Posts Tagged ‘you’re good enough’

What Keeps You up at Night?

November 27, 2023

What keeps you up at night? Do ghost story reruns play in your thoughts and emotions?

Can you relate to any of these ghosts?

  • Lack of money. 
  • Business concerns. 
  • Not enough energy or poor health for you or others. 
  • What to do about family, work or friend relationships.
  • Tough decisions to make. 
  • Exhaustion and confusion from stress and overwhelm. 
  • Running out of time. 
  • Insert your (not so) favorite one here.

You also may have befriended an attitude that… well, it’s somewhere between wondering how things can ever work or you screwed up.

An attitude adjustment could begin to solve a lot of problems

Easier said than done when you feel like you’re drowning in quicksand.

Why suffer? You don’t have to struggle or settle for less than what you deserve! Or maybe you’re just ready to kick it up to a higher level.

How? Transform your frequency.

Huh? Speak English, please. OK. Law of Attraction – like attracts like. 

Think of yourself as a tuning fork. Every tone you play creates a vibration. These either resonate or are discordant with other notes.

Some notes are what you like in your life. Others you’d like to send to a universe far, far away. Those are the ones that irritate you like mosquitoes buzzing in the middle of the night – or thoughts that keep you up.

I’m not saying you should change yourself. Whew! That sounds like a Herculean effort.

Actually, you’re already more than good enough just the way you are. However, you may be carrying some unnecessary paraphernalia, aka emotions and perspectives, that skew your frequencies. (Imagine playing your tuning fork with an old sack on it that muffles its true tones.)

TIP: When you’re angry, frustrated, worried or lashing out at the world because life isn’t going as you think it should, you attract more weird things to match these frequencies. Instead, observe the words and energy you express and change them if you’re not getting the results you choose.

I once saw a woman in a store repeatedly warn her child not to run because he’d fall. Of course, he fell to comply with the images she planted in his head… and then she said, “I told you so.”

What are you unconsciously creating? Sometimes it’s subtle and tricky to detect because you’ve lived with the thinking and emotional patterns for so long that they feel natural, even though they attract what you don’t want.

It’s easy and commonplace to get so enmeshed in your story and circumstances that you can’t see a way out. A lot of times, how could you?

The reason you’re in challenging situations is to learn. It’s not a punishment from God or bad karma or a sign that there’s something wrong with you

You may not have the TOOLS to change your approach to reap different results – YET! Let’s face it. If you already got the lesson about why things aren’t working, you wouldn’t be where you are. When you get it, you move on.

How Can You Make the Shift? 

TIP: Ask for help. Be open to receive. There are some things you won’t be able to do on your own.

Countless times I found myself in seemingly insurmountable circumstances that only others could help me with. 10 1/2 hours with a professional computer guy solved technical issues to help my business that I stewed over for years! Also, my mastermind partners helped clear my thinking and shared ideas so I could take effective action.

You’re not alone although you may feel that way at times. There are those who’ve walked a path similar enough to yours who understand your goals and obstacles and, most importantly, CAN HELP YOU FIND THE WAY TO ACHIEVE THE RESULTS YOU CHOOSE.

Ask and you shall receive. Miracles happen!

Why not trust? You may have discovered that fear and worry can keep you up at night. But they don’t create the frequency to find effective solutions
that peace of mind provides.

This edited Soulgoals’ blog was first posted on November 8, 2012.

Contact me to learn new tools and perspectives, receive help and turn your life around. Significantly.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.
Copyright © 2023 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

You Are NOT Your Thoughts… and yes, you are good enough

August 23, 2021
You can open the window to your thoughts, and think outside YOUR box.

Soulgoal Missive, Year 1, No. 15, originally published in 2001

It was my first singing class. After performing my rendition of a song, my voice coach didn’t comment on my presentation but simply suggested that I approach it using different emotions. Although it was a reasonable request, a sinking feeling came over me and began to take me down with it.

I got through the evening but went home devastated as anguish overtook me far beyond what happened in the class. Three days later I still felt this sickening feeling within and knew that it was totally out of proportion from the event.

Then it hit me.

My (unconscious) interpretation of the comment triggered a belief that when I’m myself, I’m not good enough.

“Why can’t you be more like your cousins Kathy and Sharon?” was one of my mother’s mantras I grew up with — to be good enough I had to be like someone else.

My feelings turned from sadness to freedom as the light shined on this hidden side of me.

The casual remark served as an alarm clock to wake up an old pain after years of sleep. Unconsciously, it directed my actions and responses causing me to feel “I’m not good enough” although there was nothing in the present moment to validate it. After discovering the truth, my life changed.

I hadn’t seen one of my cousins for 18 years, even though she lives just a few hours from me. Yet two weeks after my discovery, I found myself visiting my aunt and her daughter.

Within minutes of our time together, I shared my story with her, and she replied, “Why would you ever want to be like us? The insinuation in our home was that you were special, and we wanted to be like you!”

