Do you have challenges that leave you clueless about what to do? Wouldn’t you rather live life on your terms?

My challenges started to multiply and became too numerous and complicated to solve. I felt disheartened as I trudged through them step by step.

How could I get large accounts to pay past due fees they ignored? What would it take to heal my hip that went out and created a painful limp? How could I complete a frustrating project that left me wishing Scotty would beam me up and free me of my misery? And the list went on.

It was time for an elixir that brings results – a CEO meeting with the Divine.

I wrote my needs and asked God for help. Miraculously, everything that was wearing me out got resolved, most by the next day.


Checks finally arrived; my hip suddenly healed; people stepped up to help me complete my projects; and much more – and I felt great!

Call this power and love, which exist beyond our human understanding, God, the universe, or whatever is comfortable to you. Just know that the biggest and most savvy CEO of all is available upon request to help you.

  • This CEO supports your success, loves unconditionally, and never sleeps.
  • This CEO knows you are worthy and deserve receiving results in divine right timing… regardless of what you’ve done in the past; how you’ve screwed up;  how confused you are; how inadequate you feel; how much you doubt or are angry with a divine source; or how big (or hopeless) your problem seems.
  • This CEO invites regular communication and collaboration, so forget about the idea that you don’t want to bother God with the small stuff.

You can worry until the 11th hour before letting go and asking for supreme assistance. But why wait until life gets out of control when an all-knowing, caring, hands-on CEO is on-call 24/7?

Asking for divine intervention welcomes miracles into your life.


Problems? God’s seen them all and already knows the way out of any situation. So, why not ask for help? You’ve got nothing to lose by working in conscious partnership with the Divine, and everything to gain.

Ask and it will be given. That’s called a clue. You have to ask.

Even people who resist journaling say they look forward to these CEO meetings. You can take your problems to your Divine CEO and receive phenomenal results, too.


CEO meetings with the Divine work great even if you feel completely stuck.

There is no right or wrong way to have your CEO meeting with the Divine.  Just talk with God.


  • Written meetings help to create greater clarity and overcome fear.
  • Write on your computer, paper you’ll later shred or burn, or in your journal. If your focus is emotional, hand-written communication is far more effective.
  • Good grammar, spelling and handwriting don’t matter.

Any way you choose to communicate works. However, I’ll share ways I’ve had CEO meetings.

  1. Initially, my board meetings began with an overview of my current status: what’s working in my business and life; what I’ve done.
  2. Next, I pinpointed where I chose to have help and asked for it.
  3. Now, I write whatever comes to me: my feelings; questions; what (or who) is bugging me; or pour my heart out.
  4. Sometimes I make checklists of what I’m asking for or just brainstorm ideas.
  5. Brief requests are effective. “Dear God, Help! So be it.” Or simply, “Help.”
  6. These words work: “I surrender this…” “I choose to…” “I’m open to receive…” “I ask for this or something better.”
  7. I give thanks. Gratitude is easy when you see problems miraculously disappear.

This technique works so well that it’s habit forming… and what a good habit to have.

The more you believe this can work and are open to receive, the easier results come.

Say good-bye to worry and challenges. Invite the best CEO to work with you, on your behalf.

Don’t settle for living in silent desperation.

You can live life on your terms, but don’t take my word for it. Got challenges? Choose to create your world in collaboration with divine flow. Have your CEO meeting with the Divine and find out for yourself.

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  1. Jeff Says:

    I really wish it were just that simple.

    I lost my job over two years ago.

    I have been asking God for guidance and help for years. Most every night as I go to bed, and every morning as I awake, I have asked for his help and guidance. I have written my prayers and wishes down, and I have even blogged them. I have made lists, I have visualized, I have created vision boards. I have begged Him, surrendered to Him, expressed gratitude to Him, and even sometimes yelled at Him.

    I am still looking for a job, over two years later. I have only grown more stressed, anxious, and depressed. And my family relationships have also suffered from the stress.

    I’m glad this works for you. I still wish I could find a way to make it work for me.


    • Virginia Goszewska Says:

      Dear Jeff,

      Thank you for your authentic posting. I know others have experienced similar challenges, me included.

