meant at the time.

Amidst what looked like a highly successful life in all ways, someone was gaslighting me, psychologically undermining me, into not believing in myself. I felt there was no way out.

The dream was directing me to free myself from the illusion of being stuck, to instead follow my heart because it knew the truth, and to get out. That chapter of my life took exactly five years to the day. Then it became history, and I learned countless lessons.

What can you do to enjoy yourself more? Every small step makes a difference.

Take time to discover what it is because it’s YOUR life, and your life is not a means to an end. You’re not here to please other people and cater to what they think. There are no brownie points to endure life.

Instead, you can choose to make conscious choices to enjoy your gift of being alive.

Don’t limit yourself to what you believe is possible. There is always a way out. Always a way to something better.

You deserve to enjoy yourself, and you are so very much worth it.

Edited excerpt from August 2, 2010 Soulgoals’ Blog.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

If you’d like support to discover how to enjoy your life to the fullest, contact me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Are You Justifiably Judgmental?

July 31, 2023

You’re feeling great and in the flow. You can do it. This is your time. Nobody can stop you… until some dodo bird starts pecking away at you, and you want to run. (Note: dodo birds are extinct, flightless birds.)

Experiencing this way too often, and although she’s at the top of her business, competent and relatively young, my client told me that she couldn’t stop focusing on retirement.

She felt that she could no longer handle the stress created from customers’ unrealistic demands and exhausting herself to get them to see reason.

During her Soulgoals Session, she realized that she was attracting people who brought out a quality in her that was like her father – being judgmental. People weren’t acting the way she thought they should.

As like attracts like, she was magnetizing people who would bug her so that she could be “justifiably” judgmental.

To counterbalance her father’s inflexible attitude, she played the role of the peacemaker throughout her life. Now that he’s passed and she’s tired of “battling,” she thought those days were over.

However, his judgmental attitude was still alive inside her because she absorbed his energy, and she continued to attract people that required her to be the peacemaker.

She connected the dots and saw that unless she made inner changes, these patterns would follow her wherever she went – even into retirement.

She was on the verge of letting go of a great career instead of letting go of the unwanted energy she harbored within. It was time to stop blaming others and her business as they weren’t the problem.

Done with attracting challenging people who were like her father, she decided to release her judgmental energy and change her perspective.

“I don’t want to put up with other people’s stuff… my big insight is that if you leave, you’re not going to get away from your issues. Instead, deal with them through journaling.”

How to journal? Write what you’re feeling and thinking on paper, which helps to release the emotional charge on the issue. Then other perspectives have an opportunity to emerge and be considered.

Another client found herself consistently attracting unqualified clients.

One got nastily irate when she told him that his application didn’t go through.  Although she quickly let him go as a client, she knew she had to change her focus to stop attracting dodo birds.

Whatever is focused upon grows.

In the past, she complained about how many applicants didn’t qualify, so she kept having more applicants who didn’t qualify.

Now, she focuses her attention on having great applicants who both qualify and purchase her high end products, all with grace and ease.

Her new perspective is working.

Are there the same (annoying) types of people or circumstances showing up in your life again and again?

Journal about how you feel when the dodo birds get you down.

  • Does how you feel remind you of people from your past?
  • When you notice the patterns, choose to let them go.
  • Replace them with a new perspective.
  • After, refocus on your wonderful dreams and goals instead of what you don’t want.

“Complaining about anything holds you in the place of refusing to receive the things you’ve been asking for. Justifying about anything holds you in the place of refusing to let in the very things that you’ve been asking for. Blaming someone holds you in the place of refusing to let in the things that you’ve been asking for. Feeling guilty, feeling angry, it doesn’t matter what you call it; it is a refusal, not a conscious one. You’re asking; you can’t help but ask. The Universe is yielding; it must yield. It’s a big question, folks: why aren’t you letting it in?”


By the way, all stories about my clients’ experiences are shared after having received their permission in advance. Their intention and mine is that others may benefit.

Original Soulgoals’ Blog was posted on July 31, 2017.

Know someone who might enjoy reading this? Please forward.

Feeling judgmental? That’s not you but your egoic self!

Contact me to learn how to let it go:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Feel Overwhelmed with the Clock Ticking?

