Posts Tagged ‘Struggle’

How to Earn More Money, Be Successful… and What’s Love Got to Do With It

February 12, 2024

What I’m about to tell you is the opposite of what most of us learned is the way to be successful.

Forget about:

  • No pain. No gain.
  • You have to work hard for what you want.
  • Put your nose to the grindstone. (Ouch!)
  • Success requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle.

Beliefs like these often don’t create sustainable results nor do they lead to a happy life. Furthermore, trying hard is exhausting.

When we align our positive energy with a desired outcome first, and then take inspired action with grace and ease, we can feel good and create better results, too. 

You can tap into a zone where you won’t need to push yourself. By getting out of your own way, you can get more done with better results and even go beyond limits.

It starts by shifting from trying to relaxing into a flow of doing what you love.

Olympic athletes center and focus themselves before taking action. The winners go beyond worry and ride the wave of their event even when changing winds seem to be against them. They’re at the right place at the right time to avoid the hazards.

You can, too.

“There is no better way to earn money than to do the things that you love to do. Money can flow into your experience through endless avenues. It is not the choice of the craft that limits the money that flows — but only your attitude toward money.”


Original Sougoals’ Blog was posted on February 12, 2018

Ready to get in the zone so you can have what you really want in business and life? My clients’ results demonstrate that their dreams and goals or something better manifest. If it’s time for you to enjoy greater success and happiness, contact me for a complimentary Do What You Love Break-Free Session.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Challenged? The Best Is Yet to Come

May 23, 2022

Life presents both challenges and blessings. Your perspective determines how they affect you and your ability to make your dreams come true.

Once upon a time there was a farmer named Sei Weng who had one horse and one son. One day the horse wandered away, and the neighbors commented that this was unfortunate. The farmer replied, “How do you know it’s bad luck?”

Soon after the horse returned bringing several wild mares with him. The neighbors congratulated him on his good luck. Ah, what lovely, strong horses! However, the farmer responded by saying, “How do you know it’s good luck?”

The son was thrown while riding one of the wild horses and broke his leg. His neighbors once again commented on how sorry they were for his bad luck, at which the farmer said, “Good luck, bad luck. Who knows?”

A war came, and every able-bodied man was conscripted into the military and sent into battle. Because he had a broken leg, the old man’s son didn’t have to go to war. The neighbors were excited about his good fortune, but the farmer remarked, “Is it good or is it bad?”

Another version of this Chinese folktale concludes with, “That’s the way it is.”

Another says that fortune turns to misfortune, and misfortune to fortune. There is no end to changes, and the mystery can’t be known.

Because the farmer was emotionally detached and didn’t go along with everyone’s thinking, he was able to see a bigger picture. 

According to the Chaos Theory, our lives are always in chaos, and this is what opens us to fresh forms and possibilities.

When we reach what is called a “bi-furcation point,” a “point of departure” takes place, and a “self-organization out of chaos” occurs. In other words, events that serve as turning points create a new order and structure. 

Instead of adversely reacting to circumstances that seem bad, consider they may be a portal to something greater than you currently can imagine.

A messy divorce may be a ticket to personal empowerment and overcoming fear.

The loss or lack of worldly goods may be what cracks the shell to allow humility and what’s truly important to be seen… and the impetus to pursue one’s dreams.

You can choose your perspective. Look deeper. No matter how it appears, things change. The highs become lows or ordinary. Regardless of how frustrated or hopeless aspects of your life may seem, this too shall pass.

Your highs and lows come from judging how you think your life should’ve been in the past or should be in the future. Your now, this moment of time, is perfect just the way it is.

Embrace what is without a drama-filled story attached to it, and all your struggles are over.

Your dreams can come true.

How? The way reveals itself in divine right timing.

Listen to the inner whispers guiding you. Be open to receive. Consider a new point of view because nothing is what it seems, and the best is yet to come. All is in divine order and surpasses your wildest imagination.

Nothing would be what it is.

Because everything would be what it isn’t.

And contrary-wise – what it is, it wouldn’t be.

And what it wouldn’t be, it would.

You see?

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Reprinted from Soulgoals’ Post, March 8, 2013

If you’d like help
to find clarity, direction
or peace of mind,
contact me

for a complimentary
Soulgoals’ Break-Free Session
by phone.

