Posts Tagged ‘let go’

Why Is Your Life Happening the Way It Is?

May 6, 2024

There is another way, even if what you expected isn’t working.

What I’m about to tell you may be a game changer. First, some background.

Your thinking and feelings are engines that create what’s happening in your life. If you don’t like what you see, you can recreate something better.

Let’s begin with a straightforward example of visualization using the Law of Attraction — cause and effect — when it operates positively. 

A skin care specialist visualized lots of people calling for appointments.

  • Results? Shortly after, the receptionist reported that she booked several sessions for her – just as she asked for in her visualization. 

However, she didn’t specify what kind of appointments.

  • Results? One was for a bikini wax, and she really doesn’t like to give them.

Because of her busy schedule, the client couldn’t get a wax as soon as she wanted but made the appointment anyway. In the meantime, the visualizer mused about how she didn’t want to do the wax.

  • Results? The client canceled.

She manifested what she envisioned and then reimagined.

Your experience may differ. So let’s get to what matters most to you. Why is your life happening the way it is?

Do you sometimes feel like you’re drowning and looking for a life saver? 

Is this you? 

I don’t know if I believe in this stuff. I tried it, and it didn’t work. I did everything right. I visualized, had a positive attitude, created a vision board, and still no results. 

Could it be that one part of you did “all the right things” and another part freaked out with anxiety or doubt? Were you feeling frustrated, angry, desperate or scared? What if it doesn’t work? Remember my past failures?

Your world reflects what you predominantly think and feel. 

No need to worry. Neville in Your Faith Is Your Fortune wrote this: 

“Just as a branch withers and dies if the sap of the vine ceases to flow towards it, so do things and qualities pass away if you take your attention from them; because your attention is the sap of life which sustains the expression of your life.” 

When you fuss and fret, your attention is on what you don’t want. Instead, change your focus, including emotionally, to what you choose. 

TIP: Don’t EXPECT results. 

Say again. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? 

Expecting results is a booby trap, and you’re no boob. Here’s how it can foil your efforts. 

In Soulgoals’ goal setting, we ask for “this or something better.” Why? Because God, the universe or whatever you choose to call the Prime Source of all life, may have a better way to bring results. 

Energetic clinging, that is emotionally holding onto a preconceived idea of how and when our goals should occur, can repel positive results.

Consider a girl focused on finding a boyfriend. Just as dogs can detect fear, guys can sense desperation and run for the hills. However, when she clarifies her intention but lets go of the needy pursuit, she creates space for her dreams to come true.

I’m an expert on expectation… and why it didn’t always get me what I’ve wanted.

I can trick myself into thinking I let go when I’m really WAITING FOR, aka EXPECTING, a result from a specific source. 

For example, in the past, while putting a group together, I expected my next event would fill it. If I had a financial goal, I expected a particular client to fulfill it. I said I let it go, but I tried to control the outcome: I patiently relaxed to manifest my goals the way I expected. I knew how I thought it would happen… and I took action to make it happen. 

Here’s the telltale downside. When it didn’t happen how and when I expected, I got disappointed. Next came fear and my former default program: Oh no, what am I going to do? 

This started a vicious circle of expectation and disappointment which attracted more things to be discouraged about. 

Now, I still hold events and have clients that could bring the results I’ve intended and visualized. But, if they don’t, it’s called NEXT. God will supply from other sources. 

God is your supply.

Don’t expect your supply to come from a person, event or anything in particular. You are ALWAYS taken care of by God, but results often come differently than you think they SHOULD. Results come when you let go and let God. 

Feeling dejected, rejected or injected with fear is not trusting your Prime Source.

Trust is not giving up, playing the victim or moaning about what’s not working. These are childhood responses. 

Instead, trust by ANTICIPATING RESULTS. Anticipate your needs are fulfilled beyond your wildest expectations. Adopt a childlike curiosity of wonder instead of dictating an expectation. 

It’s your job to:

  • Make a choice.
  • Pay attention to your inner nudges.
  • Take action on what you’re inwardly guided to do.

 Let the Prime Source fill in the how and when and where and by whom.


  • Anticipate, don’t expect.
  • Trust that God can and does manifest goals you choose or something better.

Don’t like your new creation? Don’t create a story about how you never get what you want, etc. Choose again.

Anticipate the best and you change the way your world is happening for you. This or something better!

This edited Soulgoals’ blog post was published on May 26, 2011.

