Archive for the ‘Beliefs’ Category

TIP: Never Give Up

April 15, 2024

Small or LARGE, life presents challenges that sometimes feel impossible to solve.

Have you ever wondered how in the world you could get out of a fix you were in? Or maybe you were closing in on the 11th hour, and your dreams – or life – were falling apart in front of you. Or you felt discouraged because no matter how hard you tried, you didn’t get past first base, if even that far.

Or maybe that’s happening to you now.

Every week, I marvel at the amazing stories I hear during mastermind meetings.To offer you encouragement to see what’s possible for you, I’m sharing one of them.

During her team meeting, a woman masterminded to receive a bonus.

Just two more high dollar transactions to log in by the end of the week, and she’d receive it.

With deals in the pipeline, she had good reason to believe the $$ was hers.

But the last deal didn’t come together.

The masterminder said that in the past she would have been disappointed and doubted.

Instead, she decided she was going to believe she’d receive her bonus in spite of all appearances that pointed to the contrary.

She didn’t have a clue how to do it.

She had less than a day with no prospects in sight.

It reminds me of a quote texted to me a few days ago.

“A friend recently told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.”

That’s what it can look like to others (and maybe you) who think you must be crazy to believe something will work when all logical options have evaporated like the morning fog. Or you’re offered advice to give up.

Believe anyway.

While talking with her BFF the night before her deadline, she mentioned what happened… at which point her friend said she’d been meaning to make this investment for a while.

She ran a credit check, which often can be problematic for people especially with her friend’s credit history, and it worked.

With a looming deadline hours away, she made her numbers and got her bonus!

Everything is given according to your belief.

If you believe it, you can create it.
This or something better.

Your TIP is never give up.

If one way doesn’t work, it may be because something better is coming.

Focus on this instead of grumbling about something you don’t like, how you think things should be or who done you wrong.

This belief creates:

All my needs and more are met beyond my wildest expectation and imagination now!

Miracles happen. May you enjoy a miracle-filled week.

Originally posted on Soulgoals’ Blog of April 27, 2016.

If your belief could use a pick me up, I invite you to contact me to learn how with a complimentary Soulgoals’ Break-Free Session.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Is That Really What You Think About Yourself?

March 18, 2024

Your thoughts about yourself create your future.

So what have you been telling yourself about you recently?

Stupid, smart, not good enough, grateful?

Is that really what you think about yourself?

If you want more money, which thinking do you believe works best?

  • I really need it, but I don’t think I’ll ever get paid what I’m worth.
  • (In spite of my circumstances) I feel that more money is coming to me.

If you want more of something, feel as if you already have it. You won’t get what you want (or you could be miserable or not hold onto it) if you’re waiting for it to appear before you believe it.

A client, whose goal includes increasing her sales and income, wasn’t talking like someone who already had the wealth she desired. She was working hard and fast, and her curt attitude had an adverse affect on her support team who, in turn, did small actions to annoy her.

During a Soulgoals’ Session, she realized that if she took a few more minutes to have smoothe interactions with them, instead of communicating by terse emails, she would receive more help and have less stress and irritation. Their attitude about her was disruptive and consuming unnecessary amounts of her time and energy.

She had been seeing herself as someone pushing to get to the top instead of being there.

You have to be an energetic match for what you want.

If you want greater health, act as if you have it. You’ll send a message of health to your cells.

A woman, who had a stroke, has been making tremendous progress. She definitely has the potential of continuing to overcome some of its effects, too. She’s learned much about herself during her year of recovery and has her sights set on wellness.

She emailed me about a vacation tour she planned to take with disabled people, but she decided not to go because she’s choosing to attend another event instead.

I replied that not going “may be a good thing so you don’t identify with being disabled by surrounding yourself with others who believe that about themselves. How you see yourself is a key to the direction you’ll find yourself in the future. See yourself able-bodied.”

