Posts Tagged ‘Running out of time’

What Keeps You up at Night?

November 27, 2023

What keeps you up at night? Do ghost story reruns play in your thoughts and emotions?

Can you relate to any of these ghosts?

  • Lack of money. 
  • Business concerns. 
  • Not enough energy or poor health for you or others. 
  • What to do about family, work or friend relationships.
  • Tough decisions to make. 
  • Exhaustion and confusion from stress and overwhelm. 
  • Running out of time. 
  • Insert your (not so) favorite one here.

You also may have befriended an attitude that… well, it’s somewhere between wondering how things can ever work or you screwed up.

An attitude adjustment could begin to solve a lot of problems

Easier said than done when you feel like you’re drowning in quicksand.

Why suffer? You don’t have to struggle or settle for less than what you deserve! Or maybe you’re just ready to kick it up to a higher level.

How? Transform your frequency.

Huh? Speak English, please. OK. Law of Attraction – like attracts like. 

Think of yourself as a tuning fork. Every tone you play creates a vibration. These either resonate or are discordant with other notes.

Some notes are what you like in your life. Others you’d like to send to a universe far, far away. Those are the ones that irritate you like mosquitoes buzzing in the middle of the night – or thoughts that keep you up.

I’m not saying you should change yourself. Whew! That sounds like a Herculean effort.

Actually, you’re already more than good enough just the way you are. However, you may be carrying some unnecessary paraphernalia, aka emotions and perspectives, that skew your frequencies. (Imagine playing your tuning fork with an old sack on it that muffles its true tones.)

TIP: When you’re angry, frustrated, worried or lashing out at the world because life isn’t going as you think it should, you attract more weird things to match these frequencies. Instead, observe the words and energy you express and change them if you’re not getting the results you choose.

I once saw a woman in a store repeatedly warn her child not to run because he’d fall. Of course, he fell to comply with the images she planted in his head… and then she said, “I told you so.”

What are you unconsciously creating? Sometimes it’s subtle and tricky to detect because you’ve lived with the thinking and emotional patterns for so long that they feel natural, even though they attract what you don’t want.

It’s easy and commonplace to get so enmeshed in your story and circumstances that you can’t see a way out. A lot of times, how could you?

The reason you’re in challenging situations is to learn. It’s not a punishment from God or bad karma or a sign that there’s something wrong with you

You may not have the TOOLS to change your approach to reap different results – YET! Let’s face it. If you already got the lesson about why things aren’t working, you wouldn’t be where you are. When you get it, you move on.

How Can You Make the Shift? 

TIP: Ask for help. Be open to receive. There are some things you won’t be able to do on your own.

Countless times I found myself in seemingly insurmountable circumstances that only others could help me with. 10 1/2 hours with a professional computer guy solved technical issues to help my business that I stewed over for years! Also, my mastermind partners helped clear my thinking and shared ideas so I could take effective action.

You’re not alone although you may feel that way at times. There are those who’ve walked a path similar enough to yours who understand your goals and obstacles and, most importantly, CAN HELP YOU FIND THE WAY TO ACHIEVE THE RESULTS YOU CHOOSE.

Ask and you shall receive. Miracles happen!

Why not trust? You may have discovered that fear and worry can keep you up at night. But they don’t create the frequency to find effective solutions
that peace of mind provides.

This edited Soulgoals’ blog was first posted on November 8, 2012.

Contact me to learn new tools and perspectives, receive help and turn your life around. Significantly.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

You’re Not Running Out of Time

May 7, 2023

And it won’t take long to read this.

Once I left a half an hour later than intended for a talk I gave. I needed the extra time to place hand outs on 50 chairs and organize other aspects of my presentation.

I knew if I used the mantra on the 45-minute drive, “I’m late; I’m late,” I would have been an emotional wreck by the time I arrived.

Instead, I told my chattering mind, “I have all the time I need.” When I got there I discovered that one of my clients, who regularly attends this group and likes to arrive early, was available and very happy to assist me.

I had more than enough time.

Time is malleable. You can change your self-imposed concept of time in your life.

IT DOESN’T MATTER if you can’t figure out how you’ll find the time.

IT DOESN’T MATTER if you think you need more time in the day or more time before you exit the planet.

