Posts Tagged ‘Back pain’

What Is Karma? Is Yours Good or Bad?

February 26, 2024

Before Soulgoals’ Blog, there were Soulgoal Missives. I woke up thinking about this one. It’s from Year 2, No. 14 with a few updates. Get ready to dive in and set yourself free…

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

I thought bad karma or retribution meant if we didn’t do something right, there would be payback, and the results were our life sucked. If we did something good, we get brownie points.

This opened the door to feeling guilty and believing myself or others did something wrong, and our penalty was what didn’t work in our lives.
I may have said I didn’t believe in guilt, but my inner reaction was that my ancestors or I committed a blameworthy activity where some form of cosmic punishment or balance would take place.
It took me years to realize what wasn’t right in my life was my belief in what I felt I deserved.

My history didn’t hold me back; it was my self-esteem and my perspective of what I thought about my past, present and future.

The punitive belief of karma, of which we owe a payment, is a man-made device that can hold people down and serve as a thin veil for the justification of guilt, blame, retaliation, revenge and more. And, in doing so, we diminish ourselves and give away our power.

  • There are no celestial informants with credit and debit tally sheets regarding if what we’re doing is right or wrong!
  • We are not being ethereally blackmailed with karma and our past is not being held over our heads. 
  • Instead, the universe is about Love and learning our lessons. It’s our choice if we make learning hard or with ease and grace.

If our spirit chooses to learn something, it repeats an experience or something similar. When we learn the underlying lessons and let go, we’re free to move on.

Life situations are not judgments or penalties based on:

  • We did something wrong.
  • There’s something wrong with us or others.
  • We’re being mystically attacked by evil forces or people.
  • We’re a victim of circumstances that are out of our control.
  • We’re bad or stupid…

…and now we’re gonna pay for it.

We are in the process of realizing what our true Self is and is not, and how our choices, attitudes, feelings, thoughts and vibration impact, actually create, our outer circumstances.

Was a decision we made a good one? How did it affect others and ourselves? If our choices need refining, we have a blessed opportunity to give them another whirl and experience different results. Each whirl creates a different nuance in the lesson learned, even though the outcome may look the same at times.
Remember how patterns change on a kaleidoscope every time you turn it? It’s fascinating to see the possibilities. Our choices are like turning a kaleidoscope to see different colors in our lives.
If some of those choices are harmful, limiting, or negative, even though we may not realize they are, or if we simply need to learn, the energy generated causes consequences, such as someone going to jail, people breaking off associations, being unhappy, feeling trapped, disasters, or our bodies creating dis-ease.

  • If our thoughts and actions are vibrationally out of synch, we carry an energy and emotion with us that will attract more of whatever we put out. As the saying goes, good intentions can pave the way to hell. Maybe what we thought was the best way really isn’t.
  • If we’re selfish or greedy, we’ll attract selfishness and greed.
  • If we feel guilty, we’ll attract others blaming us and then have experiences that validate our belief that we did something wrong.
  • If we feel we’re stuck, we’ll continue to attract circumstances that won’t make a liar out of us. If we say we’re stuck or broke, so be it. From our lips to God’s ears. We’ll continue to receive what we say but don’t want. Every word from our mouths is an affirmation. Watch what you say.
  • If our attempts to improve our health or finances in a different way didn’t work for us or others in the past, so we have a belief that improvement might not be possible, we’re being negative. We may then experience a self-fulfilling prophecy of not getting better. Another choice: you can be the exception. Because of your positive expectation, things will always work out for you.
  • If we rescue others from their circumstances, thinking we’re helping them, we’ll experience others not appreciating us as we give away our time and life force. Or they depend on us instead of learning their lessons. Help, yes. Compassion, yes. “Try” to teach them, fix their situations or do it for them so they aren’t doing for themselves, that’s rescuing and holding them back.
  • If we doubt something will work, it probably won’t.

When in doubt, kick it out.


“Trying” is a forward-looking excuse for failure. Trying is on a vibration of doubt. “I don’t think it will work, but I’ll try.” We learned this as children as a way out. “Well, I triiied but it didn’t work.” Trying is a negative approach to life.
If we try, there’s a greater probability we won’t succeed. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Do no try! Instead vibrationally claim the energy of success first, then take action. Do or do not.
Trying creates what we don’t want, and then we can say it was karma. It’s not meant to be. It didn’t work. Timing was off. Others can get results, but not me. It’s not for everyone. Let’s be honest; settle and make the best of it.
However, it may not be any of these. It’s what you energetically set up for yourself.
Changing the perspective of our memories, emotions, and perception frees our past, present and future.
Can you see that our lives are the way they are not because of karma but unconscious choices? What are you thinking and feeling? You’ll get more of that, not because of karma.

When we let go of the emotion we attached to an experience, it has no hold on us; it loses its power.

Often the reason we feel life is hard is because we attach an emotion and story to circumstances that make them feel hard.


When we let go of the emotion we attached to an experience, it has no hold on us; it loses its power.

Often the reason we feel life is hard is because we attach an emotion and story to circumstances that make them feel hard.

Do you have persistent pain? Let go of the emotional charge. If it’s in your back, for example, let go of the past. Back pain can be created from emotional pain that’s in back of you, behind you, in your past, that may be stuffed. Forgive. Stop feeling sorry for yourself or being a victim or thinking things can work for others but not you or harboring the trauma or just accepting it.

