Posts Tagged ‘Self-esteem’

Confused? Going in 2 Directions Takes You Nowhere. Here’s How to Get Clarity.

December 4, 2023

Arms outstretched with people gently pulling from either side, participants of my workshop felt what it’s like to go in opposite directions at the same time.

The results: they swayed a bit to the left and right, but stayed in the same position, going nowhere.

Your contradictory thoughts can keep you stuck, too: a part of you wants to go forward while another holds you back.

You hope for better, but your thoughts keep you where you are.

How do you know if you have contradictory thoughts? Here are a couple of examples.

You choose success. But there are those pesky, opposing voices.

  • You worry about things, like what if doesn’t work. Remember what happened before and how disappointed you felt? Maybe people who pointed out your limitations were right. What were you thinking? And who are you to make more money than your parents?
  • Better play it safe. Save yourself from discouragement and failure. Don’t even bother trying or get out while you can.

You choose to be in a relationship or a better one. But even if you meet Mr. or Ms. Right, with attitudes like these, it might not go anywhere or the relationship could be unsatisfying.

  • Oh, get real. They start out great, and then they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Look at your history. Yes, you long for a loving partner. But if you haven’t found “the one” by now, it’s too late. They probably won’t like the way you look, anyway.
  • Better not get your hopes up. Just resign yourself to being alone.

When your energy goes in opposite directions:

  1. You feel discouraged, and your confidence wanes. Frustration, hopelessness, fear, depression, anger, guilt or shame can creep in. You find it hard to be yourself and feel happy.
  2. Your energy is like Pigpen, who’s pictured above, from the Charlie Brown comics. Your doubt and diminishing self-opinion swirl around you. People can feel it, which motivates them to disappear from your life.

Conflicting thoughts can drive you bonkers and cause the biblical lament to come true. 

“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”

Job:3:25 KJV

Here’s step-by-step how to get clarity.

Make a choice to focus on one direction at a time. Then act on it.

How? By believing (as much as you can) in yourself, your dreams, your goals. It’s a simple choice. Don’t make it complicated with your yes buts and conflicting thoughts. You can do this. It’s just a choice.

How much belief? All it takes is the faith of a mustard seed. They’re tiny. Check out the size in your kitchen or supermarket.

On average, people only access 10% of their true essence. The rest is the personality, seen in everyday life, that’s often filled with doubts and negativity.

  1. Choose to align with the 90% that’s your inner Self. Now you’ve tapped into your infinite potential!
  2. Step back and observe the thoughts in your head that aren’t helpful. Decide to change them for something more positive. 
  3. Ask, right now, for 100% of you to be present. In this moment, your life is on track for greater happiness and to be more focused, single-minded, Soul-directed. It takes practice, especially if you’re in the habit of complaining about others, your past or current conditions.
  4. Appreciate yourself and acknowledge things that are working.

You absolutely have the ability to align more and more with your inner Self. It’s who you are!

With focused, positive energy, you can powerfully be successful in the direction you choose or someplace better!

Edited from original the Soulgoals’ post of December 13, 2016

Had enough of the inner conflict and ready to move past it?

I invite you to contact me.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Feel Overwhelmed with the Clock Ticking?

July 24, 2023

A mastermind team did an exercise called “Strategy for Success,” which included prioritizing personal and professional goals, identifying obstacles, followed by strategies to overcome each one. If there was a roadblock, what could they do about it?

Procrastination was a big obstacle. Many delays were due to questioning themselves. Are they capable? Are they good enough? Are they doing the right thing?

Avoidance happened when their goals involved new activity and knowledge that differed from how they’d done things in the past. They were growing their businesses in new ways, which meant doing things they’d never done before.

Venturing into an arena unknown to them brought on self-doubt, which immobilized them from moving forward.

One woman, who took on a new-to-her project, didn’t know how to complete it. She simply didn’t have the expertise to finish the job. With deadlines looming, she held herself back from doing a pile of other work, that she easily knows how to do, until she finished her worrisome project.

