Archive for June, 2020

Don’t Be Afraid Of COVID-19… Or Anything Else, For That Matter

June 29, 2020

“Life is a controllable thing.”
Neville Goddard, 
Awakened Imagination

You are not a victim.

You are more in control of your life than you might imagine.

Ahh, therein lies the key. How do you use your imagination? 

Do you imagine the worse? Are you afraid of what might happen in the future?

Are you wading through life in a sea of “what if” my fears come to pass? What if I get sick?

“For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me,
And what I dreaded has happened to me.”
Job 3:25,  New King James Version

What if you go through the pandemic without getting sick?  Or what if you get sick and get through it?

And if you succumb to it, you’ll be happy on the other side of this earthly world. It won’t matter.

By the way, this is your life. Do you want to live it in fear and anxiety or being courageous and at peace? Your choice!

“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.
Never fear what will become of you.” 
Swami Vivekananda, 1895 talk in the U.S.

Your soul/ spirit/ essence, whatever you choose to call that wise part of you, is stronger than COVID. It has greater awareness and can guide you, if you listen.

You are not powerless with this virus. You’re not losing control.

“You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.
For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.”
Dale Carnegie

How to be safe from COVID-19

1. Know you are stronger than a virus.
2. Make a decision! Say, “I choose not to contract the corona virus.” And mean it. Period. 
3. Use common sense, like masks, social distancing and hand washing.
4. Trust you’ll be guided from within to be safe.

Here’s a technique I observed myself doing at the start of the pandemic.

Animals have a sixth sense about people and upcoming natural disasters. Bark or lick your hand? They intuitively know.

Bats use a type of radar to determine distance from objects.

Recently, when I’m around people, a sixth sense radar spontaneously activates in me. It’s like beams between others and myself bounce back and forth, back and forth, back and forth to sense if there is a COVID threat. If it didn’t feel right, I’d move to somewhere else. However, tuning in before I go places, I haven’t found myself in any attack zones.

If you’re in fear, you may not be able to pick up accurate messages. You’ll either doubt yourself or think everything is spooky.

It may take practice, but there’s no harm in experimenting with this technique. Plus, you’ll improve your ability to sense what other people are really thinking and feeling, too, beyond the words they say.

Enjoy using your imagination by seeing yourself safe, happy, at peace and anything else you desire.

So be it!

TIPS for today include:

  1. Realize you’re not a victim. You have control over your life with good use of your imagination.
  2. Only your thinking and imagination create fear. You have a choice to be in fear or not.
  3. Decide you won’t contract COVID.
  4. To be safe, tune into your environment first so you avoid COVID situations.
  5. Use your imagination to see yourself safe, happy, at peace and anything else you desire.

I work with people who choose to share their gifts with the world in a bigger way but don’t know how or feel stuck. I help them be richly compensated doing what they love.

Copyright © 2020 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Trending in Today’s News: I’m Right and They’re Not

June 23, 2020

Christmas trees remind me of how pendulums move. The shape of the tree is larger at the base. A pendulum starts with a wider side to side motion, too. Then the oscillations become smaller. There’s not a direct ascent but a spiral upward. The top lights up. It mirrors how we learn, personally and as a society. At first, we have wide swings in the way we think. In time, we reach a greater equilibrium and enlightenment.


Recently, a woman told me about a situation with two family members and herself. She described it and then read me a letter she wrote to one of them. She wanted my opinion about what she wrote.

The letter was perfect and logical.

However, she wasn’t really getting that the others had their viewpoints and emotional needs, too.

What she really wanted was someone to tell her she was right.

When I watch the news, I observe some people dug into their perspectives and completely ignoring the other side’s viewpoints. They present their logical views, make fun of the others through name calling and jokes. 

The issues aren’t really the issues. It’s grandstanding to show “I’m right, and they’re not.”

Learning is like a Christmas tree. We start at the bottom with one idea then make a pendulum swing to another side.

We spiral up the tree of awakening, and each time we don’t swing as far to the other side.

Once upon a century, Christians being thrown to the lions was great entertainment.

Additionally, the best gladiators, who were the rock stars of the day, were those who killed other gladiators. The crowds especially loved it if they showed no mercy.

It took several pendulum swings to persuade people that these weren’t good ideas. I mean, taking away these sports was like banishing football, ice cream and mom’s apple pie.

According to church historian Theodoret, Saint Telemachus was a monk who tried to stop a gladiatorial fight in a Roman amphitheater. He was stoned to death by the crowd.

Blood lust still exists. Parts of society still like cock fighting, for example, but that’s spiraling up from weekly, government-sanctioned, human slaughter for sport.

My apologies for being gruesome, but do you get the point?

No matter how bad things look now, they have a way of working themselves out over time.

We’re making progress.

It takes time to be able to step back and appreciate there are many perspectives… and needing to feel emotionally satisfied by being right is part of the pendulum swing of the process.

South Africa and Germany made progress on resolving their pasts.

We can, too. It starts by listening and hearing.

Copyright © 2020 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Change and Healing Can Be Messy

June 18, 2020

Dear Friend,

Things often fall apart before they come together… in a new and better way.

