Archive for March, 2016

TIP: How I Manifested Tax Money & New Car

March 29, 2016

Easy Button.jpg

April 15 is fast approaching with looming tax deadlines. I thought you might like reassurance that all is well, or can be, with your financials. It’s time to press the easy button.

So, I’m resurrecting segments of some of my popular, archived blogs to remind you of your ability to manifest what you choose – if you allow yourself to stop worrying, let go of struggling, and remember your true worth…

Contrary to my logical thinking, I manifested money to pay taxes and buy a brand new car. All this was done without worrying – or, more accurately, because I didn’t worry.

Conclusion? Don’t stress. Manifest.

Feeling dissatisfied or frustrated while wanting life to be different focuses you in the wrong direction.

Taking action on possibilities with belief attracts results.

Want proof? Here’s how I manifested my:

Money to Pay Taxes: I needed $$ in five weeks to pay taxes. One of many strategies was to ask a client to pay me three months in advance. Before I finished my proposal during a lunch meeting, he cut me off by saying, “I’ll pay you a year in advance.” By the way, it was the first time I’d seen him in person in three years.

During our meeting, I showed him educational tapes I thought he’d like, valued at $50. One of them I picked up from the mailman while in my car as I backed out of the driveway to meet him. My client gave me a $100 bill on the spot so he could listen to them right away.

How?  I followed through on ideas that popped in my head by taking action. An attitude of “success is the only option” focused my intention which produced results beyond what I anticipated.

Car: While focusing on money for taxes, I explored ways to save. Interest on my car loan was nearly 14%. When I looked into refinancing at a dealership, I learned I could get a new car, if I qualified, for 1.9% interest. I told them that I didn’t need the car and would buy only if I got that interest rate. I was approved, and my car payment was only $1 a month more. They took my car as a trade-in and later refunded me $1,000 for its warranty.

There was, however, only one thing they required – an additional $100. I handed them the Ben Franklin my client gave me for the tapes an hour earlier and drove away in my brand new car.

How? I followed through with where I was led although buying a new car seemed like a crazy thing to do. (I only meant to lower the interest rate on my car). I felt neither needy nor desperate to get the car.

Why did I even consider spending money to buy a car when my single-minded focus was on bringing in money for taxes?

Because I consciously chose to take action on ideas rather than over-think and pre-judge them.

I made a decision to live by a new mindset. I acted on and said yes to financial opportunities that I would have otherwise said no to, put off or not bothered with.

My new “uncomfortable comfort zone” mindset allowed me to quickly step into unknowns with no procrastination.

It got me thinking. Why worry?

When I got out of the way and allowed life to do its magic, things worked out.

When they didn’t work is when I put a kibosh on things. I fretted by wondering if enough people would attend an event. I worried if I’d have enough money for something. I got discouraged and frustrated that things might not work out the way I thought they should.

Therefore, I manifested what I focused on – what I didn’t want.

Worry doesn’t pay – especially the bills.

TIP: How I Manifested Tax Money & New Car

Your life has always been blessed with miracles. The near miss from having an accident. A smile from a stranger, an email or a phone call when you felt down and on your way out. Things turned around in your favor. You miraculously manifested a goal.

Here are 5 Steps to Manifest Results:

  1. Refocus your attention by making a list of your miracles and successes.
  2. Breathe and relax.
  3. Set an intention to receive what you choose for your life.
  4. Choose to be in divine flow.
  5. Take action.

Focus on what you’re grateful for, and you’ll multiply your reasons to be grateful.

By the way, for support to help you manifest great results in your business and finances, contact me for a one-hour complimentary Do What You Love Break Free Session at

Happy manifesting!

TIP: Spring Into Action

March 22, 2016

Today is a new day

What would happen if you truly realized your power and focused it? How would your life change?

How great would your relationships and home life be? Your business and finances? Your health and vitality? How much better would you feel?

What would more insight, balance and innate intelligence do?

You send out energy and a universal force matches it – you see the results in your world. Life isn’t arbitrary. It’s the effect of your clarity, thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

Spring is in the air regardless of what the weather’s doing. It reveals opportunities for change.

