Archive for November, 2019

Miracles Can Happen – Always

November 25, 2019


“Miracles can happen always.”

That’s what a nine-year-old said after he ran to catch his nearly 30# baby brother who fell more than four feet from a changing table.

Joseph thought he was aided by divine intervention.

“I would have never caught him, and I can’t run that fast. So I felt like something came and just pushed me forward, and when that happened, I just ran and caught him.”

The moments-long miracle was caught on their security camera:

The mother, who turned away only briefly, changed her perspective from what she did wrong to what she did right.

“I was just getting everyone ready for bed. I was home alone with the five kids, and at first I said, ‘I messed up. I did something wrong.’ But then I realized that, really, it was a miracle. I must have done something right to have been deserving of this little guy, running in at the right time and catching him at the right moment.”

Lesson 5 of my Soulgoals program says this about miracles:

What is a miracle? A miracle is a positive outcome that you didn’t anticipate. It’s when you have no idea how things can work out, and then they do. It’s when results defy logic, and the impossible occurs. It’s when you’re touched by grace.

Miracles compel you to expand your consciousness and go beyond what you think is possible. They are reminders to trust in a friendly and supportive universe that assists you to create your life of choice.

Miracles come in all sizes.

A client and her daughter had ongoing conflicts between themselves.

While coaching, she realized that the fear and judgment she had about her daughter was alienating her.

In the past, she was more of the disciplinarian because she thought that was the best parenting style.

Now, she changed her perspective and approach.

She had an idea to text each of her two adult children separately and tell them how much she appreciates them as well as note their wonderful qualities.

“I love you. You are great. I’m grateful you’re alive…”

She realized that almost all of her fear about “what if” certain things happened to her children weren’t based on anything other than the negativity and drama in her head.

She also gave consideration to her reply when people ask, “How are you?”

Instead of good or fine, automatic responses that people mindlessly give as well as the way they robotically feel about themselves, she decided to say, “I am grateful.”

To change her lifelong habit of how she had been relating to her children, and to feel their positive responses, is a miracle.

We discussed a goal to highlight her intentions.

She doesn’t cook, and throughout her life she was a perfectionist who got anxious if things didn’t go just right.

Yet she longed to have a family dinner.

So we came up with a way for her to create one.

This morning, I received her email.

“I want to let you know that we had a great time last Friday. (She described the food everyone made.) It was a very festive dinner, and I didn’t even get uptight!

“Thank you for guiding me. I am breathing in divine flow and letting out judgments and fears to get myself back on track.”

Your TIP is to open to miracles happening in your life.

To experience miracles is to be willing to let go of your problems and worries and allow  yourself to receive something better.

Watch for the miracles in your life. They may be big or small.

Nothing is impossible.

You can receive what you choose or something better.

Happy, Miracle-full Thanksgiving. Happy giving thanks!


Reprinted from November 23, 2016
I work with people who long to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how or feel stuck. I help them ignite their Soul’s goals and be richly compensated doing what they love.

For information on a complimentary Do What You Love Break-Free Session, email me at

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Do This Instead of Trying so Hard

November 18, 2019


Have you noticed that when you push to make things happen, try hard to get something, have to have things work out in a certain way or feel desperate, what you want eludes you or is hard to get?  Other times, often when you casually say you want something, it appears effortlessly.

If a door opens by allowing it to come toward you, pushing against it only closes it more.

The same principle applies to creating your ideal business and life, too.

Imagine this. If someone is chasing you for business, to be their friend or lover, what are you inspired to do?

Run. Far away. Or, because I’m inspired by watching an old TV series Gunsmoke, “get out of Dodge.”

Your dreams and goals are here, now, waiting for you. Be willing and open to receive them.

Recently while out dancing, my friend and I met a man whose company we were enjoying. We liked the band and learned that he hired them to play at his birthday party at his beautiful, country home close to where I live.

My friend whispered to me, “Let’s get an invitation.” I tuned into the idea and felt it would be fun. Within five minutes, he invited us without our saying a word to him about it.

Earlier that night, amidst a sea of people at a month-long event held on six acres, I found myself face to face with a former client. I’d been thinking about reconnecting with her as we hadn’t talked for a couple of years.

We enjoyed catching up by phone the following day. At the end of our conversation, she inquired about my current business offerings. Poised to launch a new direction in her career, she’s ready to let go of limiting beliefs that could hold her back.

She’ll start her program with me this month.

Right place. Right time. Right energy. In the flow. Great results.

