Posts Tagged ‘Einstein quote’

Feel Like There’s No Way Out?

January 8, 2024

Here are four pointers that can help.

Once I had a dream where I was in a room with no windows or doors and seemingly no way out.  I searched the walls for a way to leave, but there wasn’t any.

Then I discovered that there was a stairway in the middle of the room that took me to a higher level, and that room was filled with lots of windows, doors and light.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” 

Paraphrased from Albert Einstein

Feeling stuck in a maze is an emotional response that can leave you feeling there’s no way out. Instead, you can find a way to untangle yourself from whatever has gotten you balled up and take productive action. Here are four pointers to redirect your focus that can help:

1. You’re frustrated because you’re trying to control the outcome by expecting it (or people) to be or act the way you think it should. 

Alternative: Relax and anticipate this or something better will occur. Stop trying to micromanage the world. This opens you to tune into new ideas and directions.

2. You’re beating yourself up with fear, worry, regrets or other limiting thoughts and emotions because of your situation. 

Alternative: Release judging you, others and your circumstances. Replace it with an empowering perspective that you’re learning, and all is in divine order and timing.

3. You’re focused on what’s not working. 

Alternative: Focus on what you choose and the good feeling mojo it creates. Good feeling mojo is what opens you to manifest more quickly and with grace and ease.

4. You’re pushing to make things happen. 

Alternative: Stop resisting (and exhausting yourself about) what is and allow things to be the way they are. You getting fussy about it won’t change it or help. Let go. Let God. Set new goals for what you choose. Take action from this perspective.

When you shift your energy, you allow life to create miracles and successes beyond your wildest expectations, and the way out appears… even if it starts out with one step at a time.

If you’d like help finding a way out and into something way better, contact me for a free consultation at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Edited excerpt from January 25, 2016 Soulgoals’ post.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Confused About What to Do?

March 7, 2022

Once I had a dream where I was in a room with no windows or doors and seemingly no way out.  I searched the walls for a way to leave, but there wasn’t any.

Then I discovered that there was a stairway in the middle of the room that took me to a higher level, and that room was filled with lots of windows, doors and light.

Albert Einstein is paraphrased to have said:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Feeling stuck is an emotional response that can leave you feeling there’s no way out. Instead, you can find a way to untangle yourself from whatever has gotten you balled up and take productive action.

Here are four pointers that can help:

1. You’re frustrated because you’re trying to control the outcome by expecting it (or people) to be or act the way you think it should. 

Alternative:  Relax and anticipate this or something better will occur. Stop trying to micromanage the world. This opens you to tune into new ideas and directions.

2. You’re beating yourself up with fear, worry, regrets or other limiting thoughts and emotions because of your situation. 

Alternative: Let go of judging yourself, others and your circumstances. Replace it with an empowering perspective that you’re learning, and all is in divine order and timing.

3. You’re focused on what’s not working. 

Alternative: Focus on what you choose and the good feeling mojo it creates. Good feeling mojo is what opens you to manifest more quickly and with grace and ease.

4. You’re pushing to make things happen. 

Alternative: Stop resisting (and exhausting yourself about) what is and allow things to be the way they are. You getting fussy about it won’t change it or help. Let go. Let God. Set new goals for what you choose. Then take action from this perspective.

There’s a part of you that doesn’t have a clue about what to do. Another part knows!! You have the ability to stop listening to your confusion or asking others what you should do.

Instead, find your answers within. 

How? Start to believe in yourself a little bit more. Ask the part of you that knows the answer (it’s there even if you’re oblivious to it) and write about your situation from that perspective. Even if it feels silly or make-believe when you begin.

Journal with an intention to gain clarity; you might surprise yourself with insights.  Give yourself permission to receive answers.

When you shift your perspective, you allow life to create miracles and successes beyond your wildest expectations, and the way out appears… often only one step at a time. Even if the next step is to pause, quiet your thoughts, and just BE.

