Archive for July, 2019

Does Your Money Flow Go UP and down? This Could Be Why.

July 22, 2019

A successful woman at the top of her field mentioned that she makes a lot of money… and then she doesn’t.

She had no idea why her money flow went UP and down.

I told her she’s right. There’s a part of her that has absolutely no idea why. None at all.

However, there’s another part of her that does. Then I asked the part of her that does for the answer to why.

Whereas before she didn’t have a clue, suddenly she got it. 

When she was a child, her parents frequently said that people who have money are greedy. 

Of course, she doesn’t want to be greedy. So although she would make a lot of money, following would be a dry spell.

I recommended she journal about it to gain further insights after her session, which she did.

Now that she’s aware of the issue, she’s consciously choosing not to go along with thoughts of limitation when they pop in her head. Instead, she’s replacing them with more prosperous ideas.

FIVE DAYS LATER, and following a business lull, she’s in the process of closing deals around $2 1/2 million in addition to earning the business of two new, big clients.

If you want more money and don’t know what to do, use this technique described above. Your answer may surprise you. 

If you’d like help in 
discovering why some aspect of
your life or business isn’t working
and what to do about it,

contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

How My Client Won on the Slot Machines in Vegas

July 15, 2019

My client, who’s a great manifester, enjoys playing in the casinos.

It might be easier to give you an example of what manifesting is by sharing her experience. This is how she created a completely unplanned trip to Las Vegas for free and then won on a slot machine.

Because she’s been there before, she received an email from a hotel offering her a free hotel room for a few days. 

The timing just happened to coincide with when her boyfriend was to attend an annual event in Vegas.

He offered her a free plane ticket in exchange for sharing the hotel, and voila! Free airfare and hotel room.

When I learned she was at the casinos, I texted her a technique for winning. I learned this many years ago at a workshop and training I purchased from Carole Dore (pronounced dor AY).

This technique works for attracting money, in general. In this case, she used it to win in Vegas.

The Technique

Vibrationally align yourself with money. Literally, take out cash and smell it. Tune into your senses of money, like smelling, touching, seeing it and winning.

When walking amongst the slot machines say, “I am one with a tremendous amount of money.”

Tune into the machines as you walk through the casino.

One machine may stand out to you… like you’re drawn to it.

BE vibrationally aligned with $$.

Play the machine. 

Do NOT try to win but relax into it in a natural way.

Have FUN!

The Results

Before going into the casino, she decided she wasn’t going to spend much on gambling. Her budget was $21.77.

After FOUR pulls, the machine paid her $110.

Her boyfriend suggested they leave, but she said she felt there was more.

The machine paid her again, this time for $250, totaling $360.

At that point, she felt that if she kept playing she wouldn’t win anymore, so they left and enjoyed an amazing dinner with her winnings.

Part of the reason she’s successful at manifesting is that she’s positive. Ask her how she is, regardless of how she feels, she enthusiastically replies, “Faan-tastic!”

Her positive outlook and manifesting rub off on those around her.

Her boyfriend noticed that since they’ve been together, his business has become more profitable.

She was even surprised at the miracle that happened with her church that has a small congregation.

For years, they’ve been saving to buy their own church and property instead of renting a space on Sundays.

Over the years, they saved $465,000.

An opportunity came for the church to buy another church and its property, but they needed $1 million to qualify for the loan.

People asked for and believed the money would appear for the church, even though it even seemed impossible, even though logically they couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Then an anonymous donor gave $535,000!

If you align yourself with doing what you love, you can make your dreams come true. It’s not if, but when.

What would you like to manifest?

By the way, a couple of weeks after her free trip to Vegas, my client manifested another trip there with friends on a billionaire’s plane and the foundation for future business opportunities. But that’s another story.

If you’d like help in 
creating a life or business
you love, 
contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.
When you do what you love
with a certain attitude, 
you align yourself with it
and manifest success.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

My Tip to Get Over Overwhelm

July 9, 2019
Wimberley Flood 2015

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed are times when it helps to be the most centered emotionally and mentally, but it’s often when we feel the worse. 

For those who may not be familiar with my story, first, here’s background on why I was on the brink of not knowing how to handle everything. Then, onto my confirmation that this super simple tip works.

The background

One of the most challenging years in my life (and to reach that height is saying something) began Memorial Day weekend four years ago. 

Unprecedented flooding occurred when the Blanco River rose to a record 40.21 feet before it knocked out the flood gauge. It took 2 1/2 hours for the water to rise 31 feet as it washed away homes and people to their demise.

Although my house wasn’t part of that disaster, little did I realize this was the beginning of my personal nightmare for six months followed by another six months of new challenges.

I had dinner with a friend in a neighboring town, and left my back door open to the screened porch, when weeks of sunny skies suddenly turned to a violent storm. The rain hit the ground with such ferocity that it jettisoned mold spores into my home.