Would you like help shifting from anticipating to expecting something better… and forgiving yourself from the unnecessary disappointment and frustration that belief created for you over the years?

Contact me to learn more:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Annoyed? Frustrated? Worried?

April 29, 2024

Life is a reflection.

Thoughts can be like a dog with a bone where you just can’t let go, incapable to stop chewing on them for hours, days, weeks. Or a lifetime. The same story replayed over and over in your head.

We’re all programmed with certain emotions. I call them emotional defaults. For example, annoyance, frustration or worry could rule. Even if a problem is solved, something else will be cause for another frustration, annoyance or worry, if that’s your default, the emotions to which you return.

Newton’s first law of motion is inertia. A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an external force. So it is with thinking, too.

Unless something stops this trajectory, people could be annoyed, frustrated or worried, complaining non-stop in their heads or to others, often about people, circumstances or beating themselves up.

Once on a long, solo road trip, I grumbled about the same thoughts and “justifiable” anger… repeatedly… for hours. Finally, on an open stretch of road in West Texas, I became bored and tired of my internal conversation.

There was no one around to talk/whine to, which often acts like a pressure release valve, so I took responsibility for my own thoughts and emotions.

Because I was willing to let go, an idea came to play a game called “Change Your Perspective.” 

Then, other perspectives emerged, new ways to look at the situation.

I stopped being upset and acting like a victim by blaming.

I was able to let it go and move on.

Since then, I’ve learned that this negative thinking cycle is a function of the ego. If we let it have its way, it will consume us with misery.

When you’re obsessed with negative thoughts, you’ve turned your life over to your ego.

Everyone has a choice of how to think and feel regardless of their circumstances. So do you.

After a disaster, people with different viewpoints talk about their experience.

Some focus on what they’ve lost, others are grateful for what they still have.

You don’t have to be a prisoner of your own mind.

Just as trees next to a lake are reflected in the water, your attitudes are reflected in your life. If you don’t like what you see, you CAN change it.

Write about what you’re thinking and feeling. Write how you can change your perspective. To let it go, burn or shred it.

Writing by hand and not the computer brings more clarity, perspective and releases negative energy.

Set an intention that you’re open to receive answers and break free.

You may have resistance at first because your ego wants your thoughts to hold you in old, familiar patterns.

Stuck? Ask for divine assistance.

This works in business, too.

An employee came to her manager, who’s a masterminder, about a complaint. 

She told him to write about it and then shred it in the office shredder. He said that no one ever told him that before.

She used to get upset about office politics. She shifted her perspective so now it no longer affects her.

When you clear mental and emotional space, you have room for your goals to manifest and for greater peace and happiness to flourish.

Why did I choose this topic today? Because when I realized I was rehashing the same topic in my thoughts for a couple of days, I knew it was time to journal.

I resisted. I didn’t want to journal. Didn’t think it would do any good. And in a few minutes after writing – POOF, I let it go.

What’s one step that you can take, start with just one, to change your perspective?

This originally posted on Soulgoals’ blog of April 19, 2016.

Confused about your direction?? Ready to consciously control your life? You CAN. No kidding. If you have recurring patterns and could use more help, ask me about an LoL session – Liberation of Lunacy – because we’re all a little crazy when our ego is in charge.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Your Eclipse: What’s Not a Fit Anymore?

April 8, 2024

I Deleted 200 Phone Contacts

Is it time for an eclipse in your life? You can start with anything that no longer fits who you’ve become.

This original Soulgoals’ was posted on April 8, 2019. Reposted on April 8, 2024 – Day of the total eclipse!

My contact list cleansing started innocently when my journaling meandered to an experience that happened a few months earlier. On multiple occasions, I had conversations and hugs with a woman who works at a local store. We enjoyed some similar interests.

Longer story short, I invited her to my home; she was going to give me ideas about colors to paint my rooms. I thought it would be a nice opportunity to know her better, too.

She was to arrive at 2 PM. An hour earlier, I started to prepare food dishes that I planned for her visit.

At 2:01, she texted me: “Hey Virginia. This date won’t work.”

Mmmm, like she just realized this one minute after she was supposed to arrive? No other comment?

I texted a cordial reply.

Next, I invited my 79-year-old neighbor to join me as I lured her with a change of beverage from tea to wine. We savored my array of appetizers and our conversation.

While journaling, it occurred to me that the name of the woman who was a no-show started with an “A,” was at the beginning of my phone Contacts, and I saw it practically every time I opened my list.

