Archive for the ‘Breakdown’ Category

Ready to Eclipse YOUR Life?

April 1, 2024

With a total eclipse on its way, what’s going to happen to YOUR life?

Perhaps you’re feeling a change similar to these individuals.

Their lives were going well, but they felt dissatisfied. Although highly successful and in different professions, the sentiments shared during their individual sessions were the same. They felt unmotivated or blocked. Something needed to change, and they didn’t know what or how to move forward. 

They thought there was something wrong with themselves. They wanted to “blow out the cobwebs” that left them feeling “blocked, not ready and needing help to get back in the game.”

There was nothing wrong with them.

There’s nothing wrong with you, either.

It’s transition time. 

In short, everyone, that includes you, has gone through a lot of changes and learned from them.

You’ve grown from your experiences. Even though things may look like business as usual, they’re not. If you try to do what you’ve always done in the way you’ve always done it, you may find yourself uninspired, confused, stuck, botching deals, making conversational faux pas or wondering if you’re missing the boat.

It’s time to move forward in a new way. But how?

Let’s start with the way you think. Thoughts travel on a bandwidth.

If you feel sorry for or bad about yourself, for example, the thoughts that follow will be negative, full of why you can’t do things and how nothing will work. And you’ll prove yourself right. You can’t, and they won’t work.

If you shift your focus to you’re okay, and you’re open to what God or the universe will bring you, then you can receive fresh ideas and directions to create results exceeding your expectations.

Now this shift can be a tricky bugger because you’ve been receiving ideas for your next step for a while, but subtly. The pointers to your shift may be something you’ve dismissed or thoughts you brushed aside as an interesting possibility. However, these may hold the keys to your future!

Look for what interests you, what makes you curious.

For instance, one of my clients realized it was time to jumpstart her marketing, but she had zero motivation to do it in the way she had in the past. Additionally, although she’s active on Facebook, she’s never approached it as a serious marketing tool.

The more we talked, she realized she had not one but three ideas that had been coming to her about how to use Facebook for business. This piqued her interest and energy to take action.

She also saw that when the world splats her like a bug with what she doesn’t want, she has a choice. Either to let it deflate her or turn it around to clarify and shift her focus to what she does want.

Another woman, who was flatlining about how to approach lucrative and creative business contracts she’d already won, became quite enthusiastic when an idea came to her about a personal project she could pursue.

Here’s why finding something that interests you is important:

Generally, if we have several things working and one that isn’t, we tend to focus on the one that isn’t. This bandwidth pulls us DOWN so we block our creative flow.

By focusing on something that interests us, we open ourselves UP to new visions that can inspire us to take action. When this happens, ideas can come to us about everything, including how to break free from whatever holds us back.

What fleeting thoughts have you had recently about new directions? Maybe they seemed to come from left field, so you didn’t pay much attention to them. However, they could be clues for you.

What interests you?  What excites you? Explore that.

The world awaits your specialness that only YOU have! The discomfort of change is your Inner Essence nudging you forward to your greatness.

Take a step.

There’s always a way out and UP after an eclipse.

This edited Soulgoals’ blog was originally posted on March 12, 2018.

Would you like support during these times of change?
Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Challenged? 5 Steps to an Easier Life

March 4, 2024

Life presents challenges. How you respond – your emotions and mental focus – is your choice.

You can get sucked into the quicksand of negative feelings, railing against the world and how tough everything is, focus on what’s not working and bemoan your tale of woes with others or in your head… and attract the opposite of what you want.

 Or you can make a different choice.

 Some of my clients are in the midst of the most heart-wrenching experiences of their lives.

 A man left a country where he worked over three years in a highly regarded profession to interview for a job. His current position finishes in three months, and so far all his efforts to find new employment haven’t produced results. Frustrated by multiple rejection letters – literally, where in the world will this gifted man live and create an income? This follows a year of intense personal and professional challenges.

 Upon his return, immigration blocked his re-entry because of visa problems. He was arrested, detained and deported back to where he had just interviewed in New York City. Banned to go back for his belongings at work and home, which is also where his girlfriend lives, he has no cell phone or office to continue his job search. His attorney says there is no help legally and made excuses for not properly advising him.

 At first he was in shock and emailed “I AM REALLY F___ED… I am devastated, exhausted, overwhelmed and at the end of my wits.”