If you’d like help finding clarity,
contact me for a free phone consultation at:

I work with people who choose to
enhance their lives or

share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck or could 
use new tools or support.

I help them be richly compensated doing what
they love by connecting with their Soul’s goals.

Edited excerpt from my January 25, 2016, Soulgoals’ post.

Copyright © 2022 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

The Ukrainian flag flying free!

How to Make Your Life Easier in 3 Seconds

January 11, 2021
Flow, flow, flow yourself, gently down the stream… of life.

Ever start your day with dread? You don’t know how you’re going to get things done. Worried about what your spouse, boss or kids are going to say or do. Wondering how you’re going to get more money. Feel stuck.

You may not mean it, but haphazard musings create intentions that cascade throughout your day. If you begin your morning with fear, anxiety or lack of direction, life will present you with a smorgasbord of experiences to match.

December was super busy for me. I launched my days thinking about my To Do list, random thoughts, what happened yesterday… just anything. The results were a crisis a week that miraculously got solved – but what a roller coaster ride.

I had taken a break from what I know works – quiet time to go within and to consciously set intentions. As the year rolled in, I realized it made sense to take three seconds to say:


I often add a few extra game changers in addition to Divine Flow such as choosing Divine: order, timing, financial abundance, grace and ease or whatever idea that inspires me.

A couple of weeks later, I noticed how everyday had been astounding. I was still busy and successful yet not overwhelmed – as long as I remembered to choose to be in Divine Flow. I also noticed that if I didn’t react but instead let situations play out, even things that appeared to be two sandwiches short of a lunch were fulfilling.

It’s mind boggling to think that something so simple can manifest such profound results.

Imagine going to a ticket counter at a train station. If you hop on any train you could land in an urban jungle. But Divine Flow is different. You’re allowing the life force to guide you, surrendering control to a Master Planner who has your best interest at heart.

If you question that life is supportive, consider these words from Einstein:

“I think the most important question facing humanity is, ’Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.”

“If we decide that the universe is neither friendly nor unfriendly and that God is essentially ‘playing dice with the universe,’ then we are simply victims to the random toss of the dice and our lives have no real purpose or meaning.”

“God does not play dice with the universe.”

Your life isn’t random. You’re not a victim. You have the ability to consciously design your life with the Divine.

Discover this co-creation by running an experiment. Choose to be in Divine Flow daily for two weeks. Not just any flow – not your neighbor’s or that of people at work. Divine Flow. Affirm this with an attitude of faith not desperation. If you forget in the morning, do it later. I’ve now included it as a non-negotiable way to start my day, right up there with going to the bathroom.

Now it’s your turn to “row, row, row your boat gently down the stream.  Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream.”

It’s a dream you’re creating.

Reposted from January 14, 2013

Like support to create an easier life?
Contact me for a free consultation at:

I work with people to create
an easier life.

I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
they love.

Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Are Negative People Dragging You Down?

June 11, 2018


“What caused you to generate over $7.6 million in sales in just the first five months of this year but only $3.5 million in sales last year,” I asked.

He replied, “I didn’t realize what a downer my employee was on my attitude. What a negative drag on me! I didn’t want to deal with her. When she quit, a dark cloud lifted.”

“After she left, I had to step up my game, starting with my attitude that was in a funk. I used to spend days frustrated and mad at her, which stopped me from doing positive things.

“I had a choice: be positive and grateful or stay in a funk, which equaled less productivity. I chose to embrace my new freedom and move forward.

“Was I going to operate by myself or replace her? I decided I didn’t need a crutch nor did I need to hire anybody. Instead, I decided to have a better attitude.”

The reason he held onto his employee for so long is that he didn’t have her computer skills, which are essential in his business. So he leaned on her, although it was an ongoing struggle. She acted like she owned the business and he was her employee, even though he is a well-seasoned expert in his field!

