Archive for August, 2019

Congrats to Carol Warkoczewski and How She Won the Luna Award!

August 27, 2019
Carol Warkoczewski speaking after receiving her Luna Award

The Luna Awards celebrate the achievements of women-owned businesses and advocates who promote and develop women at all levels in Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

The category of Outstanding Professional of the Year had eight nominees… and our Carol Warkoczewski won!

Nominees for the Luna Awards from San Antonio were recognized at the prestigious Tobin Center for the Performing Arts on August 23, 2019, with onstage congratulations offered by three councilwomen and an inspiring talk by the mayor’s wife, Erika Prosper.

Who is Carol Warkoczewski?

For those who may not be familiar with her, Carol is a Senior Architect for the City of San Antonio as well as the founder, Chief Vision Officer and board chair of I-LinCP, the Institute for Leadership in Capital Projects.

Carol has received “Professional Recognition” in San Antonio Business Journal’s “People on the Move.”  Among other noteworthy mentions, she is a popular speaker, including appearances on the national stage of the American Institute of Architects’ conventions.

Why Carol Won

First, Carol deserves it! She exemplifies servant leadership, and people recognize her accomplishments and service.

She told me, “I was really happy to be nominated. They emphasized that being nominated for this award is because someone believes in you and that you exemplify that category. When I won, cheers went up, and a lot of people were supporting me – even though I didn’t know them.”

She felt happy and proud when a contractor in attendance told her, “I have a nine year old daughter, and it’s women like you who are examples for her.”

She added, “He said from his heart, ‘You absolutely deserve this. I’m so happy for you.'”

Why She Didn’t Panic When Time Seemed Against Her

“When I got the email that I had been nominated, I had to put together a packet for the application. At the same time, I was organizing a conference, and the due date for the application was Friday, the last day of the conference.

I didn’t panic; I thought I’d get it done.

“I had the faith and clarity that all is in divine order and timing and not to worry. It’s all going to be fine, and don’t panic.”

“Then the Luna committee pushed the deadline to Sunday, so I had the weekend to review the packet and have others review it for me, too.

Why Winning the Award Wasn’t a Surprise

I thought, “It would not surprise me if I won.”

During the time that Carol’s been coaching with me, since January 2000, she’s learned numerous manifesting techniques (that is, how to clarify what you want and attain it), which includes principles, perspectives, tools and how to use one’s imagination and visualize.

“I saw myself on stage. I just felt I was going to win.”

Additionally, she implemented, with a partner, an ancient method called masterminding.

In masterminding, a word coined by Napoleon Hill, author of the classic book Think and Grow Rich, an energy is created when two or more gather in harmony for a specific purpose. This mastermind energy can and does manifest goals, often beyond our wildest imagination.

In fact, Carol developed the idea for I-LinCP, which now has grown to four chapters in Texas, during the time she was on a mastermind team in 2009. 

When we received a text a few hours after Carol’s win, her partner replied, “Just like we masterminded!!! Knew it! Awesome. And so be it!”

Carol will join other awardees at the 13th Annual Regional Hispanic Contractors Association (RCHA)’s Women in Architecture, Engineering & Construction Business Conference & Luna Awards Luncheon in Dallas/Fort Worth on Thursday, October 31, 2019, where the winners have been given a night’s stay at the Omni Hotel.

If you’d like to be
more focused,
clarify your direction,
build your confidence
and hone your energy to
create the life or
business you choose,

contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Not Getting What You Want? Here’s Why.

August 21, 2019

Here’s what happened to two of my clients that cut them off from getting what they wanted… and how they turned it around.

1. Before we started coaching, a man was tens of thousands of dollars in the hole. Soon after, he turned his business around and in the last year has socked away many, many tens of thousands in savings.

However, he had a major meltdown about the “bitter reality” of not being able to get something he had been looking forward to having. Although the upset occurred in his personal life, his tremendous momentum in sales came to a halt.