 Soon after, he Skyped me from a computer in a noisy café for a session.

 Decision time: be the victim and miserable in a living hell or surrender and have faith that there’s a divine purpose and something positive will come of this.

 Feelings and thoughts manifest. His personal honesty allowed him to see how he created this experience – he really didn’t want to work at his job or be in that country anymore.

 This situation assured that he wouldn’t spend another minute where he didn’t want to be.

 He also has a strong desire to dump childhood patterns and traumas. Realizing his former tension and aggressiveness stemmed from being where he wasn’t appreciated, he chooses now to use this time as a transformation to express his positive nature.

 Cut free from the burden of having to go back, the following day brought a feeling of liberation, contentment and a sense of being in a divine comedy.

 With his newfound attitude, his nightmare vanished like a bad dream after waking up.

“I’m in the right place at the right time, and I know there’s opportunity here. I have friends and feel that I’m amongst kindred spirits in this city. I have to take action and not be complacent.

 “My girlfriend and colleagues will pack up my things, and she’ll bring them here next month. She wanted to move away from there anyway. I’m looking at life with childlike wonder knowing my good is here. I feel purposeful. I’ll figure it out and make it work.” 

 Months of anxiety and fear about finding a job and where it would be disappeared, too. It’s either in this city and country or something better.

  I asked him to pick an image to reflect his perspective. He chose Fred Astaire – light on his feet and with good technique.

 You can transform any situation in your life by choosing to: 

  1. Let go of the exhausting struggle: your story of your hard life and what if the worse happens. Write it down and burn or shred it. Choose to let it go! Repeat as needed.
  2. Change your perspective from one that creates stress and deteriorates your health and finances to one where you surrender to a divine source with an attitude of anticipating the best. Look for the positive in any situation; it’s always there.
  3. Stop thinking and talking about what’s wrong and instead focus on what’s working
  4. Enjoy quality time with those who nipped the self-indulgent habits of #1-3.
  5. Take action in the direction of your dreams.

 As you gently let go of the struggle, you’ll float to the top of the quicksand of fear and move to the shore of creativity and abundance.

Reprinted from Soulgoals’ Archive, March 22, 2012

Would you like support, especially during
challenging times

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Find Answers to ANY Problem

October 23, 2023

The Skating Minister by Henry Raeburn

What if you had a way to find an answer to ANY problem?  You do, and soon I’ll show you how.

First, instead of feeling down about what’s going on, remember there is always a silver lining to every problem. If things in the world look crazy, consider this.

If there’s an infected wound, it must be cleaned well to properly heal.

You may want an immediate cure. A band aid would be fast and easy. But an infection slows the wound healing process, especially of longstanding issues.

Step back and look at the big picture of possible, positive outcomes.

Can you find specific answers to what worries you? You can, and here’s how to find them.

I’ll share with you my dream that gave me a roadmap. 

Let’s say you wanted to ice skate in the winter, but there was nowhere to do it.

However, you had a place where water could be added to create a pond.

So you filled that space using an available water supply.

Gave it time to freeze.

Now you can skate.

Makes sense. And what does this have to do with anything?

Where’s your focus?

Worrying about problems is how we might believe we’re being responsible, but that’s looking in the wrong direction for answers. Although habits can be hard to break, you do have other choices.

You could:

  • Whine about not being able to skate because there isn’t a place to do it.
  • Blame wildlife for drinking the water that could’ve frozen.
  • Feel sorry for yourself or tell your story so others could feel sorry for you.

However, if you choose any of these, you still can’t skate .

You can’t have a problem without already having the answer.
But if you keep looking at the problem and feeling bad about it, you won’t see the solution!

You have a place within, at the core of who you are, that already has your answers. 
When you’re open to receive, you allow your inner guidance to provide you with answers.

Let’s consider a solution to finding a place to skate.

To continue with this metaphor, if you allow time to transform liquid to solid, thoughts and feelings can materialize into solutions.

Here’s where Mastermind Principle #3 from my Soulgoals program comes in handy:

I trust my Self and listen to the voice within.

What if you stay loyal to the what-if-it-doesn’t-work thinking?

Results: Frustration, anger, blame, struggle, complications and disappointment. Same ole, same ole. Your focus is on what doesn’t work, so you magnetize more of the same. Success goes up and down like a seesaw.