Your thoughts about yourself are just mental concepts. Your thoughts and ideas are only pictures in your head, and often they were downloaded into your brain by others.

The tendency is to accept all of your perceptions as real because they’re in your head. However, some are limiting because more possibilities exist than you can imagine.

“To look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of the truth, which is that there is no disease; it is only an appearance, and the reality is health.

“To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

What do you think about yourself? 

Do you say you want more money but think about yourself as poor, in lack or needy?

Do you say you want greater health but see your body as sick?

How you identify who you believe you are now is writing your script for who you’ll be in the future.

If you focus on your limiting, outer circumstances, you’ll repeat them in the future. Focus on what you choose instead.

You embody unlimited potential for whatever you choose or something better. You can think about yourself in this way.

Don’t be fooled by appearances, and certainly don’t beat yourself up because you feel you’re not good enough. Your current circumstances exist because of old ways that you thought about yourself. 

You always have a choice about how you feel and think, even if things seem out of your control.

Imagine what life would be like if you see yourself as the hero of your dreams coming true!

This original Soulgoals’ blog was posted on March 20, 2018

If you could use help with changing the way you see yourself so you can enjoy a life you’d rather be living, contact me for a complimentary Soulgoals’ Break-Free Session.

Email me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

What Is Karma? Is Yours Good or Bad?

February 26, 2024

Before Soulgoals’ Blog, there were Soulgoal Missives. I woke up thinking about this one. It’s from Year 2, No. 14 with a few updates. Get ready to dive in and set yourself free…

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

I thought bad karma or retribution meant if we didn’t do something right, there would be payback, and the results were our life sucked. If we did something good, we get brownie points.

This opened the door to feeling guilty and believing myself or others did something wrong, and our penalty was what didn’t work in our lives.
I may have said I didn’t believe in guilt, but my inner reaction was that my ancestors or I committed a blameworthy activity where some form of cosmic punishment or balance would take place.
It took me years to realize what wasn’t right in my life was my belief in what I felt I deserved.

My history didn’t hold me back; it was my self-esteem and my perspective of what I thought about my past, present and future.

The punitive belief of karma, of which we owe a payment, is a man-made device that can hold people down and serve as a thin veil for the justification of guilt, blame, retaliation, revenge and more. And, in doing so, we diminish ourselves and give away our power.

  • There are no celestial informants with credit and debit tally sheets regarding if what we’re doing is right or wrong!
  • We are not being ethereally blackmailed with karma and our past is not being held over our heads. 
  • Instead, the universe is about Love and learning our lessons. It’s our choice if we make learning hard or with ease and grace.

If our spirit chooses to learn something, it repeats an experience or something similar. When we learn the underlying lessons and let go, we’re free to move on.

Life situations are not judgments or penalties based on:

  • We did something wrong.
  • There’s something wrong with us or others.
  • We’re being mystically attacked by evil forces or people.
  • We’re a victim of circumstances that are out of our control.
  • We’re bad or stupid…

…and now we’re gonna pay for it.

We are in the process of realizing what our true Self is and is not, and how our choices, attitudes, feelings, thoughts and vibration impact, actually create, our outer circumstances.

Was a decision we made a good one? How did it affect others and ourselves? If our choices need refining, we have a blessed opportunity to give them another whirl and experience different results. Each whirl creates a different nuance in the lesson learned, even though the outcome may look the same at times.
Remember how patterns change on a kaleidoscope every time you turn it? It’s fascinating to see the possibilities. Our choices are like turning a kaleidoscope to see different colors in our lives.
If some of those choices are harmful, limiting, or negative, even though we may not realize they are, or if we simply need to learn, the energy generated causes consequences, such as someone going to jail, people breaking off associations, being unhappy, feeling trapped, disasters, or our bodies creating dis-ease.

