Archive for the ‘Expectation’ Category

Decision: Which Way Should You Go Forward?

April 22, 2024

Would you rather go anywhere or somewhere?

How can you pick a direction if you don’t know where you’re going? This is Alice’s dilemma in Alice in Wonderland.

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cheshire Cat.

“I don’t much care where–” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

“–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,” Alice added as an explanation.

“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.”

Would you rather go anywhere or somewhere?

Anywhere might be the same or worse than where you are now. That is, unless you have an idea of where you want to go. Then you’d be somewhere not just anywhere. And that somewhere would be of your choosing.

Although some may tell you to go to a fiery destination, nobody knows where you ought to go but you.

So, the first step is clarity.
KEY:  Your inner GPS, the quiet voice within, knows and shows you your best place to shine.
Life is a dance. If you listen to the voice within, you’ll be directed to the best “dance class” to get your shine on. You don’t have to know the steps in advance as you’ll be taught along the way. Life works with intention and is a great dance teacher.

Your job is to name your dance.
A client who experienced personal devastation is continuing to find happiness while creating a new life.

How? By taking quiet time every day to visualize.

Results? Whatever was pictured in the morning or evening before happened during the day! The cumulative effect over time created a magnificent home, fulfilling work, more money than ever, a lifelong partner, exercise program, plus peace of mind.
Focus on where you want to get to.

Direct your attention, as the Cat said, to “where you want to get to” and stop mulling over your confusion or all the annoying things that you don’t want in your life.

Change the channel from your inner noise to your breathing – in and out. As your thoughts quiet and you’re feeling more neutral, ask for clarity about direction and the best steps for you to take.

Not clear yet? There’s your clueless side (the ego) and your wise self (your Essence) that already has your answers.

Begin by asking for wisdom to take center stage.
Then, see yourself living your ideal day. Feel yourself living the life you’d love to live. Imagine that it’s not only possible (and this may seem delusional) but act as if it’s already happening now.

Later, observe how your day and life mirror your intentions… and be amazed at how it matches what you thought about at the beginning of your day.

Don’t worry if you’re not perfect at it when you begin because you may be slipping in and out of negative thinking of what you don’t want. Practice.

Life is a controllable thing. Yes, you read that right. You are not a victim. Things aren’t just happening to you arbitrarily. 

It starts with kn
owing your direction!

“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.”

 “If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.”

“A change of feeling is a change of destiny.”

“This experience has convinced me that man can be anything he pleases if he will make the conception habitual and think from the end. It has also shown me that I can no longer excuse myself by placing the blame on the world of external things—that my good and my evil have no dependency except from myself—that it depends on the state from which I view the world how things present themselves.”

“Life is a controllable thing.”

Neville Goddard

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Confused about your direction??  Ready to consciously control your life? You CAN. No kidding. Contact me to learn how.

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Frustrated? Here’s Why and What to Do

February 5, 2024

Has life got you tied up in a knot? There are ways to free yourself – like untangling or cutting loose a cat who’s balled up in yarn. 

By the way, just because the cat is stuck, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with it anymore than there’s anything wrong with you when you go through your challenges!

To help you unravel, here’s an excerpt from my program Soulgoals: A Step-by-Step Guide to Live Your Dreams… even if you failed before, lost hope, are afraid, stressed or confused.

A client who emailed a request to her mastermind team wrote, “I have calls out to people, but things seem stuck.” Her goal was well written and specific, including her filling appointments for three cities and a meet and greet.

But I felt the fear under her request and called her. She told me she felt pressure because an out-of-state manager was flying in, and she didn’t have appointments scheduled.

We discussed anticipating the best and letting go of expectation. Part of this letting go was a preoccupation with numbers – the number of bookings. Instead, I recommended she focus on the quality of appointments vs. the quantity.

The next night she sent us a long email. “I woke up fresh and energetic, turned things over to my CEO (God)… I decided that I was not going to “push” to “make” anything happen.” [Her bold print]

Results? Before the end of that day, key people either returned her calls to book or called prospects on her behalf to fill the appointments for her! A big client contacted her to book four trainings. She hosted a successful event that afternoon plus found a perfect venue for a board member retreat following an unsuccessful month-long search.