Email me at:

I work with people who choose to
enhance their lives or share 
their gifts 
in a BIGGER way 
don’t know how, feel stuck or could 
use new tools or support.

I help them be richly compensated doing what
they love by connecting with their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2022 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

You Don’t Have to Push Yourself Harder

February 8, 2021

What I’m about to tell you is opposite of what most of us learned is the way to achieve success.

Forget about:

  • No pain, no gain.
  • You have to work hard for what you want.
  • Put your nose to the grindstone.
  • Success requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle.

Beliefs like these often don’t create sustainable results that lead to a happy life. Furthermore, trying hard is exhausting.

When we align our positive energy first and then take inspired action with grace and ease, we can create better outcomes while feeling good, too. 

A client, whose career is in the fitness industry, shared how his life is working better.

“I let go of pushing harder. I had the kind of personality to be hard on myself, more disciplined. It left me feeling out of control, especially about things I can’t do anything about.

“I had mind-numbing, self-critiquing all the time. I was looking for approval. 

“Now I see how when I’m softer and centered, I’m in control. It’s easier to be in my own skin. People are more at ease around me because I’m more at ease with myself.

“I make choices moment-to-moment instead of worrying about the future and what others think.

“I catch myself a lot quicker instead of having long periods of anxiety. I chart my course by mentally creating my ideal scenario and letting go of the pushing.

“Week by week, this new way of living life is sinking in as I allow myself to go from efforting to grace and ease. 

“I’ve reclaimed my natural power and feel myself evolving to my true potential as I achieve my goals.”

There was more joy, confidence and lightness in his voice as well.

You can tap into a zone where you won’t need to push yourself. By getting out of your own way, you can get more done with better results and even go beyond limits.

It starts by shifting from trying to relaxing into a flow of doing what you love.

Olympic athletes center and focus themselves before taking action. The winners go beyond worry and ride the wave of their event – even when changing winds seem to be against them. They’re at the right place at the right time to avoid the hazards.

You can, too.

Ready to make your life easier? 
Contact me to find out how:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck or
would benefit from new tools
 or support. 

I help them be richly compensated 
doing what they love
by aligning
 with their Soul’s goals.

Reposted from February 12, 2018

Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

The BEST New Year’s Resolution

December 28, 2020

When I was a little girl, I asked my mother what should I be. I wanted her answer to be about my future profession, like a butcher, a baker or candlestick maker.

She always replied that she wanted me to be happy, which seemed at the time a lame response.

The older I get and the more I know about life, though, I realize what a wise answer it was.

Why being happy matters

As like attracts like, the more we’re happy, the more happy experiences we’ll attract.

Feeling good allows us not only to achieve our goals but to create a better life.

We can be rich, powerful, famous and living the dream, but if we’re not happy, well, life isn’t much fun. Living in stress, worry, fear, sadness or struggle can destroy our physical, financial, mental and emotional health and well-being.

Happiness doesn’t come because we have everything we want; we won’t enjoy them and may find that they slip away if we don’t feel good.

Stress, anxiety and worry are only habits that don’t serve you or anyone else.

Feeling afraid because of lack of money, love or health won’t change when you have everything money can and can’t buy. If these ways of thinking are habitual, you’d find something to get you bent out of shape.

Ever notice people (maybe you) who always have a reason to complain or feel bad? Even when things are great, they find something that’s not good enough.

Be happy. Find a silver lining no matter what.

You might be thinking that I don’t understand. You’ve got a lot of problems. You’ve been done wrong. You’ve experienced loss, and you’re afraid the proverbial other shoe might fall. You’ve been living in pain. You’ve had terrible things happen to you.

I really do get it because when everything in my life was falling apart, I knew I’d lose it all if I stepped onto the slippery slope of fear. My negativity would have made things go from bad to worse.

So I made a decision to feel good. To feel good in spite of it all.

Step at a time, sometimes baby steps, my life got better and better and better.

The BEST New Year’s resolution is to resolve to feel good. With this decision all things or something better are possible. It really is a choice.

You have complete control over your perspective, regardless of the situation. Your interpretation of events, your life, your success or manifesting your dreams is your key to the door of happiness, misery or getting what you most want.

Your energy will draw to you more of how you feel.

How in the world can you feel good in spite of the odds? Be grateful.