  • If our thoughts and actions are vibrationally out of synch, we carry an energy and emotion with us that will attract more of whatever we put out. As the saying goes, good intentions can pave the way to hell. Maybe what we thought was the best way really isn’t.
  • If we’re selfish or greedy, we’ll attract selfishness and greed.
  • If we feel guilty, we’ll attract others blaming us and then have experiences that validate our belief that we did something wrong.
  • If we feel we’re stuck, we’ll continue to attract circumstances that won’t make a liar out of us. If we say we’re stuck or broke, so be it. From our lips to God’s ears. We’ll continue to receive what we say but don’t want. Every word from our mouths is an affirmation. Watch what you say.
  • If our attempts to improve our health or finances in a different way didn’t work for us or others in the past, so we have a belief that improvement might not be possible, we’re being negative. We may then experience a self-fulfilling prophecy of not getting better. Another choice: you can be the exception. Because of your positive expectation, things will always work out for you.
  • If we rescue others from their circumstances, thinking we’re helping them, we’ll experience others not appreciating us as we give away our time and life force. Or they depend on us instead of learning their lessons. Help, yes. Compassion, yes. “Try” to teach them, fix their situations or do it for them so they aren’t doing for themselves, that’s rescuing and holding them back.
  • If we doubt something will work, it probably won’t.

When in doubt, kick it out.


“Trying” is a forward-looking excuse for failure. Trying is on a vibration of doubt. “I don’t think it will work, but I’ll try.” We learned this as children as a way out. “Well, I triiied but it didn’t work.” Trying is a negative approach to life.
If we try, there’s a greater probability we won’t succeed. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Do no try! Instead vibrationally claim the energy of success first, then take action. Do or do not.
Trying creates what we don’t want, and then we can say it was karma. It’s not meant to be. It didn’t work. Timing was off. Others can get results, but not me. It’s not for everyone. Let’s be honest; settle and make the best of it.
However, it may not be any of these. It’s what you energetically set up for yourself.
Changing the perspective of our memories, emotions, and perception frees our past, present and future.
Can you see that our lives are the way they are not because of karma but unconscious choices? What are you thinking and feeling? You’ll get more of that, not because of karma.

When we let go of the emotion we attached to an experience, it has no hold on us; it loses its power.

Often the reason we feel life is hard is because we attach an emotion and story to circumstances that make them feel hard.


When we let go of the emotion we attached to an experience, it has no hold on us; it loses its power.

Often the reason we feel life is hard is because we attach an emotion and story to circumstances that make them feel hard.

Do you have persistent pain? Let go of the emotional charge. If it’s in your back, for example, let go of the past. Back pain can be created from emotional pain that’s in back of you, behind you, in your past, that may be stuffed. Forgive. Stop feeling sorry for yourself or being a victim or thinking things can work for others but not you or harboring the trauma or just accepting it.

During my (last) phone conversation with my chiropractor, regarding debilitating back pain, I told him, “I just want to be normal.” He raised his voice and replied, “You will NEVER be normal!” Regardless, I firmly believed I would. It was a journey, but I completely healed my back.

Change the story you’re telling yourself about your pain or illness.

Life is meant to be challenging but not a struggle!

During and after a marriage, I experienced financial devastation. I wondered what I did in the past to create this misery as I had a six-figure income before I married. I finally realized my finances suffered because my “karma” was that I thought I had karma, and I was paying off a debt. I believed I did something wrong to deserve this, even though I had no idea what that was. Consequently, my life reflected my belief of lack.
Karma or retribution is often regarded as a punishment such as, you didn’t get it right before, so now you’re here to pay for it, get your act together and get it right. 

From a spiritual level we choose to learn lessons, and other Souls participate to help. That’s why the biggest jerks and irritants in our lives are our greatest teachers. We assist each other to learn from different points of view. If we didn’t get the lesson, there will be more opportunities to learn.

 Karma is learning from different points of view. It’s not a punishment.