Talk with your Essence, the very core of who you are, and make an agreement: I have all the time I need to do everything I have to do.

Start by re-evaluating one area of your life where you feel you do not have enough time. Look at it from the viewpoint of a wise friend and reframe your perspective to one where you have all the time you need… and won’t run out of it.

You can’t get it wrong, and you never get it done.


Need to get control of your time? Feel like you’ll never catch up or you missed your boat? Maybe you’re so busy that you feel you aren’t able to get off your merry-go-round? 

I can help. Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Are You Wasting Your Time?

May 14, 2019

clock spiral

I invite you to enjoy my Soulgoal Missive, first published on April 29, 2004.

“Life is a controllable thing.”
Awakened Imagination

“I have no control over my life,” protested a workshop participant angrily. The implication that we have or can have control of our lives seemed preposterous and brought fierce resistance.

“My life is governed by this,” she indignantly proclaimed while holding the Metro bus schedule. “I have to be on time for the bus if I want to go anywhere, but I can’t control if the bus is late, early, or will show up at all.” The bus schedule is how she relates to much of life as she relies on public transportation.

Another participant chimed in firmly and gently. “To get control of your life, of your heart, and what you really want to do, you have to let go of the bus schedule. You are greater than the bus schedule. This is a metaphor for your life; it is ruled by time and when and if you can catch a bus rather than by what you really want.”

When asked at the beginning of the workshop about her heart’s desire she replied: “I don’t care. Why bother? What I want doesn’t matter, because I’m not going to get it anyway.”

One of the interactive workshop games disappointed her. As we had a half an hour left, she felt pressured and therefore unable to do the exercise. She felt we were running out of time.

Her life revolved largely about time… and her lack of self-worth.

She was so caught up in her whirlwind of fear regarding time that she couldn’t see that this was the issue holding her back from achieving or gaining clarity on what she wanted.

  “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”
Albert Einstein  

Life is a mirror. Little did I realize in that moment, as I watched this dear woman grapple with the “reality” of time, that this was the underlying issue that had saddened me all day. As I looked past the smoke and mirrors of a decision I made earlier, I realized that my pain stemmed from an underlying fear of wasting my time.

I worried that I might lose time if I made a mistake, as I felt I had done in the past, so I wanted to cut my losses with anything that looked as if I might be making an error in judgment.

However, everything is in divine order. Even if I made different decisions in the past, I would not be any further along than I am at this moment. Why? Because I needed the lessons I learned along the way to do what I am doing now.

We are where we are meant to be, and when we realize this at a deeper level, a great peace and understanding are felt.

Time is another form of separation, and it holds us back from living life fully. When we start to separate things into segments and compare ourselves to others or a fabricated timeline, we separate from our hearts and living in the present moment. It’s a facet of fear.

The movie “Sliding Doors”, starring Gwyneth Paltrow, demonstrated the What If scenario by playing out two timelines simultaneously. What if a character made a different choice at a given moment in time? The journey took a different route but the destination remained the same.

Quantum mechanics reveals that time can vary! Einstein postulated that time and distance are not fixed! Speed can remain the same even though distance and time change.

Einstein called the slowing of time due to motion time dilation.

velocity (speed) equals distance traveled divided by time

The PBS website from the show Nova on “Time Travel” states “the closer we came to traveling at the speed of light, the more time would slow down for us relative to someone not moving.” 

When we consider that an inner light is at the essence of who we are, this statement becomes more intriguing.

Time is malleable.

I left a half an hour later than intended for a talk I gave. I needed the extra time to place hand outs on 50 chairs and organize other aspects of my presentation.

I knew if I used the mantra on the 45-minute drive, “I’m late; I’m late,” I would have been an emotional wreck by the time I arrived.

Instead, I told my chattering mind to repeat, “I have all the time I need.” When I got there, one of my clients who attended this group was available and very happy to assist me by doing all the busywork.

I had more than enough time.

Time isn’t fixed. Escape the miasma of your self-imposed concept of time in your life.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to re-evaluate one area of your life where you feel you do not have enough time. Look at it from a detached viewpoint of a wise friend and make a change to give yourself the gift of time.

With a zest for Life,

Success Thought

Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT’S relativity.
Albert Einstein

Ready to reclaim your time
so you can live the life you choose?

Contact me for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.

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