As I don’t plan on needing this woman’s number anymore (she’s changing jobs, and I’m unlikely to see her again), there’s no reason for her to call me and the thought of her was attached to this experience — why was I keeping her phone number? 

Delete contact.  

Ms. “A” was the beginning of 200 more contacts who met their expunged destinies. After a while, I realized I was following a method similar to cleaning closets. If I haven’t talked with them for a long while and we no longer share mutual interests… DELETE CONTACT! If I really need their numbers, I could find a way to get them.

  • I no longer have anything in common with this person. Delete.
  • Most people in this organization and I are on different wavelengths. Delete. Delete. Delete.
  • These people are unkind, in general and to me. Others have already blocked them. Delete. Delete.
  • For years, I’ve neither talked with nor do I have any interest in communicating with these people, who I’ve known since before the invention of the telephone. Delete. Delete.
  • These people are dead! Find another way to remember them. Delete. Delete.

And so the process began with a keen consideration about why I kept them on my list.

As clarity came once I got into the swing of why and how to let go, it became easier to release.

Letting go was liberating. I felt empowered. 

I discovered that a part of me had been holding myself back.

Until I finished letting go of them on my list, I didn’t realize that I also deleted unconscious thoughts and feelings that I should be the person that some of them wanted me to be. I let go of ugly interactions.

Especially if I hadn’t talked with them for years and didn’t believe there’d be future contact, what was I holding onto

In part, I’d been holding onto memories or a vision of rewriting who we were together, that our lives hadn’t drifted in different directions.

For some, it meant that for me to have a mutually satisfying relationship with them, I’d have to be who I used to be or someone else to fit in.

That’s no longer an option, and this exercise let go of old energy to make room for me to be ME in a bigger way.

Before computerization, I had saved cards with contact info of people I knew when I lived on the other side of the country. They were dear to me and I didn’t want to let them go, but we hadn’t talked because we were no longer involved with mutual activities. I secured the cards with a rubber band and filed them with other papers.

Later, when I found the pile of cards, I couldn’t even remember who they were!

We move on. Time to let go.

No longer seeing certain names so frequently helps to refocus on the now and the future instead of the past.

I often feel profound gratitude to be with friends and clients who have traveled life’s roads with me or our paths have periodically intersected, sometimes for decades. I’ve also discovered that the caliber of these individuals is often worlds apart from those who I attracted 10, 20 or more years ago.

With my current peeps, I can more fully be myself. They understand my heart and what I teach. As a result their lives, and mine because of them, have gotten better and better.

Removing those 200 contacts created space, and the universe doesn’t like a vacuum. This means I’m attracting those who are in greater energetic alignment with who I am now.

What are you willing to let go of so you can move on to bigger and better things?

Are you considering to let go of who or what
doesn’t serve you and open up to something better?

It’s a courageous choice,
even though you may feel like Chicken Little and the sky is falling.
Or the sun is being eclipsed.

Contact me to learn how.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

What Would More Freedom Mean to You?

July 3, 2023


The U.S.A. celebrates the 4th of July, the anniversary of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776.

Freedom can be personal, too.

My neighbor posted online that her two dogs escaped the yard.

After she wrote of their safe return, I messaged her saying that I looked for them and had the impression they were out on an adventure.

She replied: “Probably like the time my sister and I decided we would run away from home, jumped out our bedroom window with a pillowcase full of clothes, and got to the end of our gravel driveway before deciding this probably wasn’t a good plan!”

I shared with her a similar experience when I was a little girl, and I had had it!! I packed my small suitcase with the intention of running away – to my nicer, next door neighbors on the other side of the driveway. It ended with the adults having a good laugh about it.

Her response: “I guess we all have our stories about the ‘break for freedom!’ “

Recently I’ve heard several “break for freedom” stories.

They started with how they “had had it.”

Do you yearn for greater freedom about any of these?

  • Worrying about lack – not having enough money, skills, production, time
  • Not feeling good enough, worthy, deserving, adequate
  • Not knowing where to get more business or how to grow it more
  • Longing to share your gifts in a bigger way, with big dreams
  • Really, truly wanting to break with parts of the past and old patterns
  • Procrastination and fear
  • Lack of clarity, doubt
  • Being more appreciated by friends, family, relationships, business associates
  • Different home, vehicle, ways for life to be more fun and meaningful

Have you noticed that whatever happens to you in your life and business, you’re the common denominator?