If our human self didn’t learn the lesson, our spiritual Self ups the ante to get our attention, and an even more challenging lesson comes to us. We do it to ourselves because we desire to learn. It’s not good or bad. We’re not being punished or tested or tempted or paying back or attacked or tricked or preyed upon by some force outside ourselves. We’re learning.
If we feel we are bad, we create bad around us. Law of attraction. Like energy attracts like energy.
It reminds me of a woman whose teenaged son regularly did a sloppy job on his homework. When she inquired why he performed as he did, he told her that she kept calling him lazy, so he decided to act that way.
Our beliefs create similar life circumstances.

What do you expect?

Judging others implies they are not good enough, undermines their self-confidence, and is the fastest way to keep them down. It’s a way of controlling to gain power or feel good about ourselves. At least we’re better than that.
What would leave you feeling more supported? Someone judging you about how you got into this mess. Someone wondering how you’ll ever get through this. Feeling sorry for you or saying “poor you.”
Or being told, “I believe in you, and I believe you can get through this.”
We undermine ourselves by self-criticism and self-judgment, too. We can choose judgment. Or we can choose opportunities to learn other options, such as compassion, understanding everything is in divine order, and overcoming lack (such as who we are and what we’re doing is not enough).


There is no need for regret, because if we knew better, we would’ve done things differently. Then we wouldn’t be in the fixes we find ourselves. But we didn’t know better. These are the lessons we are here to learn.

Therefore, regret is living in the past and a waste of time and precious energy.

There’s no need to blame anyone, ourselves, or malevolent forces. The devil or evil influences didn’t make us do anything or cause our lives harm. It’s not bad luck.

We’re at different stages of the learning curve and doing the best we can. We wouldn’t fault a first grader for not knowing chemistry. In high school, everyone doesn’t take the same subjects at the same time, even if they are required courses; we learn different lessons at different times.

Today, we would sidestep in a flash some situations we found ourselves in ten years ago. We did the best we could then, so now we’re here. The purpose is to learn and grow, not to be perfect or chastise ourselves.

My girlfriend told me if she married a different man, her life would’ve been easier. Maybe so, but if not from her marriage, she would’ve learned to stand up for herself another way. At that time, she chose her domestically violent marriage to learn her lessons.

If only we knew better, we should’ve, would’ve, could’ve… but we didn’t. If we knew, we would’ve done something differently. Everything is in divine order. Our experiences expand our awareness and create the people we are now.

The idea is to live, love, learn – and have fun!
The purpose is not to be perfect as there is no such thing.

We are all divinely loved unconditionally regardless of what we do or did or what we think about ourselves or what others think about us.
We can choose to make our journey with greater ease and grace. No pain, no gain is another erroneous program we bought into. Who said that’s the way it has to be?

Everything is given to us according to our belief.
You can choose to learn your lessons with grace and ease.
Choose to learn in GENTLE ways!

If we say life is difficult, it is. Hardship and suffering do not make us more spiritual. We can choose to be in divine flow.

What are you affirming?

We have a choice to focus on suffering or unconditional love, chaos or peace, anger or forgiveness. It’s a free choice planet; our choices determine our quality of living and being.

My parents were loving people, but every morning I heard my mom say about my dad, “I wonder what that S…O…B… is going to do to make my life miserable today.” What a daily affirmation! Naturally, he always did something to annoy and anger her. With their words and actions, they kept this vicious circle endlessly spinning until he opted out by having fatal strokes.

She made her life miserable by her choice of words, viewpoint, beliefs, attitude, and actions and then blamed her unhappiness on him. It was easier to blame than to take responsibility for her life.

There is no good or bad karma. It’s just learning.

Life is what you make it.

We have the gift of choice to believe what we choose not just what we are told.

The more we let go of the past and consciously choose, the more we attract what we desire.

We can learn to make more conscious decisions.

Socrates said, “To find yourself, think for yourself.”

Everything is given according to our belief.

Your challenge, if you choose to accept, is to look at what’s not working in your life but believe that’s the way it has to be.

Be more conscious. Boldly look at your situation as if it were someone else’s life.