If you hold onto how you expect life should be, what a person should do, or what’s supposed to fulfill you, you not only limit yourself but you block your success and create unnecessary pain and suffering.

It pulls you away from the present moment and foists you into an imagined future of potential disappointment, discouragement, frustration, sadness, anger, or helplessness.

Stop shoulding on yourself!

The beauty of the present moment is that it opens you to what’s in alignment with your soul. If one way doesn’t work, there’s a reason. Something better is available… if you allow it into your world.

Instead of longing for what mighta, woulda, coulda or shoulda been, notice the gift of accepting what is.

Anticipating the best instead of expecting specific outcomes makes you and your words more powerful and opens you to results designed for the highest and best interest for all. 

It’s an important lesson as it may make a difference.

Are you creating difficulties or catapulting youself to greater success and abundance?

Well, what do you expect?

Excerpt from January 25, 2016 Soulgoals’ post.

Ready to break free? Contact me to learn how:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

A Very Short Story About My Cat NOT Settling for Crumbs

September 20, 2021

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. “Which road do I take?” she asked. His response was a question: “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat “it doesn’t matter.”

LEWIS CARROLL, Alice in Wonderland

My cat charged into the house after being outside for hours. There were a couple of teaspoons of broken, dry food left in her dish, but she didn’t approach it. Instead, she regally stood a couple of steps away facing the bowl.

I knew she was hungry, but she didn’t act desperate or whiny. Actually, she didn’t even give an indication she was interested in food.

I told her, “Just eat the little bit that’s left, and I’ll fill your bowl.” I waited.

She remained poised and motionless, like a royal guard in front of Buckingham Palace.

I needed to put more food in the bowl anyway, so I did.  She devoured it.

My cat Micha consistently teaches me non-verbal lessons about living life more powerfully.

To get the point she’s making requires my observing her attitude and approach rather than being arrogant and treating her like she’s “only a cat.”

For example, she doesn’t settle for crumbs, doesn’t eat the few, measly bits that are stale from sitting out too long. She carries an attitude of anticipation that her needs are met, and they are.

When we expect a particular outcome, we may set ourselves up for disappointment if the results aren’t what we imagined.

When we anticipate and believe that life works in our favor, the universe accommodates our intention. We can feel gratitude and appreciation, looking for the blessing rather than focusing on dissatisfaction.

Are you settling for crumbs in some area of your life? You don’t have to.

Done with settling for less than you deserve or want?
Contact me for a free consultation at:

I work with people who choose to share
their gifts or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck or could 
use new tools or support.

I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
they love.

Original Soulgoal Missive Email was sent in 2003

Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Are You Jumping to the Right Conclusion?

May 3, 2021

Are your conclusions a stretch of your imagination?

After sitting through a couple of traffic lights behind a car that wouldn’t budge, my friend got very annoyed.

He thought, what’s wrong with these people along with several choice expletives.

Finally, he angrily swerved around to get in the lane next to them. In the car was a man and a child in the passenger seat.

As my friend turned to the driver to give him a piece of his mind, the man asked, “Which way to the hospital? I have to take my child to the hospital, and I don’t know if I need to turn right or left.”

With this new information and perspective, his annoyance instantly left. He became fully engaged in helping.

Recently, a woman explained how she was quite bothered by something I’d said. She didn’t respond to my calls and felt upset for months, ever since we had our last conversation. When we finally talked again, she told me that she didn’t know how I could’ve said such a thing and made analogies all pointing to why she should be indignant.

She assumed the story she was telling herself was correct, and therefore she was justifiably angry with me.  

A couple of minutes into her explanation, when I realized she had totally misinterpreted the point I was making, I clarified what I was saying. Very quickly, the story and irritation at me that she’d been holding onto for so long evaporated.

I suggested that, in the future, she talk with me if she had an issue rather than jump to conclusions.

If you find yourself upset about something and jumping to conclusions, take a step back and observe. Is this a one-time or ongoing occurrence? Might there be a different way of connecting the dots? There may be a different way of handling this.

Perhaps there’s a lesson for you to learn. Maybe there’s a different story you can tell about it and discover a new conclusion.

What conclusions are you jumping to? Are you using or misusing your imagination?

P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this post? Please share.