You’re in every one of your experiences – even though you might feel that others were doing things to you.

Running away from home or yourself doesn’t work because no matter where you go, you’re still there.

Pushing feelings down and ignoring them is a weighty subject. No diet will work if you’re eating emotions creating extra fluff to the butt, hips and tummy.

An effective way to break free is to release old patterns, clarify direction, align your energy for success, design a plan, get support, learn new tools and consciously create.

But where do you start?

Let go.

Instead of trying to figure what you gotta do, worrying, feeling that you have to micro-manage and control things for fear all h___ will break loose… step back, take a breath and let go.

Don’t give up but give over – give over to a divine energy, God or the universe, whatever works for you, a source of Life that’s greater than what you can imagine, which is truly here to help you!

The more you let go, the bigger is the space that you allow for miracles and successes to surprise and delight you.

Know someone who’s ready to break for freedom? Pass this on.

Original Soulgoal Post was on October 4, 2016.

Open to step-by-step support so you can enjoy your life of greater freedom?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Trying Hard to Make Things Happen? Is It Working? There is an easier way.

November 7, 2022

Stop trying. Relax and be open to receive.

Have you noticed that when you:

  • push to make things happen
  • try hard to get something
  • have to have things work out in a certain way
  • feel desperate or discouraged
  • get frustrated if things don’t work out the way they should…

…what you want eludes you or is hard to get?  

Other times, often when you casually say you want something, it appears effortlessly.

If a door opens that allows things to come to you, pushing against it only closes your ability to be open to receive.

The same principle applies to creating your ideal life, business and work, too.

If someone is chasing you for business, to be their friend or lover, to give them more time with you than you’re willing to share, what are you inspired to do?

If their energy is intense, needy, negative or draining, what do you want to do?

Run. Far away. 

Your dreams and goals are here, now, waiting for you.
Don’t  chase them. Be willing and open to receive them or something better.

Amidst a sea of people at a month-long, holiday event held on six acres, I found myself face to face with a former client. I’d been thinking about reconnecting with her as we hadn’t talked for a couple of years.

We enjoyed catching up by phone the following day. At the end of our conversation, she inquired about my current business offerings. Poised to launch a new, career direction, she was ready to let go of limiting beliefs that could hold her back.

She’ll start her coaching program with me this month.

Right place. Right time. Right energy. In the flow. Great results.

No struggle. No trying. Being a magnet for intentions and good things by relaxing and being open to receive.

Note: this is 180 opposite from worrying about “What if things don’t work out?”

Life is magical when we allow it.

We’ve been trained to think no pain, no gain. Do more. Work harder.

Yes, actions do produce results. Inspired action. Not action based on fear, loss or neediness.

Releasing is one of the highest and most effective actions. This means letting go of anxiety, doubt and fear as well as other limiting thoughts and emotions. 

Think tuning fork emitting a vibration. This frequency naturally harmonizes with complementary notes.

Relaxing and trusting open us to inspired action which allows success to occur naturally.

Your action has nothing to do with your abundance! Your abundance is a response to your vibration. Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. So if you believe that action is part of what brings your abundance, then you’ve got to unravel that.

Abraham – Hicks

Edited excerpt from a Soulgoals’ blog on December 7, 2015

Tired of the struggle and ready for something way better? 
Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2022 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Escaping Financial Collapse

April 18, 2022

Be like a powerful river going around obstacles,

A woman came to me on the verge of closing the doors of her office and working from home instead. The economy had taken its toll on a once thriving business, and fear had taken its toll on her spirit.

Recently she shared a story that demonstrates her attitude that turned her business around.

Her company had been courting a prospective client. Although they liked her and what her company brought to the table, in the end, they didn’t want to leave their current, long-time vendor.

The staff grumbled about it for a few minutes and then returned to work. As she sat at her desk, she shook her head and said to herself:

“OK. We’re obviously not supposed to have this contract. I’m letting it go, and something better will come.” This was a departure from her old attitude of worry, fear and images of doom that would have consumed her.

As she clicked the Send and Receive button, an email appeared offering a contract which is now bringing her company three times more profit than the one that turned her down! Although only 1 ½ months into the year, her company surpassed her $250,000 first quarter goal and is bringing in $355,000 with over $150,000 in profits. What a dramatic shift from before when business was at its last gasp of survival.

By the way, her motto this year is Divine flow. Let “stuff” go.