“I’m way happier now. I changed from being needy, clutchy, clingy and dependent. My confidence is back.”

He continued by saying, “The Law of Attraction is real. Asking the universe is real.”

Life reflected back to him what was in his attitude and focus – lack and frustration or abundance and happiness.

“The difference between the last five months and the previous 18 months is a slow creep of frustration, despair and anger, which had weaved its web around me.

“Now I’m blessed with an abundance of opportunities because of a change in my current attitude, mindset and outlook.

He got his lesson about negative people dragging him down:

“Two weeks ago, I even fired a client who was disrespectful, unappreciative and not following my recommendations.”

After he explained the circumstances, it was clear that their business relationship had been headed for a miserable dead end. Now, not feeling needy for money or anything else, he no longer was willing to put up with the client’s attitude, which increasingly would’ve become an unproductive and unsatisfying investment of his own time and energy.

He learned his lesson about how negative people can drag him down and how it becomes a slippery slope that can leave a person hitting bottom wondering, “What just happened? How did I get here?”

Are you allowing negative people in your life?  If so, what price are you paying for that choice? What are you learning?

It’s okay if you are. We all learn by discovering that a choice of action may not produce the results for which we hoped. However, you can make new choices. Again. And again…

You have options, such as a change in attitude, a change in people or circumstances.

Or maybe you’ll discover that there’s something about you that’s creating a downer for others.

Einstein is quoted to have said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

A common trap is to expect solutions to come in a way using familiar thinking, even though that thinking is what created our problems. We sometimes look for validation that we’re right instead of being willing to receive new ideas, tools and insights.

Howard Hestand, a client who improved his portfolio 80% in three months, expressed his shift in thinking like this. Although he’s referring to my Soulgoals program, I mention it because these are key elements for anyone looking to change for the better.

“This course taught me a different way of thinking, how to listen to myself, be more observational about the ego and set effective goals and intentions.”

To solve problems, regardless if you’ve been “downed” or the downer, the way out is being open to new approaches. As Einstein implies, the new thinking will be different from how we believe life works.

P.S. Know someone who might
like this? Please forward.

I work with people who choose to share
their gifts or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck, could
use new tools or support.

I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
they love.

Copyright © 2018 Resolved for Results, All rights reserved.

My Story – It IS Possible to Reverse Arthritis, Low Energy, Stenosis, Cataracts, Stop Amputation & More!

April 10, 2018

Ponds extract

I thought the pain was the residual discomfort from my hip getting thrown out of alignment a while ago. For several years, I couldn’t find anyone to get it back in place, and that took its toll.

When I was told last year that I had arthritis in my lower back, I wouldn’t identify with the label. Name it and claim it, and I wasn’t claiming it.

That didn’t sit well with my chiropractor who told me there are charts and statistics about how this is what the body does when it ages.

Every week for a month, he was intent on delicately dropping hints about what amounted to how I should face reality. Look at what’s happened to my body. Stop denying the facts.

But I’m thinking that I’m not the others, I’m me. Sure, we get older. However, I don’t see illness or the debilitation of aging in the same way that television and the medical profession might lead us to believe.

If degeneration from aging is an absolute truth, then why is it that there are large populations of people here and around the world who don’t suffer from the aging process?

So why should I have to agree with the masses who believe that the body deteriorates because that’s what they’ve been told and then live a self-fulfilled prophecy?

I choose to focus on being well and finding solutions, not identifying with what’s not working.

My doctor backed off after I politely left him with quotes like these:

Einstein said, “Everything in life is vibration.”

From Abraham-Hicks:

It is natural for my body to be well. Even if I don’t know what to do in order to get better, my body does. I have trillions of cells with individual Consciousness, and they know how to achieve their individual balance.

There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment that can make it seem that these so-called incurable illnesses or unchangeable conditions cannot be changed. But we say that they are only “unchangeable” because you believe they are.