A woman shared that her husband, who’s the major breadwinner, lost his job last month. She was encouraged when reminded what happened during the weekend. First, there was a storm with hail, rain and strong winds. The next day brought blue skies and sun.

No matter what’s going on in your life, what you might consider good or bad, there’s always an opportunity for growth and something better with blue skies.

You’re the creator of what your next chapter looks like. Spring offers a new chapter for you to write.

A key is to hold a clear image and feeling of what you choose.

When doubt sneaks in, you tarnish the image and produce tarnished results.

Then, take inspired action.

TIP: Spring Into Action

Tap into the energy of spring as an opportunity to renew your business and life.

Revisit your dreams and goals. How are you doing? Are you making any progress?

In a way, your answer doesn’t matter as it reflects your past.

It’s your current decision that makes a difference.

Every day take a step in the direction of your goals.

Believe you can create something fun and wonderful, and you can.

When you tap into this feeling, you create good feeling mojo.

The more you enjoy this energy, the easier it is for you to be richly compensated doing what you love.

This or something better.

Regardless of your circumstances, you have a choice about how you feel about you, your goals and your life.

No calamities, people or experiences can dictate how you respond and feel.

Learn. Grow. Move on. Spring into action.

Be richly compensated doing what you love.

One more thing…

Maybe you’re thinking I know all this, but there must be a disconnect because I’m so ready for new and better.

To spring into action and your awesomeness, contact me for a free, one-hour Do What You Love Break Free Session at

TIP: A Shortcut to Success

March 16, 2016

Thomas Edison & Henry Ford


Be sure to scroll to the bottom about a time-sensitive opening.

Would you love to benefit from a phenomenal shortcut that boosts creativity and success and has been used regularly by icons like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, J.R.R. Tolkien and Bill Gates?

I just got off a Mastermind Success Team call with graduates from my Resolved for Results program. This is not your typical mastermind team of brainstorming and accountability.

Our intention is to use our clarity and focus to tap into a vortex of energy that manifests success surpassing our wildest dreams.

Those on this morning’s call with their new team are movers and shakers in diverse industries… and the vortex of dynamic energy we created was palpable, filled with respect and appreciation for each other as we shared this remarkable experience together. You’ll read their comments in a moment.

First, if you’re wondering what I mean by masterminding, here’s an excerpt from my program Resolved for Results: A Step-by-Step Guide to Do What You Love… even if you failed before, lost hope, are afraid, stressed or confused.

Napoleon Hill introduced the term masterminding in the early 1900s in his classic book Think and Grow Rich as ‘the coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose... No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force,  which may be likened to a third mind.

“You’ve heard how most people use 10% or less of their brain. Similarly, you only require less than 10% of your spirit to function in your daily life.

Masterminding invokes the soul, which is 100% of your spirit, to assist you to design a life of your choice.  Multiply this by the number of people in a harmonious mastermind group and place the Prime Creator at the center.

This is the mastermind energy.  ….  It’s no surprise, then, that the mastermind creates results beyond what you can do using just 10% or less of ordinary thinking and effort.”

Here are a few comments resulting from bathing in the vortex of mastermind energy this morning. If you tune into the energy behind the words, it can lift you out of feeling stuck and into creative power where you allow yourself to be richly compensated doing what you love:

  • I could feel and see my goals happening. I got a boost of energy and confidence to say, “Yes. Fulfilling my dream is right and the right time to do this.” I’m speechless. It’s an amazing feeling.
  • Business can be a struggle because of the drama created that’s part of my industry. It’s natural for me now to create the business volume I choose with certainty and joy.
  • Love the small, intimate group with people who have a personal foundation which includes dignity, grace, professionalism and an intention of getting things done. It makes our time on the call very efficient with a minimum of fluff.
  • Knowing other people believe in me gives me confidence to move forward. Here I go. Taking a big step together makes it easier. I’m not so alone.
  • We can manifest our dreams and turn them into reality – it’s up to us.