Ready to find clarity and discover
how you can jump to the conclusion
so you get what you really want…
or something better?

Contact me for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to create a more
fulfilling life or business
in a bigger way,

but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning

with their Soul’s goals.

Reposted from Soulgoal’s Blog, February 4, 2019

Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Feel Like There’s No Way Out? These 4 Pointers Can Guide You.

January 25, 2021

Once I had a dream where I was in a room with no windows or doors and seemingly no way out.  I searched the walls for a way to leave, but there wasn’t any.

Then I discovered that there was a stairway in the middle of the room that took me to a higher level, and that room was filled with lots of windows, doors and light.

Albert Einstein is paraphrased to have said:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Feeling stuck in a maze is an emotional response that can leave you feeling there’s no way out. Instead, you can find a way to untangle yourself from whatever has gotten you balled up and take productive action. Here are four pointers that can help:

1. You’re frustrated because you’re trying to control the outcome by expecting it (or people) to be or act the way you think it should. 

Alternative:  Relax and anticipate this or something better will occur. Stop trying to micromanage the world. This opens you to tune into new ideas and directions.

2. You’re beating yourself up with fear, worry, regrets or other limiting thoughts and emotions because of your situation. 

Alternative: Release judging you, others and your circumstances. Replace it with an empowering perspective that you’re learning, and all is in divine order and timing.

3. You’re focused on what’s not working. 

Alternative: Focus on what you choose and the good feeling mojo it creates. Good feeling mojo is what opens you to manifest more quickly and with grace and ease.

4. You’re pushing to make things happen. 

Alternative: Stop resisting (and exhausting yourself about) what is and allow things to be the way they are. You getting fussy about it won’t change it or help. Let go. Let God. Set new goals for what you choose. Then take action from this perspective.

When you shift your energy, you allow life to create miracles and successes beyond your wildest expectations, and the way out appears… even if it starts out with one step at a time.

If you’d like help finding a way out,
contact me for a free consultation at:

I work with people who choose to share
their gifts or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck or could 
use new tools or support.
I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
they love.”

Edited excerpt from January 25, 2016 Soulgoals’ post.

Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Well, What Did You Expect?

January 18, 2021
Has life got you tied up in a knot? There are ways to free yourself – like untangling or cutting loose a cat who’s balled up in yarn. 

By the way, just because the cat is stuck, there’s nothing wrong with it anymore than there’s anything wrong with you when you go through your challenges!

To help you unravel your stuckness and why it’s happening, here’s an excerpt from my program Soulgoals: A Step-by-Step Guide to Live Your Dreams… even if you failed before, lost hope, are afraid, stressed or confused.

A client who emailed a request to her mastermind team wrote, “I have calls out to people, but things seem stuck.” Her goal was well written and specific, including her filling appointments for three cities plus a meet and greet.

But I felt the fear under her request and called her. She told me she felt pressure because an out-of-state manager was flying in, and she didn’t have appointments scheduled.

We discussed anticipating the best and letting go of expectation. Part of this letting go was a preoccupation with numbers – the number of bookings. Instead, I recommended she focus on the quality of appointments vs. the quantity.

The next night she sent us a long email. “I woke up fresh and energetic, turned things over to my CEO (God)… I decided that I was not going to “push” to “make” anything happen.” [Her bold print]

Results? Before the end of that day, key people either returned her calls to book or called prospects on her behalf to fill the appointments for her! A big client contacted her to book four trainings. She hosted a successful event that afternoon plus found a perfect venue for a board member retreat following an unsuccessful month-long search.

If you hold onto how you expect life should be, what a person should do, or what’s supposed to fulfill you, you not only limit yourself but you block your success and create unnecessary pain and suffering.

It pulls you away from the present moment and foists you into an imagined future of potential disappointment, discouragement, frustration, sadness, anger, or helplessness.

Stop shoulding on yourself!

The beauty of the present moment is that it opens you to what’s in alignment with your soul. If one way doesn’t work, there’s a reason. Something better is available… if you allow it into your world.

Instead of longing for what mighta, woulda, coulda or shoulda been, notice the gift of accepting what is.

Anticipating the best instead of expecting specific outcomes makes you and your words more powerful and opens you to results designed for the highest and best interest for all.