July 24, 2023

A mastermind team did an exercise called “Strategy for Success,” which included prioritizing personal and professional goals, identifying obstacles, followed by strategies to overcome each one. If there was a roadblock, what could they do about it?

Procrastination was a big obstacle. Many delays were due to questioning themselves. Are they capable? Are they good enough? Are they doing the right thing?

Avoidance happened when their goals involved new activity and knowledge that differed from how they’d done things in the past. They were growing their businesses in new ways, which meant doing things they’d never done before.

Venturing into an arena unknown to them brought on self-doubt, which immobilized them from moving forward.

One woman, who took on a new-to-her project, didn’t know how to complete it. She simply didn’t have the expertise to finish the job. With deadlines looming, she held herself back from doing a pile of other work, that she easily knows how to do, until she finished her worrisome project.

It turned out that a business associate had already offered, completely free of charge, to help her every step of the way. He also told her point blank that she was fully capable of doing this work on her own once she learned the steps.

All she really needed was help to walk through each step. Then she’d have it.

After she completed his initial instructions, she felt that she should know how to finish it on her own. However, because she had no prior experience with it, there’s no way she could know.

She was stuck because her self-esteem felt jeopardized.

She didn’t want to call him for help because that made her feel there was something wrong with her abilities and herself. That she wasn’t good enough.

So she remained frozen for way too long, which meant she wasn’t receiving income for a stack of work she could do.

By changing her perspective, she was able to see how asking for help had nothing to do with her self-worth, and she was willing to contact him again. 

When going outside the known and our comfort zone, when choosing to take ourselves to another level, it’s likely new tools and skills will be needed. This has nothing to do with not being good enough or a reason to be afraid of rejection!

Once we get over our “yes, buts,” “you don’t understand,”  “I was told this is the way it is (or I am),” “there’s nothing that can be done” and countless other reasons we try to legitimize why we do things the way we’ve always done, new solutions can appear.

The answers to get you through any challenge live within you. You’ll either get pointed in a direction, a direct insight will come, you’ll overhear something by chance… somehow your personal GPS will show you the way.

Pay attention to your inner nudges. They provide clues.

Be open to step back and see things in a new perspective. The seemingly impossible may actually be possible with a different approach.

“Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.”

Niels Bohr, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922

Bohr, who contributed to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, tapped into his creativity to use outside the box thinking, which allowed him to be part of breakthrough discoveries.

Expand your territory. Change your perspective. Open to support and breakthroughs.

P. S. Know someone who might be interested in this post?  Please share.

Original Soulgoals’ Blog was posted on March 26, 2018.

Tired of feeling overwhelmed and want to feel at peace instead?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Are You on the Right Track?

July 17, 2023

You don’t have to hit bottom before making changes. Instead, there’s a way to read the signs to know when it’s time to go in another direction.

These people were ready to go off the deep end and drown in a pool of their own outrage.

• A businesswoman got upset when she received information that stopped an important deal in its tracks.
• Because her boss has it in for her, another woman wondered if she should leave her job.
• Ready to begin his vacation, a man got angry when he arrived and discovered his property had been trashed.

However, when they noticed their emotions were getting the best of them, each stepped back, observed and course corrected by changing their attitudes.

What was the sign that alerted them to shift?

They didn’t feel good because they were angry or irritated, so they knew they were on the wrong track and out-of-alignment with their inner GPS.

A clue that let’s you know if you’re on track or not is how you’re feeling.

What can you do about it? If you’re not happy, release the emotions and be open to take action on new options.

That can take some practice, and it’s an acquired skill.

Yet the faster you notice you’re off track, before momentum runs away to the point of no return, the easier it is to redirect your focus to more empowering perspectives and solutions.

By the way, that’s what each one in the above examples did.

Each discovered great resolutions to their issues. How? They made conscious choices not to let their emotions get the best of them. They pivoted and headed in a new direction.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a new challenge or you’re wondering how the heck your life got to this point; you can choose now to change tracks.

Don’t feel bad and spin your wheels wondering why you’re on a particular track. Just make a decision to change.

No sense in beating yourself up, either, as it doesn’t help.

You’re definitely not alone if you choose to change direction. It’s so common, we have lots of way of saying it.

