Posts Tagged ‘Don't feel good enough’

What Would More Freedom Mean to You?

July 3, 2023


The U.S.A. celebrates the 4th of July, the anniversary of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776.

Freedom can be personal, too.

My neighbor posted online that her two dogs escaped the yard.

After she wrote of their safe return, I messaged her saying that I looked for them and had the impression they were out on an adventure.

She replied: “Probably like the time my sister and I decided we would run away from home, jumped out our bedroom window with a pillowcase full of clothes, and got to the end of our gravel driveway before deciding this probably wasn’t a good plan!”

I shared with her a similar experience when I was a little girl, and I had had it!! I packed my small suitcase with the intention of running away – to my nicer, next door neighbors on the other side of the driveway. It ended with the adults having a good laugh about it.

Her response: “I guess we all have our stories about the ‘break for freedom!’ “

Recently I’ve heard several “break for freedom” stories.

They started with how they “had had it.”

Do you yearn for greater freedom about any of these?

  • Worrying about lack – not having enough money, skills, production, time
  • Not feeling good enough, worthy, deserving, adequate
  • Not knowing where to get more business or how to grow it more
  • Longing to share your gifts in a bigger way, with big dreams
  • Really, truly wanting to break with parts of the past and old patterns
  • Procrastination and fear
  • Lack of clarity, doubt
  • Being more appreciated by friends, family, relationships, business associates
  • Different home, vehicle, ways for life to be more fun and meaningful

Have you noticed that whatever happens to you in your life and business, you’re the common denominator?

You’re in every one of your experiences – even though you might feel that others were doing things to you.

Running away from home or yourself doesn’t work because no matter where you go, you’re still there.

Pushing feelings down and ignoring them is a weighty subject. No diet will work if you’re eating emotions creating extra fluff to the butt, hips and tummy.

An effective way to break free is to release old patterns, clarify direction, align your energy for success, design a plan, get support, learn new tools and consciously create.

But where do you start?

Let go.

Instead of trying to figure what you gotta do, worrying, feeling that you have to micro-manage and control things for fear all h___ will break loose… step back, take a breath and let go.

Don’t give up but give over – give over to a divine energy, God or the universe, whatever works for you, a source of Life that’s greater than what you can imagine, which is truly here to help you!

The more you let go, the bigger is the space that you allow for miracles and successes to surprise and delight you.

Know someone who’s ready to break for freedom? Pass this on.

Original Soulgoal Post was on October 4, 2016.

Open to step-by-step support so you can enjoy your life of greater freedom?

Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.