It’s an important lesson, and I invite you to consider it in case it makes the difference between creating difficulties or catapulting you to greater success and abundance.

Well, what did you expect?

Excerpt from January 25, 2016 Soulgoals’ post.

If you’d like help to make your life easier,
contact me for a free consultation at:

I work with people who choose to 
share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way

but don’t know how, feel stuck or could 
use new tools or support.
I help them ignite their Soul’s goals
and be richly compensated doing what
they love.”
Copyright © 2021 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Why Is Your Life Happening The Way It Is?

September 30, 2019


Your thoughts and feelings are engines that generate results. If you don’t like what you see, you can recreate something better.

What I’m about to tell you may be a game changer.

Let’s start with the law of attraction, like attracts like – when it works positively.

A skin care specialist visualized lots of people calling for appointments.

  • Results? Shortly after, the receptionist reported that she booked several sessions for her – just as she asked for in her visualization.

However, she didn’t specify what kind of appointments.

  • Results? One was for a bikini wax, and she really doesn’t like to give them.

Because of her busy schedule, the client couldn’t get a wax as soon as she wanted but made the appointment anyway. In the meantime, the visualizer mused about how she didn’t want to do the wax.

  • Results? The client cancelled.

This is a classic case of cause and effect where thoughts become things, but your experience may differ.

So let’s get to what matters most to you. Why is your life happening the way it is?

Do you sometimes feel like you’re drowning and looking for a life saver?

Is this you?

I don’t know if I believe in this stuff. I tried it, and it didn’t work. I did everything right. I visualized, masterminded, had a positive attitude, created a vision board, and still no results.

Could it be that one part of you did “all the right things” and another part freaked out with anxiety? Were you feeling frustrated, angry, desperate, scared or doubtful?

Your world reflects what you predominantly think and feel. 

If so, no need to worry. Neville Goddard in Your Faith Is Your Fortune wrote this:

“Just as a branch withers and dies if the sap of the vine ceases to flow towards it, so do things and qualities pass away if you take your attention from them; because your attention is the sap of life which sustains the expression of your life.”

When you fuss and fret, your attention is on what you don’t want. Instead, change your focus, including emotionally, to what you choose.

TIP: Don’t EXPECT results. 

Say again. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?

Expecting results in a specific way is a booby trap, and you’re no boob. Here’s how it can foil your efforts.

When we mastermind, we ask for “this or something better.” Why? Because God, or if you’re more comfortable using the word the universe, may have a better way to bring results.

Energetic clinging repels results. Imagine a girl focused on finding a boyfriend. Guys sense this as dogs sense fear and run for the hills. Once she lets go of the search, there’s room for her dream to come true. 

I’m an expert on expectation… not bringing me results.

I can trick myself into thinking I let go when I’m really WAITING FOR, aka EXPECTING, a result from a SPECIFIC source. 

For example, in the past, while putting a group together, I expected my next event would fill it. If I had a financial goal, I expected a particular client would fulfill it.

I said I let it go, but I tried to control the outcome: I patiently relaxed to manifest my goals the way I expected. I knew how I thought it would happen. I took action to make it happen.

Here’s the telltale downside that I was in expectation. When it didn’t happen as expected, I got disappointed. Next came fear and my default program: Oh no, what am I going to do?

This started a vicious circle of expectation and disappointment which attracted more things that made me feel discouraged.

Now, I still hold events and have clients that could bring results. But, if they don’t, it’s called next. God will supply from other sources.

God is your supply. 

Don’t expect your supply to come from a person, event or anything in particular. You are ALWAYS taken care of by God, but results often come differently than you think they SHOULD. Results come when you let go and let God. Allow the universe to bring your answers.

Feeling dejected, rejected or injected with fear is not trusting. 

Trust is not giving up or moaning about what’s not working. These are childhood responses.


Anticipate your needs are fulfilled beyond your wildest expectations. Adopt a childlike curiosity of wonder instead of dictating an expectation.

It’s your job to:

  • Make a choice.
  • Pay attention to your nudges.
  • Take action on what you’re inwardly guided to do.

Let God fill in the HOW and why and where and by whom.


  • Anticipate, don’t expect.
  • Trust that a divine energy can and does manifest goals you choose or something better.