• Get a fresh start
• Begin a new chapter
• Do-over
• Turn this ship around
• Turn a new leaf
• Pivot
• Course correct
• Shift gears

The good news is that you’re alive, so there’s time for a change, even if it’s just your attitude.

Are you on the right track?

Well, are you having fun yet?

Sometimes all it takes is changing the way you see things for the answers to make themselves known.

Original Soulgoals’ Blog posted on August 15, 2017.

Ready to get your life on the right track?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Be Inspired by Creating Money

July 10, 2023

Sanaya Roman is a best selling author of several books whose purpose is to help people discover more of their true essence as well as directly experience higher states of awareness.  Her works have been translated into over 24 languages and have sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide. 

Creating Money, which was co-written with Duane Packer, teaches how to be in the flow of money while doing what you love.

May you follow your heart and allow your gifts to shine more brightly in the world… and be richly compensated doing what you love! You’ll find greater fulfillment when you do. If not now, when?

With gratitude,


“The spiritual laws of money are universal energy laws that create abundance: the principles of ebb and flow, unlimited thinking, giving and receiving, appreciation, honoring your worth, clear agreements, magnetism, and more.”

“Many of you shun the path of your greatest creativity, joy, and aliveness, thinking that you will not be able to make enough money from it. We want to help you believe that you can have an abundance of money doing what you love to do; we want you to recognize that you do not have to stay in jobs that do not serve you.”

“It is good to measure people’s success not by how much money they make or have, but by the degree to which they are fulfilling their life purpose, are happy about their lives, have the right amount of money, and believe in themselves.”

“Start by acknowledging that you already have a flow in your life, and that what you want is even more days when more money is coming in than going out. If you acknowledged yourself every time you had even one day of more money coming in than going out, you would find the flow increasing in your life.”

“Focus on the abundance you have rather than all the bills.”

“When you look at the past you can see how much progress and forward movement you have made after every ebb.”

“If you have asked for a lot of money and don’t yet have it, your higher self may be helping you change some of your negative beliefs about having money before it brings you what you have asked for.”

“Realize that if you are close to a person who is succeeding, you are beginning to have that same vibration of success yourself.”

“Respond to negative thoughts as you would to small children who do not know any better; simply smile and show them a better way to be.”

“If you cannot believe that something is possible, then you are not going to have it. But if you can have the smallest thought that it might be possible, you are already on your way to creating it. You cannot create something if you do not believe you can have it. Live out your dreams in your mind; picture or feel yourself getting what you want. Hear the words you will say to others and they will say to you when your dreams come true. Make your imaginings so real that they feel possible to create rather than like wishful and distant fantasies.”

Original Sougoals Blog posted on August 6, 2018

Know someone who might
like this? Please forward.

Open to step-by-step support so you can create more money?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals. All rights reserved.

What Would More Freedom Mean to You?

July 3, 2023


The U.S.A. celebrates the 4th of July, the anniversary of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776.

Freedom can be personal, too.

My neighbor posted online that her two dogs escaped the yard.

After she wrote of their safe return, I messaged her saying that I looked for them and had the impression they were out on an adventure.

She replied: “Probably like the time my sister and I decided we would run away from home, jumped out our bedroom window with a pillowcase full of clothes, and got to the end of our gravel driveway before deciding this probably wasn’t a good plan!”

I shared with her a similar experience when I was a little girl, and I had had it!! I packed my small suitcase with the intention of running away – to my nicer, next door neighbors on the other side of the driveway. It ended with the adults having a good laugh about it.

Her response: “I guess we all have our stories about the ‘break for freedom!’ “

Recently I’ve heard several “break for freedom” stories.

They started with how they “had had it.”

Do you yearn for greater freedom about any of these?

  • Worrying about lack – not having enough money, skills, production, time
  • Not feeling good enough, worthy, deserving, adequate
  • Not knowing where to get more business or how to grow it more
  • Longing to share your gifts in a bigger way, with big dreams
  • Really, truly wanting to break with parts of the past and old patterns
  • Procrastination and fear
  • Lack of clarity, doubt
  • Being more appreciated by friends, family, relationships, business associates
  • Different home, vehicle, ways for life to be more fun and meaningful

Have you noticed that whatever happens to you in your life and business, you’re the common denominator?