It turned out that a business associate had already offered, completely free of charge, to help her every step of the way. He also told her point blank that she was fully capable of doing this work on her own once she learned the steps.

All she really needed was help to walk through each step. Then she’d have it.

After she completed his initial instructions, she felt that she should know how to finish it on her own. However, because she had no prior experience with it, there’s no way she could know.

She was stuck because her self-esteem felt jeopardized.

She didn’t want to call him for help because that made her feel there was something wrong with her abilities and herself. That she wasn’t good enough.

So she remained frozen for way too long, which meant she wasn’t receiving income for a stack of work she could do.

By changing her perspective, she was able to see how asking for help had nothing to do with her self-worth, and she was willing to contact him again. 

When going outside the known and our comfort zone, when choosing to take ourselves to another level, it’s likely new tools and skills will be needed. This has nothing to do with not being good enough or a reason to be afraid of rejection!

Once we get over our “yes, buts,” “you don’t understand,”  “I was told this is the way it is (or I am),” “there’s nothing that can be done” and countless other reasons we try to legitimize why we do things the way we’ve always done, new solutions can appear.

The answers to get you through any challenge live within you. You’ll either get pointed in a direction, a direct insight will come, you’ll overhear something by chance… somehow your personal GPS will show you the way.

Pay attention to your inner nudges. They provide clues.

Be open to step back and see things in a new perspective. The seemingly impossible may actually be possible with a different approach.

“Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.”

Niels Bohr, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922

Bohr, who contributed to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, tapped into his creativity to use outside the box thinking, which allowed him to be part of breakthrough discoveries.

Expand your territory. Change your perspective. Open to support and breakthroughs.

P. S. Know someone who might be interested in this post?  Please share.

Original Soulgoals’ Blog was posted on March 26, 2018.

Tired of feeling overwhelmed and want to feel at peace instead?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

TIP: Going in 2 Directions Takes You Nowhere

December 9, 2019


Arms outstretched with people gently pulling from either side, participants of my workshop this weekend felt what it’s like to go in opposite directions.

The results: they swayed a bit to the left and right, but stayed in the same position, going nowhere.

Your contradictory thoughts can keep you stuck, a part of you wants to go forward while another holds you back.

For example:

You choose success, but there are those pesky, opposing thoughts.

  • You worry about things, like what if you don’t succeed. Remember how things didn’t work out before and how disappointed you felt? Maybe people who pointed out your limitations were right. And who are you to make more money than your parents?
  • Better play it safe. Save yourself from discouragement. You long for better, but your thoughts keep you where you are.

You choose to be in a relationship, but…

  • Oh, get real. They start out great, and then they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Look at your history. However, you feel desperate for a loving partner. But if you haven’t found “the one” by now, it’s too late. They probably won’t like the way you look, anyway.
  • Even if you meet Mr. or Ms. Right, it might not go anywhere with attitudes like these or the relationship you’re in remains unsatisfying.

When your energy goes in opposite directions:

  1. You feel discouraged, and your confidence wanes. Then you don’t have what it takes to share your gifts or business in a bigger way.
  2. Your energy is like Pigpen from the Charlie Brown comics, who’s pictured above. Your doubt and low self-opinion swirl around you. People can feel it, which motivates them to run in the other direction.

Your TIP is to focus on one direction by believing in yourself, your dreams, your goals.

On average, people only access 10% of who they are. That’s the personality seen in everyday life that’s filled with doubts and negativity.

Choose to tap into the rest of you, the 90% that’s your inner Self, and you’re unlimited!

Ask, right now, for 100% of you to be present, and your life begins to be on track to be happier, more focused, single-minded, Soul-directed.

It takes practice, especially if you’re in the habit of complaining about others, your past or current conditions. Nonetheless, you can align more and more with your inner Self.

With empowered energy, you can go where you choose or someplace better!

 Reprinted from post on December 13, 2016

I work with people who long to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how or feel stuck. I help them ignite their Soul’s goals and be richly compensated doing what they love.

For greater clarity and direction, contact me for a complimentary Do What You Love Break-Free Session at