Usually, at the beginning of his sessions, he listed so many deals that I couldn’t write them all down. This time, he said his business was anemic. Nothing going on at all!

By the end of his session, he did a 180 turnaround as he “put things in perspective.” 

He said, “I trust I can deal with this better and more appropriately. I’m in a better spot now. I’m more comfortable about moving forward.

“I now feel gratitude for what I have instead of disappointment for what I don’t have.”

Less than two hours later, he got a call about a new prospect. The following day he had a new client!

Energy attracts like energy. What’s felt in some part of one’s life spills over to the rest of it. When he felt frustrated and disappointed, he magnetized other situations, like lack of clients, so he could continue feeling frustrated and disappointed. When he felt more positively, he attracted success.

2. Starting last fall, a seasoned professional’s business plummeted, and she was living off credit cards.

Shortly after coaching with me this year, she successfully turned her business around as she attained her goal of $1 million in monthly sales.

Suddenly, it all came to a standstill. $700,000 of deals completely fell through with no prospects on the horizon.

What happened?

She was brought up to believe that you have to work hard to get what you want. However, she met a guy last fall, and they’ve been having fun, fun, fun!

Recently, she’s been having so much fun that her limiting belief that “work has to be hard” crept back again. Her financial flow stopped cold in its tracks.

She became aware of her faulty belief, and let it go. During this week’s session, she reported that she’s on track to achieve her goal of $1 million of transactions next month, the time it takes for her deals to process. 

In the meantime, she received a call asking her to consider a totally unexpected, significant income stream. This put needed cash in her pocket now and will continue to do so in the future.

A simple thought that life and work have to be hard impacts results. When her fun life became incongruent with that erroneous belief, something had to give. For her, it was to stop making money. That is, until she caught on and turned it around.

Not getting what you want? There’s an underlying reason for the disconnect.

Change your perspective to turn your life around. Imagine differently. Start by seeing through the eyes of gratitude and having more fun.

Life is supposed to be fun. No one is taking score of any kind, and if you will stop taking score so much, you will feel a whole lot better — and as you feel a whole lot better, more of the things that you want right now will flow to you… All is really well. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun!


If you’d like help clearing 
limiting beliefs so you

can have what you want,
contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved

Angry? Frustrated? Here’s What I Wrote to my Client.

August 12, 2019
Here’s an excerpt of an email I sent a client who’s been experiencing challenges.

Recently, I’ve observed people transitioning from the way their life has been to something new and different. That can bring up a variety of feelings, some pleasant and others not so much.
I remember thinking in the early 1990s that my entire life was about frustration. There wasn’t any part of it that worked, from health, finances and career to my marriage. All were falling apart. This perfect storm became the springboard that has shaped the rest of my life of personal discovery and helping people like you.

Change is in the air, welcoming it, liking it, wanting it or not.
For some, it’s an exciting adventure.
For others, a dark cloud hangs overhead.
You, like the rest of us, have had a lifetime of listening to the false guidance of your ego, that façade of an identity. For you, it includes difficult emotions like anger and frustration. These emotions are like software glitches.
Here’s what Wikipedia says about glitches… computer glitches are incorrectly written software, incorrect instructions given by the operator, undetected invalid data, undetected communications errors…
You are not your software.
In contrast, your Essence is prompting you to listen within. This is the part of you that knows “all is well.”

Abraham-Hicks said:

“Your emotions are your indicator of how your active thought blends, or doesn’t blend, with the thought Source is thinking about the same subject in the same moment.”

The inner turmoil you’re experiencing is the conflict between your ego’s perspective and that of the Source within you.

Naturally, your ego is taking an all out stand for you to listen to its lies, lies that lead you to feel frustrated, angry and needing to sort things out.

To protect itself, it uses a type of logic in which it’s already trained you, indoctrinated into you, so you believe that it’s telling you the truth. It presents its case that leaves you feeling anger and frustration.

