Posts Tagged ‘keeps you up at night’

Has This Kept You Up at Night?

May 9, 2017

Awake at night

Have any of these kept you up at night?

Procrastination. Fear of making a (wrong) decision or making a mistake. Trying to figure out what you’re going to do. Indecisive. Avoid people or dealing with things. Have trouble marketing yourself or asking for the sale. Averse to taking risks. Don’t stand up for yourself. Afraid to speak up. Let others control you. Need to fit in. Turn into a chameleon to blend in with others. Let people run over you. Have a hard time being yourself (whoever that is). Wonder what people will say or think. Say yes when you want to say no.

What bogeyman lies beneath this thinking? Personal honesty reveals a deeper insight beyond blaming circumstances.

During multiple mastermind group meetings, I noticed a theme that held people back until they got wise to a game the ego was playing.

It reminds me of a scene from the 1986 comedy The Money Pit with Tom Hanks (who played Walter) and Shelly Long.

Rock star, 12-year-old Benny lounged in his mansion smoking a cigarette while chics waited for him in the Jacuzzi. His help feared him, and his mother wore a maid’s uniform while waiting on him hand and foot.

His temper tantrum, when he refused to loan Walter money, revealed a spoiled, insecure, little boy.

Walter: There is a house I want to buy.

Benny: Let’s cut to the chase, okay? What do you want?

Walter: I want you to loan me $200,000 in cash.

Benny: No.

Walter[raising his voice] Benny.

Benny: You shout at me?

Walter: I shout at you! I need that money, and you are going to loan it to me.

Benny: No, I won’t!

Walter: Yes, you will!

Benny: No, no, no!

Walter: Yes, you will! I saved you ten times that in taxes last year.

Benny: So what?

Walter: Benny, if you don’t loan me that money. I’ll…

Benny: You’ll what? Huh? You’ll what?

Walter: I’ll…not like you anymore! [Long pause and subdued.]

Benny: …All right.

Walter: Thanks.

Here’s the funny clip:

A leading cause of fear is wanting approval, so people limit themselves by worrying about what others will think.

A client procrastinated making a big decision. During a session, she realized she was afraid of her family’s disapproval if she didn’t get it right… again.

When the light turned on for her, she was able to research her options. She got clarity, aligned her energy with her decision by feeling good about her choice, and then took action.

Even if she made another unwanted mistake, she knew she could choose again.

She chose wisely. Since then, her business is at the highest it’s been in years.

Several clients realized that they were so intent on being nice to others that they weren’t nice to themselves.

Resolved for Results Mastermind Principle #3 provided guidance:

“I trust my Self and listen to the voice within.”

This served as a valuable GPS instead of the need to people please.

Nobody can please everybody.

There will always be those who won’t like you or what you do. How much simpler life is to accept that instead of resisting it.

Don’t let fear of disapproval hold you down. Keep moving forward anyway with good intentions.

You have no control over what others think, but you can tune in to your Self and take charge of what you think about you.

Listening to your Self is part of your innate intelligence, so you can do this.

How? Choose to redirect your focus to hear You. With practice, your ability improves.

A key is to love and accept yourself just the way you are.

You’ll sleep better at night, too.

With gratitude,

P.S. Know someone who might be uplifted by reading this? Please forward.

Copyright © 2017 Resolved for Results, All rights reserved.

I work with people who choose to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how or feel stuck.
I help them ignite their Soul’s goals and be richly compensated doing what they love.


November 8, 2012

What keeps you up at night? What scary movie plays in your thoughts and emotions of Halloween past? Can you relate to any of these?

  • Lack of money
  • Business concerns
  • Not enough energy or poor health
  • What to do about relationships at work, home or with friends
  • Tough decisions to make
  • Exhaustion and confusion from stress and overwhelm
  • Insert your (not so) favorite one here

You may also have befriended an attitude that… well, if it’s somewhere between wondering how things can ever work or that you screwed up, an attitude adjustment could begin to solve a lot of problems. Easier said than done when you’re in quicksand.

Why suffer? You don’t have to struggle or settle for less than what you deserve! Or maybe you’re just ready to kick it up to a higher level.