A client gifted me a handmade journal with an embroidered peacock on the cover that she bought in one of my favorite museums. It’s so beautiful that I decided I only wanted beautiful words in it. Another client on her team suggested a journaling exercise that makes her feel good.

Write what’s working in your life.

Soon after, on a day when everything was uncharacteristically out-of-synch, I couldn’t leave town to go to a party for me! Instead of having a hissy fit, I grabbed my new journal and wrote on the entire first page the many things that are going well.

Focusing on gratitude shifted my energy, allowed me to let go of the stress and be in present time. Of course, the change in plans turned out to be way better.

HAPPY New Year to you.

Hint: the clue is in the greeting. The first word is HAPPY.

The BEST New Year’s resolution is to feel good and be happy.

You can use feeling good as your inner GPS to know if you’re on the right track or not. It may be that the only thing needed for you to be happy is an attitude adjustment.

Also, how you feel can be an indicator that you’re on the right path or heading in a direction that no longer serves you or maybe never did.

If you decide a change is needed, feel good about where you are, even if you don’t like it. Then line up your energy by feeling good about your new direction and take actions for something better.

Happy New Year! It’s your choice to parrot the words or make them come true for you!

May you enjoy your happiest year ever!

P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this post? Please share.

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning
with their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

You Don’t Have to Push Yourself Harder

March 9, 2020

What I’m about to tell you is the opposite of what most of us learned as the way to achieve success.

Forget about:

  • No pain, no gain.
  • You have to work hard for what you want.
  • Put your nose to the grindstone. (By the way… ouch! Sounds painful.)
  • Success requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle.

Beliefs like these often don’t create sustainable results nor do they lead to a happy life. Furthermore, trying hard is exhausting.

When we align our positive energy first and then take inspired action with grace and ease, we can create better outcomes while feeling good, too. 

A client, whose career is in the fitness industry, shared how his life is working better.

“I let go of pushing harder. I had the kind of personality to be hard on myself, more disciplined. It left me feeling out of control, especially about things I can’t do anything about.

“I had mind-numbing, self-critiquing all the time. I was looking for approval. 

“Now I see how when I’m softer and centered, I’m in control. It’s easier to be in my own skin. People are more at ease around me because I’m more at ease with myself.

“I make choices moment-to-moment instead of worrying about the future and what others think.

“I catch myself a lot quicker instead of having long periods of anxiety. I chart my course by mentally creating my ideal scenario and letting go of the pushing.

“Week by week, this new way of living life is sinking in as I allow myself to go from efforting to grace and ease. 

“I’ve reclaimed my natural power and feel myself evolving to my true potential as I achieve my goals.”

There was more joy, confidence and lightness in his voice as well.

You can tap into a zone where you won’t need to push yourself. By getting out of your own way, you can get more done with better results and even go beyond limits.

It starts by shifting from trying to relaxing into a flow of doing what you love.

Olympic athletes center and focus themselves before taking action. The winners go beyond worry and ride the wave of their event – even when changing winds seem to be against them. They’re at the right place at the right time to avoid the hazards.

You can, too.

P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this post? Please share.

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck or would benefit from new tools or support. I help them be richly compensated doing what they love by tuning into their Soul’s goals.

Originally posted on February 12, 2018

Challenged? 5 Steps to Make it Easier on Yourself

October 28, 2019

stop cop

Life presents challenges. How you respond – your emotions and mental focus – is your choice.

You can get sucked into the quicksand of negative feelings, railing against the world and how tough everything is, focus on what’s not working and bemoan your tale of woes with others or in your head… and attract the opposite of what you want.

Or you can make a different choice.

Some of my clients are in the midst of the most heart-wrenching experiences of their lives.

A man left a country where he worked over three years, in a highly regarded profession, to interview for a job. His current position finishes in three months, and so far all his efforts to find new employment haven’t produced results.

Frustrated by multiple rejection letters – literally, where in the world will this gifted man live and create an income? This follows a year of intense personal and professional challenges.

Upon his return, immigration blocked his re-entry because of visa problems. He was arrested, detained and deported back to where he had just interviewed in New York City. Banned to go back for his belongings at work and home, which is also where his girlfriend lives, he has no cell phone or office to continue his job search. His attorney says there is no help legally and made excuses for not properly advising him.