  • What’s another way you could perceive it?
  • If you changed your belief, how could your life be different?
  • What action can you take to make a change in a better direction?

With a zest for Life,


Success Thought

 “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.”

Matthew 8:13

Ready to break free and live a life of your choice? You can.

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

What Keeps You up at Night?

November 27, 2023

What keeps you up at night? Do ghost story reruns play in your thoughts and emotions?

Can you relate to any of these ghosts?

  • Lack of money. 
  • Business concerns. 
  • Not enough energy or poor health for you or others. 
  • What to do about family, work or friend relationships.
  • Tough decisions to make. 
  • Exhaustion and confusion from stress and overwhelm. 
  • Running out of time. 
  • Insert your (not so) favorite one here.

You also may have befriended an attitude that… well, it’s somewhere between wondering how things can ever work or you screwed up.

An attitude adjustment could begin to solve a lot of problems

Easier said than done when you feel like you’re drowning in quicksand.

Why suffer? You don’t have to struggle or settle for less than what you deserve! Or maybe you’re just ready to kick it up to a higher level.

How? Transform your frequency.

Huh? Speak English, please. OK. Law of Attraction – like attracts like. 

Think of yourself as a tuning fork. Every tone you play creates a vibration. These either resonate or are discordant with other notes.

Some notes are what you like in your life. Others you’d like to send to a universe far, far away. Those are the ones that irritate you like mosquitoes buzzing in the middle of the night – or thoughts that keep you up.

I’m not saying you should change yourself. Whew! That sounds like a Herculean effort.

Actually, you’re already more than good enough just the way you are. However, you may be carrying some unnecessary paraphernalia, aka emotions and perspectives, that skew your frequencies. (Imagine playing your tuning fork with an old sack on it that muffles its true tones.)

TIP: When you’re angry, frustrated, worried or lashing out at the world because life isn’t going as you think it should, you attract more weird things to match these frequencies. Instead, observe the words and energy you express and change them if you’re not getting the results you choose.

I once saw a woman in a store repeatedly warn her child not to run because he’d fall. Of course, he fell to comply with the images she planted in his head… and then she said, “I told you so.”

What are you unconsciously creating? Sometimes it’s subtle and tricky to detect because you’ve lived with the thinking and emotional patterns for so long that they feel natural, even though they attract what you don’t want.

It’s easy and commonplace to get so enmeshed in your story and circumstances that you can’t see a way out. A lot of times, how could you?

The reason you’re in challenging situations is to learn. It’s not a punishment from God or bad karma or a sign that there’s something wrong with you

You may not have the TOOLS to change your approach to reap different results – YET! Let’s face it. If you already got the lesson about why things aren’t working, you wouldn’t be where you are. When you get it, you move on.

How Can You Make the Shift? 

TIP: Ask for help. Be open to receive. There are some things you won’t be able to do on your own.

Countless times I found myself in seemingly insurmountable circumstances that only others could help me with. 10 1/2 hours with a professional computer guy solved technical issues to help my business that I stewed over for years! Also, my mastermind partners helped clear my thinking and shared ideas so I could take effective action.

You’re not alone although you may feel that way at times. There are those who’ve walked a path similar enough to yours who understand your goals and obstacles and, most importantly, CAN HELP YOU FIND THE WAY TO ACHIEVE THE RESULTS YOU CHOOSE.

Ask and you shall receive. Miracles happen!

Why not trust? You may have discovered that fear and worry can keep you up at night. But they don’t create the frequency to find effective solutions
that peace of mind provides.

This edited Soulgoals’ blog was first posted on November 8, 2012.

Contact me to learn new tools and perspectives, receive help and turn your life around. Significantly.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Can Bad Things Happen for a Reason?

October 16, 2023

Can bad things that happen turn out actually to be good?

I found “Is Your Hut Burning?” in a 1999 email I saved, author unknown. It may help to put some things in perspective, regardless of how they look… and that God and the universe have everything in control.