No struggle. No trying. Being a magnet for intentions and good things by relaxing and being open to receive.

Note: this is 180 opposite from worrying about what if things don’t work out.

Life is magical when we allow it.

We’ve been trained to think no pain, no gain. Do more. Work harder.

Yes, actions can produce results.

Releasing is one of the highest and most effective actions. This means letting go of anxiety, doubt, fear as well as limiting thoughts and emotions. It’s like a tuning fork emitting a vibration; this frequency naturally harmonizes with complementary notes.

Relaxing and trusting open us to inspired action which allows success to occur naturally.

Your action has nothing to do with your abundance! Your abundance is a response to your vibration. Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. So if you believe that action is part of what brings your abundance, then you’ve got to unravel that.


TIP: Stop Trying so Hard. Start Allowing.

In Soulgoals’ masterminding, we set our intention for success by saying: I choose and I am willing to receive this or something better. Then we state our goals.

You can do this daily by writing or saying this phrase followed by your goals.

Supercharge your intentions by accessing mastermind energy.  Ask for and allow support from a Divine Source, God, the universe, whatever works for you.

Some have had tremendous success by looking in the mirror daily, masterminding with the Divine, stating the above intention followed by their goal.

Be open and willing to receive.

It works.

Experiment, and you’ll experience.

Reprinted from December 7, 2015

If you’d like support
in how to let go and
have more of what you really want,

contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.
If it’s been a while since you’ve had one,
you’re welcome to contact me again.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Stop Giving Your Power Away!

November 11, 2019

i am woman

I am man

Before you read this post, I’d like to thank the veterans for their service on today’s celebration of Veterans Day in the U.S.A.

“Why can’t you be more like ­­­­­­­­­­your cousins?” was one of my mother’s mantras.

Translated: who you are isn’t good enough.

A funny twist is when I told this to my cousin, she said her mother implied she should have been more like me!

My mother passed away in 1988, and I still remember her mantras verbatim. Early programming is powerful. It creates one of the voices that chatters in the back of our heads.

Families share attitudes, perspectives and behaviors. The next generation perpetuates how they’ve been raised by passing it on to their children – until someone like you decides to wake up and make more conscious choices.

This pattern is referred to in Exodus 34:7. “Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”

You can break the patterns. It starts by becoming aware of them and making new choices… and realizing you are more than good enough.

Here’s another of mom’s favorites: “Where did you get those crazy ideas? You certainly didn’t get them from anyone on my side of the family.”

Translated: there’s something wrong with you and the way you think.

The underlying message?

You’re making me uncomfortable, so stop it. I might have to think or change. That ain’t gonna happen if I can help it. It’s easier for me to lay guilt or blame on you rather than look at myself. A tool I know to keep you in line is to shame you into humble submission. So I can try to control the way you think to make it more like what I’m used to.  So I can maintain my false sense of empowerment.

This isn’t a fault of my mom or anyone else (and we’ve all done things like this in the past). She replicated what she was taught and did the best she could.

What do you do when someone tries to make you feel uncomfortable about being you and living your dreams?

Do you stuff what you feel and tow the line?

This may be what you’ve been taught to do from infancy. You try to fit in because, as a little kiddo, you knew you needed help from others to survive.

If the family says you’re stupid, out comes the crowd-pleasing town idiot. You learned to dumb down.

If the family wants you to follow their traditions, you’ll do whatever it takes to belong and be loved. Even if it means you just get crumbs of love. Even if you’re drowning in what floats their boat.

Remember, you’ll rarely be able to please others as they’ll keep changing the hoop they want you to jump through.

In the early days of protest, the Yemenis chanted: “If, one day, a people desires to live, then destiny will answer their call.”

Do you desire to live, I mean really live? That means, not living to please other people.

Are you not living your truth, what’s in your heart, because you’re afraid of the consequences?  Instead, take time for you, your goals and your life.

If you’re existing, just getting by, you’re not living.

To live instead of exist, you must stop giving your power away.

Stop giving away your power by:

  • Trying to please others and worrying about what they think. Instead, follow your inner guidance, your heart, your gut.
  • Living in worry and fear. Instead of thinking what’s wrong or what could go wrong, think about what’s right or could go right.
  • Talking about others and blaming them. Instead, take responsibility for your actions and life.
  • Feeling sorry for yourself, regardless of your circumstances. Instead, look at “what is” and make new choices and actions.
  • Avoiding situations or not telling the truth. Instead, speak up – at least to yourself!
  • Making excuses, aka reasons, to not live your dreams. Instead, stand up for your passion and take action, even small steps. If it doesn’t work one way, do it another.