During my (last) phone conversation with my chiropractor, regarding debilitating back pain, I told him, “I just want to be normal.” He raised his voice and replied, “You will NEVER be normal!” Regardless, I firmly believed I would. It was a journey, but I completely healed my back.

Change the story you’re telling yourself about your pain or illness.

Life is meant to be challenging but not a struggle!

During and after a marriage, I experienced financial devastation. I wondered what I did in the past to create this misery as I had a six-figure income before I married. I finally realized my finances suffered because my “karma” was that I thought I had karma, and I was paying off a debt. I believed I did something wrong to deserve this, even though I had no idea what that was. Consequently, my life reflected my belief of lack.
Karma or retribution is often regarded as a punishment such as, you didn’t get it right before, so now you’re here to pay for it, get your act together and get it right. 

From a spiritual level we choose to learn lessons, and other Souls participate to help. That’s why the biggest jerks and irritants in our lives are our greatest teachers. We assist each other to learn from different points of view. If we didn’t get the lesson, there will be more opportunities to learn.

 Karma is learning from different points of view. It’s not a punishment.

If our human self didn’t learn the lesson, our spiritual Self ups the ante to get our attention, and an even more challenging lesson comes to us. We do it to ourselves because we desire to learn. It’s not good or bad. We’re not being punished or tested or tempted or paying back or attacked or tricked or preyed upon by some force outside ourselves. We’re learning.
If we feel we are bad, we create bad around us. Law of attraction. Like energy attracts like energy.
It reminds me of a woman whose teenaged son regularly did a sloppy job on his homework. When she inquired why he performed as he did, he told her that she kept calling him lazy, so he decided to act that way.
Our beliefs create similar life circumstances.

What do you expect?

Judging others implies they are not good enough, undermines their self-confidence, and is the fastest way to keep them down. It’s a way of controlling to gain power or feel good about ourselves. At least we’re better than that.
What would leave you feeling more supported? Someone judging you about how you got into this mess. Someone wondering how you’ll ever get through this. Feeling sorry for you or saying “poor you.”
Or being told, “I believe in you, and I believe you can get through this.”
We undermine ourselves by self-criticism and self-judgment, too. We can choose judgment. Or we can choose opportunities to learn other options, such as compassion, understanding everything is in divine order, and overcoming lack (such as who we are and what we’re doing is not enough).


There is no need for regret, because if we knew better, we would’ve done things differently. Then we wouldn’t be in the fixes we find ourselves. But we didn’t know better. These are the lessons we are here to learn.

Therefore, regret is living in the past and a waste of time and precious energy.

There’s no need to blame anyone, ourselves, or malevolent forces. The devil or evil influences didn’t make us do anything or cause our lives harm. It’s not bad luck.

We’re at different stages of the learning curve and doing the best we can. We wouldn’t fault a first grader for not knowing chemistry. In high school, everyone doesn’t take the same subjects at the same time, even if they are required courses; we learn different lessons at different times.

Today, we would sidestep in a flash some situations we found ourselves in ten years ago. We did the best we could then, so now we’re here. The purpose is to learn and grow, not to be perfect or chastise ourselves.

My girlfriend told me if she married a different man, her life would’ve been easier. Maybe so, but if not from her marriage, she would’ve learned to stand up for herself another way. At that time, she chose her domestically violent marriage to learn her lessons.

If only we knew better, we should’ve, would’ve, could’ve… but we didn’t. If we knew, we would’ve done something differently. Everything is in divine order. Our experiences expand our awareness and create the people we are now.

The idea is to live, love, learn – and have fun!
The purpose is not to be perfect as there is no such thing.

We are all divinely loved unconditionally regardless of what we do or did or what we think about ourselves or what others think about us.
We can choose to make our journey with greater ease and grace. No pain, no gain is another erroneous program we bought into. Who said that’s the way it has to be?

Everything is given to us according to our belief.
You can choose to learn your lessons with grace and ease.
Choose to learn in GENTLE ways!

If we say life is difficult, it is. Hardship and suffering do not make us more spiritual. We can choose to be in divine flow.

What are you affirming?

We have a choice to focus on suffering or unconditional love, chaos or peace, anger or forgiveness. It’s a free choice planet; our choices determine our quality of living and being.

My parents were loving people, but every morning I heard my mom say about my dad, “I wonder what that S…O…B… is going to do to make my life miserable today.” What a daily affirmation! Naturally, he always did something to annoy and anger her. With their words and actions, they kept this vicious circle endlessly spinning until he opted out by having fatal strokes.

She made her life miserable by her choice of words, viewpoint, beliefs, attitude, and actions and then blamed her unhappiness on him. It was easier to blame than to take responsibility for her life.

There is no good or bad karma. It’s just learning.

Life is what you make it.

We have the gift of choice to believe what we choose not just what we are told.

The more we let go of the past and consciously choose, the more we attract what we desire.

We can learn to make more conscious decisions.

Socrates said, “To find yourself, think for yourself.”

Everything is given according to our belief.

Your challenge, if you choose to accept, is to look at what’s not working in your life but believe that’s the way it has to be.

Be more conscious. Boldly look at your situation as if it were someone else’s life.

  • What’s another way you could perceive it?
  • If you changed your belief, how could your life be different?
  • What action can you take to make a change in a better direction?

With a zest for Life,


Success Thought

 “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.”

Matthew 8:13

Ready to break free and live a life of your choice? You can.

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I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

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