Sound familiar?

What else can your do? How can you skate through life?

First step:  Notice how you greet situations.

Is it with fear, doubt, discouragement or other negative feelings?

Instead, focus on any positive experiences you’ve ever had about situations like this.

If you don’t have one, imagine how you’d like it to be. 

Here are examples:

  • Before a sales presentation or any potentially challenging situation, remember a time that went great. It doesn’t matter if you’ve put your foot in your mouth a hundred times before. But if once, your long-lost uncle bought a candy bar you were selling in grade school, and you felt happy, go to those thoughts and good feelings. Good feelings and memories only.
  • Feeling weak in the knees because you’re about to talk with someone? Instead, recall moments of an empowering interaction.

If you’re used to feeling the other shoe is going to fall, feeling good may seem downright unnatural. However, with practice and positive results, you’ll feel more comfortable.

Forget what you may have heard about doubting yourself. That was misery wanting company.

Feeling good IS your natural state. It’s the portal to finding your answers.

Enjoy skating.

Edited from Soulgoals’ Post of October 27, 2015.

Is it time to let go of feeling frustrated or a less than satisfying life?

Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

What Would More Freedom Mean to You?

July 3, 2023


The U.S.A. celebrates the 4th of July, the anniversary of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776.

Freedom can be personal, too.

My neighbor posted online that her two dogs escaped the yard.

After she wrote of their safe return, I messaged her saying that I looked for them and had the impression they were out on an adventure.

She replied: “Probably like the time my sister and I decided we would run away from home, jumped out our bedroom window with a pillowcase full of clothes, and got to the end of our gravel driveway before deciding this probably wasn’t a good plan!”

I shared with her a similar experience when I was a little girl, and I had had it!! I packed my small suitcase with the intention of running away – to my nicer, next door neighbors on the other side of the driveway. It ended with the adults having a good laugh about it.

Her response: “I guess we all have our stories about the ‘break for freedom!’ “

Recently I’ve heard several “break for freedom” stories.

They started with how they “had had it.”

Do you yearn for greater freedom about any of these?

  • Worrying about lack – not having enough money, skills, production, time
  • Not feeling good enough, worthy, deserving, adequate
  • Not knowing where to get more business or how to grow it more
  • Longing to share your gifts in a bigger way, with big dreams
  • Really, truly wanting to break with parts of the past and old patterns
  • Procrastination and fear
  • Lack of clarity, doubt
  • Being more appreciated by friends, family, relationships, business associates
  • Different home, vehicle, ways for life to be more fun and meaningful

Have you noticed that whatever happens to you in your life and business, you’re the common denominator?

You’re in every one of your experiences – even though you might feel that others were doing things to you.

Running away from home or yourself doesn’t work because no matter where you go, you’re still there.

Pushing feelings down and ignoring them is a weighty subject. No diet will work if you’re eating emotions creating extra fluff to the butt, hips and tummy.

An effective way to break free is to release old patterns, clarify direction, align your energy for success, design a plan, get support, learn new tools and consciously create.

But where do you start?

Let go.

Instead of trying to figure what you gotta do, worrying, feeling that you have to micro-manage and control things for fear all h___ will break loose… step back, take a breath and let go.

Don’t give up but give over – give over to a divine energy, God or the universe, whatever works for you, a source of Life that’s greater than what you can imagine, which is truly here to help you!

The more you let go, the bigger is the space that you allow for miracles and successes to surprise and delight you.

Know someone who’s ready to break for freedom? Pass this on.

Original Soulgoal Post was on October 4, 2016.

Open to step-by-step support so you can enjoy your life of greater freedom?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Is This a Turning Point in Your Life?

May 1, 2023

Once upon a time there was a farmer named Sei Weng who had one horse and one son. One day the horse wandered away, and the neighbors commented that this was unfortunate. The farmer replied, “How do you know it’s bad luck?”

Soon after the horse returned bringing several wild mares with him. The neighbors congratulated him on his good luck. Ah, what lovely, strong horses! However, the farmer responded by saying, “How do you know it’s good luck?”

The son was thrown while riding one of the wild horses and broke his leg. His neighbors once again commented on how sorry they were for his bad luck, at which the farmer said, “Good luck, bad luck. Who knows?”