Don’t make yourself wrong, feel guilty or have regrets about what you haven’t done or your past. What you learned brought you to where you are today.

Instead, make a decision to make new choices. You are so powerful that when you say “I choose,” you set forces in motion to redirect your life.

Use your power to live, really LIVE.

Talk with your inner Essence to discover the best path for you: 

  1. Go within and ask your question.
  2. Listen and write your answers.
  3. Ask for clarity and/or action steps to take.
  4. Take action – consistently.

Take a moment now to breathe and do these four steps.

The Beginning

Reprinted from my May 13, 2011 post.

If you’d like support
in being more empowered,
contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.
If it’s been a while since you’ve had one,
you’re welcome to contact me again.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.
I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Tired of Same Ole? Supercharge Your Life!

November 4, 2019

woman joy

A few months ago, my client agreed to incorporate Oola essential oils in her session… that’s short for Oo la la.

Oola was inspired by two chiropractors, now known as the Oola guys. Once college buddies, one overcame challenges with the help of the other by balancing 7 key areas of life.

The 7 Oola essential oil blends were formulated by the late Gary D. Young, founder of Young Living Essential Oils.

Little did I realize the magical experiences that would follow.

First, a little background.

What is Oola?

From the Oolalife website…

“We are on this planet to help you FIND BALANCE and live a life of less stress and greater purpose – the OOLALIFE.”

Oo´• la \ n. adj. \ 1 a : a state of awesomeness b : a life that is balanced and growing in the key areas of health, finances, career, relationships, and well-being c : a destination (i.e., getting to Oola) 2 a : describing actions, insights and goals that lead to a balanced life (ex: That’s so Oola.) 3 a : the ultimate plan for achieving balance in an unbalanced world.

Oolalife is based on their international, bestselling book, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.

“The Oola Lifestyle has become a literal phenomenon—a dynamic movement… [the Oola guys] travel the world collecting dreams and helping people find balance and growth in the 7 key areas of life (the 7 F’s of Oola) – Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends, and Fun. By revealing how to remove the stress related to a life out-of-balance, they unlock the greatness that is inside all of us.”

What happened when we used my Oola protocol?

It occurred to me that there are 7 oils. We have 7 chakras (energy centers in our bodies)… and a protocol emerged to consciously apply the oils with intention along with my coaching.

After experiencing the protocol, which includes clarifying goals and dreams, everyone saw themselves differently.

They awakened to their inner spirit. Some had visions. Confidence reignited. They felt naturally happy, even joyous.

They described spontaneous, inner scenarios playing out in their thoughts where they were directing/ living/ getting assistance with their ideal lives.

Each one experienced something unique, which could be described in Oolalife terms as awesomeness.

Change the way we feel, and we attract amazing experiences. The Law of Attraction in demonstration.

I’ve implemented this protocol several times, and every time people felt a natural yet significant inner shift followed by a positive change that manifested dynamic, new opportunities and miracles.

What if we added masterminding to amplify this experience even more?

When two or more gather together in harmony, there’s an energy created, which we call mastermind energy. The mastermind energy can and does manifest goals we choose or something better. Imagine supercharging Oola-inspired goals and dreams even more!

What happened when I connected the dots?

Open and align energy centers + Oola essential oils  + Goal setting for 2020 + Masterminding + Coaching =
The Oola Goal Experience!

You and Your Friends are Invited

My clients have been hearing me talk about our Oola experience, and many got on board when they learned they could tap into this, too. Everyone who already experienced it and could fit it into their schedules have registered for it again.

Following her experience, a client emailed me this: “Thank you! I always love spending time with you but yesterday was over the top!.. I appreciate you and all you do for me and with me.” Not long after, an unanticipated, life-changing, huge opportunity presented itself, which she’s now pursuing. Life purpose to the nth degree!
So far, we have TWO Oola Goal Experiences scheduled.

The groups are small, so space is limited.

Saturday, November 16, 1-6 PM in Wimberley, TX.
Wednesday, November 20, 1-6 PM in Wimberley, TX.
Registration for the afternoon is $250.

Interested? Contact me, and we’ll discuss your questions or registration for the Oola Goal Experience! Consider bringing a friend, too!
As not everyone can make these dates, other Experiences may be scheduled in the future. If this might be for you, let me know and suggest times that could work.

I’d love to help you clarify and supercharge your goals! You deserve it!

You can reach me at

With gratitude,


Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.