Posts Tagged ‘Increase income’

Is That Really What You Think About Yourself?

March 18, 2024

Your thoughts about yourself create your future.

So what have you been telling yourself about you recently?

Stupid, smart, not good enough, grateful?

Is that really what you think about yourself?

If you want more money, which thinking do you believe works best?

  • I really need it, but I don’t think I’ll ever get paid what I’m worth.
  • (In spite of my circumstances) I feel that more money is coming to me.

If you want more of something, feel as if you already have it. You won’t get what you want (or you could be miserable or not hold onto it) if you’re waiting for it to appear before you believe it.

A client, whose goal includes increasing her sales and income, wasn’t talking like someone who already had the wealth she desired. She was working hard and fast, and her curt attitude had an adverse affect on her support team who, in turn, did small actions to annoy her.

During a Soulgoals’ Session, she realized that if she took a few more minutes to have smoothe interactions with them, instead of communicating by terse emails, she would receive more help and have less stress and irritation. Their attitude about her was disruptive and consuming unnecessary amounts of her time and energy.

She had been seeing herself as someone pushing to get to the top instead of being there.

You have to be an energetic match for what you want.

If you want greater health, act as if you have it. You’ll send a message of health to your cells.

A woman, who had a stroke, has been making tremendous progress. She definitely has the potential of continuing to overcome some of its effects, too. She’s learned much about herself during her year of recovery and has her sights set on wellness.

She emailed me about a vacation tour she planned to take with disabled people, but she decided not to go because she’s choosing to attend another event instead.

I replied that not going “may be a good thing so you don’t identify with being disabled by surrounding yourself with others who believe that about themselves. How you see yourself is a key to the direction you’ll find yourself in the future. See yourself able-bodied.”

Your thoughts about yourself are just mental concepts. Your thoughts and ideas are only pictures in your head, and often they were downloaded into your brain by others.

The tendency is to accept all of your perceptions as real because they’re in your head. However, some are limiting because more possibilities exist than you can imagine.

“To look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of the truth, which is that there is no disease; it is only an appearance, and the reality is health.

“To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

What do you think about yourself? 

Do you say you want more money but think about yourself as poor, in lack or needy?

Do you say you want greater health but see your body as sick?

How you identify who you believe you are now is writing your script for who you’ll be in the future.

If you focus on your limiting, outer circumstances, you’ll repeat them in the future. Focus on what you choose instead.

You embody unlimited potential for whatever you choose or something better. You can think about yourself in this way.

Don’t be fooled by appearances, and certainly don’t beat yourself up because you feel you’re not good enough. Your current circumstances exist because of old ways that you thought about yourself. 

You always have a choice about how you feel and think, even if things seem out of your control.

Imagine what life would be like if you see yourself as the hero of your dreams coming true!

This original Soulgoals’ blog was posted on March 20, 2018

If you could use help with changing the way you see yourself so you can enjoy a life you’d rather be living, contact me for a complimentary Soulgoals’ Break-Free Session.

Email me at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

What Happened When I Decided to Date Again

June 10, 2019

Please enjoy this previously unpublished Soulgoal Missive that I wrote in 2005.

We’ve been led to believe we’re limited and weak. That’s accurate only if we buy into this belief.

We’ve been told we have access to only 10% of our brain and spirit, and we bought into this limitation. However, when we choose to invoke our Soul energy, the 90% of us that is from the Divine Source, we have access to a power and ability that is our heritage, as long as it is used for good… or good play!

Saying we are limited to 10% of our abilities is just part of a tribal belief we accepted as true.

It reminds me of the story about generations of women who cut the ends off a roast before baking. Upon questioning, they learned this technique wasn’t to improve the flavor but to allow the meat to fit into a smaller pan.

We can choose to access the 90% of our Soul energy to assist in any change we desire.

We can choose to invoke Soul energy that resides in the invisible realm by accessing our spiritual self.

This is not mystical or hokey. We do this in the same way a mother was able to rally her strength to lift a car off her baby during a crisis, which previously would’ve been impossible.

Our greatness and ability to change our lives are here for the taking.