You’re in every one of your experiences – even though you might feel that others were doing things to you.

Running away from home or yourself doesn’t work because no matter where you go, you’re still there.

Pushing feelings down and ignoring them is a weighty subject. No diet will work if you’re eating emotions creating extra fluff to the butt, hips and tummy.

An effective way to break free is to release old patterns, clarify direction, align your energy for success, design a plan, get support, learn new tools and consciously create.

But where do you start?

Let go.

Instead of trying to figure what you gotta do, worrying, feeling that you have to micro-manage and control things for fear all h___ will break loose… step back, take a breath and let go.

Don’t give up but give over – give over to a divine energy, God or the universe, whatever works for you, a source of Life that’s greater than what you can imagine, which is truly here to help you!

The more you let go, the bigger is the space that you allow for miracles and successes to surprise and delight you.

Know someone who’s ready to break for freedom? Pass this on.

Original Soulgoal Post was on October 4, 2016.

Open to step-by-step support so you can enjoy your life of greater freedom?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Is Someone Trying to Control You?

June 26, 2023

View Post

  • A husband manipulated his wife by convincing her to doubt herself and instead follow his self-centered thinking so she would do what he wanted. He harangued her until she gave him half of her business within two months of their marriage, he spent her inheritance within one day of her receiving it and more. (Ever hear of gaslighting? The term originated from the brilliant, 1944 movie Gaslight with Ingrid Bergman, which you can watch for FREE here: )
  • A woman in her 80s controls the behavior of a man, 20 years younger, with whom she shares a platonic relationship. Initially, she rescued him from a bad situation. Later, they decided to pool their monies, and he built a house for them with his own hands. Legally, they own the house 50-50. Seemed like a great idea at the time. Now, however, she controls him by using her illness and insinuations of moving out-of-state to be with and selling her half of the house to her children. He knows they’d sell it. Therefore, he goes along with whatever she wants because her intimidation clouds his ability to believe in himself as well as find an alternative, empowering solution.
  • A therapist got angry with her coach, who didn’t buy into her fear-based bullying, because she wanted her views to be validated after a break-up in her relationship. Her manipulative tactics included rants of insulting her, blaming others and mocking her coach… even making fun of her because she was dealing with her own personal aftermath of her town’s catastrophic flood that also produced a severe, physical reaction in her from mold. When her coach didn’t bend to her wishes, the therapist upped the ante by raising her voice, serving one nasty and cheap shot after another, and getting more and more upset. Although it was an uncharacteristic tirade, later she was oblivious of what she did. So ended that professional relationship. If you haven’t guessed it, I was the coach.

When change occurs, some people feel they’re losing control. It can feel as if their very life is threatened, and they’ll do whatever it takes to survive – emotionally or otherwise.

Chances are the perpetrators won’t see or believe what they’re doing!

Stand at arm’s length if you try to tell them lest they throw a punch. Ever hear the adage about not trying to teach a pig how to fly? A pig can’t fly, and you’ll just irritate the pig.

Yes, forgive them for they know not what they do… and take care of yourself! You have a responsibility to be steward of YOUR life.

You have a choice to be a follower of someone else’s fears and expectations, and give away your power in the process, or think for yourself.

You won’t be truly happy unless you follow the rhythm of your own drum.

By avoiding dealing with situations like these (and there are countless variations), you might believe that when the people disappear into the sunset, it will be happy trails forevermore. Not true, until you release the underlying cause.

Unless you address your emotional issues (that you may not realize are the core of the problem), you carry this vibration, these feelings, in your energy field. You’ll attract more of the same type of people and experiences in the future, even if your current situation goes away.

Why bother dealing with it?

Is it better not to rock the boat?

Avoid conflict?

Life offers you opportunities to grow, release what’s not serving you and be free.

What should you do? The answer is found within you, as each situation is different.

  • Identify what’s happening.
  • Then thoughtfully make a decision if it’s better to say something or take another approach.
  • How? Release the issue to God and the universe. Let it go.
  • Be open to receive. Be alert for guidance, and take action to follow it when it comes.
  • There’s always an answer. However, it may not come in the form or timing that you expected.

What does this have to do with you, your life and your goals?

