Archive for the ‘More money’ Category

What Do You Have to Have?

November 12, 2018



What do you have to have? It might be more money, love, health, harmony, happiness or anything.

You feel you need this so much that inside your head you’re practically begging for it.

Consider this quote by Abraham-Hicks. Even though the focus is about money, it applies to whatever you want.

“Most people have put anything that earns money in the category of the things that I HAVE to do. And that is why the money often comes so hard.”  

Have ta, gotta. Seems quite desperate. Sounds obligatory, not fun… and hard to get.

“Have to” makes what you want so BIG that it can seem a very daunting task to ever get it. A goal you want but can’t possibly achieve.

Here’s another point. Think about someone, imaginary or real, who has to have you in their life. They need you. Chase after you. They just gotta have you or else their life will fall apart.

Makes you want to run the other way, right?

Same thing applies to money, love, happiness or anything.

Desperate energy repels the very thing you want.

“Have to” can make you feel like a rebellious kid running away from what you believe you have to do.

Hard feels like a daunting task that you might not be up to do.

Instead, be empowered.


Annoyed, a woman challenged me when I told her this. “I have to have a job because I have to have money. What do you want me to do, lose my house?”

I responded to choose to keep her house. “Shift your focus, and your desperation won’t chase away prospective employers who could hire you.”

She found a job.

Like attracts like. What is your energy attracting?

Break the habit of saying that you “have to” have or “have to” do something.

Instead, substitute the word “choose.” By doing this, you tap into a higher, creative energy within you to make more money or achieve any goal.

Test the difference now by using these words in a sentence. Think of something you desire. Put it in a sentence by using a variety of words, found in the examples below.

  • I want more money. (This is pretty weak and generic. Not a strong statement.)
  • I gotta have more money. (Sounds a bit desperate with underlying energy to match.)
  • I have to have more money. (Feels like you could add “or else all is lost” – desperate again.)
  • I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get more money. (Poor little, pitiful you.)
  • I choose to have more money. (Can you feel how this determination is empowering?)

When you feel empowered, you have the energy to find clarity and do what it takes to attract, create or find the money or anything you choose!

Create a new habit of stopping yourself, even mid-sentence, so you speak words in a conscious way.

Every word you speak is an affirmation. Your energy and words are attracting whatever you say. From your lips to God’s ears.

Additionally, you’re reprogramming your brain to shift to actually having what you choose instead of just wishing you had it or feeling desperate or like a victim.

When you tune into this energy more and more, you’ll naturally stop your language of limitation and replace it with those that manifest results.

Be vigilant with your words because they reflect your thoughts and feelings and thereby create your outer world.

Wonder why you don’t quite get what you want or have to have sometimes? Learn how to recognize and change the words you speak.


I work with people who choose to share their gifts or
business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or
could use new tools or support.I help them be richly compensated doing what
they love. 

Copyright © 2018 Soulgoals, All rights reserved.

Quotes by Deepak Chopra: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

September 24, 2018

Deepak Chopra Ready to Enter- 2012 February 21 001

Deepak Chopra standing next to me as he prepared to enter the stage in 2012.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams by Deepak Chopra is a transformational work. “Desperate striving isn’t necessary or even desirable. In the natural world, creation comes forth with ease. A seed doesn’t struggle to become a tree―it simply unfolds in grace.”

May you enjoy manifesting your heart’s desires, be they business or personal, with ease and grace.

“The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.”

“At the moment you consciously make a choice, pay attention to your body and ask your body, “If I make this choice, what happens?” If your body sends a message of comfort, that’s the right choice. If your body sends a message of discomfort, then it’s not the appropriate choice.”

“Attachment to money will always create insecurity no matter how much money you have in the bank.”

“Consciously put your attention in the heart and ask your heart what to do.”

“When you struggle against this moment, you’re actually struggling against the entire universe.”

“Attention energizes, and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life. Whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate, and disappear.”

“Success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals.”

“Least effort is expended when our actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love.”

“What does responsibility mean? Responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation, including yourself. Having accepted this circumstance, this event, this problem, responsibility then means the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity, and this awareness allows you to take the moment and transform it to a better situation or thing.”