How? Transform your frequency. 

Huh? Speak English, please. OK. Law of Attraction – like attracts like. Think of yourself as a tuning fork. Every tone you play creates a vibration. These either resonate or are discordant with other notes. Some notes are what you like in your life. Others you’d like to send to a universe far, far away. Those are the ones that irritate you like mosquitoes buzzing in the middle of the night – or thoughts that keep you up.

I’m not saying you should change yourself. Whew! That sounds like a Herculean effort. Actually, you’re already more than good enough just the way you are. You may be carrying some unnecessary paraphernalia, aka emotions and perspectives, that skew your frequencies, though. (Imagine playing your tuning fork with an old sack on it that muffles your true tones).

TIP: When you’re angry, frustrated, worried or lashing out at the world because life isn’t going as you think it should, you attract more weird things to match these frequencies. Observe the words and energy you express and change them if you’re not getting the results you choose.

I once saw a woman repeatedly warn her child not to run because he’d fall. She planted the seed. Of course, he fell to comply with the images she drilled into his brain… and then she said, “I told you so.” What are you unconsciously creating? Sometimes it’s subtle and tricky to detect because you’ve lived with the patterns for so long that they feel natural, even though they attract what you don’t want.

It’s easy and commonplace to get so enmeshed in your story and circumstances that you can’t see a way out. A lot of times how could you? The reason you’re in situations is to learn. You may not have the TOOLS to change your approach to reap different results – YET! Let’s face it. If you already got the lesson about why things aren’t working, you wouldn’t be where you are. When you get it, you move on.

How Can You Make the Shift? 2 SOLUTIONS

TIP: Ask for help. Open to receive. There are some things you won’t be able to do on your own. 

Countless times this month I found myself in seemingly insurmountable circumstances that only others could help me with. 10 1/2 hours with a professional, Dan my computer guy, solved technical issues to help my business I stewed over for years! Also, my mastermind partners helped clear my thinking and shared ideas so I could take effective action.

You’re not alone although you may feel that way at times. There are those who’ve walked a path similar enough to yours who understand your goals and obstacles and, most importantly, CAN HELP YOU FIND THE WAY TO ACHIEVE THE RESULTS YOU CHOOSE.

SOLUTION #1 I know how crummy it feels to be stuck. I also know my sessions can help you reclaim your true king (or queen) to remove the Excalibur sword that’s stuck in the stone.

I’m offering you this special for the month of November: WOO HOO! LET’S GET IT ON! 1 1/4-hoursession by phone, Skype or in person for $77 – that’s less than half price!! You read it right.  A $190 value for $77. That’s a savings of over $110!


You deserve the clarity, inspiration, empowerment, confidence, tools and sounding board to get past what’s holding you back so you can take effective action and create results beyond your wildest imagination. But if you’ve never had a session with me or haven’t had one for a while, you may not know how powerful, clarifying and freeing they are – think RELIEF!

May this special offer inspire you to take action and invest in yourself. End your year on a high note. Go into the holidays feeling great with successes to share.

Imagine a stick endlessly circling around an eddy of water unable to connect with the current. With the right influence, it escapes the whirlpool and gets in the flow. Off to a new adventure.

Start your adventure, and contact me at with questions or to register. PayPal, checks and cash are accepted.

SOLUTION #2 Meet me at the OPEN HOUSE/HAPPY HOUR at the HOLISTIC HEALING & YOGA CENTER in NW AUSTIN for FREE on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 5:30 – 8:30 PM. A variety of practitioners and myself will share healing modalities… and if you’re inspired by connecting with me there, you can still take advantage of my WOO HOO! LET’S GET IT ON! SESSION for $77.


I encourage you to contact me to discover the clarity and motivation you most certainly deserve. It’s your gift to you (unless you’re a really good manifester and receive it as a gift from loved ones).

You can also give this as a unique gift from Santa for someone you care about and love.

Have friends who might be interested? Please spread the word.

Two solutions, two tips and several ideas.

I support your choices and see you manifesting magnificently… and having a great night’s sleep!