If you succumb to fear by kowtowing to please others, you may end up doubting yourself and being unconsciously manipulated and controlled.

Others will live their dream on the shoulders of you limiting or suppressing yours.

You deserve much more.

Edited Soulgoals’ Blog that was originally posted on June 7, 2016

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I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

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What Do You REALLY Want?

June 19, 2023

If you’re thirsty, do you want water or a mirage?

A woman, at a presentation I gave, told me how she was dreading an upcoming holiday.

She and her husband would soon divorce, and he would be with another woman, not with her and the children.

I inquired about their past, holiday celebrations. Were they fun, heart-warming, family times?

Oh no. Those were never happy times. He was usually drunk, and since she became sober, the two of them were even more distant.

What she wanted so dearly wasn’t that man during the holiday but a loving, family gathering.

Yet, she mourned the idea of not spending the holiday together — a lovely idea that didn’t exist at the best of times.

After a brief discussion, she was able to let go of her faulty idea that she’d be missing a wonderful, family experience, one they never had.

When she put this in perspective, her suffering stopped.

Later while in my Soulgoals program, she was able to see more clearly.

Instead of the misery she felt previously, she became happily divorced. She realized she didn’t want a broken family with a person who had neither the interest nor ability to be part of a loving family.

In its place, she designed her ideal, family situation… and manifested it!

Sometimes we get an image of what we think we want and try to superimpose it on a current situation; we try to make it work — even though what’s happening doesn’t match up with what we REALLY want.

Same is true in relationships and business– people fall in love with an idea instead of the actual person or livelihood.

How can you know what you really want?

In my Soulgoals program, I make the distinction this way:

“The soul of your goal satisfies the true intention of your objective. You feel fulfilled and happy when you achieve a goal that has the essence of what you choose and frustrated or disappointed when you don’t.”

Soulgoals: A step-by-step system to live your dreams – even if you failed before, lost hope, are afraid, stuck or confused

Mirages are illusions that look real but ultimately are unfulfilling. They only will frustrate and disappoint when you get closer to them and see them for what they are.

A definition of mirage is something that appears real or possible but in fact isn’t actually so.

Often people chase mirages because they convince themselves they’re the real deal. Mirages can look like water. People need and want water. So they declare it’s water even though it isn’t true.

It reminds me of a woman who laughingly commented on her marriage. Prince Charming became Prince Alarming.

People see what they want to see. Most are happy with their illusions until they get close enough to see that the water was just a mirage.

Here’s why this is good news:

  • You can more clearly discern what you really want when you see what you don’t want,
  • You can change emotional habits, such as feeling disappointed, depressed, angry, frustrated, worried, stressed or being down on yourself or others about what’s not working. Habits and beliefs are just patterns of thoughts and feelings that can shift.
  • You can train your brain to focus on what you really want instead of being fixated on what you don’t want.
  • You can learn how to trust yourself and use your feelings as a GPS.
  • You can enhance your practice of gratitude(When I focus on continuous gratitude, no matter what, things always work out!)

You have power in your clarity.

Even if you realize that what you thought you wanted is out of alignment with what you really want, you can now redirect your focus. Because of your new focus, you can manifest something better than you ever imagined!

By the way, if you think you screwed up and believe beating yourself up will whip you back in shape, think again.

This thinking is a mirage.

Life is designed as a learning experience, which aids your growth. It’s not created with the purpose of disapproving of you. So don’t should on yourself.

It’s all good, including you!

Original Soulgoals Blog was posted on November 27, 2017

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Time to let go of the mirages to enjoy the real thing?

Contact me to learn more:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Are You Teachable?

June 12, 2023

A woman I knew took personal, salsa dancing lessons from a friend of mine who was a popular, salsa teacher in town. While the woman enjoyed dancing, she had little dance training nor did she have experience in the rhythm or style of Latin dance.

However, that didn’t stop her from telling my friend how she was teaching her wrong and what the steps were supposed to be. She wouldn’t listen to anything other than what she wanted to hear, wouldn’t see how the dance actually looked other than her impression of how she thought it was supposed to look, wouldn’t talk about anything other than her interpretation of what the dance was.

After a couple of classes, she decided to stop the lessons.