When you stood before the healer [Jesus], He did not allow Himself to see the condition of your illness. Instead He unconditionally knew your intentions that were in your vortex and focused unconditionally on who you really are and therefore did not wobble in His vibration. He didn’t think about what you want and where you are, only about who you really are – and one who is connected to the stream is more powerful than millions who are not – and your illness simply could not abide in His vibration. He dominated the vibration.

You could have every deadly disease known to man, and some they haven’t figured out yet. You could have them all in your body right now… and tomorrow they could all be gone, if from one day to the next you learned how to allow the Energy to flow.

Your cells in your body aren’t old, they keep regenerating. They are new. Your body has the potential of being as young and as vital as it has ever been.

My chiropractic adjustments helped until recently when my condition worsened. I found myself bent over while walking after getting out of bed.  I pushed myself up when rising from a chair. I couldn’t bend over to tie my shoes. I could feel an achiness spreading to other joints. Oh no – when I landed on my back after a fall and twisted my arm, I almost couldn’t get up!

I napped in the afternoons because my energy lagged.

When I felt like I had a pinched nerve whenever I turned my neck, I learned a new word. Stenosis. It’s a narrowing of the spinal canal. When the nerves touch bone – ouch!  It’s a leading cause of back surgery.

This heightened discomfort motivated me to look at YouTube exercises my new chiropractor suggested, which is when I found this.

How I HEALED from STENOSIS – Naturally! – part 2

Prior to this, I had decided to alkalize my body and change the way I eat. This meant including a lot more live foods, like green, leafy vegetables and fruits and excluding foods that create inflammation. Drink more water.

What a concept. Give my body what it needs to heal.

My food choices mirrored a leaky gut diet, which caused me to remember I had a couple of bottles of DR. JOSH AXE’S products for Leaky Gut in my cupboard. I thought I might as well use it up before it expires.

Not long after I started to eat better, and the following day after reading Dr. Debra Katchen’s article on stenosis (which I received from the woman who posted the video), I had an appointment with a medical professional.

I told him that nine out of nine people reversed their stenosis in about six months through homeopathy.

He authoritatively replied that wasn’t a big enough cross section to consider if it worked. It needed to be tested by more like 9000 people. And, by the way, arthritis is what happens when people age. Period. No way around it. Furthermore, it was probably throughout my entire spine.

I told him it cost less than $25 to try the homeopathic remedies, and there was no danger of side effects. I was going to use it.

FIVE DAYS LATER, the flexibility in my spine returned. This week, which is two weeks later, not only did the arthritic pain disappear, but I can turn my head without pinching the nerves in my neck.

I got on a roll when I realized that I could search Google or YouTube for “natural remedies for ____ (the name of the illness)” and discover lots of alternative solutions to healing.

I researched and cross-referenced, and I’m going to share some of what I’ve found to help you gain insight and possible solutions. I’ll mention a few brands I found by reading reviews and recommendations from online articles. This is by no means an exhaustive list. It may give you ideas of what’s possible for you and how to start your exploration.

On YouTube, search Dr. John Bergman and any condition, like strokes.

Dr. Bergman is a chiropractor who’s spot on with his awareness of how the body works. Strokes aren’t caused by high blood pressure but from unhealthy blood. You’ll get an education by listening to his talks as well as learn how to turn conditions around.


Dr. Eric Berg has a YouTube video called “Natural Remedies for Cataracts

Dr. Berg gives resources for his information; the links on the bottom of his list are still active. You can find this under the video by opening up “show more” or the little downward arrow to the right if you’re using a cell phone.

The Russians did the research, and you can read about it online. This approach appears to be commonly used in Europe.

There’s a product that can be purchased on Amazon called Can-C. Dr. Berg also references an article about  FAT SOLUBLE Thiamin, Vitamin B-1 (Benfotiame).

The many reviews on Amazon about how Can-C  helps people with their vision and cataracts gave me the impression that there’s really something to it. I ordered both of these products.