She also learned that God is her supply, not any one person or company. For example, she expected a big client to come through with a contract. She kept waiting and getting frustrated and more desperate. 

When she let go of her expectation and opened up to other possibilities, opened up to the idea that her supply comes from a divine source and not from anyone in particular, then business poured in from many directions.

A year later the big client still hasn’t come through, but her business is flourishing. Without the panic and struggle, she was able to float to the surface of the quicksand of chaos, and success greeted her.

It takes practice to choose to trust instead of giving our power to fear.

Being groomed since childhood with the habit of fear, I’ve had a lifetime of observing the sneaky ways it shows up. My life became shipwrecked when I allowed myself to be seduced by its siren calls.

Eventually, it became harder to hold onto anxiety and easier to let go and trust things will work out – regardless of appearances. I decided to give up worry because it just wasn’t working for me. And when I let go, miracles happen.

Excerpt from March 12, 2012, Soulgoals’ Blog Post

Know someone who might enjoy reading this? Please forward.

If you’d like help to bypass your obstacles, contact me
about a complimentary Soulgoals’ Break-free Session at

I work with people who choose to have a better life or business but don’t know how, feel stuck or would benefit from new tools or support. I help them be richly compensated doing what they love by connecting with their Soul’s goals.
Copyright © 2022 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Does YOUR Economy Need a Boost?

February 21, 2022

Sometimes you have to let go to free yourself.

What do you do when you’re concerned about your finances, and you’re not sure how things are going to work out?

  • You were really counting on that job or deal to come through, but now it’s up-in-the-air or didn’t happen.
  • You have no idea how you’re going to make it financially.
  • You’ve don’t have enough to pay your bills and money left to live.
  • You’re afraid of inflation or changes in your industry. It’s okay now but what if….

A sales rep counted on her big client to provide a steady flow of income. She had a realistic expectation this would continue.

Suddenly, the reverse happened. They let her go.

After the initial shock, she put it in perspective. She did a journaling exercise I recommend: write a CEO letter to God, or the universe, if that’s more comfortable for you.

  • Write about your situation
  • Ask for help
  • Let it go
  • Be open to receive what you wanted or something better.

While writing, she realized she now has time to focus on projects and business ideas she’d put off.

Things don’t always work as you hoped or expected. But change always makes way for something better, regardless of how it appears.

Do not be limited by any individual, others’ opinions, what industry experts say or the government’s economy.
Choose that the source of your economy is not dependent on anything other than God’s economy, and God’s business is always good.

God is the source of your supply.

Maybe your change of events is what it took for you to let go and allow new possibilities to occur.

Remember the proverbial monkey who grasps something in a vase but can’t remove his hand until he lets go of what he’s holding onto? The neck of the vase is so narrow that he has to release his grip just to get his hand out.

You may need to change your perspective by letting go of your emotional and mental grasp to allow something better to come in.

What you focus on grows. In the past, have you experienced anxiety? If so, you’ll attract more experiences that lead you to feel anxious.

Instead, enjoy a childlike trust and curiosity. Look for what’s working and how the universe is assisting you. Consider it a mystery, and you delight in discovering the answer.

Believe there’s a happy ending and focus on it. Why not? You probably tried fear and worry, and they don’t produce lasting and fulfilling outcomes.

By the way, about that sales rep. New contracts appeared through happenstance, and her big client came back a few months later. Her financial situation worked out even better when she let go and shifted her perspective.

Revised excerpt from my Soulgoals’ blog post of February 7, 2011

If you’d like to discover
how to increase
YOUR economy,

contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session
by phone.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support. I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2022 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.


TIP: Don’t EXPECT Results. This Works Way Better.

February 7, 2022

Don’t EXPECT results??

Say again. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? 

Expecting results is a booby trap, and you’re no boob. Here’s how it can foil your efforts. 

When we mastermind, we ask for “this or something better.” Why? Because God and the universe may have a better way to bring results.

(Note: I know some people align more with the universe than God. Don’t get hung up on a word choice that doesn’t fit your beliefs. Refer to whatever works for you.)

Energetic clinging repels results. Imagine a girl focused on finding a boyfriend. Guys sense this as dogs sense fear and run for the hills. Once she lets go of the search, there’s room for her dream to come true.

Likewise, if we cling to how we expect things will turn out, it repels what we want.

I’m an expert on expectation… and why it doesn’t work.

In the past, I tricked myself into thinking that I trusted everything would work out, when I was actually WAITING FOR, aka EXPECTING, a result from a specific source. 