She wasn’t teachable, and she wouldn’t allow herself to listen or learn beyond her preconceived ideas.

Several years ago, another woman was desperate to join one of my mastermind programs. Part of the experience is 1:1 partnering sessions where every couple of weeks team members switch partners.

In the first week, this woman went to each of five team members to share her story.

After politely listening, each member then redirected her attention to solutions. She wasn’t interested.

Her intention was on others hearing her story and feeling validated. Her focus was centered on her confusion, her circumstances and how what she wanted to do wasn’t working, not on getting on track or creating actual results.

Five people called me individually to tell me how they really tried to help her, but she wasn’t open.  Not getting the type of attention she wanted, she left the group after the second week.

“Listen, be teachable. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them. For as long as you are green, you can grow.”   

Mother Teresa

“Be teachable. That is the whole secret.”  

Vernon Howard

Being heard by others is a gift. Are you also open to receive?

What can you do to be teachable? Choose to be open to the guidance that life brings you moment by moment. Sounds too simple, but your intention will open you to learn.

Are you open to receive ideas and solutions or is your focus on having your story heard? Are you reliving familiar feelings when you repeat your story?

Are you teachable?

First posted on Soulgoals’ Blog, April 23, 2018

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Ready to receive something better for your life, but you don’t know how?


I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Does Your Thinking Need a Whack?

June 5, 2023

Were you thinking, reacting or resisting?

May you enjoy this excerpt from my Soulgoal Missive that I wrote in July 2008, which includes a first date that happened years earlier. Reading it was a good reminder to me about the value of change and how we can resist it. Do you need a whack to your thinking?

After two years of flying solo following my marital separation, somebody asked me out on a date. I could pick any restaurant I wanted – so off we went to a salsa club to dine and take my second dance lesson.

As our discussion progressed during dinner, the topic of relationships arose. Remember, this was my first foray into the dating arena in many a year.

“No, I didn’t notice the tan line on your ring-free, left hand finger signifying you wear a wedding ring and you’re married,” I said to the “gentleman.”

Did I let this throw me? I made a choice to course correct. I was not willing to let this bozo mar the memory of my first date.

I remained undaunted and had a great night with excellent conversation. Turned out he was a lucid and prophetic dreamer with juicy peeks into the aeries of the dream world.

The next and final time we met, I gave him a book on spiritual dreaming and the number of a therapist.

I could handle change like this, but why did I buck at smaller things?

I picked up a message at 11 PM from my hairdresser, the night before my 10 AM appointment, which informed me she moved.

My monkey mind whined. Instead of her being 45 minutes away, she would be an hour away. Wrong. Travel time was only 35 minutes – and the new place was definitely nicer. Why did she move locations? She needed a change.

Then there was the lawn sprinkler. Not having an automated system necessitated moving the sprinkler several times. A friend bought and installed timers. I graciously accepted them but said to myself, “This is a waste; I have to be outdoors to move them around anyway.” Wrong. They are wonderful.

I changed the way I do things. Now I water automatically and forget about it. Later when I have the time, I water the rest.

If you want something you never have had, you have to be willing to do something you never have done.

We want our lives to be different, but we want things to remain the same. We want others to change so we don’t have to.

We often evaluate our options logically and make a decision based on the best knowledge our minds have to offer. But our thinking is so limited compared to the world of possibilities.

“Discovery consists of looking at the same things as everyone else and thinking something different… Those ideas or situations that cause you to get off your routine paths and ‘think something different’ are whacks to your thinking.” 

Roger von Oech
A Whack on the Side of the Head – How You Can Be More Creative

CHANGE is hard when we say we want it, but we don’t want to change ourselves.

We have to make changes to allow our heart’s desires to enter our lives. If we do not respond to the gentle nudges that always precede a change, the two by four whack eventually will bonk us.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to identify where you have been resisting change in your life and look at it from another viewpoint. Take a chance; make a change in your approach.

With a zest for Life,

Success Thought

“Life moves on, whether we act as cowards or heroes.
Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but realize it, than to accept life unquestioningly.
Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or despise, serves to defeat us in the end.
What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy and strength, if faced with an open mind.

Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.”

Henry Miller

Know others who could use help with change? Please share this blog post.

Ready for a change, but you don’t know how?


I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.