I know life looks crazy now, but consider this.

If there’s an infected wound, it must be cleaned first before it can heal properly.

There is a silver lining to our current time of changes, from a virus that put the world in quarantine to Black Lives Matter protests to a damaged economy and upcoming elections.

Time will reveal more of what that lining looks like after a much needed, overdue cleaning.

The clarion call to respect life is finally being heard. What’s a life worth? Let’s put things in perspective.

  • Respect life of those who are more susceptible to a virus or reopen an economy? Do older lives matter? I watched the Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick say that older people should be willing to give up their lives for the sake of young people’s economy.
  • I read about a saddened college student because of Covid. He couldn’t graduate, get a job and had to live with his parents. I thought about the movie I’d seen earlier this year, 1917, when men his age were getting blown apart in WWI. Not for months, but for over four years.
  • For centuries, the cries and despair of slaves and black people have been ignored by white people and others who are privileged. Then came the tipping point where enough is enough. Actually, it’s been more than enough for too long of a time.

The process of change and healing often is messy.

Have you ever cleaned a room, or anything, and partway through the process found it looked even messier than when you began? Stuff got moved around, some piled up to be discarded. But then a reorganization shifted the environment to something better.

As we watch this time of change, remember that all of us have things to learn personally and collectively during challenging times.

What are you learning?

With gratitude,



Copyright © 2020 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.


Need Answers? Here’s How to Get Them.

June 9, 2020

During this time of challenges and changes, we can start to question. What’s happening to my life and the world? Am I on the right track? So many choices… what should I do?  Is there something for me to contribute, especially amidst such universal unrest? Is there a higher perspective to make sense of it all?

There are as many answers and opinions as there are people.

A key to life, though, is being able to listen to your Self – not your outer swirl of emotions or trying to fit into to others’ ideas about how you should live your life.

There is a way to be empowered by finding your own answers. The more you practice listening to your Self, the better you’re able to hear with clarity.

Here’s a repost from a Soulgoals’ Archive, April 29, 2011, that may help.


When something went wrong, my old response was to gasp and think: “Oh no. What am I going to do? I don’t know what to do.” I’d repeat it again and again – but I didn’t even realize I was saying it.

Next came the sickish anxiety in my gut. Fear clutched me like tentacles from a sci-fi film. Solutions had no way to penetrate that thick gunk of worry.

One afternoon, I discovered that I went over a credit card limit that day. All I could think about were the fees, marks on my credit report and a higher interest rate.

I noticed a broken record playing in my head. What was it? “What am I going to do? I don’t know what to do.”

Funny how that mantra sounded like my mother!

When I heard it, I changed my tune.

I said to myself, “There’s a part of me that doesn’t have a clue about what to do. There’s another part that knows. I ask my wise self to pop in an answer.”

I Got What I Asked For

After my request, I relaxed, let the situation go, and left for an appointment. As I walked to my car after my meeting, an idea popped in my head. Drive straight to the bank and pay the overage before the end of the business day.

When I did and the bank heard my concern, they also extended my credit limit. Problem solved; benefits gained.

Learning to relax and trust that all will be taken care of, no matter what, helps to wash away the goo of confusion. After all, if God takes care of the flowers and birds, surely you and I rate, too. But what about getting answers?

A theme found in several Biblical references offers age old wisdom.

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Put These Together:  Don’t Worry.  Ask for Help.

Now, when I need answers, I place a simple request: POP IT IN.

For example, I’m writing and get stuck. What I used to do was:

  • Whine: You know the mantra I used.
  • Worry: “What if I don’t get an answer?”
  • Get angry and complain: “I don’t have time for this.”
  • Feel like a helpless victim: “Why is this happening to me?”

Now, I ask inwardly for help: “I need a headline. POP IT IN.”

The answer comes – either immediately or after it incubates for a while.

Prayers are always answered in divine right timing, Therefore, I let the concern go and do something else. This takes care of the seeking and knocking.

Taking action refocuses me. It helps me to detach from fixating on results and when they should arrive.

Easy. Simple. Clear.

Only Supportive Ideas Are Welcome.

By the way, if an unsupportive idea pops in your head, pop it out. It’s your head, so claim dominion of it. Don’t give your power away to negative thinking. You have the power to pop in or out what goes in it.

When those supportive ideas pop in, even if they’re a little outside-the-box, act on them. This is a key.

Remember, everything is given according to your belief. If you allow the possibility, this really works.

I invite you to experiment. Need answers? Relax and ask inwardly to “POP IT IN!”



Virginia Goszewska, the founder of Soulgoals, believes each person and business has a way to contribute to life. The coaching systems she developed that help people find clarity, take action and experience personal and professional success are based on decades of research and experience. As a regional manager with a worldwide, top ten, Inc. 500 company and at top-level executive positions of international corporations, Virginia received awards in sales, training, management and business development. From Southeast Asia to the United Kingdom, people around the world have benefited from her expert coaching, compassionate insights and common sense.

Virginia offers complimentary Break-Free sessions by phone, holds workshops, seminars, team building programs and is a keynote speaker. She can be contacted at  or (512) 842-1231.

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Copyright © 2020 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.