Here’s what happened to me:

After weeks of sequestering myself to write, I felt a need for more social contact. Although I hadn’t dated for months and rarely left my neighborhood, I considered having a man in my life.

In less than a week three men appeared:

  • First, I saw an old friend while shopping – he invited me out to dinner.
  • Second, a friend stopped by to drop something off as I was leaving for a movie. He joined me, and we had a spontaneous night on the town. He had such a good time he asked me out again.
  • The third was a suitor from last year.

A casual thought impressed on life’s ethers energetically attracted whoever was closest and available to respond. Hmm, how much more specific do I want to be?

How about this? I choose to increase my income significantly with grace and ease. Let’s see what this brings.

Note: shortly after writing this choice about income, one of my clients asked for daily coaching to support him in an important work project!

God did not plop us on earth and say good luck. We have all the tools we need to be free.

We may complain, beg for and want something different, but for change to happen we must choose. 

What do you choose? Now start by imagining you already have it.

Want to learn how to
invoke Soul energy to 

live your ideal life?
It IS possible!!

Contact me for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.

Is That Really What You Think About Yourself?

March 20, 2018

circle of words


Your thoughts about yourself create your future.

So what have you been telling yourself about you recently?

Stupid, smart, not good enough, grateful?

Is that really what you think about yourself?

If you want more money, which thinking do you believe works best?

  • I really need it, but I don’t think I’ll ever get paid what I’m worth.
  • (In spite of my circumstances) I feel that more money is coming to me.

If you want more of something, feel as if you already have it. You won’t get what you want (or you could be miserable or not hold onto it) if you’re waiting for it to appear before you believe it.

A client, whose goal includes increasing her sales and income, wasn’t talking like someone who already had the wealth she desired. She was working hard and fast, and her curt attitude had an adverse affect on her support team who, in turn, did small actions to annoy her.

During a Soulgoals Session, she realized that if she took a few more minutes to have smoothe interactions with them, instead of communicating by terse emails, she would receive more help and have less stress and irritation. Their attitude about her was disruptive and consumed unnecessary amounts of her time and energy.

She had been seeing herself as someone pushing to get to the top instead of being there.

You have to be an energetic match for what you want.

If you want better health, act as if you have it. You’ll send a message of health to your cells.

A woman, who had a stroke, has been making tremendous progress. She definitely has the potential of continuing to overcome its effects, too. She’s learned much about herself during her year of recovery and has her sights set on wellness.

She emailed me about a vacation tour she planned to take with disabled people, but she decided not to go because she’s choosing to attend another event instead.

I replied: Not going “may be a good thing so you don’t identify with being disabled and surrounding yourself with others who believe that about themselves. How you see yourself is a key to the direction you’ll find yourself in the future. See yourself able-bodied.”

Your thoughts about yourself are just mental concepts. Your thoughts and ideas are only pictures in your mind, and often times they were downloaded into your brain by others.

The tendency is to accept all of your perceptions as real because they’re in your head. However, they’re limiting because more possibilities exist than you can imagine.

Wallace D. Wattles says it this way in his book The Science of Getting Rich:

“To look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of the truth, which is that there is no disease; it is only an appearance, and the reality is health.

 “To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance

What do you think about yourself? 

Do you say you want more money but think about yourself as poor, in lack or needy?

Do you say you want greater health but see your body as sick?

How you identify who you believe you are now is writing your script for who you’ll be in the future.

If you focus on your outer circumstances, you’ll repeat them in the future. Focus on what you choose instead.

You embody unlimited potential for whatever you choose or something better. You can think about yourself in this way.

Don’t be fooled by appearances, and certainly don’t beat yourself up because you feel you’re not good enough. Your current circumstances exist because of old ways that you thought about yourself.

You always have a choice about how you feel and think, even if things seem out of your control.

Imagine what life would be like if you see yourself as the hero of your dreams coming true!

With gratitude,


P. S. Know someone who might be interested in this TIP?  Please share.

I work with people, at any age,
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning
with their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2018 Resolved for Results, All rights reserved.