Don’t like your new creation? Don’t create a story about how you never get what you want, etc. Choose again.

When you anticipate the best, you change the way your life is happening.

This is a reprint from May 26, 2011.

If you’d like to change
the way your life is going,
contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.






All is NOT Lost! What to do if Things Don’t Work the Way You Thought.

September 24, 2019

What do you do when you’ve invested a lot of energy into results that don’t happen?

You were really counting on that contract to come through, but now it’s up-in-the-air. A friend said she’d help you move but bailed at the last minute. Your relationship falls apart.

Things just didn’t work out the way you thought they should or would.

A freelancer counted on her big client to provide a steady flow of income. She had a realistic expectation this would continue.

Suddenly, she was let go.

After the initial shock, she put it in perspective. She used a journaling exercise found on my blog and had a CEO meeting with God.  (Scroll down to the post on October 2, 2009.)

She realized she now had time to focus on projects and business ideas she’d put off.

Things don’t always work as expected. But change always makes way for something better, regardless of how it appears in the moment.

Your income, love, support, health and results don’t come from only one source. God, the Divine, is your supply. God or the universe, whatever word is in alignment with your beliefs, is never lost and offers infinite possibilities. Therefore, if something doesn’t work, new ways are found.

Maybe the change is what it took for you to let go and allow new possibilities to occur.

Sometimes you have to let go to free yourself.

Remember the proverbial monkey who grasps something in a vase but can’t remove it? The neck of the vase is so narrow that he has to release his grip just to get his hand out.

You’ll get results: your expectation, goal or something better. However, you may need to change your perspective or approach.

You may need to let go of your emotional and mental grasp to allow something better to come in.

What you focus on grows. In the past, have you chosen anxiety? Instead, enjoy a childlike trust and curiosity. Look for how the universe is assisting you. Consider it a mystery, and you delight in discovering an answer.

Believe there’s a happy ending, and focus on it. Why not? You probably tried fear and worry (over and over again), and they don’t produce lasting and fulfilling outcomes.

By the way, about out freelancer. All was far from lost. New jobs appeared through happenstance, and her big client came back a few months later. Her job situation worked out when she let go and shifted her perspective.


This is a reprint from February 7, 2011, of one of my most popular posts.


If you’d like to discover
how you can change
your losses to gains,

contact me
for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love.

Copyright © 2019 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Life or Biz Up and Down? Waiting for a Change? Plus Quotes by ECKHART TOLLE

March 25, 2019


A woman’s business had been in desperate straits for several months. Immediately after coaching with me, her phone rang with new clients, deals closed in avalanches of abundance and her sales far surpassed her goal of $1 million a month.

However, in the subsequent month, her active deals dropped again to zero. This was an old pattern of hers – the roller coaster of feast or famine – and it always led to her feeling exhausted.

When I asked about clients in her pipeline, she described how she was frustrated by waiting for them to complete their preparation before they could actively move forward.

Her focus was on waiting to see what they were going to do. Emotionally, the waiting weighed heavily on her. As she had difficulty thinking of anything else, she felt dispirited and immobilized.

Why, when she was doing so well, was this happening… again?

Just like infection-fighting, white blood cells attack germs that have gotten into a wound, your spirit comes to your aid by highlighting germ-like, limiting beliefs you harbor.

How? By surfacing your issues, you have an opportunity to see them more clearly or repeat the typical way you respond. When you see them, you can release patterns that don’t serve you and do things differently.

We frequently are staunch defenders of why we must believe the way we do and stubbornly hold on to the way we look at things. This is why the same limiting circumstances recur repeatedly. 

Her inner spirit, once again, revealed the domino effect of her self-sabotage:

  • She was waiting for something outside herself to dictate her focus, and it froze her into inaction. 
  • Her thoughts made her feel bad.
  • Thinking about it from this perspective exhausted her.
  • She felt so deflated that she wasn’t inspired to do anything else.
  • Then she attracted little business, which matched her deflated feelings. 

A more powerful approach was to do everything she could to help her current deals. We talked about new strategies she could implement. Then move on. It’s called NEXT!

She let go of waiting and replaced it with a new action plan. By the end of her session, she felt lighter and energized to move forward.