      For two years in the early ’90s I was physically, emotionally and mentally depleted, which created significant financial hardship. Eventually I became so exhausted I really let go – of old attitudes, how I’d been earning a living for most of my life, and the direction I thought my life SHOULD go.

      In its place, I got in touch with my passion and found the courage to do what I didn’t believe I could do.

      My heart and inner nudges had been directing me to help people live life on their terms, but I overrode it with logic. I couldn’t see how that could possibly happen so I ignored the whisperings.

      There are always inner whispers guiding us to our next step.

      In everything in life there is a blessing, regardless of how it appears.

      To help gain perspective, some questions to ask are: What did I learn? What did I learn about kindness? What did I learn about love?

      We only need the faith of a mustard seed, which is so small.

      But it’s also true that whatever we focus on grows. Fear is a powerful emotion which grabs us like a dog that won’t let go of a bone. A bone that picks up dirt and gets buried.

      We do the same with our unconscious intentions of fear. We grab onto emotions you mentioned, such as feeling stress, anxious and depressed, and bury them. In turn, because we’ve buried these unconsciously, we attract similar situations that create fear.

      It’s as if other varmints smell the bone and come looking for it.

      Although we only need the faith of a mustard seed, our focus on doubt and fear overwhelm our faith. The result is that we attract more things to be afraid of, not our conscious choices.

      For more details on this, check out the free report on the upper right side of my blog:
      “4 Useless Beliefs that Distract You from Your Soul’s Goals… and How You Can Change Them.”

      If experience has punched a hole in your ability to believe, consider saying this: I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE…

      For example, choose to believe that when you have a CEO meeting with the Divine you’ll get results.

      Choose to believe that you CAN get a job quickly that you enjoy, fulfills your passion, and pays extremely well.

      Regardless of your past, you can make new choices now.

      There’s ALWAYS a way out of every situation.

      Jeff, I support your choice for getting a wonderful job and see you receiving it.

      So be it!



  2. Carol Warkoczewski Says:

    Yes, it works! It is AMAZING how quickly, too! What I find is that I have to really set my RIGHT ATTITUDE. I fix myself on KNOWING that God is totally FOR me, that he WANTS me to succeed. All I do is ASK.

    Sometimes I need to remind myself during the day, and it is getting easier, as I ingrain a new habit.



  3. sherry bryan Says:

    Hi Virginia

    Thanks, the meeting with the Divine CEO was a great exercise. It was the most real spiritual exercise I have imagined.


  4. Lisa Bargsley Says:

    I’ve experienced my own CEO Meeting with God – and it’s all that Virginia says it is!


  5. Jeff Says:

    Thanks for the thoughtful response and kind words, Virginia. I did indeed download and read your report last week. Sherry, Carol, and Lisa, I’m delighted that it all seems to be working for you.

    I do indeed struggle with the doubt and fear, and find it more and more difficult to find faith. Most of my attempts at trusting in faith have ended up like the old Peanuts cartoons, where Lucy promises to hold the football out for Charlie brown to kick, only to yank it away at the last moment and let Charlie land flat on his back.

    After that happens so many times, it gets more and more difficult to hear somebody say “Just go for another kick…” But I still hold out hope and keep thinking there must be a way out somewhere.



    • rhondaabrons Says:

      Jeff, your note tugged at my heart.

      The only thing that has truly lifted me out of the place you have experienced has been the CEO meetings with God. I just went through what seemed to be an unfair court loss at a time when it looked like I could not spare to lose anything else. I was stunned.

      In my meetings with God, I quickly realized these experiences were giving me an opportunity to erase the fear in my life and remember to trust the moment and that I am always taken care of and blessed.

      As time goes on, it may be revealed more and more to me the deeper purpose of the experience, and I’m at peace that something very old and crusty is removed. I can now do things I never imagined under the old belief system.

      Sometimes, Charlie Brown, the way out is in.

      Blessings to you!



      • Jeff Says:

        Thanks Rhonda. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or not. I keep calling CEO meetings with God, nearly every day, and trying to talk with him. I’m just having a tough time telling if he’s not showing up, or just not answering my questions. 😉


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