A war came, and every able-bodied man was conscripted into the military and sent into battle. Because he had a broken leg, the old man’s son didn’t have to go to war. The neighbors were excited about his good fortune, but the farmer remarked, “Is it good or is it bad?”

Another version of this folktale concludes with, “That’s the way it is.” Another says that fortune turns to misfortune, and misfortune to fortune. There is no end to changes, and the mystery can’t be known.

Because the farmer was emotionally detached and didn’t go along with everyone’s thinking, he was able to see a bigger picture. 

Life presents both challenges and blessings. Your perspective determines how they affect you and your ability to make your dreams come true and live your best life.

According to the Chaos Theory our lives are always in chaos, and this is what opens us to fresh forms and possibilities.

When we reach what is called a “bi-furcation point,” a “point of departure” takes place, and a “self-organization out of chaos” occurs.

In other words, events that serve as turning points create a new order and structure.

Instead of adversely reacting to circumstances that seem bad, consider they may be a portal to something greater than you currently can imagine.

A messy divorce may be a ticket to personal empowerment and overcoming fear.

Challenging health, work, family or relationship issues, the loss or lack of worldly goods or money, or pain may be what cracks the shell to allow humility and what’s truly important to be seen… and the impetus to get real or pursue one’s dreams.

You can choose your perspective. Look deeper.

No matter how it appears, things change. The highs become lows or ordinary.

Regardless of how frustrated or hopeless aspects of your life may seem, this too shall pass… into something better if you allow yourself to see.

This edited Soulgoals’ Blog was originally posted on March 8, 2013. 

Could you use help in changing the way you see some things? 

Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Don’t Give Up. This CAN Help!

January 24, 2022

Do you have challenges that leave you clueless about what to do? Wouldn’t you rather live life on your terms?

My challenges started to multiply and became too numerous and complicated to solve. I felt disheartened as I trudged through them step-by-step.

How could I get large accounts to pay past due invoices they ignored? What would it take to heal my hip that went out and created a painful limp? How could I complete a frustrating project that left me wishing Scotty would beam me up and free me of my misery? And the list went on.

It was time for an elixir that brings results – a CEO meeting with the Divine. Call it God, the Universe, a Non-Physical Source, Infinite Intelligence, or however you choose to refer to an Energy that surpasses our human understanding.

I wrote my needs and asked God for help. Miraculously, everything that was wearing me out got resolved, most by the next day.

Checks finally arrived; my hip suddenly healed; people stepped up to help me complete my projects; and much more – and I felt great!

Whatever you call this Power, know that the biggest and most savvy CEO of all is available upon request to help you. This CEO supports your success, loves unconditionally, and never sleeps.

Think you need to know someone in order to get ahead? This CEO knows everyone and has the best connections.

  • This CEO knows you are worthy and deserve receiving positive results in divine right timing… regardless of what you’ve done in the past; how you’ve screwed up; how confused or exhausted you are; how inadequate you feel; how much doubt you feel – even if you’re angry with or don’t believe in a divine source – or how big (or hopeless) your problem seems.
  • This CEO invites regular communication and collaboration, so forget about the idea that you don’t want to bother God with the small stuff.

You can worry until the 11th hour before letting go and asking for supreme assistance. But why wait until life gets out of control when an all-knowing, caring, hands-on CEO is on-call 24/7?

Asking for divine intervention welcomes miracles into your life.

Got Problems? God’s seen them all and already knows the way out of any situation. So why not ask for help? You’ve got nothing to lose by working in conscious partnership with the Divine, and everything to gain.

  • Ask and it will be given. That’s called a clue. You have to ask.
  • Believe to receive for the most magical results.

Even people who resist journaling say they look forward to these CEO meetings. You can take your problems to your Divine CEO and receive phenomenal results, too.


  • CEO meetings with the Divine work great even if you feel completely stuck.
  • There’s no right or wrong way to have your CEO meeting with the Divine.  Just talk with your Source.
  • WRITING AND ASKING FOR HELP (instead of only thinking and staying lost in your head) is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE YET SIMPLE TOOL TO LET GO OF YOUR PROBLEMS AND FEARS.
  • The more you believe this can work and are open to receive, the easier answers come.

Say good-bye to worry and challenges. Invite the best CEO to work with you, on your behalf.

