Archive for December, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

December 25, 2023

YOU Matter and Make a Difference! You’ve Really Had a Wonderful Life.

December 18, 2023


Need a lift? Life getting you down? Mistakes or questionable choices you’ve made seem to be piling up? Or perhaps you’re doing great and would love to feel even better.

It’s that time of year when the 1946 movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” can put your life in perspective.

In case you missed it, when George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stuart, hit rock bottom and was ready to jump off a bridge and end his life, Clarence the angel appeared. In the midst of his profound discouragement, George thought that maybe it would’ve been better if he was never born.

Words being powerful, Clarence got the idea to show him what life would be like for others if that were true.

Here are some quotes from the movie:

CLARENCE (to himself): Hmm, this isn’t going to be so easy. (to George) So, you still think killing yourself would make everyone feel happier, eh?

GEORGE (dejectedly): Oh, I don’t know. I guess you’re right. I suppose it would have been better if I’d never been born at all.

CLARENCE: What’d you say?

GEORGE: I said I wish I’d never been born.

CLARENCE: Oh, you mustn’t say things like that. You … wait a minute. Wait a minute. That’s an idea. (glances up toward heaven) What do you think? Yeah, that’ll do it. All right. You’ve got your wish. You’ve never been born.

Scenes followed where George was able to see the difference he made in people’s lives. Here are some examples.

CLARENCE: Your brother, Harry Bailey, broke through the ice and was drowned at the age of 9.

GEORGE: That’s a lie! Harry Bailey went to war! He got the Congressional Medal of Honor! He saved the lives of every man on that transport.

CLARENCE: Every man on that transport died! Harry wasn’t there to save them because you weren’t there to save Harry.

You see, George, you’ve really had a wonderful life. Don’t you see what a mistake it would be to throw it away?

George began to see the difference his life made when he saw the impact he’s had, not only on his brother’s life, but on the lives of friends, family and others.

GEORGE (exasperated while talking with a dear friend who doesn’t recognize him… because he hadn’t been born): Seen your wife? I’ve been to your house a hundred times.

ERNIE: Look, bud, what’s the idea? I live in a shack in Potter’s Field, and my wife ran away three years ago and took the kid … and I ain’t never seen you before in my life.

George discovered that without keeping his well-meaning but scattered Uncle Billy on track, he didn’t do so well. 

MA BAILEY: When’d you see him last?

GEORGE: Today, over at the house.

MA BAILEY: That’s a lie. He’s been in the insane asylum ever since he lost his business. And, if you ask me, that’s where you belong.

CLARENCE: Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?

GEORGE: Clarence! Clarence! Help me, Clarence! Get me back! Get me back, I don’t care what happens to me! Get me back to my wife and kids! Help me Clarence, please! Please! I want to live again. I want to live again. Please, God, let me live again.

And when George returned to his life, he found that his crisis was solved with help from friends.

(4) It’s A Wonderful Life – “Each man’s life touches so many other lives” – YouTube (1 minute, 28 seconds)

Regardless of your ups or downs, you make a difference. 

If you have pets, they know it. So do many others.

Even if you think you’re all alone, that stranger who you smiled at felt better. Or maybe you extended a kindness by letting someone’s car go in front of you, and they felt grateful — only you didn’t know it. Or you took a moment to listen to someone who needed to be heard.

In small ways and big ones, you do matter and make a difference.

If you look past outer experiences, circumstances and limiting perceptions of yourself, you can let yourself see that you matter and you really do have a wonderful life.

Even if we’ve never met, I’m grateful for you, too! You’re alive, which means you have a purpose for being here. You have nothing to prove.


With gratitude,


P.S. Is there someone who you’d like to know that they make a difference? Please share.

Edited from original Soulgoals’ post of December 17, 2018

Ready to apprecate yourself? You DO make a difference!!

Contact me and learn how.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

To Risk, or Not to Risk, That Is the Question

December 11, 2023

No one really likes to change. Well, we say we do, but we only want the so-called bad things to change. We’d like other things to stay just the way they are, thank you very much.