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself from the elements and to store his few possessions.

But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. “God, how could you do this to me!” he cried.

Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. “How did you know I was here?” asked the weary man of his rescuers. “We saw your smoke signal,” they replied.

It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn’t lose heart because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground… it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.

Original Soulgoals’ Blog was posted on March 4, 2019.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Ready to put things in greater perspective so life can get even better?
Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

12 Louise Hay Quotes and How She Signed My Books

September 18, 2023

Louise Hay was a multi-national, best-selling author, speaker and founder of Hay House.  I heard her speak following the publication of her best-selling classic You Can Heal Your Life. Included in this is her famous The List, which correlates diseases and the probable thought patterns that caused them as well as affirmations to assist in healing. The first page from The List is shown above.

In the late 1980s, here’s the inscription she wrote in my copy of the book You Can Heal Your Life:

Love and Joy


At the turn of this century, I again heard her speak along with other featured guests when I went to Houston for a day-long seminar. Her inscription, when she signed my book The Power is Within You, changed slightly. I included this page:

Virginia –
Love & Power!
Louise Hay


She became immensely popular by inspiring millions who could hear her messages. In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s words, “Louise Hay writes to your soul… where all healing begins.”

Which one of her quotes found below resonates with you the most?

With gratitude,


This is the top quote on her website, which commemorates her. She was 90 when she passed. (1926 – 2017):

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.”

Louise Hay

“Every thought we think is creating our future.”

“Look at the ‘problems’ in your life. Ask yourself, ‘What kind of thoughts am I having that create this?'”

“No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind.”

“Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen.”

“Remember the things that gave you joy as a child. Incorporate them into your life now. Find a way to have fun with everything you do. Let yourself express the joy of living. Smile. Laugh. Rejoice, and the Universe rejoices with you!”

If you’d like support to discover how to “claim and consciously use your power” so you can live YOUR dreams, contact me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

This Soulgoals’ Blog was originally posted on September 17, 2018.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

SHOCKED About My Mother After Learning This

May 22, 2023

This changed me forever.

She blamed my father for her miserable life.

My mother, who passed in 1988, used what I call mantras – words she repeated so many times that I still know them verbatim.

Because of regular reiteration, I believed and didn’t question some of them. It was like repetition used to learn arithmetic tables, but these were impressed on me with far more feeling.

“When I was young, I used to be happy-go-lucky. Then I met your father.”

Because they argued intensely, she started her day with this mantra: “I wonder what that S.O.B. is going to do to make my life miserable today.”  (Note – she didn’t use initials.)

She had no idea that her daily proclamations and choice of emotions were what made her life miserable, not anything my father did or didn’t do.

She thought her suffering was my father’s fault, and I accepted it as true, too. I didn’t have an attitude about him. I liked and loved him. At the same time, I saw her perspective and believed her woeful declarations.

Then around 2002, I was talking to one my teachers about how I felt sorry for them. He knew my parents and replied,

“Your mother wanted your father to change so she wouldn’t have to change.”


This was a throw-a-bucket-of-ice-cold-water-in-my-face moment.

It was his fault. That was a given. Never questioned it. She lived a miserable life because of him.

Here’s the kicker.

As long as she complained about and blamed him, she didn’t have to take responsibility for her own emotions and actions. It was his fault. She was the victim. Pointing her finger at what she decided were his failings absolved her of cleaning up her attitudes, feelings and thoughts.

In a flash, I realized the blaming wasn’t true. She could’ve been happy if she stopped giving him power over the way she felt.

In a shocking moment, for the first time, I stopped feeling sorry for them.

I realized that my pity (vs. compassion) was condescending and disrespectful of their choices. They decided how to interact with each other. They had complete control over the way they felt. If they chose to argue as a way of life, and if she chose to feel miserable, those were their decisions.

As emotions create reality, she created a “living hell” for herself where she felt “like a prisoner in my own home.” Her life was a self-fulfilled prophecy.