Don’t settle for living in silent desperation.

You can live life on your terms, but don’t take my word for it.

Got challenges? Don’t give up!

Choose to create your world in collaboration with divine flow. Have your CEO meeting with the Divine and find out for yourself.

Excerpt from my Soulgoals’ Blog posted on October 2, 2009

Copyright © 2022 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

I work with people who choose to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or would benefit from new tools or support. Or maybe would like a more fulfilling life.  I help them be richly compensated doing what they love by aligning with their Soul’s goals. 

Beyond not giving up. Thrive!
Contact me for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break-Free Session.

Email me at:

Are You Jumping to the Right Conclusion?

May 3, 2021

Are your conclusions a stretch of your imagination?

After sitting through a couple of traffic lights behind a car that wouldn’t budge, my friend got very annoyed.

He thought, what’s wrong with these people along with several choice expletives.

Finally, he angrily swerved around to get in the lane next to them. In the car was a man and a child in the passenger seat.

As my friend turned to the driver to give him a piece of his mind, the man asked, “Which way to the hospital? I have to take my child to the hospital, and I don’t know if I need to turn right or left.”

With this new information and perspective, his annoyance instantly left. He became fully engaged in helping.

Recently, a woman explained how she was quite bothered by something I’d said. She didn’t respond to my calls and felt upset for months, ever since we had our last conversation. When we finally talked again, she told me that she didn’t know how I could’ve said such a thing and made analogies all pointing to why she should be indignant.

She assumed the story she was telling herself was correct, and therefore she was justifiably angry with me.  

A couple of minutes into her explanation, when I realized she had totally misinterpreted the point I was making, I clarified what I was saying. Very quickly, the story and irritation at me that she’d been holding onto for so long evaporated.

I suggested that, in the future, she talk with me if she had an issue rather than jump to conclusions.

If you find yourself upset about something and jumping to conclusions, take a step back and observe. Is this a one-time or ongoing occurrence? Might there be a different way of connecting the dots? There may be a different way of handling this.

Perhaps there’s a lesson for you to learn. Maybe there’s a different story you can tell about it and discover a new conclusion.

What conclusions are you jumping to? Are you using or misusing your imagination?

P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this post? Please share.

Ready to find clarity and discover
how you can jump to the conclusion
so you get what you really want…
or something better?

Contact me for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to create a more
fulfilling life or business
in a bigger way,

but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning

with their Soul’s goals.

Reposted from Soulgoal’s Blog, February 4, 2019

Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

LisaBeth “LB” Thomas on the Front Page!

December 1, 2020

Journal Profile: LisaBeth Thomas is a behind-the-scenes star

TV producer celebrates decade as co-founder of Texas Women in Business

LisaBeth Thomas at her favorite Austin restaurant, Chinatown. It’s also where the group she co-founded 10 years ago, Texas Women in Business, first met. To Thomas’ surprise, 157 people showed up for the first meeting: 

I’ve been privileged to coach LisaBeth “LB” Thomas for over 10 years. While she’s always been dynamic, I’ve watch her grow through extraordinarily challenging times.

Within four months, she lost her 14-year business along with her house where her children grew up, and her mom passed away. Although she was homeless as well as financially and emotionally devastated, these experiences planted the seeds that later created her metamorphosis.

In the midst of other accomplishments, this year she harvested one of the fruits that grew from the soil of those hard times — her online course called Outwitting Fear.

While celebrating 10 years as a co-founder and current Austin chapter president of Texas Women in Business (TWIB), this month she was profiled on the front page of the Austin Business Journal.

When I interviewed her for this blog post, LisaBeth offered these kind words:

“Virginia, you’ve helped me get through these challenges and encouraged me to transform what I’ve learned to impact the world.

“Thank you. As my coach and friend for over 10 years, you’ve seen me through even when, after so many losses, I didn’t see the light at the end of many tunnels. I did the work, but you walked me through.”

“Let people know that they can get through their challenges, too.

“Source is our source.”

I’ve taken her online course, and I LOVE it!  Outwitting Fear is a great value, too, because the process can be used repeatedly whenever challenges arise. We can discover and release core fears behind what’s holding us back.

From her website: “I want everyone to find freedom from fear as I did. So that they can have the life and success, and the opportunity to fulfill your dreams, the ones you’ve always had.”