“When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. When you seek money or power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying happiness in the moment. When you seek money for personal gain only, you cut off the flow of energy to yourself, and interfere with the expression of nature’s intelligence. But when your actions are motivated by love, there is no waste of energy. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates — and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth.”

“But when our internal reference point is our spirit, our actions are motivated by love, and there is no waste of energy. Our energy multiplies, and the surplus energy we gather can be channeled to create anything we want, including unlimited wealth. When we harness the power of harmony and love, we use our energy creatively for the experience of affluence and evolution.”

“By looking at the behavior of the cells in our own body, we can observe the most extraordinary and efficient expression of The Seven Spiritual Laws. This is the genius of nature’s intelligence. These are the thoughts of God – the rest are details.”

“We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with caring, lightheartedness and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile.”


I work with people who choose to share their gifts or
business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or
could use new tools or support.

I help them be richly compensated doing what
they love by discovering their Soul’s goals. 

“PROSPERITY is God’s Idea” – 10 quotes

September 10, 2018

prosperity blessing
In the introduction of the book PROSPERITY is God’s Idea by Dr. Margaret M. Stevens is written:

“If you have struggled, perhaps for years, trying to make your available money cover all your needs… If you have felt cheated out of life’s blessings… If you have envied another’s possessions or life-style… If you think that poverty and limitation are God’s idea, and that you might as well get used to living without the luxuries and comforts of abundant living… Read on!!! This book was written for you.”

Following are quotes from the book. For some, you may be more comfortable substituting the word God for the universe or another word of your choice.

“True prosperity incudes an abundance of all the good things in life… good health, right relationships, satisfying work AND a more than ample supply of money.”

“Have you ever felt that you are unworthy? Remember that you are a child of God and therefore you inherit His bounty in the form of every good thing.”

“No person, place, thing or condition can keep your good from you… Nothing outside yourself denies you your good. Your own negative belief is the culprit. Deny that belief and replace it with a deep conviction in your good already manifested, and you will see that good flowing to you.”

“The power of the spoken word cannot be emphasized too strongly. By the words shalt thou be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matthew 12:37″

“Emmet Fox, that great Truth teacher, said this about blessing: Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse it and it will curse you. If you put your condemnation on anything in life, it will hit back at you and hurt you. If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you, and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out if you sincerely bless it.”

“Bless your money, your debts, your problems, your food, your body, your family, your business, your friends. You can improve every condition in your life by blessing it. Could anything be simpler? Try it!”

“There is no true prosperity unless the bank account is accompanied by health and happiness. Prosperity must involve the whole person.”

“If you think you need more money in order to be secure, your real need is to know God as your only source and supply.”

“You are here to express God through your particular talents and abilities.”

“The moment you start to fill your mind with these prosperous ideas, your transformation begins.”

I work with people who choose to share their gifts or
business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or
could use new tools or support.

I help them be richly compensated doing what
they love by discovering their Soul’s goals.


Copyright © 2018 Virginia Goszewska. All rights reserved.

10 Inspirational Quotes in Creating Money

August 6, 2018

money cake

Sanaya Roman is a best selling author of several books whose purpose is to help people discover more of their true essence as well as directly experience higher states of awareness.  Her works have been translated into over 24 languages and have sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide.

Creating Money, which was co-written with Duane Packer, teaches how to be in the flow of money while doing what you love. My copy was published in 1988.

All of the quotes I’ve included in my recent blogs are from books that influenced me over the years. This is true of Sanaya Roman, too. While writing, my gaze shifted to two other books of hers in my library, Personal Power of Awareness and Living with Joy.

Although I haven’t included any of the authors of the quotes from my recent blog posts in my new Conscious Creators’ Course, these leaders have impacted me and countless others looking to expand their consciousness, including how to create a greater life in all ways – personally to financially.

May you follow your heart and allow your gifts to shine more brightly in the world… and be richly compensated doing what you love! You’ll find greater fulfillment when you do. If not now, when?