Think about the implications in your life. Who are you blaming for what doesn’t work and how you feel?

  • Do you want others to behave the way you think they should so you can feel good? In other words, do you want others or situations to change so you can feel better? Or will you decide to feel better anyway?
  • As you create your future by how you feel, do you allow others to affect how you feel by reacting to strangers who drive weird, crazy acting people, politicians or past hurts?
  • Are you blaming yourself? Or will you take command of your own energy because, if you don’t, you block your dreams coming true? Guilt, regrets, bemoaning your past, blaming yourself and others are false narratives… and an insult to your divine nature. Everyone’s learning. It’s okay.
  • What mantras run through your head? I can’t afford it. There’s never enough. What if I run out of money or time? Nothing I do ever works out. My life would be so much better if only…

Even if they’re “wrong,” you still can choose your attitude and how you respond. As like attracts like, how you feel shapes your future.

What does this have to do with your life, business or work?

Your feelings and thoughts magnetize your experience, so don’t hand the keys of your emotions to others and “if only” things would be different. Don’t give your power away.

Allowing others to affect how you feel relinquishes the keys to your kingdom – or queendom – of success, happiness and ability to enjoy personal, financial and emotional freedom.

By the way, blame is one of ego’s greatest tools; no matter where it’s directed, it holds you back.

You choose how you react and feel.

Your now and future depend on it.

“When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don’t blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce.

Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce.

Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and argument. That is my experience.

No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding. If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change”  

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Edited excerpt from Soulgoals’ post of March 13, 2017.

Ready to live YOUR life, let go of blaming and complaining and gain emotional mastery? 

Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

You’re Not Running Out of Time

May 7, 2023

And it won’t take long to read this.

Once I left a half an hour later than intended for a talk I gave. I needed the extra time to place hand outs on 50 chairs and organize other aspects of my presentation.

I knew if I used the mantra on the 45-minute drive, “I’m late; I’m late,” I would have been an emotional wreck by the time I arrived.

Instead, I told my chattering mind, “I have all the time I need.” When I got there I discovered that one of my clients, who regularly attends this group and likes to arrive early, was available and very happy to assist me.

I had more than enough time.

Time is malleable. You can change your self-imposed concept of time in your life.

IT DOESN’T MATTER if you can’t figure out how you’ll find the time.

IT DOESN’T MATTER if you think you need more time in the day or more time before you exit the planet.

Talk with your Essence, the very core of who you are, and make an agreement: I have all the time I need to do everything I have to do.

Start by re-evaluating one area of your life where you feel you do not have enough time. Look at it from the viewpoint of a wise friend and reframe your perspective to one where you have all the time you need… and won’t run out of it.

You can’t get it wrong, and you never get it done.


Need to get control of your time? Feel like you’ll never catch up or you missed your boat? Maybe you’re so busy that you feel you aren’t able to get off your merry-go-round? 

I can help. Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Maybe There’s Another Way of Looking at Things

April 24, 2023

Your reaction to life depends on how you look at things.

I’ve been building another Soulgoals’ website, which necessitated revisions to my lovely, new logo and banner. When they were reduced in size, some of the lettering was so small that it was unreadable.

My request for changes has been going on for months, but I was busy with other things so I let it slide. Periodically, I checked in and got modificatins, but they weren’t the ones I sought.

Finally, I got annoyed. A few days ago, I asked her in a very kind, detailed email to work as a team. PLEASE complete this. 

She replied: “Okay so, to be honest, it’s not a lack of communication between us. I am going through chemo and it is causing havoc with my work, even my eyes if you can believe it!”

Yikes. It seems whenever I get bothered about something, there are other factors involved that I hadn’t considered, another way of looking at things.

Oh, but the ego, our false identity, loves having a justifiable reason to be irritated or against something or someone. This has an underlying egoic “benefit” of feeling superior to others. To the egoic self, it feels so satisfying to be right while making others wrong. It loves to cop an attitude and often won’t listen to anything but the way it wants to look at things.