The logic only works if you see things from its limited and fearful point of view.

Habitual thinking creates entrenched neural pathways in the brain. These become your default, your easy “go to” ways you react. These reactions, instead of responses, don’t always serve you.

Just because ideas are in your head does NOT make them true!

However, you can most assuredly access your true Essence instead, as it is YOU!

A key is to differentiate between the whispers of your ego and your Essence.

The ego certainly doesn’t want you to be around positive people that shed light on how it manipulates you. This way it has you, back where you can be controlled by the stress and chaos of unsupportive emotions.

In defense of the ego, it thinks its protecting you. But these patterns were created from a child’s approach to survival. When presented with adult situations, the peace of your Essence offers greater insight and direction.

Ask your Essence to step forward to be heard, and choose to listen to its guidance.

If you’d like help for 
your life to be easier
while getting results,
contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.
  Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Is (some of) Your Life Out of Control?

August 8, 2019

You are more powerful than you think! 

Consider the idea that thoughts are things.

Translated, this means that what you think and feel are what you experience in your life.

Wonder why your life can feel out of control at times? Look no further than your thoughts and feelings.

How can you turn it around? By setting clearer intentions and not reacting to things that look like they’re going wrong.

I know this can sound ridiculously simplistic. However, it not only works, but it can transform your life to being magical.

This is a very small sampling of what my life’s been like the last two weeks during my vacation.

While staying with a disabled, vision-impaired friend, I realized he needed a new vacuum cleaner. He also asked about trimming bushes around his home. When I saw them, it was obvious only a chain saw would be able to cut them back.

Soon after, a neighbor just happened to come outside, and we talked. I happened to mention to her that I was going to look for a second hand vacuum. That morning, she just happened to think of buying a new one. She did and gave us her perfectly good old one.

By the way, her husband has a chain saw and had been thinking of trimming my friend’s bushes. We’re talking bushes spanning the entire side and back of the house reaching above the roof.

My friend and I went out for the day. Throughout that time, I probably made at least 30 minutes of seemingly wrong turns.

When we returned, the neighbor’s husband just happened to arrive home and get out of his car at the precise moment we left mine. We discussed plans for him not only to cut the branches, but he’d haul them away as well! A massive and pricey job in itself – and he’d do it all for free.

The following day, my friend and I went to an event. We parked on a city street at the precise time our mutual friends helped to take the wheelchair out of the trunk.

A few days later, I left town to go to a museum, six hours later than planned. When I paid for my ticket, I was told the last tour of the day started in three minutes.

That evening I arrived at the home of family members who lived hours away. The electricity had been down in their neighborhood for seven hours. Two minutes before I pulled into their driveway, the electricity came on. 

 These are just a few examples of how my life has been going while on vacation.

On reflection, here are a couple of ways I created this:

Before my trip, I consciously set strong intentions.

These included ideas like I’m in divine flow, I’m having a great time and I’m safe. 

When things looked like they were going wacky, like going out of my way because of wrong turns, I took it in stride and assumed it was all going to work out.

Additionally, I fulfilled another intention to be in the right place at the right time.

If you feel like your life is out of control in some ways, observe your thoughts and feelings.

You can re-imagine your life, finances, work or business. Be sure to add with grace and ease, so what you choose comes to you in a pleasing way.

Regardless of your circumstances, you can always look at life from a different perspective and, by doing so, re-create it.

Yes, you can design your life the way you choose. You are not a victim of circumstance.

I was told by two doctors that there was nothing to be done about arthritis in my lower back, and I should just accept it.

I didn’t and told them to stop telling me I couldn’t do anything about it.

I started the keto diet, am now 25# lighter, arthritis-free and feel better than I have in decades.

But don’t take my word that you can change your life. Prove it to yourself.

If you’d like help for 
your life to be easier
and in sync with
a natural flow of life,
while getting results,

contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.