With gratitude,

“The spiritual laws of money are universal energy laws that create abundance: the principles of ebb and flow, unlimited thinking, giving and receiving, appreciation, honoring your worth, clear agreements, magnetism, and more.”

“Many of you shun the path of your greatest creativity, joy, and aliveness, thinking that you will not be able to make enough money from it. We want to help you believe that you can have an abundance of money doing what you love to do; we want you to recognize that you do not have to stay in jobs that do not serve you.”

“It is good to measure people’s success not by how much money they make or have, but by the degree to which they are fulfilling their life purpose, are happy about their lives, have the right amount of money, and believe in themselves.”

“Start by acknowledging that you already have a flow in your life, and that what you want is even more days when more money is coming in than going out. If you acknowledged yourself every time you had even one day of more money coming in than going out, you would find the flow increasing in your life.”

“Focus on the abundance you have rather than all the bills.”

“When you look at the past you can see how much progress and forward movement you have made after every ebb.”

“If you have asked for a lot of money and don’t yet have it, your higher self may be helping you change some of your negative beliefs about having money before it brings you what you have asked for.”

“Realize that if you are close to a person who is succeeding, you are beginning to have that same vibration of success yourself.”

“Respond to negative thoughts as you would to small children who do not know any better; simply smile and show them a better way to be.”

“If you cannot believe that something is possible, then you are not going to have it. But if you can have the smallest thought that it might be possible, you are already on your way to creating it. You cannot create something if you do not believe you can have it. Live out your dreams in your mind; picture or feel yourself getting what you want. Hear the words you will say to others and they will say to you when your dreams come true. Make your imaginings so real that they feel possible to create rather than like wishful and distant fantasies.”

Know someone who might
like this? Please forward.

I work with people who choose to share their
gifts or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how,
feel stuck or could
use new tools or support.

I help them be richly compensated doing what
they love by discovering their Soul’s goals.


Copyright © 2018 Virginia Goszewska. All rights reserved.


Do You Need More? Are You Where You Know Isn’t Good for You?

April 16, 2018

peas in a pod

A new client hasn’t been paid for two and a half months from a part-time job. When she asks for her check, she gets a chilly response from the supervisor who says the company hasn’t paid them yet and to stop asking about it. She’ll get a call when they’re available.

Aside from being illegal, and we discussed actions to take, why was she putting up with that? The supervisor doesn’t treat her, her time or talent with respect. However, she ‘s full of pride that the people in the facility love my client and her work. She makes the supervisor look good.

My client realized that because she needed the money from this job, she was afraid to stand up for herself. She placed herself in a position where, even though she knew better, she’d been tolerating the supervisor who both belittles and takes advantage of her.

Then she got it. She quoted me a phrase that she frequently heard while growing up:

“Need more” will make you work where you’re not working properly.

In other words, if you’re needy, you’ll find yourself working or being in places that aren’t good for you, where you or your talents won’t be valued or appreciated.

Are there situations or people in your life that aren’t good for you, but you put up with them? If so, do you allow it because you feel you need them?

Neediness can make people do strange things.

Think about it. Perhaps there’s another way. You’re probably stronger than you realize.

P. S. Know someone who might be interested in this TIP?  Please share.

I work with people, at any age,
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning
with their Soul’s goals. 


Copyright © 2018 Resolved for Results, All rights reserved.

Is That Really What You Think About Yourself?

March 20, 2018

circle of words


Your thoughts about yourself create your future.

So what have you been telling yourself about you recently?

Stupid, smart, not good enough, grateful?

Is that really what you think about yourself?

If you want more money, which thinking do you believe works best?

  • I really need it, but I don’t think I’ll ever get paid what I’m worth.
  • (In spite of my circumstances) I feel that more money is coming to me.

If you want more of something, feel as if you already have it. You won’t get what you want (or you could be miserable or not hold onto it) if you’re waiting for it to appear before you believe it.

A client, whose goal includes increasing her sales and income, wasn’t talking like someone who already had the wealth she desired. She was working hard and fast, and her curt attitude had an adverse affect on her support team who, in turn, did small actions to annoy her.