My research on arthritis taught me that it’s NOT a degenerative disease and has nothing to do with aging!  Other holistic doctors agree with this assessment.

Search John Bergman and arthritis to see his videos on the real cause of arthritis and what to do about it.

I’ve read that arthritis is a mineral deficiency. Also, its cause is either from trauma or digestion, such as in leaky gut. This is why when my leaky gut started to be repaired, I stopped the inflammation that was beginning to run rampant and created a flare up in the arthritis.

Dr. Josh Axe is an expert in teaching us about leaky gut.

Some products that may help are:

  • Dr. Josh Axe’s leaky gut formulas (these carry a wide spectrum of ingredients that you’ll find on lists of how to heal leaky gut, including turmeric, bioprene, MSM and much more). You can find his info on the internet, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook.
  • Organic turmeric with bioperine (black pepper) and a 95% extract – also in the leaky gut formula but can be purchased separately. Earth’s Wisdom, 1300 mg looks good.
  • Devil’s Claw – good for arthritis and more.
  • OptiMSM, the only MSM made in the USA (not China). I read it doesn’t taste good, but the coarse flakes are the best. Read the rave reviews on Amazon about how this MSM has been transformational in helping people with their joints and energy. Many people use this alone and gain phenomenal results.

About those energy slumps I mentioned, my energy is soaring now from morning to night. I feel like I did in my twenties! The leaky gut formula did it, which also has MSM in it.

On my last post, “Yes, This Miracle Really Happened in my Life,” I wrote about how my hospitalized mother saved her foot from amputation because of diabetes by drinking a quart of high quality aloe vera juice a day for four days.

When you’re body isn’t healthy or you don’t feel well, it’s a distraction that can diminish your ability to enjoy life and to have the desire and energy to live your dreams.

I’ve actually had even more health successes over the last two weeks in addition to these. I’m so elated that I couldn’t think of anything else to share with you except my revelations and reversals with the so-called irreversibles. I know I must continue with my new regimen to stabilize and keep improving my results of flexibility where there wasn’t any.

To continue to be pain free.

To share with you that there may be ways to REVERSE YOUR HEALTH CONDITIONS, regardless of what the doctors and experts say and what you’ve been led to believe.

Find out for yourself by having an open mind and doing the research. Watch YouTube videos. Search the internet.

An alternative is to believe what we’re told, that there’s nothing that can be done, and then suffer.

I realized that a doctor can give “that’s just the way it is” diagnosis during a short visit, but we’re the ones who live with the condition day-by-day. What if there are solutions other than using drugs, which are most doctors’ specialty?

A friend of mine has been suffering for years. Her doctors prescribed drug after drug, which only made her lose her voice, mess up her esophagus, gain weight, have trouble with digestion, be incapable of taking walks, experience daily pain and feel miserable.

She met with a new doctor who told her she needed drugs. When she asked what kind, the doctor replied, “I don’t know, but you need drugs.” My friend laughed and walked away.

Natural remedies aren’t snake oil sold in a medicine show. Do your own research and read reviews. Countless thousands of people aren’t making up their results, and neither am I.

We weren’t plopped on this planet with no way to heal ourselves until drugs came along in the last hundred plus years.

Let food be your medicine.

With gratitude,


P. S. Know someone who might be interested in this TIP?  Please share.

I work with people, at any age,
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning
with their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2018 Resolved for Results, All rights reserved.

God Knows and God Shows

June 19, 2017


A woman, accompanied by a supermarket employee, apologized when she bumped into me. As she frantically swooshed by me again moments later, she turned her head to tell me that she was looking for her keys. I responded: “Say ‘God knows, and God shows.'” She saw her keys within seconds next to a weight scale!

A relative misplaced a big check with several zeroes on it for a couple of weeks. When she called me about it, I told her to repeat God knows, and God shows. Within two hours, I received a message that she found it in a dresser drawer.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

Why saying God knows, and God shows works.