TIP: A Shortcut to Success

For you to create greater success in your business and life requires your focused attention and what I call “good feeling mojo.” Good energy creates success!

Your thoughts and feelings magnetize results… positive or negative. If you’re wondering what you’re attracting, look around you. If you’re frustrated, depressed, worried, stressed, afraid or wondering how you’re going to do something, your world will reflect that and bring you more reasons to feel the way you do.

When your attention is on what’s working, the positive image of where you’re going and the good feelings it creates opens you to success quickly and with grace and ease.

Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Form or find a mastermind group of two or more people to gain clarity and focus on turning your cherished dreams and goals to reality.

Isn’t it time you received effective supportive energy to help you get what you really, really want?

A new Resolved for Results mastermind team starts next week, and we have two openings for you and/or your friends. The program also includes a personal Belief Release session as a bonus! 

If you know people who might be interested in raising their business or creative expression to a higher level and transforming their lives, please forward this email to them.

To find out more, contact me with questions or for a free, one-hour Do What You Love Break Free Session at

TIP: The 4 P’s Keys to Break Free

March 8, 2016


Are you ready, perhaps beyond ready, to break free from the sameness of your business or life (same money, people, problems, etc.), debt or feeling the drag of whatever’s not working for you?

Wherever you are, there IS a way to free yourself so you can share your gifts with the world in a bigger way and be richly compensated.

Here are four keys that can help:

PLANNING and PERSPECTIVE: Bring on an elixir that brings results – a CEO meeting with the Divine.

Seriously, this really works.

Take time to write your needs and choices (not just talk and beg) and ask God, the universe or however you relate to the Powers That BE for help. By pausing to gain perspective and accessing this source of Love and wisdom, you open yourself to direction and miracles.

Use your meeting to write down plans, insights and ideas. You may not know what to do, but you’re not asking you. Open to receive guidance.

Numerous times when I thought there were no solutions, new paths appeared where they previously hadn’t existed. If you keep the faith, you can gain both perspective and results.

For more details, check out my very first blog post

PROMOTION: To move forward requires connecting with others. Create or foster relationships. Share your ideas. Believe enough in you and what you do to promote your vision to others. Open to new ways to share or market you and your gifts.

If you don’t know how, go back to the CEO meeting with the Divine. If an idea doesn’t pop in immediately, it’s on its way.

Surround yourself with people who have positive energy and care about you. A mastermind team can offer support and focus to stay on track with your goals. Be sure you’re receiving not just giving.

By the way, don’t be so self-centered that you only care about you. Healthy relationships are about balance.

Decades ago, I saw a skit that I still remember. While singing a beautiful opera aria, a woman was surrounded on stage with numerous people. However, she was so preoccupied with her own voice without paying attention to others that, one by one, they left the stage.

At the end of the song, she was alone.

If you’re consumed with your greatness, opinions or problems and consistently share these without a sincere interest in others, you may find your support dwindling.

PERFORMANCE: Take action. Work your business. Improve your skills. Meet with clients and prospects. Spend time on money-generating activities, if that’s your goal. Give your best service to the world in whatever capacity you can in the moment. Allow the universe to meet you half way by being visible and participating in life.  

TIP: The 4 Keys to Break Free

You ARE important, so take time for you.

  • Pull out a pad of paper and have a meeting with your CEO.
  • Reach out and connect. Build relationships. Share your vision with those who might be supportive or can advance you in doing what you love.
  • Five days a week, take action to move you in the direction of your vision. What starts out as a small step can gain momentum – and you’ll be unstoppable.

BONUS: Set an intention that your plans are working. Your ideas might not manifest exactly as you thought, but they may emerge better than imagined. Find a saying that inspires you and repeat it, such as:

Life always work out in my favor. Life always work out in my favor. Life always work out in my favor. 

You can discover it does, if you’re open to believe.

In case your CEO meeting or gut tells you to get more support, clarity or share your gifts in a bigger way, contact me for a free, one-hour Do What You Love Break Free Session at

I work with people who long to share their gifts with the world in a bigger way but don’t know how or feel stuck. I help them find their passion and be richly compensated doing what they love.