At first he was in shock and emailed “I AM REALLY F___ED… I am devastated, exhausted, overwhelmed and at the end of my wits.”

Soon after, he Skyped me from a computer in a noisy café for a session.

Decision time: be the victim and miserable in a living hell or surrender and have faith that there’s a divine purpose and something positive will come of this.

Feelings and thoughts manifest. His personal honesty allowed him to see how he created this experience – he really didn’t want to work at his job or be in that country anymore.

This situation assured he wouldn’t spend another minute there.

He also has a strong desire to dump childhood patterns and traumas. Realizing his former tension and aggressiveness stemmed from being where he wasn’t appreciated, he chooses now to use this time as a transformation to express his positive nature.

Cut free from the burden of having to go back, the following day brought a feeling of liberation, contentment and a sense of being in a divine comedy.

With his newfound attitude, his nightmare vanished like a bad dream after waking up.

“I’m in the right place at the right time, and I know there’s opportunity here. I have friends and feel that I’m amongst kindred spirits in this city. I have to take action and not be complacent.

My girlfriend and colleagues will pack up my things, and she’ll bring them here next month. She wanted to move away from there anyway. I’m looking at life with childlike wonder knowing my good is here. I feel purposeful. I’ll figure it out and make it work.”

Months of anxiety and fear about finding a job and where it would be disappeared, too. It’s either in this city and country or something better.

I asked him to pick an image to reflect his perspective. He chose Fred Astaire – light on his feet and with good technique.

You can transform any situation in your life by choosing to: 

  1. Let go of the exhausting struggle: your story of your hard life and what if the worse happens. Write it down and burn or shred it. Choose to let it go! Repeat as needed.
  2. Change your perspective from one that creates stress and deteriorates your health and finances to one where you surrender to a divine source with an attitude of anticipating the best. Look for the positive in any situation; it’s always there.
  3. Stop thinking and talking about what’s wrong and instead focus on what’s working
  4. Enjoy quality time with those who nipped the self-indulgent habits of #1-3.
  5. Take action in the direction of your dreams.

As you gently let go of the struggle, you’ll float to the top of the quicksand of fear and move to the shore of creativity and abundance.

Reprinted from Soulgoals’ Archive, March 22, 2012

If you’d like support
through challenging times,

contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

If it’s been a while since you’ve had one,
you’re welcome to contact me again.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

TIP: Don’t Labor

September 2, 2019

“If you are having financial difficulties, if you are trying to make ends meet, it means you have not convinced your subconscious mind that you will always have plenty and some to spare. You know men and women who work a few hours a week and make fabulous sums of money. They do not strive or slave hard. Do not believe the story that the only way you can become wealthy is by the sweat of your brow and hard labor. It is not so; the effortless way of life is the best. Do the thing you love to do, and do it for the joy and thrill of it.”

Dr. Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, chapter 9

This is a reprint from Labor Day, 2016.

Look up synonyms for labor, and you’ll find words like hard work, drudgery, struggle, toil and exhausting.

Society has trained us to believe that work, work, work, the harder we work, is the way to get ahead.

The idea that work alone will bring you results is a flawed premise.

A man was looking for a job.

He sent out 50 resumes.

However, he told me he didn’t expect to get any replies.

Massive action – yes.

Results – zilch.

Hard work and action aren’t the keys.

Inspired action is.

Soulgoals’ Mastermind Principle #4 is:

I am open to the mastermind energy leading me, and I take action by following through with my inspiration and guidance.

For success, align your energy for results FIRST, and then take action.

Instead of putting your nose to the grindstone (ouch), FEEL GOOD before taking action.

Your TIP for success is FIRST to have fun. Create momentum while feeling good, then take action.

It may take practice to build your Feeling Good muscle. People have told me they think they’re doing something wrong if they’re not struggling, worrying and working hard, because these are such familiar habits.

This principle of not efforting works the opposite of weight lifting.

You build this muscle by letting go of the weight of the world – your problems, politics and pains.

What’s left is your natural state – happy, free, having fun, being fulfilled.

The more you’re aligned with You then, like a magnet, the more opportunities come your way.

The results are being in divine flow and on a magic carpet ride of success.

Experiment. Instead of laboring, enjoy life and what you do. Following, observe what inspiration comes to you and take action on this… not on what you think you should do.