You can watch LisaBeth’s video and find more inspiration by following this link:

outwitting fear header image

Here’s the link to her Austin Business Journal profile:

This is how it begins:

By Patricia Rogers – Research Director, Austin Business Journal
Nov 5, 2020, 8:47am EST

A lot can happen in 10 years — just ask LisaBeth Thomas. 

A decade ago, Thomas’s career as a film and video producer was in high gear. Her credits included a wide swath of work from movies like “Hope Floats” to TV shows “Real Life with Gerald Mann,” plus commercials like a campaign celebrating the 20th anniversary of Amy’s Ice Creams.

Referrals, such as from GSD&M to produce Anheuser-Busch commercials for the Keep Texas Beautiful recycling campaign, fueled growth that turned her little Austin production company, LBTJ, into a seven-figure agency handling everything from marketing to media buys.

But of her creations, she is most proud of being one of the original five founders of Texas Women in Business, a nonprofit women’s group dedicated to fostering personal and professional growth along with pooling resources to give back to the community through philanthropy. The group celebrates its 10-year anniversary in 2020.

“[We] took the idea to 20 of our friends, and from there it grew to Houston and Lubbock — and 10 years later, we’re still here,” said Thomas, who is once again leading the charge as chapter president during its anniversary year. Collectively, the Austin chapter has donated more than $40,000 since its start.

For this special year, TWIB has partnered with the governor’s office and women’s groups across the state to create an awareness campaign and fundraiser to help fight human trafficking. The “Not On Our Watch|TX” campaign will culminate with an event at the Texas State Capitol next June.

Thomas is also rebuilding her life and her business after a 2015 divorce forced her to shutter the company and sell her home. Her mother also died around the same time, leaving LB — as Thomas is called by friends — devastated, homeless and jobless. She recalls keeping it all to herself and how liberating it was when she finally opened up about her struggles to the TWIB faithful and faced her fears.

“My identity was completely tied to the business, so I thought their love and respect for me was because of the business,” Thomas said. As she worked through her own insecurities, Thomas began to understand how much unconscious fears had sabotaged her and influenced her actions. Thomas has taken what she has learned from her own journey and turned it into a motivational program to help others called Outwitting Fear.

Now, Thomas sees herself as a corporate dropout, preferring instead to pursue opportunities on her own. Thomas is producing again. She calls herself The Big Cheese and her new production company is called Big Cheese TV.

What productions are you working on now? Right now, I’m working with a technology company and we are creating the first “shoppable” hunting and fishing show. You literally can watch the video and click any item you see and are able to read about it or buy it right then. It is very cool.

What are your three favorite productions you had a hand in? “Hope Floats” with Sandra Bullock. Montana Rib & Chop House, we flew Pat Green up to Montana to shoot the commercial — so fun. Grand Roatan Caribbean Resort, we shot Conni Reed of Consuela at the resort. She was being photographed for the cover of Austin Woman Magazine so we did some behind-the-scenes footage and also created commercials and videos for the resort while we were at it.

I have to add a fourth. We produced all of Amy’s Ice Creams 20th anniversary commercials and we had a blast.

What do you like most about your career? I love producing. I have a gift of seeing what’s in the client’s head and creating a film strip in my mind and then bringing it to life.

What has helped or hindered your career? Creating long-lasting relationships has been instrumental. What hindered me is thinking I could do it all. So, when my husband/partner and I divorced, I should’ve gotten someone to handle the operations and let me do what I do best. I thought I could do it all and that impacted my creativity.

What inspires you? Seeing people go for it. We all have setbacks, but what inspires me is when someone turns that setback into something life changing for them or for others. Or when they face their fears or hurts, that’s when you heal.

How would you describe your management style? Making sure everyone feels valuable and what they say or do matters.

How do you start your day? A cup of French-pressed coffee, about 15 minutes by myself in the courtyard then David and I do devotions. Even if I’m traveling, we call and do them together.