For example:

  • While putting a group together, I expected my next event would fill it.
  • If I had a financial goal, I expected a particular client to fulfill it.
  • I said I let it go, but I tried to control the outcome by expecting results the way I wanted.

I patiently relaxed to manifest my goals the way I expected. I knew how I thought it would happen… and I took action to make it happen.

Here’s the telltale downside. When life didn’t happen as expected, I got disappointed and depressed. Next came a feeling of hopelessness, fear and my former default program: Oh no, what am I going to do?

This started a vicious circle of expectation and discouragement that attracted more situations that caused me to continue to feel discouraged.

Now, I still hold events and have clients that could bring particular results. But, if they don’t, it’s called NEXT. God and the universe will supply from other sources. 

God is your supply. 

Don’t expect your supply to come from a person, event or anything in particular.

You ALWAYS are taken care of by God and the universe but results often come differently than how you think they SHOULD.

Results come with grace and ease when you, as the saying goes, let go and let God. 

The key is to have faith. TRUST. All you need is the faith of a mustard seed, and they’re very tiny.

Feeling dejected, rejected or injected with fear is not trusting.

Trust is not giving up or moaning about what’s not working. These are childhood responses. 

Trust by ANTICIPATING RESULTS. Anticipate your needs are met beyond your wildest expectations. If one way doesn’t work, it’s okay. Something better is here for you. Adopt a childlike curiosity of wonder instead of dictating an expectation. 

It’s your job to:

  • Make a choice.
  • Pay attention to your nudges.
  • Take action on what you’re inwardly guided to do.

 Let God and the universe fill in the HOW and why and where and by whom.

Anticipate, don’t expect.
Trust that God and the universe can and do manifest goals you choose or something better.

Don’t like your new creation? Don’t create a story about how you never get what you want, etc. Choose again.

Anticipate the best and you change the way your world is happening for you.

Edited excerpt from my Soulgoals’ post of May 26, 2011

Copyright © 2022 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Are you DONE with not getting what you want?
Contact me for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break-Free Session.

I work with people who choose to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or would benefit from new tools or support. Or maybe would like a more fulfilling life.  I help them be richly compensated doing what they love by aligning with their Soul’s goals. 

Email me at:

Don’t Give Up. This CAN Help!

January 24, 2022

Do you have challenges that leave you clueless about what to do? Wouldn’t you rather live life on your terms?

My challenges started to multiply and became too numerous and complicated to solve. I felt disheartened as I trudged through them step-by-step.

How could I get large accounts to pay past due invoices they ignored? What would it take to heal my hip that went out and created a painful limp? How could I complete a frustrating project that left me wishing Scotty would beam me up and free me of my misery? And the list went on.

It was time for an elixir that brings results – a CEO meeting with the Divine. Call it God, the Universe, a Non-Physical Source, Infinite Intelligence, or however you choose to refer to an Energy that surpasses our human understanding.

I wrote my needs and asked God for help. Miraculously, everything that was wearing me out got resolved, most by the next day.

Checks finally arrived; my hip suddenly healed; people stepped up to help me complete my projects; and much more – and I felt great!

Whatever you call this Power, know that the biggest and most savvy CEO of all is available upon request to help you. This CEO supports your success, loves unconditionally, and never sleeps.

Think you need to know someone in order to get ahead? This CEO knows everyone and has the best connections.

  • This CEO knows you are worthy and deserve receiving positive results in divine right timing… regardless of what you’ve done in the past; how you’ve screwed up; how confused or exhausted you are; how inadequate you feel; how much doubt you feel – even if you’re angry with or don’t believe in a divine source – or how big (or hopeless) your problem seems.
  • This CEO invites regular communication and collaboration, so forget about the idea that you don’t want to bother God with the small stuff.

You can worry until the 11th hour before letting go and asking for supreme assistance. But why wait until life gets out of control when an all-knowing, caring, hands-on CEO is on-call 24/7?

Asking for divine intervention welcomes miracles into your life.

Got Problems? God’s seen them all and already knows the way out of any situation. So why not ask for help? You’ve got nothing to lose by working in conscious partnership with the Divine, and everything to gain.

  • Ask and it will be given. That’s called a clue. You have to ask.
  • Believe to receive for the most magical results.

Even people who resist journaling say they look forward to these CEO meetings. You can take your problems to your Divine CEO and receive phenomenal results, too.


