Don’t Know What to Do or How?

This simple phrase creates miracles!

A woman, accompanied by a supermarket employee, apologized when she bumped into me. As she frantically swooshed by me again moments later, she turned her head to tell me that she was looking for her keys.

I responded: “Say ‘God knows, and God shows.'”

She saw her keys within seconds next to a weight scale!

A relative misplaced a big check with several zeroes on it for a couple of weeks. She was distressed when she called me about it, and I told her to repeat God knows, and God shows. Within two hours, I received a message that she found it in a dresser drawer.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein

Why saying God knows, and God shows works.

  1. As a practical application of Einstein’s quote, if your thinking is on loss or what you can’t find, then it’s not on the wavelength of finding. It’s like being on an AM station and looking for FM. You can’t find it because looking and finding are different frequencies.
  2. God knows, and God shows is a tool to let go and surrender. It allows you to let go of focusing on lack (what you don’t have or can’t find), and receive a higher energy. Think of it as surrendering a caterpillar’s perspective so you can enjoy a butterfly’s view.
  3. You release the need to find something, which often has energies like anxiety attached to it. As like attracts like, neediness attracts more reasons to feel anxious or frustrated. God knows, and God shows allows a greater power to override your limiting beliefs, such as “I don’t know where it is.” “I can’t find it.”

Don’t take my word for it. Experiment. Use these words while being open to the possibility of getting results, instead of being closed with a stubborn defiance of “prove it.”

By the way, you can use language like “the universe knows, and the universe shows,” if this feels more comfortable for you.

Let’s expand the application to business and life.

Looking for new business, improved relationships, your ideal job or to make more money? Don’t know where to find it? God knows, and God shows. You are now on the wavelength to attract new clients, greater wealth and more opportunities.

Feel stuck about anything? Instead of wallowing in disappointment, you’ll get on track faster in any area of your life by proclaiming, “God knows, and God shows.”

Follow the trail to your rainbow, one step at a time.

Happy manifesting!

Original post was published on my Soulgoals’ blog on June 19, 2017.

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I help women to tune in to their true Selves, see clearly and live their personal and professional dreams.

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