We want others to change and for us to stay the same. 

However, when one part of a system changes, everything is affected. It’s like when the body gets hurt – the right leg may be injured, but the other side of the body compensates.

We often resist change. Call it bad. Likewise, when the “good” changes come, everything shifts. In the process, it can feel uncomfortable. 

But when it becomes too painful to stay put and remain tight, we’re willing to risk in ways that we may otherwise have thought too painful.

Dynamic scene before the storm.
Guadalupe River State Park

Oh, why not? If you know you’re going to make a change anyway, put yourself out of your misery or discomfort. Take a risk. Be willing to go for the change. Enjoy blossoming!

Reprinted from Soulgoals’ Post of October 18, 2010

Ready to break free? It’s less of a risk than you might imagine.

Learn how and contact me.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Confused? Going in 2 Directions Takes You Nowhere. Here’s How to Get Clarity.

December 4, 2023

Arms outstretched with people gently pulling from either side, participants of my workshop felt what it’s like to go in opposite directions at the same time.

The results: they swayed a bit to the left and right, but stayed in the same position, going nowhere.

Your contradictory thoughts can keep you stuck, too: a part of you wants to go forward while another holds you back.

You hope for better, but your thoughts keep you where you are.

How do you know if you have contradictory thoughts? Here are a couple of examples.

You choose success. But there are those pesky, opposing voices.

  • You worry about things, like what if doesn’t work. Remember what happened before and how disappointed you felt? Maybe people who pointed out your limitations were right. What were you thinking? And who are you to make more money than your parents?
  • Better play it safe. Save yourself from discouragement and failure. Don’t even bother trying or get out while you can.

You choose to be in a relationship or a better one. But even if you meet Mr. or Ms. Right, with attitudes like these, it might not go anywhere or the relationship could be unsatisfying.

  • Oh, get real. They start out great, and then they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Look at your history. Yes, you long for a loving partner. But if you haven’t found “the one” by now, it’s too late. They probably won’t like the way you look, anyway.
  • Better not get your hopes up. Just resign yourself to being alone.

When your energy goes in opposite directions:

  1. You feel discouraged, and your confidence wanes. Frustration, hopelessness, fear, depression, anger, guilt or shame can creep in. You find it hard to be yourself and feel happy.
  2. Your energy is like Pigpen, who’s pictured above, from the Charlie Brown comics. Your doubt and diminishing self-opinion swirl around you. People can feel it, which motivates them to disappear from your life.

Conflicting thoughts can drive you bonkers and cause the biblical lament to come true. 

“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”

Job:3:25 KJV

Here’s step-by-step how to get clarity.

Make a choice to focus on one direction at a time. Then act on it.

How? By believing (as much as you can) in yourself, your dreams, your goals. It’s a simple choice. Don’t make it complicated with your yes buts and conflicting thoughts. You can do this. It’s just a choice.

How much belief? All it takes is the faith of a mustard seed. They’re tiny. Check out the size in your kitchen or supermarket.

On average, people only access 10% of their true essence. The rest is the personality, seen in everyday life, that’s often filled with doubts and negativity.

  1. Choose to align with the 90% that’s your inner Self. Now you’ve tapped into your infinite potential!
  2. Step back and observe the thoughts in your head that aren’t helpful. Decide to change them for something more positive. 
  3. Ask, right now, for 100% of you to be present. In this moment, your life is on track for greater happiness and to be more focused, single-minded, Soul-directed. It takes practice, especially if you’re in the habit of complaining about others, your past or current conditions.
  4. Appreciate yourself and acknowledge things that are working.

You absolutely have the ability to align more and more with your inner Self. It’s who you are!

With focused, positive energy, you can powerfully be successful in the direction you choose or someplace better!

Edited from original the Soulgoals’ post of December 13, 2016

Had enough of the inner conflict and ready to move past it?

I invite you to contact me.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.