Long story short, I suffered from mold throughout my house: in my furniture, dry wall, cupboards and me. Inhaling mold not only had me breathing like a zombie but created an opiate effect on my brain so I couldn’t think straight, laid in bed like I was drugged, and sometimes I couldn’t put a sentence together to talk to people.

When I woke up out of this stupor and realized what a fix I was in, I panicked.

Miraculously, instead of years, I managed to get somewhat back on track in six months. 

I had about a month of normalcy and then the next crisis came. My cat became very ill.

I suppose most people would have put her to sleep after being told by multiple vets there was nothing to be done when her thyroid levels were over four times what they should be and her weight dropped from 15# to 7# in three weeks.

But she made it clear to me that she wasn’t ready to leave yet.

That came with a price.

For six months, I was awakened by her every night, cleaning up because of her illness, so I could only get three hours of sleep at a time. I can assure you that sleep deprivation over so many months takes its toll. Finally, she let me know it was time to go.

At that point I was exhausted, and my life felt like it was in near shambles.

A trusted coach, who I thought understood my situation and had my back, thought I liked the drama, which she mentioned during a guided meditation for me. Ouch! Maybe she thought because it was just a cat and not a parent that I should’ve put her to sleep against her will.

That was the best and worst of times. The best because years of lessons were condensed in months, not a lifetime. 

Talk about overwhelm! My life was assaulted on every level: my physical and brain health, financially, emotionally, unsupported by so-called trusted confidants, my home in disarray, unknown business direction and on and on.

So many things to deal with. I wanted to get my life back and have everything in order yesterday. Every effort seemed so miniscule compared to the task at hand.

How could I ever turn it around?

Just take a step at a time.

Focusing on this simple tip got me out of that deep hole, step at a time.

As simplistic as it sounds, focusing on one project at a time both relieves pressure and fosters progress, as reported by my clients’ experiences, too. 

It still works for me.

For example, in the beginning of this year I focused on educating myself with 45 hours of a variety of free, online health docuseries. The result is that I went on a keto diet, my weight is 25# less than it was a few months ago, the arthritis in my lower back is completely gone and I feel the best I’ve felt in decades.

I focused. I was patient with my progress and myself.

Instead of pacing ourselves, we often want to do everything at once, but life usually doesn’t work like that in the long run. Or we end up doing little or nothing except complain about how much we have to do.

During stressful times, it’s easy to feel like a failure. The step at a time approach redirects attention to what’s working and how you’re moving forward and doing well.

If you’re like most people, you’ve got a stockpile of things that need to be done. Maybe you feel discouraged and that you’ll never get ahead.

You can.

Hold the VISION of seeing your ideal life that’s on the other side of your To Do lists or crises, and STEP AT A TIME you’ll arrive at your destination or someplace better.

Could you use support in
what steps to take?
Contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

My Dream of Paralyzing Fear That May Give You Courage!

July 1, 2019
The gorge in my dream was far below, like this one in Blyde River Canyon, South Africa. See how deep the river is? However, in my dream, there were dense walls of trees on either side of the river gorge.

It was like a ropes course without ropes. The entire group of people and instructor were in front of me straddling a log that bridged a deep, deep ravine, without a safety net below.

I looked down and saw I was above a cavernous gorge of trees, but soon I’d be above a river that was far below as it cut a path through the wood-filled cliffs.

Before I didn’t think anything about crossing this divide. Now there still was no thinking, just the inability to move a muscle.

Suddenly I felt two hands around my waist steadying me, firmly stabilizing me. I didn’t turn around to see who it was. I knew there was no one behind me as I was the last one to cross.

The feeling reminds me of when I was a little girl. I learned to ride my new bike with my father at my side steadying me, acting like training wheels so I couldn’t wobble and fall.

With these invisible hands, I very quickly glided across the log to join the others. 

But the log ended abruptly before getting to the other side, and the gap was filled with water.

I was traveling so fast that I barely had time to stop, thinking I would slip over the edge and into the water. 

I began to ask how was I supposed to get across until I noticed that the water there was shallow, around ankle-deep. 

Although initially it looked like I hadn’t reached my destination, I realized all I had to do was step onto land.

Then I woke up remembering this vivid dream.

Now while thinking about it, tears come to my eyes.

I literally can feel how I’m taken care of.

There is a force of life, call it God or the universe, whatever works for you, that has its invisible hands of safety around us. 

It keeps us steady as we bravely (or even if we feel completely incapacitated) go forward in life.

Whatever your destination, you can get there or some place better. Even if it looks like you don’t know how you can do it or feel you didn’t quite make it, there is a way.

You can move forward successfully with bold decisions, even though it looks like you don’t have a safety net and the stakes are high.

You are watched over and taken care of!

Maybe it will be better (and easier) than you imagine.

Ready to make bold moves
and would like support?

Contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.