Search Results for “LisaBeth Thomas” – Austin Business Journal (

Titles: Owner and founder, Big Cheese TV; co-founder and current Austin chapter president, Texas Women in Business

Age: 61

Hometown: Stevensville, Michigan

Family: Three children, Sarah, 37, Paul, 28, and Kacey, 27; four grandchildren

Education: Bachelor’s degree in marketing, Central Michigan University; studied at Lee Strasberg School of Dramatic Arts in New York City

Phone: (512) 923-4574

To read more:

If you’d like help transforming your challenges
into successes, 

contact Virginia for a free consultation at:

I work with people who choose to share
their gifts or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck or could 
use new tools or support.

I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
they love.

Copyright © 2020 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Your Life Is Changing During COVID. Is That Good or Bad?

July 13, 2020

Because of COVID, many things that used to be “normal” aren’t.

Some are experiencing the ravages of the virus. Most of us watch as people’s lives continue to change.

We’re living in a pause, between what was and what will be.

This pause is giving us cause to create new opportunities — or not.

Is that good or bad?

For example, many are now working at home. Some like it more. Some prefer going to an office to get a break from the kids.

Pre-COVID, many claimed a choice was out of the question. Not so anymore.

How has this pause in “normal” caused a migration to a new normal?

The pause of disintegration of the business model of where people work caused adaptations for many to work at home or face a reevaluation of their livelihood or find new vocations.

The pause in people’s stagnation of the same ole, same ole routine caused an innovation of finding new ways of doing things or double down into exasperation.

The pause in demonstrations caused an environment for new communication to grow.

The pause in identification about who we are and how we live our lives caused a new interpretation of how we use our imagination — imagine things to be good or bad.

The pause of disorientation caused a transformation of society and ourselves.

During the pause, accelerated hospitalizations caused research for vaccinations.

The pause in the organization of the way life used to be caused the potential of manifestations of unlimited possibilities.

  • We can hold on to how things were and, in many cases, won’t be again.
  • We can create anew.

So is that good or bad?

Where do you choose to focus your attention?

“The great upheavals of the world are just self-transformational seminars which a lot of very unconscious people are forced to attend so that they look at their lives under pressure. If you don’t change, reality in the end forces that change upon you. But the ego/personality hates change… The mind likes things steady and constantly the same… Yet if you have worked on yourself and you have developed a balance and intuition about life there is absolutely no reason why you should have to sign up for anything gruesome.”

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I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
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I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
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All is NOT Lost! What to do if Things Don’t Work the Way You Thought.

September 24, 2019

What do you do when you’ve invested a lot of energy into results that don’t happen?

You were really counting on that contract to come through, but now it’s up-in-the-air. A friend said she’d help you move but bailed at the last minute. Your relationship falls apart.

Things just didn’t work out the way you thought they should or would.

A freelancer counted on her big client to provide a steady flow of income. She had a realistic expectation this would continue.

Suddenly, she was let go.

After the initial shock, she put it in perspective. She used a journaling exercise found on my blog and had a CEO meeting with God.  (Scroll down to the post on October 2, 2009.)

She realized she now had time to focus on projects and business ideas she’d put off.

Things don’t always work as expected. But change always makes way for something better, regardless of how it appears in the moment.

Your income, love, support, health and results don’t come from only one source. God, the Divine, is your supply. God or the universe, whatever word is in alignment with your beliefs, is never lost and offers infinite possibilities. Therefore, if something doesn’t work, new ways are found.

Maybe the change is what it took for you to let go and allow new possibilities to occur.

Sometimes you have to let go to free yourself.

Remember the proverbial monkey who grasps something in a vase but can’t remove it? The neck of the vase is so narrow that he has to release his grip just to get his hand out.

You’ll get results: your expectation, goal or something better. However, you may need to change your perspective or approach.

You may need to let go of your emotional and mental grasp to allow something better to come in.

What you focus on grows. In the past, have you chosen anxiety? Instead, enjoy a childlike trust and curiosity. Look for how the universe is assisting you. Consider it a mystery, and you delight in discovering an answer.

Believe there’s a happy ending, and focus on it. Why not? You probably tried fear and worry (over and over again), and they don’t produce lasting and fulfilling outcomes.

By the way, about out freelancer. All was far from lost. New jobs appeared through happenstance, and her big client came back a few months later. Her job situation worked out when she let go and shifted her perspective.


This is a reprint from February 7, 2011, of one of my most popular posts.


If you’d like to discover
how you can change
your losses to gains,

contact me
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Do What You Love Break Free Session.Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.