Posts Tagged ‘No way out’

Feel Like There’s No Way Out?

January 8, 2024

Here are four pointers that can help.

Once I had a dream where I was in a room with no windows or doors and seemingly no way out.  I searched the walls for a way to leave, but there wasn’t any.

Then I discovered that there was a stairway in the middle of the room that took me to a higher level, and that room was filled with lots of windows, doors and light.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” 

Paraphrased from Albert Einstein

Feeling stuck in a maze is an emotional response that can leave you feeling there’s no way out. Instead, you can find a way to untangle yourself from whatever has gotten you balled up and take productive action. Here are four pointers to redirect your focus that can help:

1. You’re frustrated because you’re trying to control the outcome by expecting it (or people) to be or act the way you think it should. 

Alternative: Relax and anticipate this or something better will occur. Stop trying to micromanage the world. This opens you to tune into new ideas and directions.

2. You’re beating yourself up with fear, worry, regrets or other limiting thoughts and emotions because of your situation. 

Alternative: Release judging you, others and your circumstances. Replace it with an empowering perspective that you’re learning, and all is in divine order and timing.

3. You’re focused on what’s not working. 

Alternative: Focus on what you choose and the good feeling mojo it creates. Good feeling mojo is what opens you to manifest more quickly and with grace and ease.

4. You’re pushing to make things happen. 

Alternative: Stop resisting (and exhausting yourself about) what is and allow things to be the way they are. You getting fussy about it won’t change it or help. Let go. Let God. Set new goals for what you choose. Take action from this perspective.

When you shift your energy, you allow life to create miracles and successes beyond your wildest expectations, and the way out appears… even if it starts out with one step at a time.

If you’d like help finding a way out and into something way better, contact me for a free consultation at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Edited excerpt from January 25, 2016 Soulgoals’ post.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Christmas Spirit – I Mean A Real Spirit

December 18, 2017


Christmas Ghost

Ever needed help but felt so alone? You’re never alone!


After her beloved father passed a couple of years ago, she was shocked at what happened next. Family members did the unimaginable by creating legal maneuvers over a fortune that left them riding high and her nearly destitute.

They cornered her from every angle she had available so she wasn’t able to stand up to them effectively. She was left feeling angry, frustrated, betrayed, broke and nearly broken by those she trusted.

It looked hopeless with no way out.

Recently, her father appeared to her in a lucid dream. She told me, “It was real; I felt like I was alive and really there in the dream.

“We were looking out at a field of grass and flowers with trees perfectly in a row lining each side. It was beautiful, very colorful and really alive.

“I know we were with other family members.” One in particular is the one whose greed had guided the misdeeds.

With anger that had been common while he was alive physically, he told his wife, “Get it corrected! The will is not be in any one else’s hands!!”

She shared the following with me but with no one else because others might not believe her vivid encounters. As my writing is anonymous, she agreed to let me share this with you.

Her father appears to my client often as if he’s in physical form. Even after writing my draft of this post, she texted that she saw him while she was driving; this time he appeared as a young man.

Seeing him calms me down, and I know he’s with me and correcting the situation.”

Recently, I saw Charles Dickens’ The Christmas Carol where Scrooge had a change of heart because of visitations by Christmas ghosts.

Life works in mysterious ways. Events happen that make the seeming impossible possible. As Scrooge learned, it’s not too late for anyone to change, to Be, to receive, to give, to open to Love.

If you open to receive, you can discover that help is always available and you’re never alone.

Maybe there’s more to the story of The Christmas Carol than just a metaphor.

Einstein said, ““Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” 

So what happens to anyone’s energy when they pass on? Could they be alive but in another form? My client has frequent rendezvous with her father that cause her to believe that there’s more to life than what we think we know.

Think of the possibilities you have available right now if you allow yourself to receive support from intelligence and profound caring from infinite sources. 

Think of the impact that could make on any of your problems from money and business to relationships and health. 

Over the years, I’ve found if I let go of my limited beliefs and shift instead to be open to receive, miracles happen in my life that defy logical assumptions or solutions I could imagine.

Consider playing a game. Think of an issue you have and then let go of it emotionally. Just for an experiment, let go of worrying, being in fear or trying to control outcomes.

When you let go of being all balled up emotionally, you also let go of resistance to your issues.

You now have created more space for solutions to appear.

While you’re in a more receptive mode (or even if you’re not), ask for help.

According to your beliefs, help may come from your inner wisdom, God, Jesus, loved ones who’ve passed on or a team on the other side who are waiting for you to ask for assistance.

You can open to a calm presence within and situations resolving themselves beyond your wildest imagination.

YOU can be a living example of peace on earth, goodwill to man.

P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this post? Please share.


I work with people, at any age, who choose to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or would benefit from new tools or support. I help them be richly compensated doing what they love by aligning with their Soul’s goals.