Not only will you receive far greater results, you’ll create an even better life that’s worth living.

If you’d like to
create the life or
business you choose
while enjoying yourself
(and not making things hard),

contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break-Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Quotes by Deepak Chopra: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

September 24, 2018

Deepak Chopra Ready to Enter- 2012 February 21 001

Deepak Chopra standing next to me as he prepared to enter the stage in 2012.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams by Deepak Chopra is a transformational work. “Desperate striving isn’t necessary or even desirable. In the natural world, creation comes forth with ease. A seed doesn’t struggle to become a tree―it simply unfolds in grace.”

May you enjoy manifesting your heart’s desires, be they business or personal, with ease and grace.

“The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.”

“At the moment you consciously make a choice, pay attention to your body and ask your body, “If I make this choice, what happens?” If your body sends a message of comfort, that’s the right choice. If your body sends a message of discomfort, then it’s not the appropriate choice.”

“Attachment to money will always create insecurity no matter how much money you have in the bank.”

“Consciously put your attention in the heart and ask your heart what to do.”

“When you struggle against this moment, you’re actually struggling against the entire universe.”

“Attention energizes, and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life. Whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate, and disappear.”

“Success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals.”

“Least effort is expended when our actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love.”

“What does responsibility mean? Responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation, including yourself. Having accepted this circumstance, this event, this problem, responsibility then means the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity, and this awareness allows you to take the moment and transform it to a better situation or thing.”

“When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. When you seek money or power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying happiness in the moment. When you seek money for personal gain only, you cut off the flow of energy to yourself, and interfere with the expression of nature’s intelligence. But when your actions are motivated by love, there is no waste of energy. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates — and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth.”

“But when our internal reference point is our spirit, our actions are motivated by love, and there is no waste of energy. Our energy multiplies, and the surplus energy we gather can be channeled to create anything we want, including unlimited wealth. When we harness the power of harmony and love, we use our energy creatively for the experience of affluence and evolution.”

“By looking at the behavior of the cells in our own body, we can observe the most extraordinary and efficient expression of The Seven Spiritual Laws. This is the genius of nature’s intelligence. These are the thoughts of God – the rest are details.”

“We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with caring, lightheartedness and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile.”


I work with people who choose to share their gifts or
business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or
could use new tools or support.

I help them be richly compensated doing what
they love by discovering their Soul’s goals. 

You Don’t Have to Push Yourself Harder

February 12, 2018
do it because you love it

What I’m about to tell you is opposite to what most of us learned is the way to achieve success.

Forget about:

  • No pain, no gain.
  • You have to work hard for what you want.
  • Put your nose to the grindstone.
  • Success requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle.

Beliefs like these often don’t create sustainable results nor do they lead to a happy life. Furthermore, trying hard is exhausting.

When we align our positive energy first and then take inspired action with grace and ease, we can create better outcomes while feeling good, too. 

A client, whose career is in the fitness industry, shared how his life is working better.

“I let go of pushing harder. I had the kind of personality to be hard on myself, more disciplined. It left me feeling out of control, especially about things I can’t do anything about.

“I had mind-numbing, self-critiquing all the time. I was looking for approval. 

“Now I see how when I’m softer and centered, I’m in control. It’s easier to be in my own skin. People are more at ease around me because I’m more at ease with myself.

“I make choices moment-to-moment instead of worrying about the future and what others think.

“I catch myself a lot quicker instead of having long periods of anxiety. I chart my course by mentally creating my ideal scenario and letting go of the pushing.

“Week by week, this new way of living life is sinking in as I allow myself to go from efforting to grace and ease. 

“I’ve reclaimed my natural power and feel myself evolving to my true potential as I achieve my goals.”

There was more joy, confidence and lightness in his voice as well.

You can tap into a zone where you won’t need to push yourself. By getting out of your own way, you can get more done with better results and even go beyond limits.

It starts by shifting from trying to relaxing into a flow of doing what you love.

Olympic athletes center and focus themselves before taking action. The winners go beyond worry and ride the wave of their event – even when changing winds seem to be against them. They’re at the right place at the right time to avoid the hazards.

You can, too.

P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this post? Please share.

I work with people, at any age,
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck or would benefit from new tools or support. I help them be richly compensated doing what they love by aligning with their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2018 Resolved for Results, All rights reserved.