During a Soulgoals Session, she realized that if she took a few more minutes to have smoothe interactions with them, instead of communicating by terse emails, she would receive more help and have less stress and irritation. Their attitude about her was disruptive and consumed unnecessary amounts of her time and energy.

She had been seeing herself as someone pushing to get to the top instead of being there.

You have to be an energetic match for what you want.

If you want better health, act as if you have it. You’ll send a message of health to your cells.

A woman, who had a stroke, has been making tremendous progress. She definitely has the potential of continuing to overcome its effects, too. She’s learned much about herself during her year of recovery and has her sights set on wellness.

She emailed me about a vacation tour she planned to take with disabled people, but she decided not to go because she’s choosing to attend another event instead.

I replied: Not going “may be a good thing so you don’t identify with being disabled and surrounding yourself with others who believe that about themselves. How you see yourself is a key to the direction you’ll find yourself in the future. See yourself able-bodied.”

Your thoughts about yourself are just mental concepts. Your thoughts and ideas are only pictures in your mind, and often times they were downloaded into your brain by others.

The tendency is to accept all of your perceptions as real because they’re in your head. However, they’re limiting because more possibilities exist than you can imagine.

Wallace D. Wattles says it this way in his book The Science of Getting Rich:

“To look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of the truth, which is that there is no disease; it is only an appearance, and the reality is health.

 “To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance

What do you think about yourself? 

Do you say you want more money but think about yourself as poor, in lack or needy?

Do you say you want greater health but see your body as sick?

How you identify who you believe you are now is writing your script for who you’ll be in the future.

If you focus on your outer circumstances, you’ll repeat them in the future. Focus on what you choose instead.

You embody unlimited potential for whatever you choose or something better. You can think about yourself in this way.

Don’t be fooled by appearances, and certainly don’t beat yourself up because you feel you’re not good enough. Your current circumstances exist because of old ways that you thought about yourself.

You always have a choice about how you feel and think, even if things seem out of your control.

Imagine what life would be like if you see yourself as the hero of your dreams coming true!

With gratitude,


P. S. Know someone who might be interested in this TIP?  Please share.

I work with people, at any age,
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning
with their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2018 Resolved for Results, All rights reserved.

Stop Working So Hard… Make More Money. Have More Fun!

January 22, 2018

sailboat in wind (2)

  • Last year, she retained her standing as #1 in her company that spans several cities.
  • Her business grew 17% over the previous year, grossing her more money in one year than she’s made in her life.
  • She bought a new vehicle with a $52K price tag that she uses for work, more than she ever thought she’d spend on one.
  • She had fun and takes seven weeks of vacation each year.

How did she do it?

Throughout the year, issues and challenges came up for my client. Each time, during her coaching sessions, we clarified how she could address these.

As a result, her motto, which is featured in bold and colored print at the top of her goals and strategy for the year, is now this:



She didn’t always feel this way!

When my client started to work with me, she was a rookie. She used to say, her phone was glued to her hip for fear of missing a call and business.

While practicing what she had been taught was the way to success, she became an addict, addicted to her work. By the way, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a definition of addict is “to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively.”

However, she came to realize that she was so busy setting herself up for the future that she wasn’t living in the present.

She was living to work, not working to live.

Work wasn’t enjoyable because she believed she had to retire before having fun. Even when she achieved her goal of seven-weeks of vacation a year, she wasn’t enjoying herself.

People began to annoy her. Work became a chore. She began to long for early retirement until she had this awareness:

“Many of us have been brought up to believe that we’re supposed to work hard, put our nose to the grind stone (ouch) and struggle to get ahead. It’s the way we were programmed to think. But this isn’t true.”

That’s the way she thought until she had a wake-up call due to emergency surgery that took her a year before she got her mojo back. Then she knew she had to approach things differently, and she was open to change.

Recently, after a slower schedule during the holidays, she thought she had to “push herself” to start work again after leisurely vegging on Hallmark TV movies. She felt she had to “make herself” get out of what she felt was her comfort zone, even though she didn’t feel comfortable being there any more.