Here’s how she changed to activate a more empowering domino effect:

  • Her old habit, mentally and physically, was to wait for things to fall into place the way she thought they should before taking action.
  • This time, she realized she’d do what she could now, and let the rest unfold in divine right timing.
  • This opened up mental space to let go of her fixation and instead redirect her focus to other activities.
  • The heaviness she usually felt shifted to the excitement of possibilities.
  • She became inspired with ideas to take effective action.
  • Having created a more powerful, energetic center of influence, she magnetized herself to attract more and better business.

Here’s what Eckhart Tolle says about waiting:

“You don’t have to wait for something ‘meaningful’ to come into your life so that you can finally enjoy what you do. There is more meaning in joy than you will ever need. The ‘waiting to start living’ syndrome is one of the most common delusions of the unconscious state.”

“Don’t wait to be successful at some future point; have a successful relationship with the present moment and be fully present in whatever you are doing. That is success.”

“Give up waiting as a state of mind. When you catch yourself slipping into waiting…snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be and enjoy being.”

“Waiting is a state of mind that says we want what we don’t have. Therefore, with every kind of waiting we produce an inner conflict between now and the projected future. This greatly reduces the quality of our life. Are you a ‘habitual waiter’?”

Are you a habitual waiter? If so, you can change, instead of waiting for change, by making new choices!


P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this post? Please share.

Tired of waiting to live your dream?
Contact me for a complimentary
Do What You Love Break Free Session.

Email me at:

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by discovering
their Soul’s goals.

How I COMPLETELY Missed My Goal

October 29, 2018


mountainIt felt as if I were about to climb a BIG mountain without the gear.


Small things can be easy to manifest, especially those that don’t come with a risk, like finding a convenient parking spot.

A while ago, I bought several boxes of a particular type of supplement on clearance at a supermarket. Recently, I noticed that I’d run out in a couple of days and casually thought that I’d find something to replace them.

It was an easy intention without any emotional fanfare. A few hours later, I found on clearance at the same market several boxes of a similar supplement by the same company. They may even be better than my original ones.

I had another goal. It was a BIG goal with a quick deadline. I felt pressure because it was important that I reach it; there would be consequences if I didn’t. To achieve it felt as if I were about to climb a mountain without the gear.

While other goals related to it manifested easily, I didn’t even scratch the surface of my BIG goal.

This is why.

I put so much monumental importance on it, and I made it such a BIG thing, that I blew the energy to manifest it. To turn a dream into reality requires a light touch. That’s the opposite of what I had. I couldn’t even imagine attaining my goal beyond giving it lip service.

Here’s more of how I completely missed my goal.

  • While I knew I wanted the goal, I had contradictory thoughts that I could achieve it. I made it so BIG in my thoughts that I doubted my ability to manifest it quickly.
  • Emotionally, I didn’t anticipate achieving it.
  • I couldn’t see myself achieving it.
  • When I thought about it, I couldn’t imagine HOW I could accomplish it. (Another big faux pas – let life figure out the how part).
  • While intellectually I knew it was possible, I didn’t believe I would do it.

So I didn’t manifest it.

Even though it looked like a window closed, the experience prompted me to open a door that I’d been slow to approach in the past. I mean, I could’ve opened Door #1 so long ago that the hinges now had become creaky. However, the door opened once I focused my attention on it.

Regardless of how it appeared, this turned into an opportunity that inspired me to change direction. Although I missed one goal, I learned a lot. I’m now better positioned to create positive results from even bigger ones.

I knew what I’d done, and then I read a quote by Abraham-Hicks to clarify even more. Here’s the quote:

“All the resources you will ever want or need are at your fingertips. All you have to do is identify what you want to do with it, and then practice the feeling-place of what it will feel like when that happens. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have. You are blessed Beings; you have come forth into this physical environment to create. There is nothing holding you back, other than your own contradictory thought. And your emotion tells you you’re doing that. Life is supposed to be fun—it is supposed to feel good! You are powerful Creators and right on schedule.

“Savor more; fix less. Laugh more; cry less. Anticipate positively more; anticipate negatively less. Nothing is more important than that you feel good. Just practice that and watch what happens.”  


I work with people who choose to share their gifts or
business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or
could use new tools or support.

I help them be richly compensated doing what
they love. 

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