I’ve had people angry with me for years. Eventually when we talked, it turned out that their interpretation didn’t have anything to do with what I actually said or my intention of presenting a different viewpoint.

No matter the truth, people see what they want to see.

They based what they thought I meant through their filter of how they usually saw things. Assumptions. Instead, I offered a perspective that could stretch them beyond the way they perceived things… if they allowed themselves to look at life another way.

“Attain to the place where no one and no thing can disturb you.”

Lester Levenson

Listen to the inner whispers guiding you. Make choices so you’re not allowing others or situations to affect your emotional energy. 

Like attracts like. Like energy attracts like energy. Consciously take care of yours to create your best life.

Consider a new point of view because nothing is what it seems. All is in divine order and surpasses your wildest imagination.

Nothing would be what it is.

Because everything would be what it isn’t.

And contrary-wise – what it is, it wouldn’t be.

And what it wouldn’t be, it would.

You see?

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Could you use help in changing the way you see some things?

Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

DON’T Try to Figure Things Out

April 21, 2023

There’s a BETTER way!

“I don’t know how to do it” and “I gotta figure it out” are seductions, siren songs of the egoic self, to lure you into keeping you small.

The egoic self is a false identity, which all of us have, that pretends to be us. We can recognize one aspect of it by the voice in our heads that never stops talking – often unsupportive, fearful and negative.

Its purpose? It wants you to stay limited under the guise of playing it safe.

However, the lack of money and happiness as well as business and personal fulfillment aren’t safe places to be at all!

The ego lies.

It seduces you into believing that you have to know HOW to do something. It insists you must have the big picture, all your ducks in a row and conditions must be just right before taking action.

Faulty assumptions are made. I don’t have the money. My life will be too disrupted. The children. My health. It’s not the right time. It’s not fill in the blank excuse.

I’ve observed this when people give me a list of why they can’t take action now toward their dreams. Really logical sounding reasons. Often they’re excuses in sheep’s clothing, aka listening to the egoic self’s whispers of fear and limitation.

Some, in trying to figure things out and looking for validation, ask others for their opinion. Then they’re dealing with others’ issues in addition to their own.

Hint: listen to the very first guidance that comes. It can be a gut feeling, an excitement, relief or a flash of insight. What comes after, with all the logical reasons or someone else planting doubt, can be ego-sourced. Well-meaning, seemingly safe, but actually neither.

If we continue to ignore our inner guidance, then life’s 2 x 4 can whack us to get our attention and change. Life crises in health, relationships, finances, accidents, job turnaround, death, divorce, emotional distress, natural disaster and more, for all their yuckiness, are catalysts for change.

However, having the courage to listen to our inner nudges is easier, even though we may try to talk ourselves into believing it isn’t.

By the way, the egoic self is very defensive because it believes its survival and identity depend on its perspective. Woe to anyone who might suggest otherwise… unless someone has had enough of unconsciously being unconscious and reaches out for freedom.

“Protecting and enhancing that false sense of self then becomes your primary motivating force.”

Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks

The mindset of the egoic self is opposite of how the creative process works.

“If you ask the “how” question before the “what” question, all you can ever hope to create are variations of what you already have.”

Robert Fritz, The Path of Least Resistance

Use your imagination. Focus on the results, where you choose to be, not on the process or where you are.

The way will makes itself known.

If you think that you have to figure something out first, you limit your options.

You have limited experience. To go where no man or woman has gone before, you have to tap into a creative power and allow yourself to be guided by it.

Be wary of the excuses logical reasons you give yourself that hold you back.

Another way of saying this is get out of your head, and don’t try to figure things out.

Instead, relax and open yourself to infinite possibilities. Then take action by following your inner guidance.

Edited Soulgoals’ Blog excerpt from March 20, 2017

Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

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I help women tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.