Her old pattern kicked in of pushing herself out of her so-called comfort zone that actually wasn’t comfortable anymore. What she was ready for was to return to her comfort zone.

Consider this:

She was beginning to feel uncomfortable vegging out. If she simply followed what she felt like doing, stop watching so much TV, and switched her focus of attention to business, she’d be in alignment with what her Essence was guiding her to do.

If you’re pushing or trying to make things happen, you’re working against yourself and the guidance your Essence is communicating to you.

There was no need to make re-engaging in work a struggle. Nor did she have to push herself, create a story about how she had to get back to business or tell herself that she had to stop being so comfortable… because continuing to watch TV had become an UNcomfortable zone.

The key was for her to return to her comfort zone, and continuing to watch TV while berating herself was not comfortable.

It was time to consciously align her energy with her inner spirit instead of fighting it.

Responding to shifting winds while riding in a sailboat requires changing course. It’s just part of the sport. When shifting tides in life occur, change course. It’s just part of life. Associated story and drama are neither required nor helpful.

Your Essence will guide you to where you need to be. If you’re not happy, not having fun, not feeling good, pushing yourself or making yourself wrong for not doing more, no matter how you try to justify it, you’re out of sync with your spirit and inner guidance.

How can you work less? How can you make more money? Have more fun!


“Reduce your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. (If there could be such a percentage.) More fun, less struggle — more results on all fronts.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Salt Lake City, UT on 9/9/00

A reason this works is that you align your energy to receive wisdom from within. When you do this, you’re guided to the very best direction for you. Follow this, and you’re golden.

Principle #4 in Resolved for Results is “… I take action by following through with my inspiration and guidance.”

When you do what you love, instead of working hard, you’ll do inspired work. Because of this, you’ll be more productive, receive better results, make more money, and most important, enjoy your life more.

If you feel stuck in work or activities you don’t enjoy, find something within that scope that’s pleasing to you. It’s there. When you turn your antenna in a direction to receive greater joy, you will be led to more and more of what you love.

With gratitude,


P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this post? Please share.

I work with people, at any age,
who choose to share their gifts
or business in a BIGGER way
but don’t know how, feel stuck
or would benefit from new tools
or support.

I help them be richly compensated
doing what they love by aligning
with their Soul’s goals.

Copyright © 2018 Resolved for Results, All rights reserved.

Are Others Affecting How Much Money You Make?

July 17, 2017

A client’s business was doing great when suddenly her success screeched to a halt with only one completed transaction in nearly six months!

Being someone who looks on the positive side, she regularly reported having several deals that were pending or appeared to be sure bets. However, it turned out that each one fell apart for one reason or another.

To top it off, she gave several, well-received marketing presentations that were supposed to bring referrals, but that didn’t work out.

While talking about it during a 1:1 session, she connected the dots.

Her momentum stopped the same month she became the leader of a service group that helps people who are, shall I say, challenged in their housing situations.

In addition to their poverty thinking, she noticed that when her group is together, their conversations drift into drama about their lives.

Add to this a new boss who complains a lot, which motivates my client to schedule appointments so she and her manager are together in the office as little as possible.

At the end of our session together, she realized she had to take better care of her energy.

Three days later during her mastermind team meeting by phone, she shared the following.

Instead of driving with others to do their charitable work, and thinking about butterflies and rainbows to tune out their whining, she took care of herself by driving her own car.

She said, “We have to guard our energy as if our life depends on it, because it does.”

The following day, only four days after her aha moments and after months of setbacks, I received her enthusiastic voicemail.

“I want to let you know it has been a fantastic, fantastic day.”

  • “I met a client last night after we got off our call. He submitted all his documentation immediately, and he’s ready for approval.”
  • Another client of hers had a significant issue that miraculously got resolved, so his deal is moving along.
  • Another woman’s deal is now in the process of closing, too.
  • Plus, she received a call to present to 35 professionals in her target market.

She ignited her momentum by releasing other people’s negative energy and being more attentive to taking care of her own.

Her mastermind team member commented, “The energy of others weaves its way into our lives.”