  1. Using a practical application of Einstein’s quote, if your thinking is on loss or what you can’t find, then it’s not on the wavelength of finding. It’s like being on an AM station and looking for FM. You can’t find it because looking and finding are different frequencies.
  2. God knows, and God shows is a tool to let go and surrender. It allows you to let go of focusing on lack (what you don’t have or can’t find), and open to receive a higher energy to “solve our problems.” Think of it as surrendering a caterpillar’s perspective so you can enjoy a butterfly’s view.
  3. You release the need to find something, which often has energies like anxiety attached to it. As like attracts like, neediness attracts more reasons to feel anxious or frustrated. Even though it seems that it shouldn’t be this way, you’ll get more of whatever you’re feeling, not what you say you want. God knows, and God shows allows a greater power to refocus you and override limiting beliefs, such as “I don’t know where it is.” “I can’t find it.”

Don’t take my word for it. Experiment. Use these words while being open to the possibility of getting results, instead of being closed with a stubborn defiance of “prove it.”

By the way, you can use language like “the universe knows, and the universe shows,” if this feels more comfortable for you.

Let’s expand the application to business and life.

Looking for new business, your ideal job or to make more money? Don’t know where to find it? God knows, and God shows. You are now on the wavelength to attract new clients, greater wealth and more opportunities.

Feel stuck about anything? Instead of wallowing in disappointment, you’ll get on track faster in any area of your life by proclaiming, “God knows, and God shows.”

Follow the trail to your rainbow, one step at a time.

Happy manifesting.

With gratitude,

Virginia P.S.

Know someone who might enjoy reading this? Please forward.

I work with people who choose to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how or feel stuck. I help them ignite their Soul’s goals and be richly compensated doing what they love.



January 14, 2013

Ever start your day with dread? You don’t know how you’re going to get things done. Worried about what your spouse, boss or kids are going to say or do. Wondering how you’re going to get more money.

You may not mean it, but haphazard musings create intentions that cascade throughout your day. If you begin your morning with fear, anxiety or lack of direction, life will present you with a smorgasbord of experiences to match.

December was super busy for me. I launched my days thinking about my To Do list, random thoughts, what happened yesterday… just anything. The results were a crisis a week that miraculously got solved – but what a roller coaster ride.

I had taken a break from what I know works – quiet time to go within and consciously set intentions. As the year rolled in, I realized it made sense to take three seconds to say:


I often add a few extra game changers such as divine order, timing, financial abundance, grace and ease or whatever inspires me.

A couple of weeks later I noticed how everyday had been astounding. I was still busy and successful yet not overwhelmed – as long as I remembered to choose to be in divine flow. I also noticed that if I didn’t react but instead let situations play out, even things that appeared to be two sandwiches short of a lunch were fulfilling.

It’s mind boggling to think that something so simple can manifest such profound results.

Imagine going to a ticket counter at a train station. If you hop on any train you could land in an urban jungle. But divine flow is different. You’re allowing the life force to guide you, surrendering control to a Master Planner who has your best interest at heart.

If you question that life is supportive, consider these words from Einstein:

“I think the most important question facing humanity is,’Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.”

“If we decide that the universe is neither friendly nor unfriendly and that God is essentially ‘playing dice with the universe,’ then we are simply victims to the random toss of the dice and our lives have no real purpose or meaning.”

“God does not play dice with the universe.”

Your life isn’t random. You’re not a victim. You have the ability to consciously design your life with the divine.

Discover this co-creation by running an experiment. Choose to be in divine flow daily for two weeks. Not just any flow – not your neighbor’s or that of people at work. Divine Flow. Affirm with an attitude of faith not desperation. If you forget in the morning, do it later. I’ve now included it as a non-negotiable way to start my day, right up there with going to the bathroom.

Now it’s your turn to “row, row, row your boat gently down the stream.  Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream.” It’s a dream you’re creating.