  • CEO meetings with the Divine work great even if you feel completely stuck.
  • There’s no right or wrong way to have your CEO meeting with the Divine.  Just talk with your Source.
  • WRITING AND ASKING FOR HELP (instead of only thinking and staying lost in your head) is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE YET SIMPLE TOOL TO LET GO OF YOUR PROBLEMS AND FEARS.
  • The more you believe this can work and are open to receive, the easier answers come.

Say good-bye to worry and challenges. Invite the best CEO to work with you, on your behalf.

Don’t settle for living in silent desperation.

You can live life on your terms, but don’t take my word for it.

Got challenges? Don’t give up!

Choose to create your world in collaboration with divine flow. Have your CEO meeting with the Divine and find out for yourself.

Excerpt from my Soulgoals’ Blog posted on October 2, 2009

Copyright © 2022 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

I work with people who choose to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or would benefit from new tools or support. Or maybe would like a more fulfilling life.  I help them be richly compensated doing what they love by aligning with their Soul’s goals. 

Beyond not giving up. Thrive!
Contact me for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break-Free Session.

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Is Peace Really Possible? If So, How??

December 20, 2021

Much of the world is lost in their wanting of something.

As a result, people feel bad or create conflict over what they perceive as lack  what they want but don’t have. In essence, they want things like better health or relationships or weight, a better life, more money, people to behave and believe differently and on and on.

This also means that whatever they have or feel is not good enough. Not enough. The real nemesis.

Could this possibly apply to you, too?

When you feel anxiety, ask yourself what you’re wanting. Even in simple things, such as:

  • Feeling stressed because you want to give the perfect gift? You’re more likely to find it if you’re relaxed.
  • Anxious because you want to get your house in order before company comes or want to land a business deal? If you’re feeling good, you’ll spread holiday cheer to your guests or clients – and they’ll feel better around you.
  • Worried about wanting more money, better health, your ideal partner or better relationships? When you’re emotionally calm, you’re more receptive to insights. Ideas and opportunities will be drawn to you like Santa Claus finds cookies.

Can li’l ole YOU make a difference in this big, crazy world?


With each person who feels greater peace within, the world becomes more peaceful. Just like anger is infectious, so is the feeling of peace. 

Which do you choose to propagate? Fear, anger, worry, frustration OR peace?

You have a choice. Sound impossible?

Do you think that you can’t help the way you feel because it’s someone else’s fault or your challenging circumstances are to blame? Wouldn’t everybody complain if they were in your shoes?

Here’s how you can begin to break that cycle, change your attitude and create a life of greater peace.

What’s the source that creates such stress?

Lack of peace comes from:

  • wanting approval from others
  • wanting to control circumstances (that are sometimes out of your control) or others’ choices and how they show up in the world
  • wanting to be free of a fear of lacking safety and security.

Can these really be the culprits of all that suffering? Yep. These three wants are the roots of what create any lack of peace!

The secret is switching your energy from wanting to having… then what you choose can come to you with grace and ease.

You can choose to experience greater peace!

First, decide that being at peace is your highest priority, more than wanting approval and love, wanting security or wanting control. (In other words, more than unconsciously wanting things that end up making you feel miserable, depressed, stressed, frustrated, fearful, worried or any crappy feeling you do NOT want.)


  • Let go of wanting approval and love so you can discover that you already have approval and love. It’s an inside job, not something anyone can give you.
  • Let go of wanting to be safe and secure so you can realize you already are. If you’re trying to get this from others or feel you need more money, things, love, etc. to be happy, remember that they could be taken from you anyway. You’ll discover that you’re already safe and secure as long as you stop fearing that you’re not.
  • Let go of wanting control. No amount of trying to control external sources will ever be satisfying. You already have control, but it’s within you.
  • Let go of the need to defend yourself. What are you defending except a false sense of self? 

If you make peace your highest priority, you’ll experience greater success in all areas of your life.

You’ll find that you’ll attract those who are more peaceful, and peace will ripple to others. Li’l ole you changing the world toward greater peace.

As I’m not going to try to control what you believe, may you enjoy your holiday season in a way that’s meaningful to you and your faith.

Peace be unto you, my friend.

Edited excerpt from Soulgoals’ post of December 22, 2015

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I work with people who choose to share
their gifts or business in a BIGGER way

Or choose to enjoy a better life…

but don’t know how, feel stuck or could 
use new tools or support.

I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
they love.