Archive for September, 2012


September 25, 2012

Magnet and its magnetic field

After the universe’s exuberant response to my calamitous focus of “what else can go wrong,” I made new choices.  One was to open to receive… let’s say certain relationships in my life. I didn’t dwell, need, beg or long for it.  I stated my intentions with conviction and let them go.

I was soon reminded what I set in motion. Here’s an example: a Twitter Direct Message (DM) from a handsome and distinguished young man.

Miss Virginia how r u? I like u…plz add me on (Skype and email address).

I messaged that I added him to my mailing list. OK?

He responded quickly, but before I had time to read it I received this tweet.

@Soulgoal answer about direct message 🙂

Here’s what it said:

Ok..but how old r u? I prince from saudi in U.S….I wanna meet u.

I didn’t think “me Tarzan, you Jane” would mean much. So, I pro-actively opted for: I’m old enough to know that a prince from Saudi Arabia wouldn’t be interested.

Add to this the construction worker who saw my photo and decided I would move to Ohio to be his wife and raise his teen-age son, a sweet, single Brit who wants to huk up and be my best friend, lovely connections from friends, etc.

I respect the vulnerability and courage it took for some to reach out. Even though some of these didn’t work for me, here’s what I learned.

My intentions created movement! Suddenly people I know and don’t know are contacting me. My energy is open to receive which activated the Law of Attraction. People who responded to my search beam first were those within reach of it – more are coming. Creating a laser focus would help, too.

The process is not always perfect at first which allows room for refinement – but NOT giving up.

Think about the implications for YOU: the doors it opens, pending miracles, the practical use in your work, finances and personal life. You don’t have to know where or how it works. Ask believing you can receive and take action.

To manifest, launch light-hearted energy with trust and clear intentions. This wavelength is conducive to receive positive results on the return swing of the pendulum. Feel good energy goes out; experiences come back creating more  feeling good.

We are energy beings. Life is a reflection of thoughts, words, feelings and attitudes = energy. You can consciously use this energy to allow the Law of Attraction to work on your behalf.

What do you CHOOSE to create?

  • Energize your choices with good feelings.
  • Ask for what you choose.
  • Let them go.
  • Trust the universe is working on your behalf.
  • Anticipate the best.
  • Recalibrate your request, if needed.

Have fun creating a wonderful life!

And to the charming man who’s showered me with messages, a text and phone call – consider using the Law of Attraction to find someone who would mutually enjoy your company for walks and talks through an online dating service.


September 14, 2012

Willie Nelson sings about life going from one crazy thing to another in his lyrics “last thing I needed first thing this morning was to have you walk out on me.” Welcome to what my world – was.

It started innocently a few months ago with my cat waking me up daily at 4:45 AM to go out. I couldn’t get back to sleep, didn’t stop to take naps, and stayed up until midnight. Too many activities and long days fried my adrenals, and I had to take a couple of weeks off from work. With my energy at its lowest and pain from a jammed hip bone at its highest, I received shocking news about a friend that left me reeling.

Because of my exhaustion I was more susceptible to things affecting me, and the downward spiral began. My computer broke. I ordered a new PC only to learn most of my address book had to be manually replaced – this saga continued for five weeks. My AC stopped working in 100° weather. Meantime, my cell phone went awry, and I missed a group coaching call. My headset, mouse and income went kaput, and even my toilet clogged. To say working was a challenge is an understatement.

I kept positive by going to sleep and waking up focused on gratitude and journaled about what was working. However, during the day, I thought about what wasn’t working.

I felt sad resignation as I listened almost imperceptibly to my deceased mother’s mantra “if it’s not one thing, it’s another.” An old program of what-else-can-go-wrong ran in the background.

After a while I lost interest in bouncing back and thought I’d ride it out to the bottom.


Imagine going to work wearing a great pair of shoes and tie or handbag… dressed in shabby pajamas. Likewise, I thought I was upbeat because I gave verbiage to being positive and practiced gratitude in the morning and night. However, my beat up attitude was running like a computer program in the background.

Sandwiched throughout the day between my positive focus, I visualized and felt what I didn’t want – what next? I used my attention and depleted energy to spin around what was wrong instead of what I chose to happen. So, I created more problems.

God was neither punishing or ignoring me. Life didn’t have it in for me. There wasn’t a metaphoric lesson or karma catching up. I wasn’t cursed, and Satan wasn’t interfering. I wasn’t doing anything wrong that needed a pause to redirect. I was enough and doing enough, and I wasn’t doomed for failure. I wasn’t doing any of the gazillion conclusions people erroneously come to when they wonder why is this happening to me. Why aren’t things working?

No outside force was responsible for my life. I created results from my attitude and attention. The universe energetically matched my thoughts and feelings.

Energy flows where attention goes. What else can go wrong? My prayers were answered. The universe replied with new calamities.

Visualizing isn’t just what happens during a visualization exercise. It includes predominant feelings and thoughts during the day.

You, too, create more of what you focus on and can make new choices. You can do it without owies from beating yourself up or building a case to support the stories you tell about your life.


  1. Ask your inner powerhouse, your soul energy, to empower you.
  2. Visualize with feeling what you choose throughout the day.
  3. Take one step at a time.
  4. Find and implement ways to rest and take care of yourself instead of tolerating fatigue.
  5. Talk with supportive people. Masterminding your goals and dreams empowers you and refocuses your vision.

Remember, the fastest way out of a hole is to stop digging it. No matter what’s going on, it’s not going to last forever. This too shall pass.

Now it’s your turn. What are your predominant thoughts and feelings throughout the day? Any old programs running in the background? How about dumping those pjs?