Wallace D. Wattles wrote in his classic book The Science of Getting Rich, “Get rich; that is the best way you can help the poor. And you cannot hold the mental image which is to make you rich if you fill your mind with pictures of poverty.”

Poverty can come in many forms, such as money, spirit, focus, associations, confidence and beliefs.

Pay attention to the energy others are weaving in your life. How can you take better care of your energy? What unseen energy of others might be taking a toll on you and your finances?

Wondering what to do about it? Ask your Essence. It has your “soulution.”  

With gratitude,


P.S. Know someone who might enjoy reading this? Please forward.

I work with people, at any age, who choose to share their gifts or business in a BIGGER way but don’t know how, feel stuck or would benefit from new tools or support.
I help them be richly compensated doing what they love by aligning with their Soul’s goals.

Your Money: Feast or Famine

July 10, 2017

A few months of very sparse sales motivated a former client to once again join one of my mastermind teams to jumpstart his business.

In the last two months, his commission-based income increased dramatically. During a 1:1 session, he outlined every deal he’s closing this summer, totaling over $60,000.

He made a budget before we talked. “The money I’m making will carry me to the end of the year. With it I’ll pay my bills and taxes, buy a new vehicle that I need for my job, set money aside for savings and an emergency fund and get me out of worry.”

Choosing to be fiscally responsible, he felt he could only plan for what he knows for sure that he’ll have.

There were a couple of big telltale signs that he was setting himself up to go from feast to famine. 

First, he reminded me of a bear getting ready for hibernation. The way he talked, it was as if his business would go into a long sleep following the roll he’s now on.

What you see is what you get.

With his vision only focused on generating sales from his current pipeline, his business would only generate sales from his current pipeline. There was no mention of any future business.

Because of his past business scarcity, he was trying to protect himself from another financial shortage. In the process, though, he energetically designed plans for impending famine.

Second, an essential key to manifesting is feeling good first, not waiting until outer circumstances change before you feel good! Like attracts like. Worry does not attract experiences that leave you feeling good.

When we look around at circumstances that suck, it feels natural to complain, whine, get frustrated and angry. But that approach does NOT get us what we want.

I know because I’ve invested much of my life into this strategy. I’ve watched others try to improve their lives by talking about how bad things are.

Things only got worse.

This really is just a habit that digs a deeper hole of misery. It does not create success or financial flow.

Whatever you focus on grows. You’ll feel better focusing on what you choose, not on what you don’t like. (Unless you do that silly “yes BUT” routine of moaning because you’re not there yet… that’s not focusing on what you choose.)

He asked, “How can I know if more money will come if I can’t see it?”

Consider this. Life has a natural flow, and there’s an assumption it will continue without worrying about it.

You trust the sun rises and sets, even if you can’t see it because there are clouds in the sky.

We know, as Jim Morrison said, “No one here gets out alive.” Eventually your heart will stop beating.

Until that time comes, your heart continues to beat. There are steps to take for heart health. Do those. However, there’s no sense living your entire life as if your heart will stop in a few months.

Air is essential to breathe. If there are air issues, address those. However, there’s no sense living your entire life as if you won’t have air to breathe in a few months.

Life has its own flow.

Money has a flow, too.

My client got it. He said, “the beauty is its simplicity. In the past, my thinking about worry created limit.”

He saw how he could trust that the flow will continue in his finances just as the flow in nature continues… unless he stops it by worry.

“It’s insane to be whining, fretting and complaining. Instead, let abundance expand instead of raining on it with negativity.”

He decided “it makes more sense to have clarity, focus and appreciation.”

Allow yourself to trust that you can tap into a money flow. Focus on this flow, not that your money will get divided into little pieces leaving you with nothing.

You are powerful!! Making a choice to be in financial flow, without diluting your energy through worry and negative emotions, can make it so.

If you’re experiencing financial famine, change your focus by looking for natural flows of life.

Connect the dots. If the whole universe runs on flows, you can tap into the flow of financial abundance.

Focus on what you choose.

In the words of Star Trek’s Mr. Spock, “Live long and prosper!”