Posts Tagged ‘Need more time’

You’re Not Running Out of Time

May 7, 2023

And it won’t take long to read this.

Once I left a half an hour later than intended for a talk I gave. I needed the extra time to place hand outs on 50 chairs and organize other aspects of my presentation.

I knew if I used the mantra on the 45-minute drive, “I’m late; I’m late,” I would have been an emotional wreck by the time I arrived.

Instead, I told my chattering mind, “I have all the time I need.” When I got there I discovered that one of my clients, who regularly attends this group and likes to arrive early, was available and very happy to assist me.

I had more than enough time.

Time is malleable. You can change your self-imposed concept of time in your life.

IT DOESN’T MATTER if you can’t figure out how you’ll find the time.

IT DOESN’T MATTER if you think you need more time in the day or more time before you exit the planet.

Talk with your Essence, the very core of who you are, and make an agreement: I have all the time I need to do everything I have to do.

Start by re-evaluating one area of your life where you feel you do not have enough time. Look at it from the viewpoint of a wise friend and reframe your perspective to one where you have all the time you need… and won’t run out of it.

You can’t get it wrong, and you never get it done.


Need to get control of your time? Feel like you’ll never catch up or you missed your boat? Maybe you’re so busy that you feel you aren’t able to get off your merry-go-round? 

I can help. Contact me to learn how at:

I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

What to Do When There’s Not Enough

February 3, 2020

During her mastermind meeting, a team member shared that she wasn’t getting new business although she previously had momentum and success.

Instead of wallowing in the doldrums of what wasn’t enough, she refocused on her goals – what she really wanted. She tweaked them, felt good about them and energized them with her positive attention.

Very soon after, she received two new contracts from people who came out of the blue. Keep in mind, she hadn’t had activity in this part of her business for months. She and her husband talked about it being a miracle… one she triggered because of how she changed her focus.

You, too, have complete power to redirect your focus and turn any part of your life or business onto the path of success.

Your focus inspires your feelings which, in turn, creates results. Are they the ones you choose?

What’s not enough for you? Money? Business? Relationships? Time? Energy? Health?

Do you feel yucky when you think about what you feel isn’t enough? Oops. You don’t want to stay there too long because that’s the energy that creates not having enough.

Focusing on what’s not enough can be a familiar habit, but it will NOT get you what you want.

If you were heading off a cliff, do you stay the course or turn the vehicle in another direction? You turn the wheel if you want to live.

Dwelling on low energy thoughts and feelings will only bring you more of what’s not working.

TIP: What to Do When There’s Not Enough

Imagine how you’d feel if you saw a laughing baby or playful puppy. A happy smile comes over your face. That creates good feeling mojo.

Find anything in your life or business that can bring a happy smile to you. C’mon, it’s there. Look for it instead of the yucky stuff.

What creates a feeling of gratitude? You’re alive and breathing, so you have the gift of life to go forth another day. I’m sure there’s a lot more. You may feel abundantly full of them.

1. Shift your focus by listing ten reasons why you’re grateful.
2. Quickly look at what’s not enough in your life or business.
3. Next, redirect your focus and feelings. What do you choose instead?

Not enough business or money? Focus on having more instead of the lack of it.

What would more look and feel like? You happy with clients, biz associates and relationships you love. Feeling empowered because you’re watching your bank account grow. Feeling healthy, energized and great in your body. Loving your vacation with family or friends. Satisfied with where you live. Reveling in the time and freedom to enjoy life more. Feels good, right?

Friends or clients feeling like life-sucking, energy vampires? See yourself enjoying the friendship of supportive and positive people where there’s mutual respect, a well-balanced give and take… they exist.

Focus on what you choose with good feeling mojo. Yes, yes. The “not enough stuff” is still there, but that’s not a wise place to invest your attention. Otherwise, you’ll get more of the same.

The way out of not having enough is to redirect your focus.

As Socrates said:  “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

You have control of how you feel regardless of the circumstances. Even if they’re dire.

You can choose your focus!! Use it. Don’t abuse it, and you’ll have way more than enough.

When you see any positive success at all, focus on that and let the momentum snowball. If you give your new focus a chance, you could see success faster than you thought possible.

By the way, if you’d like clarity and support to get freedom from the not enoughs in your life, contact me for a free Do What You Love Break Free Session at

Reprinted from Soulgoals Archives February 8, 2016 

I work with people
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning
with their Soul’s goals.