Archive for January, 2014


January 29, 2014

What do you get if you combine networking, masterminding and clarity while having fun? A Mastermind Roundtable & Networking meeting where meaningful connections meet inspiration.

Although intended to be a one-time happening earlier this month, the results were so expansive and associations so meaningful that by the end of the meeting we decided to keep the momentum going.

Here’s why it works:
You invoke the mastermind energy when two or more come together in harmony. The mastermind is highly charged energy greater than the mind can conceive. It has the ability and does produce results beyond your wildest dreams. It’s unlimited and often creates in far better ways than you could plan.

On Sunday, February 16, 2-5 PM, at Joe’s Crab Shack in Austin, TX 78704, you and your friends are invited to experience a unique event and form of masterminding to unlock your heart’s desires so you can experience miracles beyond your wildest expectations and LIVE what you know to be true.

You’ll exchange Resolved for Results masterminding with three different people as you expand your vision of possibilities and are motivated to take action.

Need clarity? Do you know what you don’t want but not what you want? You’ll find that out, too. For those who attended last time, we’ll do something equally valuable and fun but different.

Reserve your complimentary place on Eventbrite now at

Here’s what some took away from our last meeting:
I’ve been in a rut for a couple of years. Now I’m inspired and recharged. Being in a group works best, especially if you work alone.
• Empowering. Loved connecting and networking with like-minded, positive, quality people.
• I set goals where before I had ideas. Now I’m ready to take action.
• Never felt so incredibly cared for.

Discover how you can accelerate receiving what you want in life AND do it with grace and ease. It’s time to leave the crazy busy, crazy people and overall crazy life in the past – it’s so two seconds ago.

The program abounds with rich experiences, relationships and content making it an excellent investment of time for those attending locally or traveling from afar.

While there is no charge for the meeting, please consider ordering food or a non-alcoholic beverage from the menu.

Dress? It’s the weekend, so relax and come casual.

Register now to reserve your space and enjoy the infusion of life-changing energy.

There are so many positive and dynamic changes in my life, and I’m looking forward to sharing this abundance with you!

Your FREE Gift

January 4, 2014

YOUCANDOIT YES“This year was a little rough, but next year is going to be the best ever.” Sound familiar? We hear this sentiment echoed every December.

Here’s how you can make those words and feelings come true. As Wayne Dyer said, “Our intention creates our reality.”

Let’s start 2014 in a vortex of setting intentions to make your dreams come true with a group of like-spirited, positive people at a FREE Mastermind Roundtable at Joe’s Crab Shack, 600 E. Riverside Drive, Austin, TX 78704 on Sunday, January 5 from 2-4:30 PM.

Napoleon Hill popularized masterminding in his classic book Think and Grow Rich.

When two or more gather in harmony, a mastermind energy is created.
The mastermind
raises you above the mental chatter of fear and limit and opens you to miracles and success which support you to get results that exceed your wildest imagination.

The mastermind is highly charged energy greater than the mind can conceive. It can and does create results beyond your wildest expectations, in ways you couldn’t plan.

You’ll learn and see demonstrated a unique form of masterminding. You’ll be able to see and feel your goals as if they’re happening now. The more clearly you see yourself living your goals and dreams, the more quickly you enjoy them as a living reality.

During the Mastermind Roundtable, you’ll have an opportunity to exchange Resolved for Results masterminding with three different people and experience your goals in ways that exceed your ideas about them. It will inspire you to expand your vision as well as motivate you to take action.

But first, we’ll have a fun, goal-setting exercise which you’ll be able to take home with you as a daily, visual reminder of what you choose for 2014.

Plus, you’ll create an action plan so you DO something about your intentions.

All this while having fun with friendly, supportive people focused on making everyone’s dreams coming true.

This is my gift to you to start the year. You deserve it!

If you’re inclined to order a drink or food at Joe’s Crab Shack, that would be kindly.

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to this, kind of new, finally can share with friends and family what you’ve been talking about, been away from masterminding for a while or in a group.  You’re all invited to enjoy.

What’s the value of this? Priceless. Envision you being inspired and accessing a powerful energy source that guides you to manifest your goals with grace and ease. What a way to start your 2014!

After the holidays, it can take time to generate momentum on your business and goals. Instead, get a jumpstart.

To register, leave a comment or just show up.

Friends and family are invited.

It’s time to take action so your 2014 is the best year ever!