How often do we create a false sense of reality accompanied by unnecessary limitations and anxiety?

There are so many reasons to experience fear these days, but how many of them are based on reality?

Fear arises from an obscure feeling that something will happen to us in the future that we won’t be able to handle. Then we attach a significance and interpretation that create pain.

The psychological condition of fear is divorced from any concrete and true immediate danger. It comes in many forms: unease, worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, dread, phobia, and so on. This kind of psychological fear is always of something that might happen, not of something that is happening now.

“You can always cope with the present moment, but you cannot cope with something that is only a mind projection – you cannot cope with the future.”

Eckhart Tolle,
Power of Now

What’s the antidote? Get free from allowing your thoughts to rule and instead be the master of what you think and feel.

How do we reclaim our dominion? Focus on the Now instead of some imagined future.

Truly be present and live in this moment in time. This means not obsessing over what happened in the past and not projecting in the future some theorized threat. We learn from the past and plan for the future. We are best equipped to deal with life situations when we are fully present.

Life is what it is. “Resistance is futile” and creates more pain.

We always have the ability to deal with whatever hand we are dealt, although as Mother Teresa said, “I know God won’t give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.”  

Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to disidentify with your thoughts, as if they are you and always the truth.  Instead, be the observer of them. Experiment with the following exercise entitled “You Are NOT Your Thoughts.”

  1. Do you imagine that your future will be better or worse than it is now?
  2. Observe yourself focusing your attention into the future. Now shift your attention back to reading in this moment. Notice your ability to shift consciously between the future and present.
  3. The part of you that observes this shift is the real you. You can detach from your identification with your thinking at any moment by going into the observer state – the real you is doing the watching. You experience the real you only in the present moment.
  4. Whenever fear, anxiety, or other such emotion arises, switch to being the watcher of your thoughts and feelings. Even if you still feel trapped by them or feel stuck, you are on your road to freedom, gaining greater self-mastery with every step.

Observation of your thoughts breaks identification with them. You take control of your life instead of being led by fear and limitation. It’s a powerful tool.

With a zest for Life,


Success Thought

“Getting there is half the fun; being there is all of it!”

Chauncey Gardner, in the movie Being There

Ready for more freedom?

You are more than enough!

Contact me for a free consultation at:

I work with people who choose to share
their gifts or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck or could 
use new tools or support.

I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
they love.

Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

TIP: Have More Fun & Adventure for Success

August 1, 2016


Outside on a corner of my roof, wasps like to party – in spite of my calling the flying insect police on them a few times.

Meanwhile, one of the screens on my back porch was knocked down, and a couple of wasps found their way inside.

Although they could have escaped easily the same way they got in, they congregated on a screen that’s near party central and has no way out.

They gravitated toward what they know is home even though they weren’t able to get there from where they were. Even though they have the tools, the wings to fly, their approach wasn’t working.

They escaped when I did a catch and release with them.

It can be like having goals. Some people can know where they want to go, but it’s not possible to get there from where they are.

The business model and all the tools of the trade can be in place. Yet, success, if any, is limited.

If you’re speeding along on a track where you know that your life or business could be greater, it can be challenging to recognize you’re on the wrong track let alone know how to get on the right track for you.  

How can you know if you’re on the right track?

Check out how you feel. Do you have good feeling mojo, momentum created from feeling good?

Here’s how some people from this morning’s mastermind group described it at the end of our call:

  • I have so much energy, I can’t wait to go to work and create.
  • I don’t doubt myself. I own who I am and what I do.
  • I feel anchored, grounded and filled with enthusiasm.
  • What a magical way to start my week.

While masterminding, people share their vision of team members living their dreams. Someone once said, “where else do you go to hear regularly how wonderful you are?”

Which creates better results? The voice in your head doubting your ability to succeed OR being open to infinite possibilities and knowing you will thrive.

“Through others’ words and how they see me, It helps me see and acknowledge my gifts,” a team member commented.

“In the past, I had limiting beliefs about myself which took away from what I’m doing. My thinking was that I didn’t have enough experience, education and more.

“I made up stories from my childhood about how I couldn’t do things.

“Now I know that I and my experiences are more than enough. I have self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem. I value my own talent whereas before I thought I needed degrees, something other than what I had and be someone different.”

Newton’s First Law of Motion states that a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it, and a body in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.

In other words, we’ll keep doing what we’re doing unless acted up by an outside force, just like the wasps. They knew their goal, but their best instincts were not producing viable results.  

Stuck and limited are boring and not fun, especially when you’re destined for much more.

If you’d love to change your life and business into adventurous success that surpasses your wildest imagination, there’s a new Resolved for Results group starting this week.

Contact me at vg@ResolvedForResults to discover if this is a key to unlock your business and life to be awesome!

Don’t be stuck doing the same thing hoping for different results. Your TIP is identify one way for your business or life to be more fun and adventurous.

Now implement it with the intention that this is your turning point.

If you’re open to receive outside help to have more fun as you create greater success and adventure, contact me at