Posts Tagged ‘Worrying about problems’

Find Answers to ANY Problem

October 23, 2023

The Skating Minister by Henry Raeburn

What if you had a way to find an answer to ANY problem?  You do, and soon I’ll show you how.

First, instead of feeling down about what’s going on, remember there is always a silver lining to every problem. If things in the world look crazy, consider this.

If there’s an infected wound, it must be cleaned well to properly heal.

You may want an immediate cure. A band aid would be fast and easy. But an infection slows the wound healing process, especially of longstanding issues.

Step back and look at the big picture of possible, positive outcomes.

Can you find specific answers to what worries you? You can, and here’s how to find them.

I’ll share with you my dream that gave me a roadmap. 

Let’s say you wanted to ice skate in the winter, but there was nowhere to do it.

However, you had a place where water could be added to create a pond.

So you filled that space using an available water supply.

Gave it time to freeze.

Now you can skate.

Makes sense. And what does this have to do with anything?

Where’s your focus?

Worrying about problems is how we might believe we’re being responsible, but that’s looking in the wrong direction for answers. Although habits can be hard to break, you do have other choices.

You could:

  • Whine about not being able to skate because there isn’t a place to do it.
  • Blame wildlife for drinking the water that could’ve frozen.
  • Feel sorry for yourself or tell your story so others could feel sorry for you.

However, if you choose any of these, you still can’t skate .

You can’t have a problem without already having the answer.
But if you keep looking at the problem and feeling bad about it, you won’t see the solution!

You have a place within, at the core of who you are, that already has your answers. 
When you’re open to receive, you allow your inner guidance to provide you with answers.

Let’s consider a solution to finding a place to skate.

To continue with this metaphor, if you allow time to transform liquid to solid, thoughts and feelings can materialize into solutions.

Here’s where Mastermind Principle #3 from my Soulgoals program comes in handy:

I trust my Self and listen to the voice within.

What if you stay loyal to the what-if-it-doesn’t-work thinking?

Results: Frustration, anger, blame, struggle, complications and disappointment. Same ole, same ole. Your focus is on what doesn’t work, so you magnetize more of the same. Success goes up and down like a seesaw.

Sound familiar?

What else can your do? How can you skate through life?

First step:  Notice how you greet situations.

Is it with fear, doubt, discouragement or other negative feelings?

Instead, focus on any positive experiences you’ve ever had about situations like this.

If you don’t have one, imagine how you’d like it to be. 

Here are examples:

  • Before a sales presentation or any potentially challenging situation, remember a time that went great. It doesn’t matter if you’ve put your foot in your mouth a hundred times before. But if once, your long-lost uncle bought a candy bar you were selling in grade school, and you felt happy, go to those thoughts and good feelings. Good feelings and memories only.
  • Feeling weak in the knees because you’re about to talk with someone? Instead, recall moments of an empowering interaction.

If you’re used to feeling the other shoe is going to fall, feeling good may seem downright unnatural. However, with practice and positive results, you’ll feel more comfortable.

Forget what you may have heard about doubting yourself. That was misery wanting company.

Feeling good IS your natural state. It’s the portal to finding your answers.

Enjoy skating.

Edited from Soulgoals’ Post of October 27, 2015.

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I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

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