Posts Tagged ‘Cell phone died’

Lose Your Mind or Peace of Mind?

February 19, 2024

“The drama of life is a psychological one in which all the conditions, circumstances, and events of your life are brought to pass by your assumptions. Since your life is determined by your assumptions, you are forced to recognize the fact that you are either a slave to your assumptions or their master. To become the master of your assumptions is the key to undreamed of freedom and happiness.”

Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness

Recently my iPhone screen went completely black. It worked earlier in the morning, and then it just died.

I got online to find recommended fixes, push this and that buttons at the same time, but with no success.

During an online chat with my phone rep, it took her 15 minutes to arrive at the same dead end I’d found. The simple, and oh so happy steps she initially gave me to purchase a lovely, new phone weren’t working on the website.

She put me on hold and came back to tell me that with four months left on my contract, not only would I have to to buy a new phone for hundreds of dollars, but first I’d need to pay off the contract for $99.

I admit, I had my moment of snark when I replied that my phone should at least be able to make it through the contract time before it died.

End Chat.

I paused to reflect on what was most important.

If I decided to be angry at the phone company and give them a piece of my mind, they wouldn’t be affected much, even if I decided to waste my time writing nasty emails or social media posts.

If I did that, my emotional state would run like a turbulent current in everything I was going to do that day and would likely create even more waves with other things.

I also knew I was going to drive to town where I might find more options.

When I started my car, I discovered that the fan to my air conditioner and heater no longer worked either. 

Choice time. What made more sense?

  • Give up my peace of mind because of inanimate objects, which wouldn’t change anything except to wreck the way I felt for the rest of the day.
  • If I decided to act out emotionally or mentally, even if no one else knew but me, I gave my power away to something outside of me to dictate the way I feel.
  • As the ability to get what I want in life is dependent on my assumptions and the way I feel, like attracts like, it made zero sense to get upset, unless I was into making myself feel miserable or a victim. 
  • Bottom line, I realized that whatever was going to happen was going to happen, but I had the ability to control how I felt and therefore mold my outer circumstances. The phone would either get fixed or it wouldn’t. If I had to buy another one, no amount of fussing up was going to change the fact that I had to acquire another phone, one way or another. If I chose to get upset, I’d only make myself be in a terrible mood. Furthermore, a working car fan wasn’t crucial as heat could blow into my vehicle when it was moving.

There’s a moment, before our emotions take us down a rabbit hole of distress, when we have a choice. Lose our mind. Have peace of mind. Give away a piece of our mind.

I forgot about my phone and car and went about my business.

Several hours later, I was able to go to a store where phones are sold but not repaired. 

The man at the counter knew a different fix, and in less than five minutes my phone was working again. He also happened to know that the car’s fan could be repaired for a reasonable price.

Good thing I decided not to ruin my day. Not only would it have been a complete waste of time and energy, I would’ve destroyed my happiness as well as my ability to manifest other things that ended up going my way. 

You can control your emotions. It’s a choice. Do you want to give your power away to let something else control you or would you rather be in control of your life? 

Is losing your mind, by giving your power away to your emotions, worth giving away your peace of mind, too? If so, in that moment you block your ability to create the life or business you choose. 

As like attracts like, you’d only attract more problems that would leave you feeling upset.

Which do you choose?

Originally posted on Soulgoals’ Blog on February 11th, 2019 

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